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Sample Module

Here is a simple module to illustrate the flavor of the language.

  1. implement Command;
  2. include "sys.m";
  3. include "draw.m";
  4. sys : Sys;
  5. Command : module
  6. init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string);
  7. };
  8. # The canonical "Hello world" program, enhanced
  9. init(ctxt : ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string)
  10. {
  11. sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
  12. sys->print("hello world\n");
  13. for (; argv != nil; argv = tl argv)
  14. sys->print("%s ", hd argv);
  15. sys->print("\n");
  16. }

Note: The line numbers on the left are shown only to facilitate discussion of the program. They are not part of the source code.
A quick glance at the program reveals that the syntax of Limbo is influenced by C in its expressions, statements, and some conventions (for example, look at lines 13-14), and by Pascal and its successors (the declarations on lines 4, 6). But it's different from both. When executed in the Inferno/Limbo environment, the program writes hello world and then echoes its arguments.

Let's look at the program line-by-line. It begins (line 1) by saying that this is the implementation of module Command. Line 2 includes a file (found in a way analogous to C's #include mechanism) named sys.m. This file defines the interface to module Sys. It says, in part,

Sys : module {
	PATH : con "$Sys";
	. . .
	print : fn (s : string, *): int;
	. . .

This declares Sys to be the type name for a module containing, among other things, a function named print; the first argument of print is a string. The asterisk (*) in the argument list specifies that further arguments, of unspecified type, can be given.

Line 3 includes draw.m. Only one piece of information, mentioned below, is used from it. Line 4 declares the variable sys to be of type Sys; its name will be visible throughout the remainder of the file describing this module. It will be used later to refer to an instance of the Sys module. This declaration initializes it to nil; it still needs to be set to a useful value.

Lines 5-7 constitute the declaration of Command, the module being implemented. It contains only a function named init, with two arguments, a ref Draw->Context and a list of strings, and it doesn't return any value. The ref Draw->Context argument would be used if the program did any graphics; it is a data type defined in draw.m and refers to the display. Since the program just writes text, it will not be used (and thus the argument could be named nil).

In a module designed to be useful to other modules in an application, it would be wise to take out the module declaration for Command, put it in a separate file called command.m and use include "command.m" to allow this module and others to refer to it. The init function is not special to the Limbo language, but it is conventional in the environment. It is called, for example, by the program loader in the Inferno system to start the execution of applications.

Line 8 is a comment. Everything from the # to the end of line is ignored.

Line 9 begins the definition for the init function that was promised in the module's declaration (line 6). The argument that is a list of strings is named argv.

Line 11 connects the program being written to the Sys module. The first token after load is the target module's name as defined by its interface (here found in the include on line 2). The next token is the place where the code for the module can be found; it is a string that usually names a file. Conventionally, in the Inferno system, each module contains a constant declaration for the name PATH as a string that names the file where the object module can be found. Loading the file is performed dynamically during execution except for a few modules built into the execution environment. (These include Sys; this accounts for the peculiar file name "$Sys").

The value of load is a reference to the named module. Line 11 assigns it to the variable sys for later use. The load operator dynamically loads the code for the module if it is not already present and instantiates a new instance of it.

Line 12 starts the work by printing a familiar message, using the facilities provided by module Sys through its handle sys. The notation sys->print(...) means to call the print function of the module referred to by sys. The interface of Sys resembles a binding to some of the mechanisms of Unix and the ISO/ANSI C library.

The loop at lines 13-14 takes the list of string argument to init and iterates over it using the hd (head) and tl (tail) operators. When executed, this module combines the traditional "hello world" and echo.

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