This magazine is dedicated to the curious people who want to know the "inside" technical information regarding
com puters, BBS 's , the telephone company, arcade games , radio equipment, general electronic equ ipment, cable and
other utility compani es and anything/everything nobody else wants to talk about...or might not even KNOW aboutl
Ar e you a hacker? Are you curious? Do yo u want to know how- it-works? Then you want to read this magazine l

I Volume 2, Issue 4. Fourth Quarter. October 1995. $4.95 US                                       $5.95 CAN            I

Every day, theft of utility service occurs with or without the knowledge of the utility service providers.
Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost each day due to illegal power consumption. Most
of the public does not know how wide-spread this type of theft IS and how it effects them in the long run....and
NOW, for that matter. Did YOU realize that the. power companies don't "eat" the cost of lost revenue caused
by this type of theft? Do you know who DOES "eat" it? YOU DO! That's right! The power companies pass
along the higher costs to you, the paying customers. It's hard for power companies to stop this theft from
happening simply because the equipment used is OLD in most areas, plus this type of service is difficult to
monitor, as it is. Statistics show that theft of electricity is higher in single family houses rather than apartment
buildings - probably because power meters are located on the property of homes and neighbors are less likely
to SEE tampering of the power meters. If a power company happens to discover someone gaining illegal
access to power, it's usually VERY hard for the said power company to prosecute the person(s) involved..
Most of the evidence is highly circumstantial and hard to really prove, even if it appears obvious that someone
is stealing electricity. No matter what the warnings say, it's EASY to steal electricity! Why should the power
company care, anyway ? They don't lose any money. YOU DO! Look at y our bill, sometime........Surprise!!

 Inside this issue:                                                                                  ~~~!~
Technical Support BBS Listing; Game Tips, Cable 'IV News, The Phone
Tap, AOHeli Review, "How to Build aRed Box u Review, Intemet Email
Addresses for BL411, ANAC liSting, New York BBS Numbers, Full 800
MHZ Coverage!, How to Get aBank Account with NO SS#..and MORE!
On the Cover:
It's amazing that nothing is really being done to stop this type of theft . Actually, in some areas, the power
companies are using new up-to-date meters which does help scare off some would-be powers thieves , but it
doesn 't effect the whole scope of this theft rampage very much. It's too easy to steal and it's such a wanted
item....FREE ELECTRICTY... Who likes to pay for it? It's not like you get to keep anything after paying for it..
It's an invisible thing that we pay very big bucks for.... Some people , who decide it's not worth PAYING for,
and learn just how easy it is to take without paying for, take the questionable route and live a paranoid life,
wondering if they 're going to get cauqht. , Chances are, if they did it right , they're not going to get caugh t.... for
months .. for years .... Hell, they 'll probably NEVER get caught. The ones who DO get caught are few in
comparison to the whole . Approx imately 2% to 3% get caught , and this is a small number , indeed!  ...
This is good and bad. It's GOOD news to those of you who intend on (or are already) stealing power. It's bad
news to all of us who PAY for our electr icity. It means that our bills will get bigger and bigger over the years .
What can we do? Sit back and watch our money drain from our wallets? Well, that's about it. Either that or
steal some electr icity for yourse lf. Hah! The power companies use these little secur ity tamper "tags" on their
meters to figure out who has been tampering with the meters and who has not. Well , the tags can be taken
off without damag ing them ....Surprise ! Plus, the tags can be bought...The power companies very RARELY
check to see if the tags have been tampered with or not.. You can even remove them and they won 't notice it
for YEARS, at times .. You don 't even have to remove the meter to steal power .. It can be tapped at a point
before the meter , the meter can be slowed down externally ....etc, etc, etc.. There 's too many ways to defeat
the meters and power companies . It's quite a shock for people when they learn the truth ! Isn't it? Nawww ..

                                                                   This publication brought to
                                                                       you by Syntel Vista
                                                                      Information Services.

ISSN 1082-2216

Copyright 1994-95 by Syntel Vista

All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sys e ,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic , mechanical, photocopying, recordi g
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Syntel Vista .

Syntel Vista publishes the advice of people in many fields . But the use of this material is
a substitute for legal , accounting , or other professional services. Consu lt a compe e
professional for answers to your specific questions.

Syntel Vista Publishing
P.O. Box 2506, Cypress Ca, 90630


Printed in the United States of Amer ica
Blacklisted! 411 is published qua rt erly by Syntel Vista, P.O. Box 2506, Cypress, Ca 90630
Yearly subscription: U.S. $20, Canada $24 (U.S. Funds), Foreign $35 (U.S. Funds)
p-------------------------------- --.
I Address'all subscription correspondence to:
I Blacklisted! 411 Subscription Dept., P.O. Box 2506, Cypress, Ca 90630
I Email: zachary@blacklisted411.comOR .
I Letters: letters@blacklisted411 .com
I Articles: articles@blacklisted411 .com
I Office Line :(310)596-4673, FAX Line : (310)493-3998, Advertising line: (310)596-2805
~--------------------- --------- ----~
  Blacklisted! 411 STAFF                              Blacklisted! Submissions
                 Editors                                     Ender Wiggin
           Zachary Blackstone
            Alexander Tolstoy                                Damien Thorn
          Section Editors                                      DoctorJ.
    Amiga Section - Major Coyote
    Cellular News - Digital Thunder                              KRC
   UFO Thoughts - Brian Vanderkolk
   Derek Chatwood - A.K.A. Searcher                             UHaul
            Photographs                                        D-CRyPT
            Daniel Silvercloud                       ....and a few ANONYMOUS people

 Inside this Issue:
 4 Introduction                                   37 ANAC Local # Listing
 4 Letter from the Editor .                       38 Internet E-Mail for BL411 !
 6 Letters                                        38 Hackers....The Movie
 19 New Jersey BBS listing                        39 Blacklisted! Acronyms (D-L)
 11 Tech. Support BBS list (R-Z)                  49 Access All Areas
 14 How to Get a Bank Account                     52 Product Review - Video
 14 Deadlines!                                    53 Phone-4-Phree
 16 Amiga Section                                 54 Software Review - AOHELL 3.0
 20 The Black Market (Marketplace)                55 Game Tips
 25 News & Updates                                55 Thank You's
 28 Cellular Hacking in the Nineties              56 Way Kool Blacklisted! Photos
 30 RCMA News                                     57 The Phone Tap - the RED BOX
 31 Full 800 MHZ Coverage                         58 Cable Television News
 33 New York BBS Numbers                          58 Back Issues Orde r Form
 35 Blacklisted! Backstabbed!                     59 Subscription Order Form
 36 Caught in the Blacklisted Web                 60 Warn ing! Don 't eat t his 'zine
     Hi everyone! We're here with another issue of Blacklisted!     only reason , really . On the pages throughout the magazine,
411. I'm sure all the veteran readers know all about the            you will notice all sorts of minor differences we introduced to
magazine, but for the new people joining the view ing               give an overall more appealing appearance to our readers .
audience, Let's recap what this magazine is all about and               For all of the new readers, we 're happy to have you
where it came from...Read this once again:                          aboard! We just LOVE to hear from our readers as much as
     This magazine is provided to the individuals out there who     possible and we're more than happy to accept any quest ion
are interested in knowing more than they're supposed to,            which falls into the general direction of our usual subje ct
according to the powers that be. We would like to basically         matter . No question is too dumb! So, if you want to know
tell the powers , more or less , we are ALL entitled to, and have   something about top ics we write about , please ask us - we
a right to free information. We are here to tell the people what    won 't put you down like some other magazines might tend to
they want to know. You wanted us, here we are.                      lean toward . The best way to have a question answered is by
  Anyhow , we're nearing the end of our second volume . Yes,        either sending it to us via snail mail (post office) or via FAX . If
we've been here for nearly two years now. The first volume          we get a call by phone , we'lI have to convert speech to text
consisted of 12 whole issues . We decided to go to a quarterly      and it takes the longest for us to reply to these type of
format for our second year? Why? Distribution! We wanted            quest ions.
more people to read what we had to say, so we concentrated              For those of you who HATE our magaz ine. we ll, desp ite
on producing MORE copies for each issue. It's worked out            the threats, despite the hatred , desp ite the anger....guess
very well for us - and our readers .                                what? WE'RE STILL HERE ! ....and . more importantly, we're
     Originally, we came up with the magaz ine because we           go ing to STAY regard less of your pa thetic verbal/writte n
were all look ing for a magazine wh ich covered more than           attacks . We laugh at you . Ha..haha . Hahaha .. But, seriously,
telephone hacking , etc . So, with a lot of work and such , we      if you have a legitimate compla int, we'd love to hear it. If you
managed to produce our first issue of Blacklisted ! 411 and         want to call us to flame us for awhile , don't bother - it won 't
had it on the shelves January , 1994. It was an exciting time       help you out, really . It seems that all the bad press you sort
for us.                                                             of guys give us, we just end up with more subscribers
     Anyhow, for the readers who have been with us from the         because of it. Go figure ! Anyhow , we do thank you for the
start , you will notice a LOT of changes to the magaz ine. For      time and effort you put in for us in getting mor e peop le
one, you'll be sure to notice the front cover! Yes, we decided      reading our material -AND- shortly therea fter SUBSCRIBING!
to go back to the title bar we used for a couple of issues          We can't begin to thank you enough . Hahaha One last thing...
during our first year . Why? It looks nice. That's about the        Uh, we're not gonna accept COLLECT CALLS..                 -BL411-

                                                  leHerGDm fIJe Etilor
    Hello again, everyone . It's time again for me                  you materia l printed here in Blackl isted ! 411, you
(Zachary) to say a few words (or a lot of words - who               better send the info in ASAP ! Anyhow , Dark Tangent
cares) about what's been happening with us, the                     is one cool individual and we wish we could find more
hacker world, you, the hacker world , other                         people like him who are willing to set up such an
magazines, etc. Anyhow, the summer was a bit                        event for people who frequent magazines like ours,
exciting for us, to say the least. Not only did we find             Private Line and  2600. Anyhow , we support
new and exciting ways to entertain you in this and                  the ideals behind Dark Tangent's DEF CON
upcoming issues of Blacklisted ! 411, but we also                   conventions ! What a concept , people ! So, tell us
managed to find ways of pissing more people off, as                 what you thought of DEF CON III, people. We really
well. Unintentionally, of course.....                      want to know what YOU thought about it. Officially,
    Let's start the news with Private Line. Tom Farley              Blacklisted! 411 did not attend the convention, but we
of Private Line has been one of the most helpful and                had many people unofficially attend it just to scope it
kind hearted people we've met over the last year. He                out and pick up useful info, etc.
publishes (if you 're not aware of this) a magazine                     I think it'd be a good idea to let everyone know that
which has a somewhat similar subject matter as                      we have a whole new staff of people at Blacklisted!
Blacklisted! 411. He provides more detailed technical               411 now, including writers , artists (graphic and
information about telephones in particular. One of his              freehand), technical advisors, interviewers, reporters,
most recent issues had a lot of great PICTURES, if                  hardware/software review personne l, advertising
you're into that sort of thing, which we just happen to             personnel and even technology specific writers for the
be. Anyhow, I want to personally tell all of our readers            arcade industry , cellular phone industry and other
about his magazine and let you know how to get in                   areas of interest.
touch with him, etc. Private Line's address is: 5150                    Damien Thorn has graciously offered his
Fair Oaks Blvd. #101-348, Carmichael , CA 95608.                    assistance with the cellular phone aspec t of our
Private Line's phone numbers are: Voice (916)488-                   magazine. I am sure that ALL (or most) of you know
4231 and Fax (916)978-0810. Subscriptions are $27                   who he is and what he's done over the years. Be sure
a year for US addresses , $34/yr. for Canadian and                  to look for his work here in Blacklisted! 411. What a
Mexican addresses and $44/yr. overseas. Samples                      treat it is to have him writing for us.
are $4 each. ISSN 1077-3487. He's a good guy and                        We're doing our best to get interviews with people
he has a great magazine - purchase a sample , at                    we think you may find interesting, particularly certain
least.                                                               individuals who have been or are being pushed
    Next on the list is DEFCON III. We told all of you               through the system of law for various computer and or
about it way in advance! So, who made it and who                     "hacker" related crimes. Not only that , but also
didn't make it there? We have a lot of info to munch                 interviews with people(a person) who have(has) been
on before we write about it. If you have any                         sued for copyright infringement and/or programmers
comments about DEFCON III and you want to have                       of certain "unacceptable" programs. We have a lot in

4                                        4th Quarter 1995                                                       Blacklistedl 11
store for all of you out there! If you have ANY ideas           got any questions, need current advertising rates or
on particular material we should cover. please feel             need an advertisement in the next issue , give our
free to make a comment about it. Again, we love to              advertising dept. a call today ! They'll be happy to
hear from our readers, so SAY something to usl                  help you.                    . ..
      Speaking of different material and such, I'm sure              Speaking of advertising, we're doing a few things
some of you noticed the little bit on the arcade stuff in       to get the word out about our magazine. Everything
the last issue. Now. that's a whole new viewpoint for           from promotional give-a-ways at various places here
the hacker community. We're not here to simply talk             in Southern California to looking into V'JINVV.. I have to
about how to hack a phone, etc. We want to spread               mention, though, that the flame wars about our
ANY news we can about any area of hacking and/or                magazine in the various nets has done us a world of
electronics. The veteran hackers out there are more             good, as well. Talk about lots of EXCELLENT and
than likely to be into several different fields of              FREE advert ising.. Whew ! I wish we would have
electronics like many of us over here at Blacklisted!           thought of it!! If you have any ideas on where we
Arcad e games, telecommunications. computers ,                  could beef up our advertising , please feel free to
radio communicati ons. satellite communications ,               contact us regarding this. We're always looking for a
video, audio. etc.. We love it all, so we will write about      new way to increase distribution.
it. We are the hacker magazine of the 90's which                     While I'm thinking about advertising, still...We
should have been around in the 80's, as well. Ok, so            trade ad space with other magazines/publications
we were a little slow in the making. We're here NOW,            with similar topics, etc. So, if you're the publisher of
so let's keep a good thing going, people.                       some sort of magazine and want to trade ad space,
      We get a TON of mail and faxes all the time over          give us a call. We can probably work something out
here and you know what? It's still not enoughl We               that will be mutually beneficial. Do you agree?
want you to bombard us with every little comment you                 Next thing I need to tell all of you about is our old
have. every little question. every single piece of              internet email address ana the NEW email address.
material you have for us. You are bound to realize              Our old one ( had some big
that we print just about everything we get. in some             problems - the system providing us with the account
way or another. I admit that we do pass on some stuff           lost their internet access, so        we. in turn. .Iost our
simply because it's way off base for us or maybe it's           link into the internet. which sucks! ALL email sent to
completely impossible to fit it in a current issue. but         that address was lost into oblivion! So, if you sent
we do our very best to get everything covered. Who              something to us and YOU'd really like us to see it.
knows, we might add a few more pages in an                      please send it again to one of our new addresses.
upcoming issue or maybe create a special "insert" for           Anyhow , after discovering we had no new mail. we
 subscribers to look over. We will most likely stay with        figured out that our internet link was, in fact, gone!
our current digest size for some time to come                   So, we decided to take care of this at the very last
 because it's an appealing size. We are considering a           minute before releasing this issue .              Zachary
 COLOR cover page, too. That should be a lot of fun.            Blackstone (me) can be mailed directly via internet at
We've got our graphic artists working on that part right        the following address: zachary@blacklisted411 .com
 now and, hell. we might have a COLOR cover by the              Alexander Tolstoy (the co-editor) can be emailed at
 time this issue is ready for the printer.                      this address : alexander@blacklisted411 .com We
       Ok, so what else is new? Hmmm.. not a whole lot          accept letters. questions and comments at this
 other than what we already mentioned. Subscriptions            address: and articles and
 have increased dramatically in a period of 3 months.           submissions at: articles@blacklisted411 .com This
 Our overall distribution is very HIGH. as well. We're          will make it a lot easier for most of you to get in touch
 looking to level out at about 100.000 copies per issue         with us. We will not answer any email sent to the
 by the end of next year. We'll probably be around               letters@blacklisted411 .com address via email,
 60.000-70.000, but we're shooting for 100,000                   instead we will answer them in the magazine - which
 copies. You can't blame us for trying, can you?                 we should not have to explain the reasoning behind
       I have to thank all of you who have stuck with us         this. We will answer questions and/or reply to mail
 since our first issue. You've seen all the changes, all         sent to the other addresses which we deem suitable
 the little conflicts people have had with our publishing        for response.
 of this material, etc. So, to the people who've seen it             Sooner or later we hope to have a WEB page and
 all, what do you have to say about all of the times             an FTP site, as's in the works. For now, a
 you've seen us go through? We'd like to hear your               solid internet email site is good enough to get us by
 thoughts and opinions. I bet you have some pretty               for some time to come. So, until we finally DO get
 good stories to pass along to us. Maybe about some              ourselves that WEB page and FTP site. we will
  little hacker meets that went bonkers when you                 entertain any suggestions our readers might have in
  showed a copy of our magazine while there? We've               obtaining a reputable provider for such things, direct
  heard some good ones. so far....and some bad ones,             us to a source for the equipment, etc.
  as well.                                                           Blacklisted! 411 was recently picked up by the
       Advertising. While I'm talking(typing) up a storm         Barnes & Noble chain and we're delighted with the
  here, I might as well mention the advertising line we          news of this. The bottom line is that we will have a lot
  have. If you want to advertise in our magazine,                more exposure and potential for exposure . What
  please call (310)596-2805 and speak with the                   does this mean for you? It means that the magazine
  personnel in that dept. It'll save you a lot of time if you     *WILL * grow a lot stronger and, eventually - as we
  call the advertising Dept. directly. We keep all the           continue to grow, we will be able to provide all of our
  advertising as up to date as possible. So, if you've            readers with new and exciting things. Yay!! - Editors
 Blacklisted! 411                                       4th Quarter 1995                                                  5
                                                 ch" address was lost. From here on out, our
                                                 nd comments Is:
                                                                 remove the terminator and connect through a "cable box:
                                                                 When I encountered this situation, I removed the outlet plate
                                                                 covering the cable jack (requires screwdriver or bulle r knife)
                                                                 and unscrewed the terminator connection behind the plate. I
                                                                 then connected my VCR to this jack, and tuned my TV to
                                                                 channel 3. I was able to view the entire "A· side of the cable
                                                                 spectrum using my VCR remote to change channels. (note: I
                                                                 had to tum the VCR's power on first or it would not work) As
                                                                 for terminators elsewhere, you do not need the official tool.
                                           Th Mi si ng Link      The terminator works by "floating" a dummy connector inside
                                              Silv erd ale, WA   a larger hous ing. If you turn the term inator by hand , the
                                      Rout d> U.S. Snail Mail    dummy connector just spins around . The terminator tool
                                                                 holds the dummy connector in place when the entire unit is
Well, we don't know where you can buy such a software (the       turned , allowing it to be unscrewed . I have successfully
one for war dialing), but you can pick up public domain ·elite·  removed several terminators by lodging the end of a
warez that does what you're talking about.. Consult your local   straightened paper clip into one of the slots, jamming it
pirate BBS for such software, as no retail store that I can thinkbetween the floating dummy connector and wall of the
of carries such software. If you are using a C64 (we don 't      housing. The dummy connecto r is held in place and the
know what kind of computer you have) we suggest looking for      terminator can be easily unscrewed by hand. It has never
a software called Phone Man, as well.. it's pretty cool. There   taken me more than 5 minutes to do this. Bon apetit!
are all types of this sort of software out there...You can get   Sincerely,
this stuff for FREE, too.. as it's not sold in stores.. As for the                                          NutherNewtHater
password generato r...t'm sure there 's something out there                                                       Boston, MA
that does what you're looking for, but no program names                                              Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
come to mind... Would any of the readers like to help us out
on this one? Providing a location where The Missing Unk You can also use a small flatblade screwdriver to take those
might locate both of the programs he's looking for. We will terminators off, as well.. It's not the right tool, but when you
assume that he's using an IBM compatible.. Anyone? Now, jam it into the thing, it works: You're takes about 5
for the local area bbs numbers.. We'll put some Washington minutes.. sometimes a little less, after you get some practice.
number in the next issue.. we dont have the room for it in this

Dear Blacklisted! 411 ,
Enclosed is a disk containing various .txt files on hacking &
phreaking. Before looking at these files, please run my
program called "hackr.bat" It explains the text filez so you
don't have to read every file b4 you know what they're about.
The disk also contains lots of info on how to build and use
tons of different color boxes. Thanks
                                          (Ioc tlon withheld)
                                     Rout ed> U.S. Snail Mail

Thanks for the disk.... it's got some good stuff on it..

Dear Blacklisted! 411 ,
Regarding your July '95Cable TV News article about cabl
terminators, I would like to share the following, which hould
make possession of the vaunted terminator tool unn        ry.
Terminators are used on cable box connections and loon
exposed jacks inside residences. The lalter commonly
occurs when someone move or cancels service and th        bl
company drone can't get access to the box. In this inst nc ,
the signal is still available from the jack , but you h v to

Write for
            Send your articles to:
    Blacklisted! 411 Article Submissions.
                  P.O. Box 2506
              Cypress, Ca 90630
                   or Fax us at:
6                                         4th Quarter 1995                                               Blllcklist dl 411
Connect the twin lead to a TV antenna amplifier, and then to                                      Routed> Facsimile Transmission
your TV. The picture you'll get is amaz ingly clear , and you         God isn't the only one who knows what you keep in your
haven 't touched cable co. property! The cheapest antenna             closet, now.. haha.. C64's are great little computers .. more
amplifier will do, and twinlead is dirt cheap . For less than the     reliable than an old PC, if you ask me! Thanks for thinking we
price of a month's cable bill, you're ready to go . I saw this        don't suck .. It means a lot to us.. (no sarcasm) As for
setup a few years back, and was surprised at the picture              AL T.26oo.. it's a newsgroup on the Internet which is for a
quality. The longer length of twinlead , the better . Try it.         similar magazine by the name of "2600 Magazine - The
Back to chrome boxes . If your areas system is sens itive to          hackers quarterly'... They're a competitor(?) magazine of
UV, an inexpensive UV filter for the strobe is a incandescent         ours. On this newsgroup , you can read/post messages just
blacklight bulb! Simply position the bulb in front of the strobe .    like on a BBS, though it's similar to a networked message
Even at night , it's just a dim purple flash . Commercial UV          base.. , LOT of people read/post on this newsgroup all over
passing filters are 100 or so bucks , blacklights are $2 .99 .        the world... Well, that about covers it..
Anyway, keep up the good work .
                                                     TVz Ph rank       To all the great folks at Blacklisted !,
                                             (location withheld) I dig the mag . I and a few .. associates tr ied to start an
                                        Routed> U.S. Snail Mail underg round newspaper in our own area . The key word is
                                                                       "tried". It didn't come out too well. We couldn 't get our slacker
Good idea about the red box page .. and the box of the connect ions to put out any written mater ial so it dies a slow
month .. We've been thinking about that, actually.. We're and painfu l death . It's nice to have my eyes opened to the
gonna do that in this issue.. a simple "red box" page.. Maybe fact that there are other people out there trying to screw the
it'll slow down the influx of questions about red boxes ... system like we did, and doing a better job of it at that. What
Aaargh! Schematics would be good, as well.. In fact, we were would be a big help for the upcom ing year is if you could send
supposed to have two of them.. one on a red box and one for me any info that might help our paper work better for the next
a tone encoder/decoder set.. But, alas, the person doing the go-around at the school year (gett ing on track , gett ing $$$ ,
work for us decided NOT to do the schematic work for us.. Go keep ing a good subject base, gett ing $$$ , distributing, geUing
figure .. Anyhow, we're looking for someone to layout the $$$ and any other little tricks you 've learned about the
schematics now. Sooner or later we'll have a hold on the printing game , especially getting $$$) , and hopef ully you can
schematic aspect of the magazine .. It's in the works...               also send some subscription info about "411". I finally got a
                                                                       job, so the $$$ thing won't be as big a problem , and now I can
 Chrome boxes... Are the learning infrared remotes really that buy things like your mag and all the nice gadgets you talk
hard to find? */* personally see them ALL the time around about. Ain't capital ism great? (I smell sat ire.) I guess you
here .. Target, Radio Shack, TRW swapmeet, etc.. They 're make the $$$ how you can. Be ye Capitalist, Communist,
everywhere!! "they're so hard to find in some locations , Socia list , or otherwise, ye have a very goode thing in
maybe there 's a marketing idea for ya.. Buy 'em for $5 and "Blacklisted! 411". But, I suppose you knew that already.
resell them for $10 or $15.. who knows.. I see people selling
 6.5Mhz crystals for $4-$5 all the time..                              Oh, and by the way , about the cellular phone frequencies . If
                                                                       it's of any use to you , I've found that tuning a telev ision to 80
 Blue boxes are still in use, yes . However, they are not in on the UHF dial (if your TV can go that high, or if your TV still
 much use here in the states .. it's very rare .. The more has a dial) brings in some type of commun ication frequencies.
 advanced phone switches have levels of service on each Maybe it' s cell phones, I don 't really know . It's generally
 phone line and can lock out or "trap" blue box tones.. and, garbled and staticy, but sometimes you can pick something
 yes, they can be detected on the most advanced systems, as up whether it's talk or Iiuie ASCII computer screams from
 well as logs being made of such things, as well as the normal modems.
 day to day calls made, etc.. Blue boxing is still done on some
 payphones here in the states . We suggest you never try this For your readers : you can usually take a walk down to the
 one, unless you are completely familiar with what you are local Radio Shack store and get a list of all the police, fire ,
 doing and where you are doing it. For the most part , the forestry, medica l, etc . radio bands for the area . They usually
 phone companies have caught up to the old .blue boxes, but give you some bad ones , but if you scan them enough you
 there are still places where one can do it...especially out of can find where they're at, CHP too .
 the country..(United States, that is)
                                                                        If you're interested in hearing chatter from the airports, try
 Does the cable trick you mentioned really work? There are a looking at an aeria l navigation map of your area (look in the
 LOT of channels running on that one length of wire, you phone book under maps .) Find one with the target city on it.
 know.. I am curious, did you hook the length of parallel wire to By the city there 'll be little icons of the nearest airport(s) and
 a cable box? or do you tune in all the channels with the TV, some numbers by them , giving approach, ground , and tower
 rather than the cable box? Anyhow, if it works, it sounds like frequencies . You might need a pretty good antenna mast to
 a neat little trick, but / am sure it would be useless on an all- hear some of the frequencies, unless you live really close to
 scrambled cable system.. Good idea, though.                            the airport (say , on the runway) or in really good line-of -sight
                                                                        because of terra in. And if there 's a building in the way , that 's
  That's a good, cheap source for UV filters.. thanks for the tip.. nothing a little nitrate won't solve , right? Hal
 Didn't come to mind previously .. Anyhow, thanks for the info
 and questions.. Talk to you later                                      One last thing : got any info about pirate radio? I hear it's
                                                                        gett ing big in Mex ico. Why not America?
  Hey Blackl isted 411 ,
  I bought you little magazine yesterday and I'm hooked . This Signing off (for now) , .
  is a really cool info source . I've heard all this stuff but this is                                                               Virgil
  my first excurs ion into actually researching it. I also like what                                                          Clovis, CA
  you have to say about the old Commodore 64 's. God knows                                                      Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
  I've still got mine sitting in my closet as a backup if my PC
  clone dies . You don't suck, and I'm Jonesing for your next I'm glad a fellow magazine published (in the works) digs our
  issue . By the way , I'm an FNG to all of this...who the hell is mag!! We understand about slacker connections flaking out!
  ALT.2600 anyway?                                                       Happens to us all the time, over here.. Though, we have a
                                                          Grey Area LOT of people who contribute cool info ALL the time, so we're
                                               (location withheld) usually in no danger if one of our regulars decides to flake out

 Lend out this copy of Blacklisted! 411 and you'll probably never see it againff
 Blacklistedl411                                                4th Quarter 1995                                                          7
on us.. We expect th fI k , " w.. R lIy, the only tip we             be accessed this way. Correct me if I am not within reason.
can give to you is thi .'     t id       I 'T1 mount of money        End of line .
before you start your n w v ntu .. /It k s LOT of money
to keep a magazine going -        nd ilt k     while to turn any     P.S. I hope you all have a C64 handy!
sort of profit. So, wh n you aiv b ck into this type of                                                                    Mr. "a"
business, don 't expect to          ny mon y nytime soon.. it                                                        Alam eda, CA
takes a lot longer than you trun«, nd lot of 'zines go under                                                Routed> U.S. Snail Mall
because of this.. If you try to go through big distributors like
we do, you have to realiz th t tti Y u u lIy don 't pay you for       Thanks for the software.. If anyone wants to trade softwa re
one issue until 60 days aft r th y 'I t th NEXT issue.. it           with this person, here he is.. /l's all PD hacker stuff, though. :)
stinks! But, you have to d I with it wh n you 're in this type       Of course writing to a hard drive can corrupt it.. Though, the
of business. Distribution.. the only w y to go is with the big       C64 is not really effected by viruses, it can be attacked by
boys distribution companies.. For list of distri butors, you         what is known as a trojan horse .. and, yes, there are hard
need to go to your local magazin ton nd pick up a copy of            drives available (or used to be available) for the C64... so, the
FactSheet 5 and purchase a "zin pub/i!;hers resource guide"          C64 is not entirely immune to getting screwed up.. Although,
from them . /I'll cost you $4 (cash) nd iI's well worth the          iI's rather uncommon for anything such as this to happen to a
money! It' s got everything you n d to get started in the            C64's hard drive, iI's possible and it's happened before. And,
distribution game.. FactSheet 5 can be reached at P.O. Box           of course we've got a C64 handy!! :) Actually, we've got a
170099, San Franci sco, CA 94 117-0099. Expect to give               whole closet full of them.. Someone else had a d oset with
copies of your zine to the distribution companies for a 50-55%       one, in a pre vious letter.. C64's, the closet computer.. haha
discount off the cover price.. it's standard.. We suggest you
try Tower Magazines/MTS Inc. first.. they 're pretty cool and        Dear Blacklisted ! 411,
they pay 2I3rds the purchase price up front (30-60 days af/er        I came upon your 'zine on a local Barnes & Noble Bookstore
you send it to them)... Anyhow, there's a lot to publishing a        in Orlando FL. You guys have a great magazine. Keep up
zine.. The number one thing.. try to make the zine look as           the good work. I don't care what those people @ 2600 say.
NICE as you can.. this will be the hinge on whether or not a
distribution co. will take you on or not..                        I was always trying to find a magazine like yours, but never
                                                                  could find one. People mentioned alot of names but never
We don't own a TV with a dial.. Old technology, you know. could get an address. Like TAP, Phrack and  2600,
Haha.. when we find one, though.. we'll try out your /itt/e thing oh well. Anyway , this is my first issue (July '95). Can't wait
on channel 80 and see (hear) what we can get..                    for the October '95 4th Quarter Issue. I'm still not finished
                                                                  reading this issue but I had to stop to fax you this bit of info or.
 Yes, Radio Shack has those frequency guides... the your article on the Gas Station Informat ion Link. I believe
information in them isn't always that great, though...            those sat. link dishes are for their surveillance cams. The
                                                                  picture gets uplinked to a central office which they record and
I didn't realize our phone book maps had freq uency info on store all the data for that particular day and gas station. In the
airports.. I'll look that one up!! Might be interesting to see if event of a holdup they can pull up the archives for that
that one's true.                                                  part icular gas station and give it to law enforcement for
                                                                  investigation. I believe banks have the same system. Hope
Pirate Radio .. it's big in the Berkeley are a, from what we this helps some.
understand.. and, yes, we have info on it.. Alexander Tolstoy                                                                M.Qatt
will be persuaded into writing on that topic sometime soon, as                                                (location withheld)
it's one of his specialties, so to speak.. :)                                                Routed> Facsimile Transmission

Have a good one, man!                                                Thanks!! We don 't really care what they say, either... I/'s not
                                                                     like we're here to push anyone out of business.. Top dog has
Dear Blacklisted! 411,                                               to learn how to share, I suppose .. Anyhow, yes, Barnes &
You all have a Super-Tech Magazine ! I have just bought an           Noble Bookstore chain now carries our magazine.. /l's pretty
ASOO Amiga "NEW . So, I am looking forward to Major                  cool....Distribution went way up recently! We're excited about
Coyotes' articles. All Amiga mags are sold out here and I saw        it.. We just keep getting bigger and bigger..
Blacklisted! 411 and bought it. As to the Commodore 64/1 28 .
I gave it to my son. He will start a BBS later this year. I saw      Hey, I'm glad you were able to find a magazine like ours, too..
PolarSwirls' letter on the Phreaking C64 & decided to write          It's good to know that we're living up to your standards .. :) If
this phreaking letter, which is my 1st letter to any 'zinel I will   you have a hard time finishing up one issue now, you should
gladly supply a chunk oh phreak software to any that request         have tried it during our first yea r.. we had 12 issues out that
it. Would like to trade for Amiga 500 softwar e, but not             year.. by the time we were done with one, we were finishing
required. Enclosed is my disk on the phreaking C64. Note on          up another one.. I/'s pretty kick back now, though..
viruses: from what I know, if writing to track 1, on a PC, MAC
or other via either booted software or Modem communication           As for the surveillance cams, etc... Although, I don 't believe
can corrupt a system - due to CPU memory structure. Be it            this is what the satellit Up/downlink s are used for, I will give
known that C64/128 is memory-mapped & therefore cannot               it a possibility, at least. It's unlik Iy th tthis is wh t it's used

                     AUVEKTIJ'tIN BLACKLISTED/411
                             For more informationregardingadvertising, callus at
                                                      or write us at
                                               B/acl/isled 4/1Advertising
                                                        ro. BOK 2506
                                                     Cypres$, Ca 90630
8                                        4th Quarter 1995                                                       Blacklisted! 411
for.. Video data is incredibly LARGE and to do this. it would         ensures that you have the most private mail possible. Ok?
take up terrabytes (or more) of space every day to record             One last thing: If we were FEDS do you think we'd tell you? :)
such info... just for ONE store, even.. We're convinced that it 's    Dear Blacklisted! 411,
used for transaction information....and on some stores, they          This is the first time I've seen your magazine. I saw it in my
use something similar for commercial free music, come to find         local Barnes & Nobles, right next to a competitors magazine
out.. Banks (well. most of them around here, anyway) keep             (no names). I am happy to have found your magazine - it's
records of the cameras on TAPE located inside the building.           pretty cool and has much better topics . Question : I am
If your information is correct. that's a new twist.. It's a           interested in submitting some articles for reprint. Would you
possibility, I will admit to... Anyone else have any comments         be interested? I need your email address so I can send them
on this one??                                                         to you quickly, so please be sure to pass that info along.
                                                                      Please withhold my name/location as I am sure some people
Dear411 .                                                             may be offended with my association with you and I don't feel
Somebody gave me a copy of July '95. Comments: Page 9                 like dealing with them thinking I've left them in the dust for
answer to "Ken" about redboxes . I went to Radio Shack and            your magazine . It's a bunch of b.s., apparently! Anyhow, be
they had 2 different dialers...which one? Also, I'd like to know      sure to answer me and I'll get you some cool articles.
what (two?) frequencies are involved? (is it kinda ' like                                                           (na me withheld)
DTMF?)                                                                                                           (location withheld)
                                                                                                            Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
Suppose a person named "penny arcade " lived in a large
apartment complex (or you stuck a dymo-tape(TM? )) label on       Cool. so you're not the only one who found our mag in Barnes
your mailbox for a brief while adding the name....                & Noble. eh? Yes, we'd be interested in your article
                                                                  submissions... You can snail mail them to us on disk or email
CR## (your route !)                                               them to: We will surely print
P. Arcade                                                         them! We can withhold your namellocation. etc... BUT, if
xx67F     (street name omitted) apt F (xx=wrong #'s)              you're a writer for who I think you are....un, you might w nt to
(wrong city), state (zip+4)                                       use your alias. anyway.. We're- tired of being eccus d of
                                                                  CRAP like you mentioned.. Anyhow. you shouldn 't CARE
There are even additional bar codes (but I don't have the what they think.. If you still want to submit anything. try to
software) that presort the ma il in the carrie r's "WALKING include some type of name or alias that people will know..
ORDER", so in sorting it is never touched by human hands, Well, thanks for the interest in helping out..
so when the carrier touches it, slhe is already stand ing by
your mailbox. and could get it in the right box with just a hint. Dear Blacklisted 411,
A couple of mail carriers ago, I am rather sure that my first I am looking for information on hacking my way into home
name & zip+4 wou ld have gotten me my mail. (OK, so I gave answering machines that allow the user to retrieve messages
the carrier jewelry , but it was a gender issue, not about mail by phone . You mentioned that this was easy to do in an
secrecy) Anyway. keep 'em coming'!!!                              article once.
                                               (nam e withheld) I work in phone sales and to kill the dullness of the job, I try to
                                            (location withheld)
                  Routed> U.S. Snail Mail (Yup, it got to us)

Radio Shack does sell two models of dialers.. We don'! have                      ~,.
the exact model number on hand at the moment. but you want
to purchase the one that is programmable.. there's only one
of them that's programmable.. it's got the three buttons on the
very top of the face of the dialer.. The frequencies involved
are: 1721.0Hz and 220B.1Hz (54.62ms on/off) .. Yes. it IS
                                                                                   P.O. B ox 6426
DTMF. actually.
                                                                                Yuma, AZ 85366-6426
Penny Arcade will get hislher mail. most likely... Your idea               "Serving the Hacker Community since 1985"
works well - we tried it out.. polished up a little. but it works..
And. no, we didn 't have to give any jewel ry to our postal
                                                                                 A FEWOF OURHACKERS' BOOKS .
carrier.... He would have probably though we were strange if
we tried it.. They guy never failed sending us our mail.. That's         Black Box Bible /sofiware                        S34.4S
pretty slick!..                                                          Cable Hackers Bible Vol.l...                     S44.4S
                                                                         Cable Hackers Bible VoI.2/sofiware               S44.4S
Dear Blacklisted ! 411,                                                  Cellular Hack.ersBible Vol.1                     SS4.4S
I have been considering subscribing to your zine, Blacklisted!
                                                                         Cellular Hack.ersBible Vol.21sofiware            S79.9S
411, for some time now, but I have my doubts about it. It's not
                                                                         Cellular Programmers Bible 400+ insts.           SS4.4S
a matter of price but rather a matter of paranoia, perhaps...
I've heard rumors that Blacklisted! 411 is run by Feds trying            Hackers Secrets/software                         S34.4S
to catch hackers ... and/or , also, that you hand over                   Scanner Hack.ersBible Vol. I or VoI.2            S34.4S
subscr iption lists to the Feds. I just don't want anyone
knowing that I subscribe to your magazine so I won't be on                  8-A 1/ Tocom 1/JelTOld 1/ uRIah - Cable au,.
some "list" to look up when someone goes on a hacker hunt                        Books 1/ Videos 1/ Software 1/ More!
in my it a rumor, or are you really in league with the
Feds in some way or do you give out a subscr ibe list to
anyone or any entity?                                                          »> FREE CA TALOG                 m     «<
                                               (name withheld)
                                           (location withheld)
                                      Routed> Internet E-Mail             YES! 411 Readers can get z free 14 page
                                                                          1995 Catalog by Calling 1-520-782-2316
 No. we're not run by Feds and we aon 't give out any
 subscription lists to anyone. We hold our subscribers list in            Be sure to mention you saw the ad in.....
 high secrecy... and we send all our mail out FIRST CLASS. so
 we don't have to submit to postal inspections every so often              "Blacklisted! 411 Magazine"
 and we do not have to provide any lists to the postal service.
 either . We will NEVER go 2nd or 3rd class! First class

 Bluklisted! 411                                              4th Quarter 1995                                                     9
guess the code every tim I g t nn w ring machine. 1-2-3 your readers enjoy ' (hacking , phreaking , etc.) but am a
is the most popular cod     nd it will work on about 1 in 20 relative newcomer to the computer field. \lVhere can I go in
machines. Many others u        combin tlon of the number 1, my area to meet with like-minded people to find out more?
2 and 3. On the newer m chin m ny I tthe user put in their                                                    P Grenelle
own code, a lot of peopl pick th fir t three or last four                                            (location withheld)
numbers of their phone #'s.                                                          Routed> Facsimile Transmission

Enclosed is a stamped self oddr         nvelope write back and If you are interested in more information regarding sovereign
let me know if you have this inform lion in a back issue I can citizenship, etc... continue to read our magazine.. It's a goal
purchase.                                                        of ours to have one article on that topic in each issue for a
                                                                 while.. it appears to be a good topic. If you wish to find out
                                                        P. Kelly more information directly from Robert Cohen, you should
                                              Burlingame, CA contact him at the address given in the "Know The Truth" ad.
                                      Routod> U.S. Snail Mail in the magazine .. He's got a TON of info on this sort of thing..
                                                                 He can even help set you up as a sovereign citizen..
We agree that most combo 's on home machines use
combinations of 1, 2, and 3.. We do not have any information It's ok that you 're a newcomer.. Just read along with us each
on specific models in any back issues.. In our first volume, we month and YOU'll learn more and more... We don 't have any
did have a few articles dealing with such things, but nothing meeting for our magazine. . One of our competitors (2600
particular to what you want.. Besides, we do not have any Magazine) holds hackers meetings all over the place every
volume one issues available at this time, anyway. If you are month, though . I am unsure where you are calling from, so I
looking for a particular code for any machine (the newer ones) suggest you purchase a copy of 2600 and look in the back for
you might want to try 4 digit codes such as 1234, 2345, 3456, all the locations and dates for their hacker meetings... They're
 1111,2222,3333, 7777...9999, etc.. A lot of the time, it's as pretty fun, at times..
simple as that.. BTtN, we don't answer this stuff return reply
through mail.. We answer ALL questions here in the Other than this, you might want to hang out on newsgroups
magazine, as you can see . If you have any more questions, on the internet such as: alt. 2600, alt.hacker, alt.hackers ,
be sure to ask us...                                             alt.zines ,    alt.cellular. telephones,     a It.cellular.oki.900,
                                                                 alt.cellular-phone-tech,, alt.society.sovereign ,
Dear Blacklisted! 411,                                           etc.. these should get you going in the right direction.. If you
 I saw your magazine today for the first time and think it is are unfam iliar with the internet, try a local BBS... and ask
great. The drivel we are fed by the regular media makes me around .. there 's always someone interested in this sort of
want to throw up. Robert Cohen's article was very informative thing on a BBS...
 and I'd like to get more information about becoming a
 sovereign person. I know a number of people to whom I could
 pass on that information who would appreciate it as well.

I'm also interested in the kind of creative things that many of

                                                  By D-CRyPT
You must question all knowledge you receive. Knowledge is a necessity today; just like oxygen or water. It
is brought to you in a variety of ways . Your phone, television and computer all act as routes information
travels into your house. By watching the news and entertainment you can get a pretty vivid portrait of what
society is today. You can see that our culture is obsessed with violence and negativity, etc. You get a lot of
the aspects of pop culture. You take all this information at huge rate every day. The media never stops
pounding you with ads and images. It's how you interpret the information that determines how you perceive
reality. In todays society many people have become vegetables that absorb any and everything the media
feeds them. Even worse - we don't seek out our info anymore. We just accept what information manages to
receive without expending any effort and then try to pretend the rest doesn't exist. People will read an article
on the hacker underground in Wired or a story on UFOs in Time magazine and assume they have the whole
story. WAKE UP BOYS AND GIRLS!! ! I realize that most people reading Blacklisted ! 411 aren't like this, but
do not become one of these people! You cannot assume you ever have an unbiased, complete story on any
topic in the world if the article or show or whatever was produced by a human. It simply is very difficult for
anyone to present information free of their own opinions. And they will most likely leave the things out they
would rather not print. So get the whole story! Get information from the REAL people; not a television t or
 a print magazine. These are wonderful resources, but never rely on one source. Find real hackers (which
 hopefully isn't too hard for most of you) if you are learning about hackers. Find people you can question and
 disagree with about UFOs if you are learning about UFOs-not a silent sheet of paper. Magazines like
 Blacklisted! 411, Steamshovel Press, 2600, etc. present a great forum for people to express their ideas
 openly , say what they really want to say, not just to put down what sells-... People like Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine inspired enthusiasm for freedom before the
 revolution. If we question our knowledge we will keep doors open. We will know how to do all sorts of things
 and ultimately live better than people who have forgotten. We will make sure that people are allowed to
 express how they really feel-not just some processed version of their true emotions. We are the modern day
 pamphleteers, whether it be through print, television or any other type of media; if you voice what you say and
 questions what others do, then you are helping!! So, remember, keep your eyes open and don't just plug into
 the vegetable establishment !
10                                       4th Quarter 1995                                                    Blacklisted! 411
This is the end of our technical support BBS listing from the last two issues. This is only a
listing of companies starting with R-Z! Needless to say, you will find on the following pages, a
few useful tech. support BBS numbers listed. Our entire compilation of these support BBS's
is quite large. This is why we've decided to break it up over a few issues. Due to the fact that
there are very many systems listed, we have not verified the existence of every single one of
these systems. If you find any error in number or name on any system listed, please feel free
to contact us regarding this. Mail, Fax or Phone in any additions, corrections or deletions to
this listing. We do not, in any way, take responsibility for any resulting actions arising from the
use of the systems listed. This listing is provided for information purposes only.
Technical Support BBS List (R-z)
Racal InterlanlRabb it Soft. MA 508-264-4345 24 NETWORKING CARDS
Race                 FL 305-271-2146 24 RACE USER EDITOR (RA)
Rams' Island Software        CO 303-841-6269 168 INCONTEXT
Reference Software          UT 801-225-4444 96 GRAMMATIK
RelayNet NationaL          DC 301-229-5623 168 RELAYNET MAIL SYSTEM
Remote Controllnt...       CA 619-43 1-4030 24 TELEMAGIC
Revelation Technologies.... WA 206-641-8110 24 ADVANCED REVELATION
Rix Softworks           CA 714-476-0728 24 PAINT SOFTWARE
Rybs Electronics          CO 303-443-7437 24 MEMORY MANAGER
Saber Software            TX 214-361-18831 44 SABER NETWORK MENU
Salt Air BBS            UT 801-261-8976 288 PCBOARD BBS SOFTWARE
Samsung Info Systems           NJ 201-691-6238 24 COMPUTERS/MONITORS
Santronics Software         FL 305-248-7815 168 SILVER EXPRESS MAILDOOR
SEAboard                NJ 201-473-199196 ARC,SEADOG,AXE
Seagate                CA 408-438-8771 144 HARD DRIVES,CONTROLLER
Searchlight Software        OH 216-631-9285 144 SEARCHLIGHT BBS SOFTWARE
SemWare                  GA 404-641-8968 96 QEDIT DOS EDITOR
SFE Systems USA.             AL 205-650-0107 144 SOFTWARE-SCHOO UI NDUSTRY
Sharp                GA 404-962-1788168 SCANNERS/COMPUTERS
Shiva Corporation          MA 617-273-0023 144 FASTPATH 4, BRIDGES
Shiva Systems Inc          KY 502-893-6360 144 PIQUE, TBBS DOORS
Sitka Corporat ion        CA 415-769-8774 24 TOPS NETWORK OS
Sierra Online           CA 209-683-4463 144 GRAPHIC ADVENTUR E GAMES
Sigma Design              CA 510-770-0111 24 VIDEO BOARD, MONITORS
Silicon Valley Computers ... CA 415-967-808 1 24 COMPUTERS
Sitka               CA 510-769-8774 24 FLASHCARD
SMS Technology              CA 510-964-5700 96H HARD DISK CONTROLLERS
Sofnet...            GA 404-984 -9926 24 FAX SOFTWARE
SoftArc Inc            ON 416-609 -2250144 FIRSTCLASS BBS FOR MAC
Softklone              FL 904-878-9884 144 MIRROR III, TAKEOVER
Softlogic Solutions       NH 603-644-5556 24 DISK OPTIMIZR,DOUBLE DOS
Softronics             CO 719-593-929524 SOFTERM PC
Software Products Inti      CA 619-450-2179 24 OPEN ACCESS, WINDOWBASE
Software Security          CT 203-329-7263 24 SOFTWARE COPY PROTECTION
Software Store Products .... NY 516-589-4984 144 INVOICE STORENIDEO STORE
Software Support           CA 408-439-9096 24 GENERAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT
Software Venture           CA 510-849-191224 MICROPHONE SOFTWARE
Solectek Accessories         CA 619-450-6537144 FAXIMODEMS. AUTO SWITCHBOX
Solutions Systems           MA 617-237-8530 24 BRIEF SOFTWARE
Sony Electronics          CA408-955-5107 144 MONITORS , STORAGE PRODUCTS
Sound Source Unlimited..... CA 805-373-8589144 SOUND PRODUCTS
SparkWare                TN 901-382-5583 168 QMAIL DOOR/READER
Spectra Publishing         CA 408-730-8326 24 POWERBASIC SOFTWARE
Spectrum Holobyte            CA 510-522-6480144 GAME SOFTWARE
SprintNet...           VA 800-546-1000 24 NETWORKING, PC PURSUIT
Stac Electronics          CA 619-431-5956 144 STACKER HD SOFTWARE
Standard Microsystems Corp. CA 714-707-248124 METWORK ING PRODUCTS .
Star Micronics           NJ 908-572-5010 144 STAR PRINTERS
 STB Systems              TX 214-437-9615168 VIDEO CARDS
 Storage Dimensions          CA 408-944-1221144 STORAGE DEVICES
 Streamline Design          ON 905-793-1411 288 SDP, VISUALlNK, CLlCKCOMM
 Summit Memory Systems...... CA 408-439-6774 24 TAPE BACKUPS
 Sunrise Software          GA 404-256-9525 24 SUNRISE DOOR SOFTWARE
 Sunriver              TX 512-835-8082 24 UNIX SYSTEMS
 Supermac Software            CA 408-541-619024 SPECTRUM BOARD,MONITORS
 Supra Corp              OR 503-967-2444 288 MODEMS
 Sydex                 OR 503-683-1385 24 SHEZ
 SyDOS                  FL 407-994-4367144 OPTICAL MEDIA PRODUCTS
 Symantec                CA 503-484-6669144 NORTON,PCANYWHERE

 Blacklisted! 411                               4th Quarter 1995                                11
Synopsys               CA 408· 70· 71 144 S3 VGA & OTHER VGA CARDS '
Sysgen                CA 40 - 4 - 032 24 DRIVE CONTROLLERS .
Systems Compatibility...... I 312 70-4239 24 SOFTWARE BRIDGE, TOOLKIT
Syquest..             CA 510        -0473 96 REMOVABLE MASS STORAGE
Swan Technologies            PA 814-237 1451 44 SWAN COMPUTERS
TAG. BBS                M1313- 82 71 168 TAG BBS SOFTWARE
Tallgrass Technologies..... KS 913 92-8757 24 CONTROLLERIFILESECURE
TEAMate                CA 213-318-53021 44 TEAMATE UNIX BBS
Technology Concepts........ OR 503 91·5 199 144 FAX LINE MANAGER
Tecmar                OH 216-349-0853 144 TAPE BACKUPS
Tektronixs            CA 408.{)85-4504 144 PRINTERSIPLOTTER PRODUCTS
Telebit...          CA 408-745-3861 144 MODEMS
Telix Support           NC 919-481-9399 144 TELIX COMM SOFTWARE
Template Garden Software... NY 212'{)27-5089 96 THE DOCUMENTOR
Texas Instruments           TX 512·250.{)112 24 PRINTERS,CPUS
TheSoft Programming           CA 415-581·3019 24 THEDRAWANSI SOFTWARE
Thomas Conrad               TX 512-836-8012144 NETWORKING CARDS
Thumper Technologies           OK 918'{)27-0059 24 EZ-READER
Thunderby1eUSA              TN 615-442-2833 144 THUNDERBYTE ANTI-VIRUS
Tiara Computer Systems          CA 415-966-8533 144 NETWORKING CARDS
Timeline Software          CA 415-892-0408 24 SCHEDULERS
Timeslips             MA 508-768-7581 24 TIMESLIPS SOFTWARE
Tool Technology            CA 415-289-7414144 W1NTOOLS
Tops microsystems            CA 510-769-8774 24 NETWORK OSIEMAIL
TopSoft Software           KY 502-425-9941 168 BBS DOORS,TOPED
Toshiba Printer Products CA 714-538-3000 24 PRINTERS
TouchStone Software           CA 714-969-0688 144 CHECK IT SOFTWARE
Trantor Systems            CA 510'{)56-5159 24 PARALLEL SCSINIDEOCARD
Traveling Software         WA 206-485-1736 144 LAPLlNK, BATTERY WATCH
Trident Microsystems         CA 415'{)9 1-1016 24 VGA CARDS
Trio Information Systems NC 919-846-4987 144 DATAFAX OCR
Triton Technologies........ NJ 908-855-9609 144 COISESSION
Trius               MA 508-794-0762 168 ASEASYAS SPREADSHEET
True Vision            IN 317-577-8783 24 DISPLAY ACCELERATOR
TSR Systems               NY 516-331-B682 24 PALCOM-PARADOX COMPILER
Turbo Tax              CA 619-453-5232 24 TURBOTAX SOFTWARE
TurboCom                 OR 503-482-2633 144 COMM DRIVER FOR WINDOWS
Turtle Beach            PA 717-845-4835 144 WINDOWS SOFTWARE
UltraStor            CA 510.{)23·909 1 24 MASS STORAGE INTERFACE
Unicorn Software           IN 317-784-2147 24 UNICORN SOFTWARE
UniNova Service Corp          WA 509-925-3893 168 HARDWAREISOFTWARE
US Robotics              IL 708-982-50921 68 MODEMS
US Sage                FL 417-331-7433 24 MAINLAN NETWORK
ValuStor.             CA 408-945-8376         FLOPTICALITAPE BACKUP
Velocity             IL 708-991-0597 24 SOFTWARE
Ven TeL               CA 408-922-0988 144 MODEMS
Ventura Software            CA 619'{)73 -7691 144 VENTURA PUBLISHER
Vermont Microsystems           VE 802'{)55 -7461 24 HIRES VIDEO BOARDS
Video Seven               CA 510.{)56-o503 144 VIDEO CARDS
Viewsonic              CA 909-468-124124 MONITORS
Virex...            NC 919-419-1602144 VIRUS DETECTION
Virgin Software           CA 714-833-3305144 ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE
Virtual Technologies        TX 210-787-8974144 VIRTUAL BBS & UTILITIES
Visual Business Systems.... GA 404-953-1613 24 VIDEO
Volkswriter            CA 408.Q48-3015 24 VOLKWRITER SOFTWARE
Vortex Systems             PA 412-322-3216 24 RETROCHRON BACKUP
 Wacom                  CA 415-960-023624 GRAPHIC TABLETS
 Walker,Richer, & Quinn       WA 206-324-2357 96 TCPIIP SOFTWARE
 Walt Disney Software        CA 818-567-4027 24 CHILDRENS SOFTWARE
 Wangtek                CA 805-582-3620 96 TAPE DRIVES
 Wantree Development........ MO 913-441-0595 144 REMOTEACCESS BBS
 Weitek               CA 408-522-7517 24 MATH COPROC
 Western DigitaL          CA 714-753-1068144 CONTROLLERS,HARD DRIVE
 White Water Systems           IL 708-328-9442 24 ZORTECH, ACTOR
 Whole Counsel Ministies VA 804-590-1659144 BIBLE DOORSINETWORK LISTING
 Willow Peripherals         NY 718-993-2066 24 LAPTOP TVIPUBLISHERlVGA TV
 Word Perfect Corp           UT 801-225-44441440 WORDPERFECT,DRAWPERFCT
 Wordtech               CA415-254-1141 24 DBXL,QUICKSILVER
 WorldWide Video             NJ 201-491-5147 144 VIDEO HARDWARE
 Wyse                 CA 408-922-440024 TERMINALSICOMPUTERS
 Xircom               CA 818-878-7618 144 NETWORK ADAPTERS
 Xyquest...            MA 508-B67-5669 24 CORRECT GRAMMER
 Zenith Data Systems          IL 708-808-4942 144 COMPUTER SYSTEMS
 Zenographics              CA 714-851-3860 24 PIXIE, SUPER QUEUE
 Zoom Telephonics            MA 617-423-3733 288 MODEMS
 Zsoft              GA404-514'{)332144 S PAINTBRUSH
 ZyXEL.                CA 714-693-0762 144 MODEMS
12                              4th Quarter 1995                            Blacklistedl 411
                      ARCADE GAMES
Sales - Parts

If you're looking for one of those
hard to find arcade games, this is the
place to call. We have one of the
largest selections of hard to find
classic arcade games and pinbal/s. If    f·

you're looking for a part or you just
want an arcade game for your
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us a call.

                       Eldorado Games, Ltd.
                     911 S. East Street, Anaheim, CA 92805
                     Voice (714)535-3300 Fax (714)535-3396

Blacklisted! 411                    4th Quarter 1995         13

o                                                                      BY KRC                                                                  0
G c:::J c:::Jc:::J c::::J c::::J c::::J c::::J c::::J c::::Jc::::Jc::::J c::::J c::::Jc::::J c::::J c::::Jc::::JD D c::::J c::::J c::::J ~
 This account was op n d           v n y rs go with a Employer Identification 'Number (EIN) wh ich is a tax identification
 number(TIN). Banks will Iw y In i t on you having a tax identification number which most of the time is your social secur ity
 number(SSN) . It was open d            bu In 5 savings account. This was Security Pacific Bank which was gobbled up by Bank
Amer ica. Last year I opened ch cklng ccount and used my savings account as a bank reference . \Nhen I opened up this
 account, I opened it as a Citizon of th C lifornia Republic and claimed nonresident alien status for this account and declined
 to give any Tax Identification Numb r, Th y opene d up the account but linked it to my savings account with my TIN from the
 savings account.

 In June 1994 I filed papers with th IRS declaring my status as a Citizen of the California RepUblic which is classified in the
 Internal Revenue Code as a nonresid nt alien . I gave the IRS 30 days to refute my 8 pages of arguments and that if they failed
 to respond or refute the specific points made that under their own law the U.,iform Commercial Code (UCC) my statements
 will stand as truth and thereafter th Doctrine of Estoppel by Acquiescence will preva il. They have not responded, not in July
 1994 or even now in 1995. In Augu st 1994 I mailed this declaration of State Citizen status along with a letter explaining that
 since the IRS has failed to refute the argumen ts in the 8 page declaration that these argumen ts now stand as lawful truth .

 I also submitted a we Certificate of Foreign Status and claimed the status of Nonresident Alien Individual and Exempt Foreign
 Person status . This allows you to open a bank account without a social security number , or any other Tax Identif ication
 Number. I also submitted a in lieu of we form that essent ially expands the we with more specific arguments . I ma iled the
 Declaration, the we and expanded we and a letter expla ining all the above and gave them 30 days to accept or reject all of
 the above and that failure to respond will mean you have accepted my status of nonres ident alien status and will remove my
 TIN from my bank account or substitute my Nonres ident Alien Identification numbe r. \Nhen I submitted my declarat ion to the
 IRS I scrambled my Employer Ident ification Number to make a 99 Nonres ident Alien number and told the IRS to check out this
 number and see if it belonged to someone else and that failure to deny me this number within 30 days means I am free to use
 this number as a Non-Resident Alien Identificati on Number (NRAI ).

 They did not respond and therefore did not deny this number. I subm itted this num ber to Bank of America to replace my Tax
 Identificat ion Number . I gave Bank of Amer ica 30 days to accept my NRAI num ber to replace my TIN number and that fa ilure
 to respond or refute all of these points within 30 days will mean you have accepted my nonresident alien status and NRAI
 number. I never heard from Bank of America and did nothing about it until this month Febru ary 1995 and went to the ban k in
 person to inquire what my Tax Identifica tion Number was. The bank officer looked me up on the computer and saw no Tax
 Identification Number, not even my NRAI number and looked worr ied, she thought there should be some numbe r there but
 read further and looked relieved because the reason given for no num ber was I had the status of nonre sident alien status and
 asked me if my status has changed and would I like to give a num ber now? She also told me this applied to both the savings
 and checking accoun t. I said no it has not changed and thanked her for the information. Having a we account with no numbe r
 is better than having a we account with a NRAI number, The outcome was better than I expected.

 Trying to open a we bank account without a social security number is almost impossible because the bank officers and clerks
 at the bank will not understand what you are talking about. If you try and fail to open a we account open it up the way they
 want you to open it up give them your social security number and then amend your account through the mail. Here are the
 steps to get your bank account without any Tax Identification Numbe r:

    1. Start with a convent ional bank accou nt with a social security number .

    2. Buy Vultures in Eagle's Clothing by Lynn Meridith, order your book through              me for $42.95.

    3. Submit your Declaration of Sovere ign status to the IRS and include a made up NRAI number and give them 30 days to
    refute the points made and accept or reject your NRAI numb er and that failure to respond and refute and deny within 30 days

:Deadlines:                                                                                               I
I Articles, display advertising, classifieds for the January 1996 First Quarter issue must be received by I
I December 1st, 1995. Subscriptions can still be backdated to the January 1995 First Quarter issue, if I
     preferred. Supplies are being used up quickly, so if you need to get any second volume issue, you had
I    better hurry up and request it. Remember, you may fax in your order, call it in or write us. We accept                                     I
I    Discover, AE, Visa and MC.                                                                                                                 I
~----------------------------- -----~
           Wanted : SSS Numbers/Listings
      If you have a current listing of BBS' in your area, you've got exact ly what we need! If you'd
         like to help us out, mail or fax your BBS listing to us. You may send it to us on paper or
    floppy. We can accept IBM 1.44M & IBM 720K 3.5", IBM 1.2M & IBM 360K 5.25" and Am iga
                 880K 3.5" disk formats . Send all disk material in simple ASCII text format.
                                                            Send to:
                                                BIQcklinedf 411 BSS Numbers
                                                         P.O. Box 2506
                                                      Cypress, Ca 90630
 14                                              4th Quarter 1995                                                       Blacklisted! 411
will mean the arguments made will stand as truth and that you are legally and lawfully free to use your NRAI number and the
Doctrine of Estoppel by Acquiescence will prevail thereafter. You can get these declarations through me for $25.00

4. Wait 60 days for a response from the IRS. Very likely you will get nothing from them.

5. Get your expanded custom tailored WB though me for $10.00.

6. Submit your Declaration of Status, WB, expanded WB with your NRAI number, and cover letter to your bank through
certified mail return receipt requested.

7. Wait 60 days and go to your bank and inquire what your tax identification number is. Hopefully, you will have no tax
identification number on your account.    .

8. Let me know if this worked for you.

Send inquiries to KRC
4102 E 7th Street #118
Long Beach, California Republic
Postal Zone 90804
These united States of America
(310) 436-9604

Selections from Green Dragon Tavern

Message #15
From: Tavernkeeper 1
To : All
Date: 08-29-91 07:07:07
Subject : THE BASICS

Those of us who are studying law for the purpose of re-establishing our primary Citizenship of a state sometimes gei too far
ahead of everyone else, and we somehow assume that you are supposed to instantly know all of the legalese that it took us
months to figure out. Accordingly I am making this post to give people new to this issue some background.               IN THE
BEGINNING.....of this country, July 4, 1776 ... thirteen colonies of the British Crown declared their independence. They
fought a long, costly, and bloody war, and the homegrown, homespun militias of the 13 colonies managed to beat the most
formidable military power on the planet at the time. The cause was just, and God raised up allies for us, including the French.
In 1783, at the end of the War for Independence, the 13 former colonies of the Crown WERE NOW 13 SOVEREIGN AND
INDEPENDENT NATIONS, EACH HAVING ITS OWN CITIZENS. They were a confederation, loosely knit.

In 1787, a convention was called to resolve the problems of the alliance of the 13, and the result was the Constitution. The

I must now digress and define a few terms. A Confederation is a league or alliance. For instance, one could say that NATO
is a confederation. A federation is defined as the formation of a political unity, with a central government, by a number of
separate states, each of which retains control over its own internal affairs. I must also point out the difference between a
democracy and a limited Constitutional Republic. In the Republic envisioned by our founding fathers, the individual had rights.
The govt. recognizes that God created man and endowed him with certain unaliable rights, such as Life, Liberty, and the
                                                                                                     (Continued on Page 23)

  Southern California Radio                  The crystal used to make the ' infamous "Red Box" is available now at a
                                             reasonable price. These are very small & perfect for limited space applications.
       Station Guide
  Complete Listing of ALL Commercial                                                                      $4.00 + $1.00 s/h
  FM Radio Stations in the Los
  Angeles, Orange, San Bernadino,
  Riverside, San Diego, Ventura and                    Channel 21 "Disney" Filters
  Santa Barbara Counties. Listings           This is the very notch filter used to receive The Disney Channel on Paragon
  include Call Sign, Power Level , City      Systems in Southern California. They try to charge $150 for this suckerl
  of License, and Format. Listings
  Updated Regularly;             $5.00                                                               $20.00 + $2.00 s/h
 PVS                                                                         If you need Zenitn Remotes we got em
                                                                  If you need those hard to find 6 500MHz x tets we got em
 P.O. Box 1032                                                      If you need channe l 21 (Disney) notch filters we got em' '
 Los Alamitos, CA 90720                                                           If you need It CALL US TODAY'
 (714)894-2751 (310)594-4078

 BI8ckiistedl 411                                         4th Quarter 1995                                                                    15
I                                             -----------------------.                                                                    I
                                           A m if/a Section                                                                               I

                                                        By Major Coyote

                                           - - - ~-------------------_.

    Well, Escom has been about and doing things, although it is hard to tell if they are doing all the right things or not. On July 21,
    they had a meeting in Philadelphia, PA, with the U.S. Distributers. This of course is a good thing, however , the results of the
    meeting were somewhat less positiv than we'd all hoped. Among the peop le there were Escom (of course) , Micropace ,
    Software Hut, Centaur Development, nd CEI, among others. At least we have good representa tion from the loyal existing
    developers and dealers. Naturaly, on of the big topics was the A4000T and what it might cost. Nobody was happy with the
    rumored $3500 price tag. They discussed what the price ought to be, and how many they thought could be sold in the U.S.
    Later in August they had another meetin g in the UK.

    So lets get down to the facts:

    tI'    The A4000T will be available in the U.S., and apparently is even going to be manufac tured here. They should be
           available in the first week of September.

    tI'    No solid manufact uring numbers are known, but the numbers 20,000 to 40 ,000 have been ment ioned at various times.

    tI'    The price should be well under $3000 , but nobody has solid prices yet. The dealers know what their cost will be, and
           apparently they are pleased. Actual street price will probab ly depend on what the dealers decide to do.

    tI'    Configuration will be the A4000T with either an 040 or 060, 500MB to 1GB harddrive, and 6 megs ram. The A4000T
           also includes the fast SCSI-II port, more slots, and more drive bays over the original A40oo . The 060 mode l should be
           available in Novembe r.

    tI'    At this point, Escom is not planning on spendin g ANY money for advert ising in the U.S. You read right.

    tI'    They will be making around 100,000 A1200 's for the European market, 40,000 of wh ich have been pre-ordered by an
           unknown buyer. They will be built in France by a U.S. based company.

    tI'    Configurations will include the basic model we had before, plus a package system with a 170MB harddrive and Scala
           MM 300 software , and some other applicat ions like WP and such, for 499 UKP. Basic system with software , but not
           Scala, is 399UKP.

    tI'    There are no plans to bring A1200's to the U.S. market, nor A4000Ts to the European market. Although they have
           implied that machines could be imported if there rea lly is a demand for them .

    tI'    The A1200CD unit is "not a priority".

    tI'    They have however said that, for "the entry-level model" (A1200?), they are looking at externa l CD-ROM 's and more
           on-board RAM. This is something that should be considered hi-priority. And it's easy to do.

    tI'    The CD32 is basicly dead ("not a priority"). They say there is no market for it, period.

    tI'    A company called 'Visacorp' is planning on marketing a "set top" box using CD32 techno logy. They have prototypes
           already. Hopefully they will be successfull in the U.S. with this.

    tI'    NewTek has effect ively abandoned the Amiga. They're not planning on making more VideoToasters for the Amiga.
           They now have an externa l, stand alone Toaster that can be controled from a PC (there's no particu lar reason it won't
           work this way with an Amiga anyway).

    tI'    Centaur on the other hand has finaly finished their 'Video Processor/Roaster" chip for the Opalv ision board .
           Considering this is newer technology and has to compete with the Toaster, it may very well be more powerful l. Maybe
           NewTek was scared .

    tI'    Commodore's Full Motion Video (MPEG) card, which was in work ing prototype form, is also dead ('low priority') .

    tI'    Commodore's DSP technology ; wh ich was in working prototype form, is also dead ('low priority' ) as far as we can tell.

    tI'    God knows how many other awesome pieces of hardware Commodore made that Escom are not willing to produce.

    If some of this scares you , it should. It seems to me like Escom is out to make a quick buck. But,·1 do have the feeling that
    they will be more responsive to the users than Commod ore was. So, let them know how you feel.

     "Multimedia plavers"
     Compan ies are still try ing to cash in on the mult imedia-console market. Mag navo x and Philips are still push ing CD-I
     technology, and Apple are working on a new multimedia box based on (yuck !) Mac technology. If there's a market for these
     $500 devices, then I say there's a market for the CD32 (or some derivative). Remember that this is a consumer market and

    16                                      4th Quarter 1995                                                    Blacklisted! 411
potent ialy very large.

If Magnavox can sell a cheesy looking CD-I console for $499 stinkin' bux, surely Escom can sell CD32 conso les for less then
that. And what's more, the CD32 can bash the CD-I with it's 32 bit processing . The cornmerc 'ats for CD-I show it as some
amazing , all in one box that can play games and run educational software and such. Well, CD32 can do all that AND become
a full fledged computer . They even had the nerve to say "CD for your TV'; I wonder if they were aware of Commodor e's

Magnavox's CD-I apparently includes an MPEG decode r to play the CD-I VideoCD's which are differe nt from the standard for
VideoCD - CD32+MPEG can play both. The CD32 plus MPEG sells for less, and with Escom making lots of new units, the
price could be even less. And lets bring back the CDTV name. Lets make the CDTV more geared towards education and
computing uses , with the CD32 a console. CDTV would have the MPEG module built in to make it more comp etitive with the
CD-I and Apple's Pipin. CD32 may not be able to compete with the power of a 300, but it can certainly kill the CD-I. Apple
is apparently also working on a CD based console type machine along the lines of CD-I and CDTV, called "Pippin", and it
would cost around the same as the CD-I - $500. It's based on the Power PC chip, and it runs some kind of stripped down
vers ion of MacOS . It has 6MB of ram , wh ich I imagine is barely enough to do anything with. The CD32 could beat every
mach ine in the low price catagory .

Think about it. Due to the Amiga's highly efficient as, it doesn't need as much ram as Apple's Pipin would - 2MB is probably
equivalent to the 6MB that Pipin needs . That saves $130 (US $) or so in DRAM costs alone. The Amiga has the best
mult imedia software selection for developing applications . And proper ly written software is 100% compa tible between the
CD32 and the Amiga . In recent ads, CD32's are being advertized at around $250 ! I don't know if t'l ey actualy have any stock
of them , but considering dema nd, they must be priced to make money . Escom should be able to sell the CD32 for around
$250 (the original CD-I didn't even have a double spee d drive, I wonder if Magavox's does?). Beef it up with a 28Mhz 030 and
some fast ram for a $500 mode l (maybe even a 20Mhz EC040?) .

Nobody would be able to make a machine as nice for multimedia for under $300 . The CD32 has a powerfull operating system
that is very small and efficient and has lots of develop ment tools already. The graphi cs are not up to what a 300 or Jaguar
can do, in terms of fancy texture mapp ing and such, but it can do hi-res modes making it more suitable for educational
purpos es and expansion into full desktop compu ters.

Escom has said they will get current Amiga models back into production ASAP. That's a good first step. But they don't seem
to be interested in bundling them with cool "new" stuff. This is an easy, cheap , and quick way to improve the Amiga. The most
obv ious, and easy addition , is a CD-ROM. If Escom won't do it, then I suggest the following: Developers , distributers and
dealers should get together and set some "standards" for Amiga systems, and then try to sell Amigas configured for those
standards. Software and hardware could be sold as being for some particular "standard" Amiga. For instance, a "multim edia
standard " Amiga might include a double speed CD-ROM , 6MB ram, etc.

Oh, and a little marketing tip: Apple has been claiming their 040 based Macs are "50/25Mhz" or "66/33Mhz". Of course we
know that 040's are not clock doubled internaly (at least, not like Intel DX2's are), even if they perform like they were. But if
Apple can say that, then Escom can say that about the Amiga. So, the A4000 should claim that it has a "50/25Mhz 040",
or "80/40Mhz 040", or "100/50Mh z 060".

Include an IDE "ATAPI" CD-ROM standard with the A4000, and as a standard packaged "A1200-CD". Why IDE? Wha t's
"ATAPI"? These are what IBM clones use. They are CHEAP, and plentifull. 2x speed drives are under $99 US. There is a
driver in the public doma in (it's actual y shareware) that lets you use these dr ives with the built in IDE ports on the
A4000 /A 1200 /A600 . An optional custom cable lets you use four IDE drives, as we ll. This should be liscensed for inclusion on
the Amiga. Include a 4x CD-ROM drive on the A4000, and at least a 2x drive for the A1200 . Of course , Amiga's should all
come standard with decent sized hard drives. The A4000 could come with a 540MB HD or larger IDE drive, they are cheap
and have gone done in price significantly since the A40 00 came out.

Escom should aquire a good accelerato r board design from a third party, and release faster A4000's based on these (a 40Mhz
040, and a 50Mhz 060 system is a good start). Maybe call them A4500's . Alternatively, they can just endorse particular cards
and let dealers buy individual parts of Amiga systems and configure them with the recomended third party cards (or whatever
the user wants) .

So in the short term we should have something like th is as the Amiga line up :

A1200-CD : Amiga 1200 with IDE CD-ROM drive (extern al), AmigaOS 3.1, CD32 "emulation" software, 'b uilt in" harddrive.
Lots of goodies on CD - PO software for Internet access, multimedia stuff, etc. Should be priced around $500 US.

A4000LC : MOOO with an LC040 CPU, 540MB hard drive, internal IDE CD-ROM drive (2x), 4MB ram , AmigaOS 3.1. To be
compet itive with similar Mac systems , this thing is going to have to be priced around $1000 US.

 A40001060: MOOO with 50Mhz 060 CPU board , 6MB ram, CD-ROM (4x), 850MB HD. To compare well with Pentium and
 PowerPC systems , this has to cost around $2000 .

 A4000T/060: Like above, but with 10MB ram, SCSI-II, and lots of expansion ability . $2500.

 Now, I could be way off in my estimates of price here . It may not be possible to sell them at these prices. I'm just pointing out
 what they "should" cost in order to make them popular .

 Phas e tw o :

 Blacklisted! 411                                           4th Quarter 1995                                                   17
Develop new generat ion Amig        quickly as possible to be compet itive with Macs and PC's. Unfortunately , it seems that a
conservative estimat e of th tim it would take to complete AAA or anything similar is 18 months . So, instead, I propose an
intermediate solut ion.

On the low end, we have the A 1200. Not a bad little machine, but it needs a little more . Make it a little bigger, so that there's
room inside for a 3.5" harddriv . L ts get a SIMM socket in it for up to 8MB of fast RAM, a socket for a math co-processor ,
and for crying out loud, a built in r I time clock chip. Might as well put in the CD32's Akiko chip, and offer an external
CD-ROM drive (mak ing the system 100% CD32 compatible) . Finaly , give it a 21.4Mhz EC030 processor (socketed).
21.4Mhz? That's three times the standard 7.14Mhz Amiga clock rate -- 1.5 times as fast as the current A1200. Keeping the
clock at a multiple of 7.14Mhz makes the design a bit simpler (the A1200's CPU is actualy a 16Mhz chip); 21.4Mhz is
pretty close to the standard 25Mhz EC030 part . This new A1200 would be over three times faster than a stock A1200 today .

In the mid range , we have a perfect candidate that Commodore was too stupid to make : The Amiga 3000+. This wonderfull
machine that never happened was the original A4000 prototype . Basicly, it was an A3000 but with AGA and a DSP built in.
This machine should be brought back from the dead and released . It's already been designed , it just needs to be
polished off and released.

For the high end, we need something bell er than AGA. In order to mainta in compatib ility, this mach ine will have to have the
AGA chipset. But lets build in an existing graphics chip set - one of the newer 64 bit SVGA chipsets . Lets have the Amiga
graphics passed through , like some Amiga graph ics cards do, so that you could see Amiga AGA screens and SVGA screens
as if they all came from one chipset. Include system software that retargets graphics to the SVGA chipset (Cybergraph ics?),
and sound to the DSP (a new audio.device, maybe a 'dsp .library' or whatever so programers can use the DSP). Include
software that uses the DSP to do JPEG compress ion, and other cool things .

Throw in a 68060 CPU for power, and stuff it all into a killer tower case. Don't forget a SCSI-II controler , and a fast serial port .
The thing here is that all this stuff already exists and works, but you have to buy it all separately and stick it together .

So, our phase two lineup looks something like this (available sometime next year):

A1300: 21.4Mhz EC030 CPU, 4MB ram, CD-ROM (external) , 120MB HD. $600 .

A4400: 40/20Mhz LC040 CPU, DSP, SCSI-II, CD-ROM. $1500 .

A4400-40 : 80/40Mhz 040, '.', $1700 .

A4500T/060: 100/50Mhz 060 CPU, DSP, SCSI-II, 64bit SVGA graph ics, CD-ROM . $2500.

Phase three:

This won't be able to happen for some lime , unfortunately. There seems to be some debate whether it is worth the trouble to
finish the AAA chipset , or the "3D RISC" chip that they were working on as a post AAA system . I like features of both chipsets ,
and I think they should take the best of both to create the next generat ion Amiga .

The 3D RISC system was to be based on a customized HP-RISC CPU. That sounds like a good core for a new chipset. But
lets keep parts of AAA: Hi-resolution graph ics, VRAM, blitter, fast floppy port, fast serial ports, etc. There isn't much need for
the 16 bit 8 channel audio system , if we have the DSP, but it probably wouldn 't hurt to have it.

It may be a better idea just to use one of the newer 64 bit (128 bit?) SVGA chipsets. This in comb ination with the DSP would
probably be able to do everyth ing Amiga users have come to expect . Remember that SVGA would be much less limited when
running AmigaOS.

With this all new chipset, we might as well switch to a new CPU. By this time, things should have settled a bit in the industry.
Perhaps the PowerPC is the best choice of CPU. With all this new stuff, we can take the oppurtunity to add things like full
RTG, MP and VM, extensive new GUI objects , etc., to the operat ing system.

It is pretty hard to speculate about this system . I still insist that AAA/3D -RISC would be competitive . No other system would
have all the features of this chipset in such a compact and finely tuned architecture . Lets look at what this system might look
like (this is of course pure speculation and wishfull thinking) :

Motherb oard :

  PCI slots (and Zorro III for backward compat) .
  64 bit RAM (pairs of 32 bit SIMMs)
  PowerPC CPU, 100+Mhz RISC. Possibly on a CPU card like existing Amigas .
  DSP: 32 bit floating point, 33MFlops .

Custom integrated MultiMedia chipset:

  1280 x 1024 resolution.
  Full support for NTSC/PAUHDTV graphics .
  HAM8, HAM10 (24 bit!), 16 bit, 24 bit modes .
  Chunky and planar modes.
  Blitter (can do mathematical operations , scaling, texture mapp ing).
  Advanced true co-processor .
18                                       4th Quarter 1995                                                     Blacklistedl 411
 16 bit sound.

  Quad Density floppy support (3.5MB).
' CD-ROM support .

 Two high speed DMA driven serial ports.

Operating system:

 Pre-emptive multitasking.
 Memory protect ion and Virtual memory .
 Object oriented GUI.
 Datatypes .
 Interprocess commun ication.
 System script language (ARexx) .

 I think such a system would still compare favorably with competing systems .

tI' The Motorola 68060     @50Mhz is 20-30% faster than a Pentium at 90Mhz running NewTel Lightwave 3D. (but of
      course , we always knew that Motorola's were more efficient, now didn't we?)

tI'   If want to use an IBM keyboard on your Amiga, there's a little device called the "SwitchHitter" that lets you use any IBM
      keyboa rd on your 20001250013000/4000 and CD32 (it could be hacked into the A500/A 1UOO, just that these mach ines
      have different keyboard connectors) . It's only $45 including shipping. Contact:

Name:                     Dana Peters
Address :                 #7 - 49 Sherway Drive
                          Nepean , Onta rio
                          Canada K2J 2K3

Telephone :                (613) 825-703 1

E-mail:                   Dana_Peters@M iteI.COM
Wor ld Wide Web:          http ://www.worldlink.caI-dana

 Blacklisted! 411                                          4th Quarter 1995                                                 19
                                               The Blaelt Marltef
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                             10-line business ad - $15 per issue
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to build soundboard schematic, parts list and common chip        6707. Free catalog of "insider" books on scanners , cellular,
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soundboard for $59.95. SOUNDMAN, 132 North Jardin St.,           A TO Z OF CELLULAR PROGRAMMING. Programm ing
Shenandoah, PA 17976. (717) 462-1134.                            instructions on over 300 phones in a software database . Also
TIRED OF SA TEST KIT S with marg inal or inconsis tent           back door and test mode access instruction s for all the
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Guaranteed . Offer expires soon. Keith Perry, 607 Osage Dr.,     ANNOY ING TELEPHONE CALLS! Sound older and tougher
PO Box 816, Leander , TX 78641. (512) 259-4770 .                 when you want to. Not a kit. Fully assembled. Us with
ZENITH Z-TAC COMBO UNITS only $50!! We have a limited            single or multi-line phones. 30-day refund policy. Ask for fr
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while they last! We also have ZTAC remotes for $5 each.          1270 E. Broadway, Tempe AZ 85282-5140. Toll Free order
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8500 $120 . Will program your 8550 , 8500 EAROMS for             CELL PHONE cloning for the guy who has (two of)
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BUILD A RED BOX". VHS 60 min . Complete step by step             Van Ecl! Iystlma+ATM2 +DallCard Rlad.t' RJ7'CM'RIdarl
instruction on how to convert a Radio Shack tone dialer          Ultraaonlo1R +SICU'
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                                                                 r1l.,surYllllancl + EM Labo'WllponrJtounl.rmlalurli + Rllonant
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Only $39 US . $5 for shipping & handling. DIGITAL
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Send check or money order to: East America Company,              ing fee (does not obligate you). 11me and cost estimates In7·10 days.
Suite 300 , 156 Sherwood Place , Englewood , NJ 07631.           CELLULAR                 &     CORDLESS PHREAKING
                                                                 Howcellphones operate andaremodifted. Vulnerabllllles to hack attack and coun-
(201 )871-9172 .
                                                                 wlMotlware).             PBX HACKINCi
                                                                 1000s01 PBXs are hacked to the tooe 01 about sa BJlIIonIfrI 'MIlle our"VOICE
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                                                                 ~:e~a::p~:'r:ts~::M~B~ ~rsi:C~r..~:':~~Wo~
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                                                                     PHREAKINCi CALLER ·10                                       &     ANI
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                                                                     CONS, SCAMS & RELATED SWINDLES
                                                                 Cons. scams and related swindles fleece Amer1cane 01 $100+ BIIIon peryeII1The
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22                                     4th Quarter 1995                                                          , Blocklistedl 411
                                            (continued from page 15)
 persuit of happiness . The only legitimate function of govt. is to protect those rights. The individual is sovereign (every man a
.king in his own house) and the govt. is servant to th sovereign . A democra cy is totally different. In a democracy , there is no
 recogn ition of a Supreme Being having created man with unaliable rights. The individual HAS NO RIGHTS IN A
 DEMOCRACY. A democracy is simple majority rul . If the majority decide that they don't like people with short hair ano .ed
 bow ties, they levy a tax on that particular group. Six wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner is an exar-iple of
 democracy in action. My own favorite example of a democracy is a bunch of people on an overcrowded lifeboat lrying to
 decide who gets fed to the sharks. In any case, the individual no longer counts, but becomes subject to the will of the majo rity,
 which is supreme.

The will of the majority is the govt. Therefore, the govt. is no longer servant to the people but a master. The result is always
DEMOCRACIES. That is what is meant by a "Peoples Democratic Republic."

Back to the history lesson. The 13 sovereign nations that formed the federation each jealously guarded their sovereignty.
Therefore, not one of them was willing to let any of the others be the seat of the federal govt. So, Virginia donated a 10 square
mile piece of land for the seat of federal govt, which was now not part of any of the several states of the union . It is called,
alternatively, Washington DC or the "United States." The "United States" was never intended to be a state nor was it intended
to have any of the rights of any of the several states. It was just supposed to be the seat of the federal govt. The federal govt.
was a govt. of very, very limited powers. Mainly, it was the foreign agent of the several states, so that we could bargain
collectively with foreign powers.

 The US constitution placed heavy chains on the federal govt, but there was on flaw in the armor and that is, THERE WAS NO
 SQUARE AREA (known alternatively as Washington DC or the United States).

 Article I, section 8, clause 17 of the US constitution granted congress an exclusive legislative jurisdiction over the 10 sq. mile
 area known either as Washington DC or the "United States." That means , a simple majority rule over the internal affairs of
 that area, and that is of course a democracy. The "United States" was therefore a democracy waiting to happen. What it
 lacked was its own citizens.

  In 1868, the 14th amendment to the US constitution was passed to give the newly freed black slaves a form of citizenship.
  With the exception of Pennsylvania and one other state, whites only were Citizens of the various states. The "United States"
  did not have any authori ty to interfere in the internal affairs of any of the several states of the union, and therefore had no
, authority to force any of the states to grant the freed slaves a Citizenship of the state. The only authority the "United States"
  had was to make the blacks "United States citizens." These citizens (small c) HAVE NO RIGHTS. Being citizens of a
  democracy, they are servant to government. They can only have privilege, which is revokable at the whim of congress. A
  citizen (small c) of a democracy does not have an absolute right to own property. All property is collectively owned by the state
  (the majority rule.) So, the 14th amendment created a new, second class of citizenship (small c). Although created for the
  freed black slaves, the vast majority of us today are US citizens under the 14th amendment. How did that happen?

 There are several ways in which someone who is born a free, white Citizen of any of the several States United becomes a "US
 citizen." But, 1 will cover here the main culprit. In 1935, the Social Security act was passed. There are those who will argue
 that the act was as unconstitut ional as hell. I agree. But, the original act, as passed, was still relatively benign. Each state
 had control over their own social security program . But, in 1939, social security metastasized (spread, got cancerous ) when
 it was federalized, via the Public Salary Tax Act. ANYONE WHO CHOOSE TO KEEP HIS SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AT

 This article was reprinted from Freedom and Soveriegn Technology Volume 1, Issue 6 with

    Dumb luck beats sound planning every time

  Blacklisted! 411                                           4th Quarter 1995                                                   23
                     Dop'f milllP illue!
   B/acl/idetl!'!!! Lefferl                               DID YOU MOVE? ARE YOU
                                                           THINKING OF MOVING?

    Crprell, Ca 906JO                                       lei ulinowleveralweell in awanee..

                                  KNOW THE TRUTHI
  Freedom and Sovereign Technology (FAST) makes its debut with this issue. Vol ume 1
  Number 1 has three articles .

                                    L THING
  This is a two page book review on how to legally and safely volunteer out of the voluntary income tax. People have paid
  thousands of dollars on restoring their sovereign status. This book has all that information in one place and proves that beyond
  a reasonable doubt that most of us are already sovere igns and do not have to do someth ing to become a sovereign. Th is book
  is entertain ing, and easy to read and understand . It will heal your fears and lay a fire under you to take action with conf idence
  and certa inty. It has leUers in it that make the IRS back off and leave you alone . It conta ins recent court cases where
  sovereigns have won in court. It has freedom papers in it to safely declare your sovere ign status. It has information on the
  Uniform Commercial Code which is the real law the government operates under and shows you how to use it aga inst the
  government. Read this review and then get the book.

               \'O                    N
  This is Vol. I, NO of THE PATRIOT . This article goes into the reasons why zip code use invokes federal jurisdiction. Zip
  Code use is voluntary. You should also know that the Postal service cannot discriminate against the non-use of the ZIP Code.
  The government tells you that use of the zip code speeds the mail but that is not the real reason. By using zip-code s you are
  stating that you are a subject of Congress and a citizen of the District of Columb ia who is resident in one of the severa l States
  and put yourself in the federa l zone . This article encour ages you to become a State Citizen who is not .within the purv iew of
  the MUNICIPAL LAWS of the District of Columbia. If you are using a ZIP code , you are in effect saying openly and notoriously
                                                                  a                                                of
  that you do not live in the State of California, but, instead are resident in the California area of the District Columb ia (a
" federal district). Get this ve"ryvaluable one page docum ent. $1.00 I) . . .

  This article gives loads of legal citations showing the true predatory reason the federal government wants people to use zip-
  codes. Zip Code addresses are for the corporate United States and its agents . The federa l government has as much taxing
  and regulatory power asit does because almost everyone in the 50 states are using zip code addresses :-vh places all users
  into federal 'districts. If massive numbers of people stop using zip codes , we can shrink the power of the federal government.
  Get t.his one page ~rticl e and learn more about zip codes. $1:00 I ).

  This is a three page articie that makes a case for a compass ionate free market where capitalism and socialism can pea cefully
  co-exist. It explains why commun ism failed after seventy years . It presents a workable alternative to the present welfare state.
  It puts the welfare state on a comp etitive basis with free market alternatives to itself. This article will provide amp le food for

  (Send $5 for one copy or $50 for a one year subsc ription of 12 issues)

  To fin d out more inform ation o n the se and other fine reading materi al, write to :

  4102 E 7th Street #118
  Long Beach, Californi a Republic
  The United States of Ame rica
  Phone: (310) 436-9604.
 24                                       4th Quart er 1995                                                   Blacklistedl 411
                          New Crypto Chip Designed
AT&T Bell Laborato ries and VLSI have enter d a non- xclusive agreement to develop a new commercial cryptographic chip.
The plan indicates waning support for the governm nt m ndated Clipper data-encryption chip. The new cryptoqrapr -c chip,
which is not mandated by the U.S. Government, but m ets government standard for security, has industry insiders speculating
whethe r VLSI, the manufa cturer of the Clipper chip, nd AT&T , a supplier of Clipper equipped phone s, have stoppe d
supporting the infamous chip. The Clipper chip is known for its ability to unscramb le encrypted transmissions with a digital key
possessed by the government for "national security" purpos s. This capability has stirred a "Big Brother" controversy among
several civil rights and engineering organizations. This n w proposed chip design has no such "known" back doors .

This move has some industry observers believing there is no market for the government endorsed Clipper chip. The data
supports this conclusion, with only 1,000 clipper chips sold last year according to James Bidzos, president of RSA Data
Security, Redwood City, CA that licensed the technology to both companies . "Companies are not going to get into a market
unless it is a sizeable one", he said. The two supporters of the new chip believe that it will entice the commerc ial and consumer
areas more than the ill-recieved Clipper chip.

The chip is designed to be used to protect data that is being sent over wireless networks, over the lnternet, on cellular phones,
or other wired data systems such as cable TV. The VM06868 single chip encryption system is based on public key encryption
where the digital key itself in used in the data encryption . Without this key, the data encrypted becomes useless and
undecypherable. The chip uses a single or triple DES operation which is generally accepted to be virtually unbreakable .

          Global information network underused
Several recent unpublished reports claim that the global information highways are using only a small fraction of their potential
capacity. The reports studied potential and used capacity on high speed fiber optic circuits in Transatlantic, Transpac ific, and
other international lines serving western Europe.

A report never released to the general public commissioned by Comsat Corp., determined that nearly two thirds of capacity
on Transatlantic and Transpacific high speed data fiber optic trunks are unused. This number may grow to over four fifths of
unused capacity as new trans-oceanic cables are brought on-line over the next 18 months.

Across Europe, sources say, even more capacity lies idle. Operators have declined to comment on how many pairs that are
installed in their installed cables, but informed sources suggest most intra-European links include 20 to 40 fiber pairs. Typically
no more than six fiber pairs are equipped with electronic lasers and detectors, the rest remain ' dark'. Also many existing lines
operate at only 8mbps or 34mbps, when they could be upgraded to speeds of up to 2.5gbps without replacing any installed
fiber. Most public operators long distance networks are "generously over-dimentioned' according to a report delivered to the
European Commiss ion recently.

 Views vary on why there is so much unused capacity. Some suggest that extremely restrictive national regulat ions limit
 availability of unused capacity. These regulations make it difficult for companies to lease international fiber optic lines. But it
 appears that the major hurdle is telecom operators who do not wish to sell their available capacity for fear of competition from
 alternate telecommun ication providers. Telecom operators often refuse to share capacity information, even when allempt ing
 to work towards a common goal. METRAN, a project to introduce 155mbps networking throughout Europe is still in limbo after
-four years of talks. Even RACE, a European Commission fundedbroaobend network program, does not know how much
 capacity is in the ground .

Unfortunately the victims are numerous . MFS Communications Co. says that every European operator it contacted for
34mbps international circuits turned it down. The companies only high speed digital link is between the United States and the
United Kingdom. Other operators have experienced similar problems on the Transatlant ic route. Despite the spare capacity

 Blacklistedl 411                                                                                                               25
available, reseller lOB WorldCom Inc. h s found it difficult to lease high speed lines 'on major Transatlant ic cables operated
by public telecom operator s. In f ct, sources say that MFS is the only non public telecom operator that has leased a
Transatlantic circuit of 34mbps or mor .                                                                     .

Even when high speed circuits ar v iI ble, they are expensive. MFS, for example , was looking for a high speed channel to
lease inside Germany, and was off r d 34mbps circuit, but at 17 times the price of a 2mbps circuit. 'W e want to prov ide a
pan-European interconnect at nativ LAN speeds, but at that price, nobody would buy " said Th ierry Bosser , an MFS
representative in Brussels.

Telecom operators have stated that they are only acting as "rational competitors " and if they priced capacity near actual cost,
it would destroy their profitability. Joe Baptista, vice president of a European telecom believes that"Leased lines are priced
high for competitive, defensive reasons, to prevent resellers from being able to build their own networks at costs that would
enable them to compete. In the United States, capacity figures fare much better. Sources estimate about 2000 long distance
45mbps circuits are on commercial leases, compared to fewer than 20 in all of Europe . In the United States , data
communication networks are rate tariffed requiring telecom providers to make available unused capacity to alternate network

Ironically, the high prices for high speed wide area networking is encouraging many providers to build their own networks
since competitors will be able to price their capacity above cost. The end looser is the consumer , who will paying for multiple
under used parallel networks rather than using existing hardware to capacity.

                          Former FCC Head Predicts
                            Commissions Demise
AI Sikes, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission during the presidency(rein) of George Bush, told the press
that in his view the agency will cease to exist in its present form within 5 years. In the future he believes that the FCC will be
more involved in straightforward implementation than in resolving high policy issues. Sikes bases his opinion on the feeling
that substantial telecommunications deregulation considered by the US Congress is inevitable. The projected free-market,
free-for-all atmosphere will make the FCC as it is knows today completely irrelevant. Sikes said 'W e only need the FCC if
there is high policy to deal with. If you are only policing the airwaves to make sure people are using their assigned spectrum ,
you don't need a Commission:

The World's Largest Indoor'Cellular Network
NYNEX Mobile Communicat ions and the New York Stock Exchange have developed the wor ld's largest indoor cellular
telephone network. The "digitals microcell" network will enhance trader's productivity on the floor by reducing the time spent
going back and forth tv banks of phones lining the perimeter of the exchange. Traders will be provided with 500 handsfr ee
cellular telephones that meet the demands of the floor's frenzied environment. "Our network will allow traders to mainta in an
even flow of business through virtually instantaneous communications anytime, anywhere on the Exchange" said Cyntyh ia J.
White, executive vice president and CEO of NYNEX Mobile Communications.

26                                      4th Quarter 1995                                                   Blacklisted! 411
                                  Cybergridlock Feared
The huge growth in the number of computer s hook d up to th Internet could soon face the electronic version of gridlock, as
reported by computer industry experts. It is stimat d th t tr ffic from the worlds 20 million Internet users is estimated at more
than 1 terrabyte of information a day, over 30 t rabyte       month, equaling 30 million 700 page novels, and the network is
feeling the strain. Experts believe that this probl m could reach a critical point in three to five years unless a solution is found.
"It wont come on us suddenly like a brick wall, but there will be an ever more noticeable diminution of network speed' said
Charles Stancomb, of London based consultan cy SRI International. Accord ing to Vinton Cert, labeled 'The father of the
Internet", and now a senior vice-president at MCI Communications Corp., network congestion has reached a "dangerous
measure" because the Internet was still "modest in capacity"

Developed in 1969, the Internet was developed as a way for Defense Department scientists to exchange results between
laboratories. In the 1970's and 1980's, it has grown haphazardly across the phone lines with the explosive growth of the
personal computer. Despite newly added fiber optic lines, some users are already noticing in network speed. Effects include
taking much longer to access Internet Web pages, and download files. The Web with its new Internet pages that include video,
audio, and high quality images is only adding to the congestion.

Fifty spoken words digitized, or 3 seconds of video, take up the same about of bytes a 700 page novel. Byte hungry audio and
video have become a standard of every software that accesses the Internet. Some operators of Internet trunk lines such as
Sprint Corp. is rapidly upgrading their digital circuits to add greater capacity. The expansion is greatest in the United States
where Internet use is the greatest. Telecom operators are concerned that Internet traffic could cause bottlenecks on their
networks. The proposed solutions usually involve charging users to use the internet itself, that previously has been free, with
the only cost being a local phone call and any premium services used, but this added expense is not well received by the
current egalitarian culture of the internet. Unfortunately with the business community waking up ',0 the potential of the Internet,
some believe it is inevitable in the long run.

                                    Plastic Hard Drives?
Just when you thought glass or ceramic was the latest innovation in hard drive medium, plastic has arrived on the scene.
Seagate Technology and Sony Corp are betting on just that. The two companies have announced a joint venture to develop
and commercialize disk drives using pre-embossed rigid magnetic (PERM) technology pioneered by Sony. PERM uses a
plastic media similar to CD-ROM's and magneto -optical disk drives. The technology calls for a pre-formatted servo, and
discrete tracks resulting in expected higher signal to ratio figures, which could result in improved signal densities.

PERM has the potential to allow drives with five times the density of current media. In addition, the new technology could cut
manufacturing costs by simplifying production on the permanently embossed servo. New head and channel developments will
aid in design of higher capacity drives as well. The PERM technology is still in its developmental infancy, and real product may
not be available until 1997 or 1998. Magnetic media is feeling the competition from developing optical and solid state storage
technolog ies, but industry analysts are optimistic that this new technology would add several years to the life of the magnetic
storage business.

                                        p rivate lin e
                                         a journal of inquiry into the telephone system

                                                Tom Farley, Editor & Publisher
                                                Damien Thorn, Technical Editor
                             $27 a year for six issues
                                $4.00 for a sample
                (Text of back issues at Michigan's ETEXT archive)

                     (916) 488-4231 (916) 978-0810 FAX
           5150 Fair Oaks Blvd. #101-348 Carmichael, CA 95608 USA    1

 Blacklisted! 411                                            4th Quarter 1995                                                     27
                                                   NINETIES                                                                             :

I                                                 (c) 1995 - Damien Thorn
    Those not suffering memory loss associated with the abuse of assorted substances may recall Digital Thunder's introduction
    to cellular hacking that appeared in the last two issues of Blacklisted! 411. Th is article expands on some of the topics he
    raised, and makes corrections and updates as appropriate. Here you'll learn some of the secrets of cellular hackers.

    Since cellular hacking and cellular fraud are not synonymous, it's important to make a distinction between the two. Hackers
    enjoy the technology itself, and the magic that can be found stashed inside most cellular phones in the form of diagnostic
    commands that allow one to regain manual control of normally automated hardware . Cellular bandits are more interested in
    snagging electronic serial numbers.

    Speaking of snagging serial numbers, as a columnist for Nuts & Volts Magaz ine, I've received countless letters from people
    asking how to make a "cheap ESN reader." This has always been a private source of amusement because "cheap" and "ESN
    reader" don't belong in the same sentence. Outside of a large cellular repa ir facility, there is no logical reason for anyone to
    need the capability of snagging an ESN other than fraud. And since cellular repair shops and those engaged in cellular fraud
    both make big bucks, it's laughable to get such a question. Takes money to make money, you know? Put down the phone
    before you hurt somebody.

    Those nell-bent on figuring out how to decode the data may want to check out some of the cellular chipsets manufactured by
    Phillips/S igne!ics. Their RF cornmun lcatlons databook even lists deve lopment kits to assist budd ing manufacturers in
    designing cellular phones and writ ing firmware around their hardwa re. These chips, espec ially the UMA1000T "data
    processor for cellular radio" can take demodulated audio from either the AMPS or TACS system and spit out data. Error
    correction is handled in the hardware, and this further reduces software requirements. Although the chip is designed to be
    integrated into a cellular phone, it may be possible to make it do other things. With the inherent 12Cserial bus control, talking
    to the chip is not the mcst difficult thing in the world to accomplish. Not being a programmer , it's more than I can stomach, but
    the lengthy "cellular chipset design guide" in the databook sure gave me a much greater understand ing of the hardware .
    Forty-three pages on how to design and build a cellular phone makes for heady reading.

    The phase-shift keying (not phase-key shifting as written last month) employed by the cellular system for data transmiss ion is
    further complicated by a type of error correction protocol known as BCH encoding. The initials stand for the unpronounceable
    names of the three people who collaborated on designing the protocol. (Sorry, I can't even talk about the 'Yggdrasil' Linux
    distribution without people snickering. They now call it Plug-and-Play Linux because of people like me...).

    Since I can't say it, I won't try to explain it. Anyone hell-bent on designing a device to deccde this protocol really needs to order
    the cellular specifications from the Electronic Industry Association in Wash ington , DC. I've read the hundreds of pages
    describing the cellular air interface a number of times, but I'll never understand all of it. Polynomial encoding of binary data is
    a subject heavy enough to sink a battleship, you know?

    Much of the esoteric detail has also been described in text files by the likes of Brian O'blivion, Restricted Data Trans mission
    (RDT) and other fine folks associated with Boston's The LOpht. Those with Internet access can check out their ftp site at as long as their server doesn't detect IP source headers indicating your provider is America Online. AOL users
    have been banned from the archives. Please respect the LOphts net presence and avoid greed when searching for files,
    okay? Unlike welfare and payphones , some public services shouldn't be abused.

    Much space was also devoted to describing the contents of a so-called "numer ic assignment module" (NAM) in tha last issue,
    including assorted diagrams of chip pinouts. Unfortunately, use of these chips in cellular phones has gone the way of the
    infamous "blue box" and henceforth should only be published in paleontology journals. Accord ing to the "NAMFAX"
    programming manual published by Curtis Electro Devices, this type of NAM format (and the associated chips) pretty much fell
    b)' the wayside in 1988 with the introduction of handset programmab ility. "Burning a NAM" with subscriber information no
    longer requires a chip programmer .

    Since that information is only of historical interest, let's lake a look at the technology used in more recent years. With most
    modern phones, the data programmed in through the keypad programm ing mode is stored in an EEPROM (electr ically
    erasable programmable read-only memory) device. These little chips usually use a two or three wire serial interface to read
    and write data to and from the chip. The stored data includes the subscriber's mobile number, home system identification
    number and a few other useless things such as the phone's unlock code and access overload class.

    Interestingly enough, manufacturers somet imes store the ESN within this chip as well, and simply "protect" the serial number
    by not allowing the phone's firmware to over-write the specific bytes containing this data. This does not preclude anyone from
    pulling the chip off the phono's logic board and reprogramming it themselves , however. While the phone's operating firmware
    may not re-write the ESN bytes for a cellular bandit, a standard EPROM programmer or software will do it in mere seconds.

    The two most common serial EEPROMs used in cellular phones are the 85C72 and the 93C46. Photo #1 is a shot of the
    93C46 in a Technophone MC9XX series phone. The 8-pin surface mounted chip is between capacitor "C10" and oscillator
    crystal "XL2" if you can read the silk-screened legends on the PC board. That small sucker (or a close cousin) is the target of
    many cellular cloners, and a number of freeware utilities (that many companies will be happy to sell you for a few hundred
    dollars) will assist hackers in programming these chips from a PC.

    Despite FCC regulat ions that requ ire manufacturers to protect the circuitry respons ible for serial number delivery from

else. It even neatly unplugs from the rest of the telephone circuitry. Amazing, huh? Outboard ESN storage like this can be
found in some older phones such as the Mitsubishi 800.

What this type of module allows a manufacturer to do is build phones en masse on the assembly line without worrying about
what amounts to a serialized component. If a manufacturing defect or quality control problem occurs, there are no ''wasted''
serial numbers. The ESN component is simply plugged in during the final assembly phase. An added benefit is that the logic
board can be swapped out in the field by a service technician without requiring an ESN change. Of course, this also makes
these phones inaedibly vulnerable to being hacked.

Not all companies take the Beavis and Bullhead approach to security when building cell phones, however. Some actually are
fairly difficult to exploit. After the arrest of 18 people in New York for cellular cloning a couple of years ago, the president of
Audiovox was quoted as saying, 'The sad thing is that this type of crime is very preventable . If this type of alteration is
attempted on an Audiovox cellular phone, the phone is rendered useless."

Louis Antoniou of Audiovox says that altering the ESN is prevented on Audiovox phones through an algorithm in the phone's
firmware . While he didn't specify exactly how this is accomplished , we assume that he is referring to a form of encryption .
While we don't know what form such encryption may take, Phil Zimmerman has confirmed that it is not PGP. Maybe there's
a Clipper chip in there ...heh!

Other manufacturers take the high road to solving security issues by avoiding the use of standard EEPROMS to hold the ESN
data. In these phones, the ESN is burned to a one-time programmable memory location inside the microprocessor itself and
thus cannot be altered or easily read back out of the chip. Circumventing this type of security has required hackers to actually
rewrite the operating firmware of the phone to instruct it to look elsewhere for the ESN.

There are two good examples of this. The first was a firmware replacement written by Video Vindicator and first released by
Drunkfux at the invitation-only SummerCon about two and a half years ago. By today's standards it was rather awkward
software that derived the ESN from values entered in standard ftelds such as those containing the security code and system
ID. Since tumbling fraud was still prevalent at the time, it was a convenient way to alter the ESN through the handset
programming mode.

The latest technique has been employed in the various bootleg chips available for the popular Oki 900 phone. With one of
these binaries installed, the user can simply key in one or several different serial numbers directly from the keypad, and select
the desired one prior to
each call . A similar
operat ing       firmware
modificat ion        came
along not too long ago
installed     in     small
Panason ic        phones ,
such as the HB-600.
Just a year ago, these
modified       Panasonic
units were selling for
 about     $1,500      and
 popular on both the
 East and West coasts.

Eventually a 44-year-
old California man was
arrested along with his                                                        Photo 2
 Blacklisted! 411                                             4th Quarter 1995                                                                            29
26-year-old son and a family friend for allegedly writing the modificat ion, and selling more than 1,000 of-the phones . The
arrest was the culmination of an eight month joint investigation by the SecretService and a number of local law enforcement
agencies. According to agents involved in the case, a number of the phones had been seized during Northern California
drug bust, and have turned up as far away as Europe.                                     ' . '

Simply writing new firmware for a cellular phone is apparently not illegal, no matter what the routines within the chip may do.
The people arrested in this case had supposedly gone beyond explor ing technology and were provid ing work ing ESN I MIN
pairs preprogrammed inside the modified phones . Oops. Big-time cloners tend to fall simply because the cellular industry
needs to.put on a med ia show. Never mind the fact that tens of thousands of people from all walks of life are using cloned
phones of one type or another. No one mentions that the $300 million they claim to lose each year to fraud represents only
a minuscule 3% of their annual revenue, which woul d be more than an acceptable lossin any other industry .               .

What these highly-public ized arrests do is to distract the public from the fact that the cellular protocol has gaping security holes
that are impossible to close without replacing every single cellular phone in existence . Since this isn't likely to happen , it
appears that cellular hacking , fraud and cloning will continue at it's current rate of escalat ion. When the mainstream news
media reports that 40% of all cellular calls placed in Oakland, California on a Friday night are fraudulent, it paints a pretty
dismal picture.

Overall, the cellular network is fun to explore despite the overwhe lming amoun t of abuse . It appea ls to a broad spectrum of
those interested in technology because it combines radio, computers , networking and telephony. It's such a complex and cool
blend of disciplines, that we can't help but explore it further in future issues.

Damien Thorn is a reformed hacker -j ournalist who writes for various magazines and is the author of
"Cellular Hacking," a forthcoming book from Index Publishing Group, 3368 Governor Drive, Suite
273F,San Diego, CA 9212. Damlen can be reached via e-mail as and welcomes
your comments.

Are you a monitoring enthusiast? A scanner nut? A freq freak?

If you identify as any of the above , SCANNER JOURNAL can show you areas of scanning you probab ly didn't know existed.
We all know that news happens "live" every day; everyone from wor ld leaders to the local dog catcher is out there on the radio
somewhere -and you can listen if you know where to tune. We've become a wired world .

What's the catch? It's that there are thousan ds, maybe millions, of different radio freque ncies. Your scanner tunes most of
these, but how do you find them out? You could ask. Don't expect a lot of answers . Expect a lot of suspicious looks. You could
look them up in FCC records , if you have about six months. You could even find them all with your search mode 0/. if you have
several years to figure out all the codes and abbreviations you'll hear .

The other choice? Join the non-profit Radio Communications Monitoring Assoc iation!

Founded in 1975, we are the first national and international association of scanner radio listeners. Each month, our SCANNER
JOURNAL publishes hundreds of frequen cies, code s and pieces of background info. Half of SCANNER JOURNAL is
dedicated to police, fire and other public safety, in the belief that a scanner is as valuable a survival tool as a flash light or food
supply. In floods and other emergenc ies, there won't be time to search out frequencies . The RCMA helps find the good ones
before they're needed . Ask anyone who went through the Los Angeles riots how important this is.

As scanners include more bands , so do we. Our expanded coverage includes the most informative shortwa ve columns
around, for both broadcasts and "utility" users. We also cover VHF skip. Next time you hear Spanish on your local police
frequency, we'll tell you who it is!

30                                       4th Quarter 1995                                                      Blacklisted! 411
You write the SCANNER JOURNAL. All of th inform tion comes from the members themselves , making it far more timely
than the commercial magazines. Peoplo s nd in II ort of things. It might be the Indy 500 frequencies , or a way to get 1000
channels on a 200 channel scanner. W e n or NOTHING. If product is a dog, you'll know, and save your money . We've
lost advertisers this way, but that's just the w y it go

Besides devoting half of our publication each month to public saf ty-related frequencies, we also cover all the latest laws and
legal actions relating to the use (and abus ) of   nn rs. W promote responsible listening, and work to improve its image.
We keep track of Washington, and local ordin n s. Thi might ven keep you out of jail!

In many larger cities, we have local chapters, wh r p opl can meet to exchange information or tour local communication
agencies. Many public safety pros are members, so you n v r know what you'll see. RCMA gives you a view the public never

If all this sounds good, why not join us now? Write to RCMA, P. O. Box 542, Silverado, CA 92676. The SCANNER JOURNAL
comes your way each month. You can even choose between a six month and one year membersh ip.

                                 HARDWARE HACKERS F ORUM

             FULL BOO MHZ COVERAGE '95
by Steve Donnell, RCMA Technical Topics Editor, 2105 Main 5t, Newmarket, NH 03857
Here is a neat approach that you may want to consider in order to deal with the reality of having incomplete 800 MHz
programming coverage in all newer models of scanners. "Image reception" is one technique that has been used in the past to
get around 800 MHz and other programming limits as defined in a scanner's computer 'firmware .' But even with is not without
its drawbacks. Usually there is a small portion of 800 MHz band spectrum that still can't be reached .

Here is a better way: most scanners (those with a 10.80 or 10.85 MHz 1st IF frequency) designed and/or marketed by Uniden
utilize a fairly standard PLL synthesizer and LO (Local Oscillator) chain configuration: A single VCO (Voltage Controlled
Oscillator) that operates in the VHF frequency range which supplies LO signals to 1:111 of the different frequency band
converters . During VHF band(s) reception , the VHF frequency converter stage uses the LO signal without any need of
additional frequency multiplication.

For UHF band reception , that same LO signal is multiplied x3. For 800 MHz band reception, the LO is rr.ultiplied x6. Frequency
multiplication for the UHF and 800 MHz band reception all takes places an internal funct ion of the UHF and 800 MHz
frequency converter circuit stages. Whenever you have an 800 MHz frequency programmed into, say, a BC-220XLT, the
'base' frequency of the VCO is operating somewhere in the 150 - 165 MHz range. This is then multiplied up (x6) to 795 - 950
MHz, exactly 10.8 MHz down from whatever frequency you have programmed into the scanner.

In order to get around the frequency limitstops from the scanner's CPU (which prevents frequenc ies in the 869 - 894 range
from being programmed into the scanner), I figured why not find out if I could generate a 'base' LO signal in the correct
frequency range by programming the scanner onto a frequency of a different band. Then I could manually 'hotwire' ON the
scanner's 800 MHz frequency converter stage, a function normally controlled by the CPU. .

I concluded that if you program a frequency in the range between 157.435 and 161.699 MHz into a scanner like the new
BC-220XLT, which supposedly cannot be set to receive frequencies in parts of the 800 MHz band, then manually toggle ON
the logic line that controls the 800 MHz frequency converter (and of course block the logic line that turns ON the VHF high
band frequency converter to prevent inadvertent reception of VHF signals), you could perhaps receive signals from stations
operating in the 869 -894 MHz range. Extensive land and field testing has shown this technique works just marvelously .. .

It's important to note two distinct advantages for using this method" even with older models of scanners that can be 'CPU
modified' to receive across frequencies in the 869 - 894 range, you often had in many cases to tolerate a significant amount
of 'image reception' interference when scanning or searching across this frequency range from other stations in the 860 MHz
area. If you generate your 'VCO base' signal by programming in frequency limits of between 157.435 MHz and 162.600 MHz,
the multiplied LO siqnal comes out 10.8 ABOVE the 869 - 894 MHz range.

Another reason for using this method is that you are typically stuck with tuning steps of only 12.4 KHz in all portions of the 800
MHz band. This can result in receiving some stations a few KHz off frequency. By using this newer approach, although the
tuning steps that the scanner uses in the 157 MHz is 5 KHz (with the additional frequency multiplication of the LO signal taken
into account), the tuning step increments the scanner operates on now becomes 30 KHz. Isn't that just special .. .

 As we have hinted about earlier, this modification technique can be applied to a number of scanners. Scanners like the
 BC-760, BC-200 and quite likely the new BC-700 and the Sportcat. This also includes some Radio Shack scanners like the
 PRO-51 and the PRO-2026-any that were designed by Uniden. Other Radio Shack scanners, like those from GRE, employ
 a separate VCO for use with the 800 MHz band.

 One additional step that I noticed when trying this mod on a BC-950 and BC-760 is that for these two scanners and any others
 that employ a 10.85 MHz 1st IF, you also need to supply a turn ON voltage into the PLL Shift line. This is required to operate
 the PLL at the correct frequency for 800 MHz reception while a VHF is 'dialed in' on the display. Merely tie a 10K resistor
 between the Shift input to the PLL board and a +5 volt DC source. A somewhat better approach is to connect the 10K resistor,
 not to the Shift input on the side of the PLL module, but directly to the PIN diode that the shift line normally controls. For a
 BC-760 this would correspond to the Anode of 0705 (05 3 for the BC-950). We will go into more specific details on how to
 perform this mod for a BC-760 if any readers would like to have it covered.

 Blacklisted! 411                                          4th Quarter 1995
Conceivably, since the scanner is not required to actually 'program' in any 800 MHz frequencies, this technique could be used
with a scanner that does NOT have any 'normal' 800 MHz capability at all-one like the PRO-2023 . This would still require an
800 MHz converter stage to be installed . Uniden part #: BPHY0140ABZ .

                                                                                   Specific details on how to install this mod
                                                                                   in a BC-220XL T can be seen in diagram
                                                                                   1. When the switch is in the Normal
                                                                                   position, the scanner operates entirely
                                                                                   normally. When the switch is in the
                                                                                   Convert position, the operation of the VHF
                                                                                   High band converter stage is blocked and
                                                                                   the same control voltage used for the VHF
                                                                                   converter is used to turn ON the 800 MHz
 Diagram                                                                           band converter . Then all you need to do is
         lH                                                                        program in frequency search limits of
                                                                                   157.435 and 161.600 MHz, The LO signal
                                                                                   the PLL generates is between 146.6 and
                                                     o                             150.8 MHz. The VHS High band converter
                                                     o                             is not activated, so no VHF signals are
                                                   o 0                             received . But the LO is also routed into the
                     Top                                  Bottom                   800 MHz converter-which when manually
                              BC.220XLT Receiver PCBoard                           activated , generates a x6 multiple of the
                                                                                   LO across a frequency range of 879.81 to
904.8 MHz. Since there isn't too much action 10.8 MHz above this range , typically anything you hear will be 10.8 MHz below
the LO range limits.

Even if you do not perform this mod, I hope it will give you a beller understanding as to how scanner are designed and how
they operate. One additional hint that I have come up with for more interference-free reception of certain parts of the 800 MHz
band is to employ some means of good RF band pass filtering . This can be a big improvement for many scanners used in
urban areas A very easy and economical way to approach this is with a duplexer from any old '800 MHz mobile subscriber'
radios. These can commonly be found at many Ham f1eamarketsfor about $10 - $20. Depending on whether you connect your
scanner to the RX or TX port of the duplexer , you can use it for filtering either Mobile or Base frequency band splits.
Reprinted from 1/95 edition of Scanner Journal with permission of Radio Communications Monitoring
Association, Inc.

 Damien Thorn's                       CELLULAR + COMPUERS + TELCO + SECURITY

                                 FILE ARCHIVE ON CD-ROM
 The entire underground archives from the Phoenix Rising Communications
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 only. Price covers archiving and production costs.

   ilI-Oi:nlX                       ~1~lnG COIi1Ii1UnICALIOn~
                                3422 W. Hammer Lane, Suite C-110
                                    Stockton, California 95219

32                                     4th Quarter 1995                                                  Blacklisted! 411
                            D tiiUl York
 212-242-7814 NY New York           R d Phon                    516-56 1-6590 NY ValleyS tream        L1CALimb s
 212-353-8415 NY New York           Digit IZ ro[lm )            516-579-7507 NY Levittown             Utopia Te ch
 212-371-5462 NY New York           Gr nny' RBBS                516-579-7929 NY Levittown             Sma!lTime
 212-406-9108 NY Manhatta n         Tentr R d i g               516-589-4984 NY Bohemia               Software Store
 212-431-1273 NY New York           Invention ct'y               516-627-69 10 NY Manhasset           PrintShopp e,dtp
 212-486-0 118 NY Rooseve ltlsl     The Ma TR                    516-6 32-8000 NY Stony Brook         Eagle's nest
 212-519-1791 NY New York           Running Bo rd                516-643-0747 NY Melville             The Campus
 212-579-2869 NY Bronx              Fordham Jesuit               516-669-8577 NY No. Babylon          Metro Board
 212-580-36 15 NY New Yor k         Needful Thing s              516-674-4033 NY New York             Star's End
 212-594-4425 NY New York           BlueDog                      516-689-2566 NY Stony Brook          Searchlt Home
 212-627-0531 NY New York           FPX2                        516-694-2318 NY Farm ingdale          Paradigm Legal
 212-628-5486 NY New York           Network On                  5 16-694-3623 NY Farmingdale          Expressway
 212-679-1879 NY New York           Scarlet's DOni              516-736-6662 NY Selden                Your SNoJ Resce
 212-679-6972 NY New York           NYPC BBS                    516-767-3169 NY PtWashington          Pt Washingt on
 212-685-8309 NY New York           PosterBd Net                5 16-783-3228 NY Wantagh              KESCO
 212-691-2679 NY New York           Real Exposure               516-796 -7686 NY Seaford              Hard Disk Cafe
 212-696-0360 NY New York           PC Mag I.R.S.               5 16-822-8909 NY Plainview            Artit. lntell.
 212-727-9046 NY New Yor k          Natl DPjobs 1 st             516-829-0726 NY Great Neck           ChatLink       0
 212-734-1090 NY New York           ACE                          516-868-1741 NY Baldwin              Intelec Online
 212-750-3643 NY New York           MidnightDriver               516-889-4586 NY Long Beach           Wizards Domain
 212-752-8660 NY New York           Free Financial               516-922 -5153 NY Oyster Bay          PC Beginner
 212-86 1-9827 NY New York          Delphinus                    516-922-72 14 NY Oyster Bay          Enclave Book
 212-876-5885 NY New York           Amer.lnfo .Svcs              516-922-9445 NY Oyster Bay           Pampered Parrot
 212-888-6565 NY New York           Computers&Dream              516-935-5704 NY Plainview            MicroQuick
 212-924-9627 NY New York           BluePhishen'                 516-938-6722 NY Hicksville           PDSLO,!
 212-962-1920 NY New York           Wise By1  e                  516-968-7824 NY BayShore             SourceFor Source
 212-989-8411 NY New York           Echo
                                                                 518-283 -5716 NY E. Greenbush        ACCESS Netwo rk
 3 15-221-2570 NY Winfield          M.I.S.,files                 518-371-6078 NY Clifton Park         Shenendehowa
 315-245-3815 NY Camde n            Kadet,pgming                 518-442-5738 NY Alban y              Rockflr College
 315-331-1556 NY Newark             T.O.I.L.                     518-452-0897 NY Guilderland          Pineview
 315-339-5668 NY Rome               MidnightMadness              518-45 9-0270 NY Albany              Telesphere
 315-339- 8831 NY Rome              Nite-Air BBS                 518-462-6134 NY Albany               DissociationNet
 315-428-3373 NY Syracuse           JobFinder BBS                518-464 -8700 NY Albany              Regents Colleg
 315-458-3482 NY Syracus e          Dreamscape                   518-483-9129 NY Ma lone              Tro:1Bridge
 315-474-5568 NY Syracuse           N.A.S.I.X.                   518 -486-6631 NY Albany              RAIN,E7 1
 315-564-5700 NY Hannibal           Late Night                   518-747-5330 NY Hudson Falls         Dream Theater
 315-642-1013 NY Philadelphia       North Country                518-773-8143 NY Gloversville         SpeedyTr adingPt
 315-642-1220 NY Philadelphia       Dots-N-Dashes                518-785-41 89 NY Alba ny             Night Flight
 315-733-6694 NY Utica              New Horizons                 518-8 46-8803 NY Chazy               Tavern
 315-736-3792 NY VVh itesbo ro      Excalibur                    518-885-41 92 NY Ballston Spa        Access
 315-737-0934 NY Utica              RealEstate Info
 315-769-0165 NY Massena            MCHS-BBS                     607 -272-4060    NY Ithaca           TotPersVlx
 315-773-2099 NY Fort Drum          SeaBIN BBS                   607 -273-5027    NY Ithaca           Line Noise
 315-785-8034 NY Watertown          Memory Prime II              607 -293-6015    NY Mount Vision     Silicon SysOp
 315-786-0778 NY Watertown          StarNet                      607-3 24-6169    NY Horne ll         Demon's Abyss
 315-786-1120 NYWater.own           Cyberealm                    607-433 -2313    NY Oneonta          UserGroup
 315-866-1725 NY Herkimer           Sierra PCBoar d              607-533-7072     NY Lansing          Home Emm asoft
                                                                 607-562-3652     NY Corning          PC Fanatic!
 516-226-3895 NY Farm ingdale       LI File Exch                 607-625-2378     NY Apalachin        Best Spot
 516-244-7064 NY Bohem ia           Shadowguard                  607-687 -3470    NY Owego            NiteWing
 516-266-5182 NY Holbrook           Time Slice                   607-687-6193     NY Oswego           WaldenPuddle
 516-293-7540 NY Farmingdale        Leisure & Bus                607 -729 -2585   NY Vestal           Space Shuttle
 516-352-7475 NY Elmont             Wingnut                      607-732-4565     NY Elmira           Sugar Mountain
 516-371-05 39 NY Inwood            Midnight Star                607-797-4522     NY Johnso n City    Toys/Attic
 516-374-0551 NY Wood mere          PenDragon 'sLair             607-7 98-0315    NY Binghamt on      The Mail Box
 516-385-4383 NY Melville           ESI Sales BBS                607-798-1734     NY Johnso n City    BroomeCompUn
 516-395-4507 NY Mast ic Beach      Monitor-1                    607-936-0229     NY Corning          CrystalVisions
 516-420-0818 NY Farmingda le       SUNY College                 607-937-8547     NY Corning          a-a-a
 516-471-8625 NY Ronkonkoma         Suggest ionBox
 516-482-Q623 NY Great Neck         PC Online                    716-22 4-8216 NY Rocheste r           Crystal Palace
 516-483-3975 NY Garden City        Unicorn BBS                  716-342- 2673 NY Rocheste r           Irond
 516-486-3902 NY Franklin Sq.       Games & More !!              716-3 59-0871 NY Roches ter           Kraut Haus
 516-486-4705 NY S.Hempstead        The Unknown                  716-359-4730 NY Rochester             MatrixDataBank
 516-488-4325 NY Floral Park        MetroF ire/Resc              716-35 9-4736 NY Henrietta            WiroterParadise
 516-488-6528 NY Lake Success       Canon                        716-367-3652 NY Hemlock               CONST. ORION
 516-493-0186 NY Commack            GamePedd ler                 716-383-1321 NY Rocheste r            Intele-comm
 516-536-1546 NY Rockv" Cntr        Big Apple                    716-434-1448 NY Lockport              Mr. Machinist
 516-536-8723 NY Oceans ide         SoundofMus ic                716-46 1-1924 NY Rochester            FROG Pond
 516-546-8025 NY Baldwin            So. oftheBauder              716-47 3-5204 NY Rochester            The Panic Zone
 516-561-3801 NYValleyStream        PCPlace                      716-548-7443 NY Byron                 Lost Identity

 Blacklistedl 411                                             4th Quarter 1995                                              33
716-549-6365 NY Angola          MGG Enterprise      718-962-2403    NY   Bellerose     dCLipboard
716-594-5440 NY Roche ster      The Oracle          718-966-8637    NY   Staten Isle   The Forum BBS
716-594-5572 NY Rochest er      The Hats Place      718-972-6099    NY   Brooklyn      Star-Link
716-627-3299 NY Lake View       DataXprslnfo        718-979-6629    NY   Staten Isle   Sound Barrier
716-668-6596 NY Cheek towaga    Dark Star           718-983 -9152   NY   Staten Isle   Comp utec Data
716-677 -2528 NY West Seneca    Falcon's Nest       718-984-4511    NY   Staten Isle   Sylvia'sDen
716-685-6970 NY Buffalo         Elec Flea Mkt       718-987 -8786   NY   Staten Isle   Northern Wor ld
716-688-6537 NY Buffalo         On-line Sports
716-695-0583 NY Buffalo         B-IBM-UG BBS,!      914-225-0501 NY Carmel             Wincomp
716-695-1937 NY Tonawanda       Cougars Kingdom     914-225-7629 NY Carmel             Design System
716-728-3896 NY Way land        Profess ional' s    914 -227 -4402 NY Hopewe ll Jct    Thol ian Web
716-774-8547 NY Buffalo         Niagara Univ        914-229-0197 NY Hyde Park          Solutions
716-787-1155 NY Penfield        Viper's Lair        914-234 -1284 NY Bedfo rd          Strom i's Place
716-822-7350 NY West Seneca     Datalink-PC         914 -237 -3664 NY Yonkers          Ricochet
716-832 -7989 NY Kenmore        KenfTon             914-242 -8227 NY Mt. Kisco         NYM Chat BBS
716-836-8717 NY Buffalo         Triton              914-245-2455 NY Amawa lk           Amawa lk Premium
716-865-2106 NY Roches ter      Knight Moves        914-246 -2885 NY Saugert ies       The Tan k
716-875-0283 NY Buffalo         Pier 1 Xchg         914-248-6737 NY Granite Sp.        BartG uy Online
716-881-5380 NY Buffalo         Night Owls          914-266 -8472 NY Staatsb urg       FrenchysH ideout
716-892-8428 NY Buffalo         RAM BBS             914-271-9407 NY Croton             2' x 4'
716 -895-1146 NY Buffalo        Buffalo DataSys     914-279-2514 NY Brewster           Brews ter
716-964-8475 NY Rocheste r      Lighthouse          914-292-0670 NY Liberty            Space Station
                                                    914-297-0665 NY Poughkeepsie       PC-Ra in Node1
718-204-7831 NY L. I. City      Cravings            914-297 -2915 NY Wapp . Falls      5MBBS NETWORK
718 -241-0225 NY Brook lyn      The C Group         914-298 -8205 NY Wapp. Falls       Dutchess CoCo
718-251-9346 NY Brooklyn        More BBS            914-336-4582 NY Lake Katrine       North Country
718 -253-2431 NY Brook lyn      JTSCom              914-336-8269 NY Kingsto n          Fly With Eagles
718 -265-2532 NY Brook lyn      Boiler Room         914-342-4585 NY Wawayanda          RedOnionExpress
718-268-0060 NY Forest Hills    EmpireStateOn ln    914-344-0140 NY Midddletown        Game Room Delx
718-268-5618 NY New York        ISOQ BBS            914-344-0350 NY Middletown         « Prism
718-268-5763 NY Forest Hills    NET-Hack            914-344-4856 NY Middletown         Compute r Onlin
718-331-5692 NY Brook lyn       PsiCop BBS          914-352-6121 NY Monsey             Node 66 East
718-335-0763 NY MiddleV ili.    On-line Store       914-354-5463 NY Pomo na            10 Forward
718-341-3606 NY Jamaica         [Int'l Trade]       914-356 -3306 NY Spring Valle      Kakiat BBS
718-351-7633 NY Staten Isle     Abstract            914-36 1-3887 NY Circlev ille      BililTedsExcl
718-352-4 194 NY New York       Kitty's Cafe B      914-365-6 176 NY Orangb urg        Gain Share
718-367-2940 NY Bronx           Bronx Science       914-368-4354 NY Suffern            Skyline
718-370-3592 NY Staten Isle     Crysta l Castle     914-38 1-1600 NY Mamaroneck        Brentwood
718-377-0524 NY Brooklyn        Data Link           914-425 -2304 NY SpringValley      Adv . Comp oNets
718-439-3116 NY Brook lyn       Trans -Continent    914-436 -5293 NY Fallsburg         Vamp ire's Den
718-444-4555 NY New YorkCity    MAS User Group      914-439-4681 NY Lvgstn Manor       Midnight Hour
718-446-2157 NY Queens          ABC On-Line         914-452-4753 NY Poughkeepsie       Rifle Range
718-458-0502 NY Elmhurst        Jims'PCParad ise    914-462-0363 NY Poughkeepsie       OuterLim it
718-460-4373 NY New York        TradeWare           914-462 -1536 NY Poughkeepsie      PC-PANIC
718-494-17 19 NY Richmond       fathe rnet bbs      914-462 -7674 NY Wapp . Falls      PC-Rain Node2
718-529-8890 NY Queens          Holma n's Wor ld    914-473-0191 NY Poughkeepsie       MHVNet
718-531-5223 NY New York        Doctor'sO ffice     914-482-4239 NY Jeffersonvel       Shuttle BBS
718-539-3338 NY New York        NY Amat.ComC lub    914-485 -3393 NY Poughkeepsie      HamRad io
718-592 -1095 NY New York       Friend's            914-496-4115 NY Wash'ville         Glass Manazu re
718-631 -8719 NY Queens         J&L Compu ter       914 -528 -2330 NY Peeksk ill       Century BBS
718-636-3081 NY Brook lyn       Expressways         914-557-3567 NY Eldred             The Main Frame
718-648-5199 NY Brooklyn        Tea Room            914-583-6237 NY Smallwood          Home of CHEAT !
718-692-2498 NY Brooklyn        MoonDog's           914-621-7001 NY Mahopac            Gateway
718-698-1776 NY Staten Isle     Obscured/C louds    914-654 -1981 NY New Rochelle      Adv'dCompCpts
718-706-7634 NY New York        Critter Conn .      914-665 -1725 NY Mount Vernon      Go Diamond !
718-716-6 198 NY Bronx          Systematic          914-667 -4567 NY Mt Vernon         ExecNet ,LAN
718-739-5845 NY Briarwood       Tree Branch !       914-667-9385 NY Mt Vernon          Brown 's
718-760-0921 NY Elmhurst        A No Name BBS       914-682-1965 NY Wh ite Plains      Cloud 9 Online
718-76 1-9513 NY Staten Isle     Sports Connect n   914-693-9100 NY DobbsFerry          Image Cente r
718-762-1030 NY Queens           10:30 BBS          914-698 -9 166 NY Mamaroneck       MHS-BBS
718-793-4796 NY New York        the Belfry( !)      914-734 -7045 NY Cortlndt Mnr      Laser
718-793-8548 NY Queens          THE ICEBOX BBS      914 -735 -9362 NY Pearl River       Electr onic NY
718-816 -1808 NY Staten lsi      Computer Connx     914-736 -3186 NY Crompond           Dark Side Moon
718-833-5949 NY Brookly n        Japanese NetSys    914-747-2836 NY Thornwood           Seven Keys
718-837-3236 NY Brooklyn         Consultant BBS     914-758 -3055 NY Red Hook          WIZARD 's TOWE R
718-853-8957 NY Brooklyn         BrooklynPervert    914 -782 -2080 NY Monroe            Idle Hour
718-876-0337 NY Staten lsi       PhotogrphrsNtwk    914 -783-0343 NY Ches ter           Hillside
718-876-7009 NY Staten lsi       MJF BBS System     914-794-8904 NY Monticello          MHS :BBS
718-882-5683 NY Bronx            BBSLineTrave ler   914-796 -1136 NY Mont icello        CPU :BBS
718-892-0187 NY Bronx            Caz' Devastat io   914 -794 -1576 NY Mont icello       Dgtl Parad ise
718-919-1991 NY Brooklyn         Techncn's Lnge     914-831 -3379 NY Wapgers Fils       Chicago Fire
718-932-4702 NY New York         Impax Chat BBS     914-833-1479 NY Larchmont           Powerboard Supt
 718-934-1843 NY Brooklyn        Shadowdale         914-876 -1450 NY Red Hook           Hudson Valley
 718-939-5462 NY New York        MovieBBS           914-878 -3112 NY Patterson          Peop le Power
 718-939-7686 NY Fresh Meadow    Sq1200 Aviation    914-887-4651 NY Long Eddy          'Summit Data
 718-949-3551 NY Jama ica        TRI-STAR! BBS      914 -888-4295 NY Wurtsboro          Lead ing Edge
 718 -951-6652 NY Brooklyn       Mind Matters        914-889-8379 NY Staatsb urg        The Link
34                               4th Quarter 1995                                        Bla cklisted! 411
 914-928-8191 NY H'land Mills                                                                                             914·964 -4 19 NY Yonkers                            Lost Carrier
 914-928-8712 NY Woodbury                                                                                                 9 14·96 5-4980 NY Yonkers                             Spec Apptmt
 914-934-8125 NY Rye Brook                                                                                                9 14-968-2205 NY Yonkers                              Dome Ideas
 914-941-2246 NY Ossining                                                                                                 9 14-969-1266 NY Yonkers                              T.R.EX +
 914-961-8749 NY Eastcheste r                                                                                             914-986-9341 NY Warw ick                              MindofWEM

     Blacklisted! 411                                                                                           4th Quarter 1995
           CAUGHT                         THE BLACKUSTED \\fEB
                                                by Ender Wiggin
Okay, so now you've given into all the media hype and gone out and gotten yourself an Internet account with graphical
World Wide Web access . Now What? When you' re tired o(the local news server , your brain has been fried by
HotWired, and you're sick of Bill's self-serving page on which he gives you precious little, where does a cool dood like
you go? Here 's just a few of the ultra-kewl, fun, and very informative sites that lie waitin g for you to discover:

T he Co nsum mate Winsock Apps. List - http://cws apps
               You gotta to stop here first to whip your Windoze SLIP/IP account into shap e! Jump here and find all the
latest and greatest advances in Winsock Applications. You can find any Winsock App that's available to make your
life easier, from Netscape to Searcher. Do your part for the environment - keep your Winsocks from stinking!

Great Microprocessors of the Past and Pres ent - http://www .html
             So, you think you know all there is to know about computers , huh? Well, what do you know about the
brain of the system , the processor ? From 8088 to MIPS, every great microprocessor from the 70's to present day is
outlined here. So get over here and get caught up on your processing trivia!

Fou r 11 - http://www .Fourii .com/
              Like a bonehead , you lost the E address of that guy that was gonna give you the plans to mod your
cellphone . Never fear, there 's still a chance! Just jump to Four 11 and like searching the white pages , you can find the
address of anybody who 's landed there and registered (which includes just about everyone who 's kewl)! Ah, crisis
solved, you found him - now where did you put your soldering iron?

AT&T Toll-free 800 Directory - http:// /
             The greatest find for a phreaker is some schmuck that actually wants to pay for your calls. Here' s a huge
directory of them! The entire contents of AT&T's Toll-free 800 directory is here on the Web, coupled with a great
search engine. Find ' em by name or category in a matter of seconds . Hey who sez AT&T doesn 't do anything nice for

The Internet Phon e - http://www
            Wanna make calls to anywher e in the world for the price of a local call with no effort? Check out this site
and download The Internet Phone, a program that allows you to use the Internet to make real-time calls to anywhere in
the world. All you need is Windoze, an Internet account , a Windoze-compatible sound card, a microphone and some
speakers. Why go through all the trouble of phreaking for your long-distance calls, when all the hard work has been
done for you! Jump here, and let the world hear ya!

Cybe rcafe Public Tel ephones - http://www .cyb l.html
            Gee, I have no idea what anybody would want with a listing of several pay phones around the world ...

The Ob itua ry Pa ge - http://catl .html
             Face it, people die everyday, and for the morbidly curious , here is the ultimate obituary page. Listed here
are some of the most notable people who have died around the world since 1994, updated regularly. You can even add
the names and pictures of your loved ones in the Virtual Memori al Park . There's even a place for you to pay your
respects to Fido and Fluffy after they've parted your company . Make a j ump for the decease d, and don't fear the reape r!

The Star Wars Home Pa ge - http://force .st
             The saga is back with a vengeance! Star Wars abounds on this site - from media clips to the latest news
from ILM to the RPG and collectibles , this site has it all! So strap on your Light Saber, and remember , the Force will
be with you, always!

Mirs ky's Worst of th e We b - etro/mirskylWorst.html
             Okay, so far I've given you some of the best sites on the Web, how about the Worst? This site has links
to the web's worst sites, and trust me, they are truly painful! From dolls designed by Marie Osmond, to a web page
design firm that can't design it's own, to a poor shmoe's desperate plea for a wife and the worst nicknames on the Web ,
Mirsky will show you the absolute worst on the ' Net! What's even worse is that he adds new submissions daily !
Remember, "If it isn't Mirsky 's , then it isn't the Worst!"

Recomme ndatio n - http://www in/recommendation
              So you waited too long to get your references , and now you're in ajam . Jump here and let Podunk State
University 's Math Departm ent give you a glowing recommendation that is sure to bowl them over in a matter of
seconds! So Zachary, do I get the job?

36                                    4th Quarter 1995                                               BIQcklisted! 411
                                                                           NPA ANAC number     Comments
    201 958           Hackensack/Jersey Crty/N workiP t [Jon, NJ
    202' 958-l000(       Dic1ri t of Columbia
                               c                                           517 200-222-2222 Bay Crty/JaCksoniLansing, MI
    203 960 "         CT (All) ,                                           517 200200200200200 , Bay Crty/Jackson/L nsing, MI
    203 970 '    ., CT (All)                                               518 997          Albany/SchenectadylT roy, NY
    205 908-222-2222       Birmingham , AL                                 518 9911         Albany/SchenectadylT roy, NY ·
    206 411 :'      .,WA I' Not US West 0/                                 802 593-0609         Phoenix, AZ.       .
    207 958           ME (All)                                             802 593-6011         Phoenix, AZ.
    208 411           1 (All)
                       0                                                   602 593-7451         Phoenix, AZ.
    209 830          'Stockton, CA                                         803,200.222-2222 NH (All)
    212 958           Manhallan , NY                                       806 997·5 55-1212 AshlandlWi nchester, KY
    213 114           Los Angeles ', CA                                    807 993          Bingharmon/Elmira, NY
    213 1223          Los Angeles, CA I' some lAESS swrtches 0/            809 958          Atlantic Crty/Cannd  enITrentonM neland, NJ
    213 211·2345         Los Angeles , CA I' English response 0/           812 511          MinneapoliS/Sl.Paul, MN
    213 211-2346         Los Angeles, CA I' DTMF response 0/               815 200200200200200 Nashville, TN
    213 61056          Los Angeles, CA                                     615 830          Nashville, TN
    214 790           Dallas, TX I' GTE 0/                                 618 200-222-2222 Battle CreekiGranr Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI
    214 970-222-2222 Dallas , TX                                           611 200-222-1234 Boston, MA
    214 970-611-1111 Dallas , TX I' Southwestem Bell 0/                    617 200-222·2 222 Boston, MA
    215 410-xxxx         Philadelph ia, PA                                 6 17 200-444-4444      Boston, MA rW lbu m , MA 0/
    217 200-xxx· xxxx      Champaign -Urbana/Springfield, IL               611 220-2622         Boston, MA
    301 958-9968         Hagerstown/Rockville, MD                          611 958          Boston, MA
    305 200-222-2222        FI. Lauderdale/Key WesVMiami, FL               618 200-xxx-xxxx Atton/Cairo/Ml.V emon, IL
    309 200-xxx-xxxx       Peoria/Rock Island, IL                          703 811          Alexandria/Anington/Roanoke, VA
    310 114           Long Beach, CA r on many GTE swrtches 0/             708 1·2 00-8825       ChicagolElgin, L (Last four change rapidly)
    310 1223           Long Beach, CA I' some 1AESS swrtches 0/            708 356-9646         ChicagolElg in, IL
    310 211-2345         Long Beach, CAr English response 0/               713 970-xxxx        Houslon, TX
    310 211-2346         Long Beach, CAr DTMF response 0/                  714 211-2121         Anaheim, CA I' GTE 0/
    312 200           Chicago, IL                                          716 511          BuffalolNia gra Falls/Rochester , NY I' Rochester Tel 0/
    312 290           Chicago , IL                                         711 958          Harrisburg/ScrantonlWi lkes-Barre, PA
    312 1-200-8825        Chicago , IL (Last four change rapidly)          718 958           BronxIBrooklyn/Queens/Slaten Island, NY
    313 200-200-2002 Ann Arbo rlDearbomiDetrort , MI                       802 2-222-222-2222 Vermont (All)
    313 200-222-2222 Ann ArborlDe arbomlDetrort, MI                        802 200-222-2222 Vermont (All)
    313 200-xxx-xxxx Ann Arbor/DearbomlD etrort, MI                        805 830          San Luis Obispo, CA
    313 200200200200200 Ann Arbor/DearbomiD etrort, MI                     806 970-xxxx        AmariliolLubbock, TX
    314 410-lOOQC#        Colum bia/Jefferson Crty/Sl.Louis, MO            810 2002002002002 00 Michigan
    314 511         . Columbia/Jefferson Crty/SI.Louis, MO                 812 410-555-1212 Evansville, IN
    311 310-222-2222 IndianapolisIKokomo , IN                              813 311           FI. Meyers/SI. PetersburglTampa , FL
    311 743-1218         IndianapolisIKokomo , IN                          815 200-xxx-xxxx      La Salle/Rockford, IL
    401 200-200-4444        RI (All)                                       815 290           La Salle/Rockford, IL
    401 222-2222         RI (All)                                          811 211           FI. WorthlWaco, TX
    402 311           Lincoln, NE                                          811 970-611-1111 FI. WorthlWaco , TX I' Southwestem BellO/
    404 311           Atlanta , GA                                         818 1223           Pasadena, CA I' some l AESS swrtches 0/
    404 940-xxx-xxxx Atlanta , GA                                          818 211-2345         Pasadena, CA I' English response 0/
    405 897           Enid/Oklahoma Crty, OK                               818 211-2346         Pasadena, CA I' DTMF response 0/
    407 200-222-2222 OnandolWest Palm Beach, FL                            906 1-200-222-2222 Mart1uel1e1Sautt Ste. Marie, MI
    408 300-xxx-xxxx :. San Jose , CA                                      908 958           New Brunswick, NJ
    408 760           San Jose , CA                                        910 311           Fayellevilie /GreimsborolR alieghlWinston-Salem, NC
    408 940           San Jose , CA                                        910, 988    .,    Fayel1evilie/Greensboro/RalieghlWinston-Salem, NC
    409 951           BeaumonUGalveston, TX                                914' 990-1111        PeekskilVPoughkeepsielW M e PlainsIYonkers , NY
    409 970-xxxx         Beaum ont/Galveston, TX'                          915 970-X;XXX       AbileneiE I Paso, TX
    410 200-6969          Annapo lislBattimore', MD                        919 '7 11:,     . Durham, NC
    410 200-555-1212 Annapol isIBattimore, MD
    410 811           Annapolis/Baltimore , MD                             Canada:
     412 711-6633         Prttsburgh,PA                                    204 644-xxxx     Manrtoba
     412 711-4411         Pillsburgh , PA                                  306 115        S.askatch ey"a ~·" Canada
     412 999-xxxx        Pillsburgh, PA ' "                                403 311.       Alberta , Yukon and N.W. Terrrtory
     413 958          Pill sfieldiSpringfield , MA                         403 908-222-2222 Alberta, Yukon and NW. Terrrtory
     413 200-555-5555 Prttsfield/Springfield, MA                           403 999        Alberta, Yukon and N.W. Terrrtory
     414 330-2234         Fond du Lac/Green Bay/Milwaukee/Racine, WI       416 410-xxxx     Toronto, Ontario
     415 200-555-1212 San Francisco , CA                                   416 997-xxxx     Toronto, Ontario
     415 211-2111         San Franc isco, CA                               514 320-xxxx     Montreal, Quebec
     415 2222          San Francisco, CA                                   519 320-xxxx     London, Ontario
     415 640           San Francisco, CA                                   604 1116        Brrtish Columbia, Canada
     415 760-2878         San Francisco, CA                                604 1211        Brrtish Columbia, Canada
     415 7600-2222         San Francisco, CA                               604 211        Brrtish Columbia, Canada
     419 311           Toledo, OH                                          613 320-2232      OIIawa, Ontario
     502 997-555-1212 Frankfo rULouisvilie/PaducahiShelbyville, KY         70S 320-xxxx     Sautte Ste. Marie, Ontario
     503 611           Portland, OR I' not all parts of town 0/
     508 958           Fall River/New Bedford/Worchester, MA               Australia:
     508 200-222-1234        Fall RiverlNew BedfordlWorchester, MA         +61 03-552-411 1    Victoria 03 area
     508 200-222-2222 Fall RiverlNew Bedford/Worchester, MA                +61 19123        All major capital citles
     509 560           SpokanelWalia WallaIYakima, WA
     512 200-222-2222 Austin/Corpus Chrisli, TX                            Unrted Kingdom:
     512 830           Austin/COrpus Christi, TX                           115
     512 970-xxxx         AuSl in/Corpus Christi, TX
     515 5463           Des Moines , IA                                    Please use 1-800-MY-ANI-IS more than lh ese, so that these will not go
     516 958           Hempstead/Long Island, NY                           down!

       Woultlyou lilte fo confrilJufe? Whaf'i fhe holtlUp?
     Blackliste dl 411                                                 . 4th Quarter '1995                                                        37
                 Internet E-mail
  Send all Internet E-mail submissions to:
For Zachary Blackstone:                      
For Alexander Tolstoy:                       
Article submissions :                        

 Note: We do not answer reader letters/questions/comments over the internet.
We only accept these for reprint in a future issue with the corresponding answers.
 Article submiss ions, subscription requests , distribution requests and general
        operation questions will get a response if we deem it appropriate.

                                       Do it"••

 Note: Our old internet email address( is no
  longer valid. ALL mail sent to that address was LOST, so please
  resend all of your correspondence to the addresses listed above.
                              Thank you.

                                               New Moviel
                     Their Crime? Curiosity!
Our crime? Not watching these thingsl Why? This is what society thinks of "hackers" and what they are (or
are not) capable of. It would be a good idea to watch this, when it comes out. The trailers we've seen for it
do look quite interesting, actually. Remember, though, this movie is nothing but fiction with a lot of made up
technology and ideas. Although , the ideas do bring new subjects into light. If you liked War Games ,
Sneakers, Johnny Mnemonic or The Net, this movie will be a good one to watch, as well. If anything, it's
something to take your mind off the real world of hacking and into the imaginary world of high-tech-cyber-
hacking-anonymous-101.. Some of the stuff out these days -representing the hacking ability- is incredibly out
of whack....BUT.....It's entertaining ! So, when you watch this, try not to choke on the misrepresentation. :)

                   So, you ve !Jeenthinking a!Jout wrHing UI
                            aleffer orarticle, huh?
                                               JU OIT
                                                 STD I
38                               4th Quarter 1995                                         Blacklisted! 411
                               Blacklilfetl!AlJlJreJliafion Lilfing (P:'L)
In this issue, we will staft with ou r HUG // tin of common bbroviatlons used in the areas we tend to write about.
We could only fit ab breviation th rou gh C' In thl I u . w: 'II put so me moro in the next exciting issuel "you ever
have any additions to this list, pi a                     '0
                                         , x th m u , writ us letter, call us , etc. P.S. This was a submission I Do
we all know what THAT mean s? WE DID NOT WRIT THIS. H II, so mething similar was probably already printed
so mewhere else before we got ah ol d of 'hi • Anyhow, th acronyms on the following pages are VERY usefull Enjoyl
o       Data                                                          DCPSK      Differential coherent phase-shift keying
o       Defau~   supervision                                          DCS     Data communications subsystem
o       Dig~s                                                         DCS     Dig~al crosconnect system
o     Dispach                                                         DCS     Dig~al cross-connect system
o     HoteV  motel equipment from trouble report (TSP only)           DCS     Direct current signaling
D-CTl    0 channel controller (IDEC)                                  DCSO      Display compleated service order (Imos command)
D/A    Dig ~al to analog                                              OCT     Dig~al carrier trunk
D1PK    DS-l interface pack (SCM· l0S NTI)                            DCTB      Oct bank
D1PK    DS-l interface pack (SCM-lOS MUX NTI)                         DCTEXT      OCT extended
DA     Dig~al data off-net extentlon INTERITRA blocal 1·28            DCTN      Defense commercial telecommunications network
DA     Directory assistance                                           DCTS      Dimension custom telephone service
DAC     Dig ~al to analog converter                                   DCTUCOM       Directly connected test un~ common board
DAC     Dispatch Administralion Center                                DCTUPORT Directly connected test unlt port circu~
DACC     Directort assistance call completion                         DCn     Device control n
DACK     Direct memory access acknowledge                             DO     Data downstream (i.e. 10M2)
DACOM      Data communictlons corp. of korea (ROK)                    DO     Delay dial
DACS     Dig~al access cross-connect system                           DO     Disk drives
DACS     Dig~al accessed and cross-connected system                   DO     Due date
DACS     Directory assistance charging system                         DO     Total sw~ching control center '.SCC) and field work time .
DACTVTD     Deactivated                                               DOC     Direct department calling
DAEDR      Delim~ation                                                DDCMP      Daily display conversation mode and printer
DAIS    Distributed automatic intercept system                        DOD     Direct distance dialing
DAMl     Dig~a l added main line (pair gain)                          DDGT      Dig~al data group termina'
DAMT     Direct access mechanize testing                              001    Direct dialing-In (i.251 A)
DAP     Display administration process                                DON     Defense data network
DAP     Document application profile                                  DDOV      Dig~al data over voice
DARC     Division alarm recording center                              DDS     DDS loopback test (SARTS command)
DART     Distribution area re habil~ation                             DDS     Dataphone dig~al service
DARU     Distributed automatic intercept system audio response unit   DDS      Dig~al data service
DAS     Data auxiliary set                                            DDS      Dig~al data system
DAS     Directory assistance system                                   DDS      Dig~al data system (the network) dataphone dig~al
DAS     Distributor and scanner                                       DDS      Dig~al dataphone service
DAS-WDT     Distributor and scanner-watch dog timer                   DDS     Display the OS table
DAS/C    Directory assistance system/computer                         DDX      Dig~al data exchange
DASD     Direct access storage device                                 DDX     Distributed data exchange
DASS2     Dig~al access signaling system 2 (BT)                       DEAC      Deactivation (CII channel code)
DAU     Dig~al access un~                                             DEACT      Deactivate
DAV     Data above voice                                              DEC      Dig~al equipment corporation
DAY     Delete an assembly                                            DECT      Dig~al european cellular phone
DB     DSSDS 1.5 mbls access line INTERITRA blocall ·26               DEL     Delete
DB     Decibel                                                        DEN      Dig~al equipment number
DBA     Data base administrator                                       DERP      Defective equipment replacement program
DBAC      Data base administration center                             DES     Data encryption standard
DBAS      Data base administration system                             DES     Destination
DBCS      Data bank control system                                    DEST      Destinations
DBl     Data base load                                                DET     Detatch MSG. (i.451)
DBM      Database manager                                             DEV      Deviation
DBMS      Data base management system                                 DEV      Device
DBOS      Data bank organization system                               DEW       Distant earty waming (line)
DBS     Duplex bus selector                                           OF     Distributing frame
DBSS      Data bank securny system                                    OF     Distribution frame
DC      Device cinfirmation (CII channel code)                        OF     HSSDS 1.5 mbls hub to hub INTERITRA blocal1-26
DC      Dial code                                                     DFC      Disk file controller
DC      Direct current                                                DFI    D ig ~ al facil~y interface
DCC      Dai a collection computer                                    DFI    Dig ~al fa cil~y interface.
DCC      Data country code (ISO 7498)                                 DFI    Dig ~al family interface
DCC      Destination code cancellation                                DFIH     Dig~al facil~y interface circu~ pair
DCC      Destination code cancellation control                        DFMS      Dig ~a l facil~y management system
 DCC     Digroup core controller                                      DFTAC      Distributing frame test access circu~
 DCCS     Discontiguous shared segments                               DG      HSSDS 1.5 mbls hub to earth station INTERITRA blocal 1-26
 DCD     Data collection device                                       DGCT       Diagnostic control table
 DCE     Data circu~ terminal equipment                               DGN       Diagnose
 DCE     Data circuit-terminatinq equipment                           DGN        Memory failure in CS/PS diagnostic program - lAESS mem
 DCE     Data communications equipment                                diag
 DCE     Dig~al carrier equipment                                     DH      Dig~al service INTERITRA blocal1 -26
 DCG     De fau~ cell group                                           01     Deactivation indication (Cil channel code)
 DCH     0 channel handler                                            01     Direct-In dlallNTERlTRA blocal1 -26
 DCH     D-channel handling bit                                       01     Unk division?
 DCH     Discharge                                                    DIA     Document interchange arch~ecture
 DCHOOS      D-channel is out of service.                             DIAG      Diagnostic
 DCl     Data clock (i.e. 1 M2)
                            0                                         DIC     Dig~ al concentrator
 DCl     Dec control language                                         DIC     Dig~al interface controller
 DClU     Dig~a l carrier line uint                                   DID     01 downstream
 DClU     Dig ~al carrier line unlt                                   DID     Direct inward dialing
 OCM      Dig ~al carrier module                                      DIF     Dig~a l frame Interface
 DCME      Dig~al circu~ mu~lplexing equipment                        DIF     Dig~ al interface
 DCMS      Distributed call measurement system                        DIF     Dig~a l interface frame
 DCMU      Dig~al concentrator measurement un~                         DIFF    Difference
 DCN     list disconnected and changed numbers                         DllEP    Dig~alline engineering program
 DCP      0 channel processor                                          DIM     Data in the middle
 DCP     Duplex central processor                                      DIP    Dedicated inside plant COSMOS command
 DCPR      Detailed contuing property record (plcsJ
                                                  dcpr)                DIP    Dip creation option

 Blacklisted! 411                                                4th Quarter 1995                                                  39
DIP    Document interchange protocol (lower sUblayerof OSI layer 6)   DPA       Dispatch
DIP    Dualln·line package                                            DPA       Distribu1edpower arch~ecture
DIR    Direction                                                      DPAC        Dedica1edplant assignment card
DIR    Directory                                                      DPAC        Dedicated plant assignment center
DIR    Standard dip report                                            DPC       Destination point code (SSY)
DIS    Disconnect                                                     DPCM        Differential PCM                 .
DIS    Display                                                        OPE       Data path extender
DISA    Direct inward system access                                   DPGS        Dignal pair gain systems
DISABL    Disable                                                     DPIDB       Direct PIDB
DISC    Disconnect (tAP·D command)                                    DPIDB       Directly connected peripheral interface data bus
DISD    Direct inward subscriber access                               DPLL      Dignal phase locked loop
DIST    Distnbute point board                                         DPN       Dip purge number
DIU    Deactivale indication                                          DPN-PH       Dala packet network -packet handler
DIU    Dignal interface unn                                           DPNSS        Dig~al private networ1tsignaling system (Bn
DIU    Digroup interface unn (DACS)                                   DPP       Discounted payback period
DIV    (Ger) Dignal exchange                                          DPP       Distributed processing peripheral
DIVF    (Ger) Div for long distance service                           DPR       Dip report and removal
DIVO    (Ger) Div for local service                                   DPSK       Differential phase shill keying
OJ     Dign trunk INTERITRA blocall·26                                DPSK       Differential phased-shill keying
OK     Data link INTERITRA blocal1-26                                 OPT       Data parameter testing
DL     Dial                                                           OPT       Department name
DL     Dictation line INTERITRA blocall -26                           DPU       Dig~al patch un~
DL1PE    DLI 1 pamy error                                             00       Dignal data'" 8 kbls INTERITRA blocal1-26
DL5MDA      Someone who collects each ISDN abbrevation crossing his   DOR       Design quota system report
way                                                                   DOS       Design quota system
DLAB     Divisor latch access M                                       OR       Data ready
DLC     Data link control                                             OR       Data receive
DLC     Data link controller assignment for clusters                  OR       Deactivate request (C/I channel code)
DLC     Dignalloop carrier                                            OR       Deactivation request
DLCI    Data link connection identifier (1.440: SAPI+TEI)             DR       Dig~al data-9.6 kbls INTERITRA blocal1-26
DLCU     Dignalline carrier unn                                       DRAM        Dignal record announcement machine
OLE     Data link escape (ascii controQ                               DRAM        Dynamic ram
DLI    Data link interface                                            DRCS        Dynamically redefinable character sets
DLIOI  Data link 0 interrupt                                          DRHR        Division of revenue hourly
DLlll  Data link 1 interrupt                                          DRMU        Dig~al remote measurement un~
DLiSW     DLI swnch error                                             DRTLRT        Dial repe tie lindaI repeatie t
DLL     Dial long lines                                               DRU       DACS remote umt
DLM     Data link module                                              DS       Data set
DLN     Direct link node                                              DS       Dignal carrier span
DLNORSP      Inn response not received from data link.                DS       Dignal signal
DLOPE     Dual link interface (DLI) 0 pamy error                      DS       Direct signal
DLP     Data level point                                              DS-O      Dig~al signal 0 (one channel at 64 kbls)
DLS     Dignalline section                                            DS-OA      Dignal signal al a subrate level on DS-Ofor one customer
DLS     Dignallink service                                            DS-OB      Dig~al signals at a subrate level on DS-Ofacil~y for one
DLTHA     Display trouble history all (LMOS command)                          or more CU
DLTU     Dignalline trunk unn                                         DS-l      Dig~al signal level one
DLTU     Dignallinenrunk unn                                          DSO       Dig~al signal zerO
DLU-PG     Dignalline unn-palr gain                                   DSBAM         Double-sideband ampl~ude module
DLUC     Dignalline unn control                                       DSBLD        Disabled (defauK).
DLYR     Delayed readiness                                            DSC       Dig~a l cross-connection systems
OM      DMR                                                           OSC       Dig~al subscriber controller AM79C3A
OM      DeKamodulation                                                DSCT        Dig~al serVice copper transport
OM      Disconnected mode (LAP·D response)                            osoc        Direct service dial capabil~y
DMA      Direct memory access                                         DSI      Dig~al speech interpolation
DMB      Dignal muKipointbridge                                       DSIG       Direct signaling
DMERT      Duplex muKipieenvironment real time                        DSK       Disk
DMI     Dignal muKiplexedinterface                                    DSL       Dig~al subscriber line
DML      Data manipulation logic                                      DSL       Dig~al suscriber line
DMLHG      OSNiAUTOVON MLHG                                           DSLG        dig~al subscriber line group (DSLG)
DMO      Deferred maintenance queue                                   DSLINIT      DSL in~ialization .
OMS      Data management system                                       DSM        Dig~al sw~ching module
OMS      Dignal muKiplexsystem (i.e. OMS 10, OMS 100)                 DSMX        (Ger) Dig~al signal muKiplexer
OMS      Dignal muKiplexedsystem                                      DSN        Defense sw~ched networ1tlautomaticvoice networ1t
DMU      Data manipulation unn                                        DSN        Dig~al signal (leveQn
ON      Directory number                                              DSNE        Double shelf networ1tequipment frame
ON      Directory numbers                                             DSNOFC         DSNlAUTOVON office totals
ON      Distribution networ1tpanel                                    DSNTG         DSNlAUTOVON trunk group
ON      Down                                                          DSP        Dig~al signal processing
ON      Mail distribution frame - COSMOS defuK                        DSP        Dig~al signal processing or dig~al signal processor
DNC      Dynamic networ1t controller                                  DSP        Dig~al signal processor
DNH      Directory Number Hunting                                     DSP        Domain specific part (ISO 7498)
DNHR      Dynamic non hierarchical routing                            DSR        Data sel ready
DNHR      Dynamic nonhierarchical routing                             DSR        Display resuns
DNI     Dignal networ1t interconnecting                               DSR        Dynamic service register
DNIC     Data networ1t identification code                            DSRTP         Dig~al service remote test port
DNIC     Data networ1t identification code (ISO 7498)                 DSS        Data station selector
DNR      Detaled number record                                        DST        Destination of order response
 DNR     Dialed number recorder                                       DSU        Data service unn
 DNX     Dynamic networ1t X-connect                                   DSU        Data servicing unit
 DO     Direct-out diallNTERlTRA blocal1-26                           DSU        Dig~al service un ~
 DOC     Dynamic overload control                                     DSU2        Did~alservice un~
 DOC     Dynamic overload controls messages.                          DSX        Dig~al cross-connect
 DOCS     Display operator console system                             DSX        Dignal signal cross-connect
 DOD     (USA) Dept. of defense                                       DT       DI-group tenninal
 DOJ     Department of justice                                        DT       Data through (C/I channel code in test mode)
 DOM      Data on master group                                        DT        Data transmit
 DOTS     Dignal office timing supply                                 DT        Detect dial tone
 DOV     Data over voice                                              DT        Due time
 DP     Demarcation point                                              on       Data fonn class 1
 DP     Dial pulse                                                    DTAC         Dig~al access connector
 DP     Dig~al data-2 4 kb/s INTERITRA blocal1-26                     DTAC         Dig~altest access connector
 DPA     Different premises address                                    DTAC        Dig~al test access connector (links SMAS and SLC-96)

40                                        4th Quarter 1995                                                          Bluklisted! 411
DTAM      Document transfer access and m nlpul lion                             Electronic equipment enclosures
DTAS     Digttal test access system                                              Erther end hop off
DTAU      Digttal test access unit                                        I    Equipment-to-equipment interface
DTC     Data test center                                                  PROM      Electrically erasable programmable read only memory
DTC     Di-group terminal controller                                    F      Entrance faciltty-voice grade INTERITRA blocal1 -26
DTC     Digttal telephone controller (ARCOFI + I C + ICC)               FCTS      Electronic custom telephone service
DTC     Dlgttal trunk controller                                        FRAP      Exchange feeder route analysis program
DTE     Data terminal equipment                                         G      Type #2 telegraph INTERITRA blocal 1-26
DTE     Print current date                                             EIA     Electronic Industries association
DTF     Dial tone first (pay phone)                                    EIS     Expanded inband signaling
DTG      Direct trunk group                                             ISS     Economic impact study system
DTIF    Digttaltransmission interface frame                             IU     Extended interface unn
DTM      Data test module                                              Eln     Error indication n (CII channel code)
DTM      Dlgttaltrunk module                                            KTS      Electonic key telephone service
DTMF      Dual-tone munifrequency                                       KTS      Electronic key telephone sets
DTR      Data terminal ready                                            L      Emergency reporting line INTERITRA blocal1 -26
DTRK      Digttal Trunks                                                LA      Entrty load analysis
DTRK      Digital trunks (line and trunk)                               LOS      Exchange line data service
DTU      D~gro up terminal unlt                                         LECL      Electrical
DTU      Digttaltest unit                                               LEMNTS      Elements
DU      Data upstream (i.e. 1 M2)
                               0                                        LI     Electrical line interface
DU      Deactivation request upstream (CII channel cod )                M      Emergency reporting center trunk INTERITRA blocal 1-26
DUIH     Direct user interface handler                                 EM      Encription module
DUP      Data user part                                                EM      End of medium (ASCII control)
DUP      Duplicate                                                     EMC       Electromagnetic capability
OUR      Duration                                                      EMC       Electromagnetic compatibiltty
DUV      Data under voice                                              EME       Electromagnetic emission
OVA      Design verified and assigned                                  EMI     Electromagnetic interference
DVX      Digital voice exchange                                        EML      Expected measured loss
OW      Digttal data-56 kbls INTERITRA blocall ·26                      MM       Expandable mos memory
OX      Duplex                                                         EMS       Eled romagnetic susceptibilr y
DY      Digttal service (under 1 mbls) INTERITRA btoca t t -ze         EMS       Expanded memory specification
DYRECT      Sides dynamic real time communication tester (in srtest)   EMSCC       Electromechanical swrtcrong control center
E      E (receive) signal lead (moreover Ear part of E&M)              EMV       EMC (german)
E      Equipment direction                                             EN      Entity
E        Remote trunk arrangement posltion subsystem (rtal pss) from   EN      Entrty number
Iroubl                                                                 EN      Exchange network acess facilrty INTERITRA blocal1 -26
E&M      Receive & transmit/ear & mouth signaling                      ENABL      Enable
E·COM      Electronic computer originated mail                         ENFIA     Exchange network facilrty for interstate access
E1     Equipment system                                                ENHMT       Enhancement
E800     Enhanced 800 Service                                          ENO       Enquiry
E911     Enhanced 911                                                  ENTDT      Entered date andlo r time
EA      Equal access end office                                        EO      End office
EA      Expedtted data acknowledgement (SS7: in SCCP)                  EOC       Embedded operation channel
EA      Extended adress                                                EOE       Electronic order exchange
EA      Swttched acess INTERITRA blocal1-26                            EOM       End of message
EM T      Equal access anemative technologies                          EOS       Extended operating system
EADAS      Engineering and administration data acquisition system      EOn       End office toll trunking
EADAS/NM EADASlnetwork management                                      EP      Entrance facilrty-program grade INTERITRA blocal1 -26
EAEO      Equial access end office                                     EP      Expedrted data (SS7: in SCCP)
EAI     Emergency action interface                                     EPIC     Extended PIC
EAP      Equal access plan                                             EPL      Electronic swrtching system program language
EARN      European academic research network                           EPROM       Erasable programmable read -only memory
EAS      Extended announcement system                                  EPSCS       Enhanced private swrtched communication service
EAS      Extended area service                                         EO       Equalizer
EASD      Equal access service date                                    EO        Equipment only-(network only) assignment INTERITRA blocal
EB      Enfia ii end office trunk INTERITRA blocal 1-26                1-26
EBAC      Equipmenli; billing accuracy control                         EOPT       Equipment
EBCDIC      Extended binary coded decimal interexchange code           ER      Enhancement request
 EBSP     EBS prefix translations                                      ER      Error register
 EBSP     Enhanced business services prefix translations               ER      Exception report
 EC     ESS enttty and control group number                            ERAR       Error retum address register
 EC     Echo canceller                                                 ERC       Error control (lOS)
 EC     Enfia ii tandem trunk INTERITRA blocal 1-26                    EREP       Environmental recording edrting and printing
 EC     Environment code                                               ERF      Emergency restoration facility
 EC     European commu ntty                                            ERL      Echo retum loss
 EC     Exchange carriers                                              ERP       Effective radiated power
 ECAP      Electronic customer access program                          ERPMP       Exception report pumper
 ECC      Enter cable change                                           ERR       Error
 ECCS      Economic c (hundred) call seconds                           ERRS       Errors
 ECD      Equipment configuration database                             ERTS       Error rate test set
 ECDMAN      Equipment configurat ion database manager                 ERTS       Error rate test sets
 ECF     Enhanced connectivity faciltty                                ERU       Error retum address update
 ECL     Emttter coupled logic                                         ES      Extension service -voic e grade INTERITRA blocal 1-26
 ECMA      European computer manufactueres association                 ESAC       Electronic systems assistance center
 ECPT      Electronic coin public telephone                            ESAP       Emergency Stand-Alone prefix
 ECR      Exchange carrier relations                                   ESAP       Emergency stand -alone prefix
 ECS      Electronic crosconnect system                                ESB       Emergency service bureau
 ECS      Equipment class of service                                   ESC       Enhanced speech circuit
 ED     Enter date                                                     ESC       Escape (ASCII control)
 EDAC      Electromechanical digttal adapter circuit                   ESC       Three way calling USOC
 EDD      Envelope delay distortion                                    ESCC2       Extended high level serial communication controller
 EDI    Electronic data interchange                                    ESCC6       Like ESCC2
 EDP      Electronic data processing                                   ESD       Electrostatic discharge
 EDSC      Electronic directory customer counts (ISDN BRCS)            ESD       Extened super framing
 EDSX      Electronic digrtal signal x-connect                         ESF       Extended super frame
 EDZ      Facilrty emergency assignment list                           ESF       Speed calling USOC
 EE     Combined access INTERITRA blocal1 -26                          ESFF       Extended superframe format
 EE     Inrtials of supervisor reviewing this ticket.                  ESL      Emergency stand-alone
 EEC      Electronic equipment cabinet                                 ESL      Essental service
 EECT      End-to-end call trace                                       ESL       Speed calling 8 code USOC
 EEDP      Expanded electronic tandem swrtching dialing plan           ESM       Call forwarding USOC

 Blacklistedl 411                                              4th Quarter 1995                                                       41
ESM       Economic study module                                          FOY       Set fIScalday for LAC
ESMTC        Electronic system maintance                                 FEA      Custom calling featurelPlC
ESN      Electronic serial number (Cell)                                 FEA      Customer feature
ESN      Electronic sw~ched network                                      FEAT       Feature
ESN      Emergency service number                                        FEAT       Features
ESP      Enhanced service procider                                       FEBE       Far end block error (10M2 rnonnor message)
ESP      Enhanced service providers                                      FEC      Forward error correction
ESP      Essential service protection                                    FECC       Front end communication computer
ESP      Print entire summary table                                      FED      Far end data
ESS      Electronic sw~ching system                                      FELP      Far end loop process
ESSX       Electronic sW~ching systen exchange                           FEMF       Foreign electro-motive foree
EST      Established                                                     FEPS       Facil~y and equipment planning system
ESTAB       Establish                                                    FEV      Far end voice
ESX      Call wa~ing USOC                                                FF      Check appropriate space where trouble is located
ET      Entrance facil~y-telegraph grade INTERITRA blocal 1·26           FF      Form feed
ET      Exchange termination                                             FG      Group-supergroup spectrum INTERITRA blocal1 ·26
ETAS      Emergency technical assistance                                 FGA       Feature group A
ETB      End of transmission block                                       FGB       Feature group B
ETC      Estimated trunk ccs value                                       FGC       Feature group C
ETF      Electronic toll fraud                                           FGD       Feature group 0
ETL      Equipment test list                                             FGE       Feature group E
ETN      Electronic tandem network                                       FGK       Feature group K (ISDN 0 .931)
ETRI     Electronics and telecommunications research institute (ROt)    FIB     Forward indication ~ (SS7)
ETS      Electronic tandem sw~ching                                      FlO     Field indentifiers
ETS      Electronic translation systems                                  FIFO     First in
ETSACI      Electronic tandem sw~ching adminstratlon channel interface   FIFO     First in first out (storage)
ETSSP       ETS status panel                                             FIL     Fitter
ETX      End of text                                                     FIN     Facil~y information msg.
EU      End user                                                         FlOC      Frame Input/output controller
EU      Extension service·telegrasph grade INTERITRA blocaI1-26          FIP     Facil~y interface processor
EUPOT        End user-point of termination                               FIPS     Federal information processing standards
EV      Enhanced emergency reporting trunk INTERITRA bloca11-26          FISU     Fill in signal un~ (SS7)
EV      Expected value                                                   FITL     Fiber in the loop
EVB      Busy call forward USOC                                          FJ      Frame jump (C11 channel code)
EVC      Bust call forward extended USOC                                 FKP      False key pulse
EVD      Delayed caDforward USOC                                         FKP      False key pulse (MOil)
EVD      Delayed call forwarding                                         FL      Fautt locate
EVST       (Ger) End exchange                                            FL      Fautt location
EW        Off network MTSlWATS equivalent service INTERITRA blocal       FLA      Flag
1·26                                                                     FLO      Field
EWSO        (Ger) Electronic dialing system (dig~al)                     FLEXCOM        Fiber optic communication
EX      Exercise                                                         FLR      Frame layout report
EXO      ECS crossloading option                                         FLT      Flat
EXO      Extra dig~                                                      FM       Frequency modulation
EXO      Extra dig~ (MOil)                                               FM01       OCT alarm activated or retired · 1AESS
EXP      Extra pulse                                                     FM02       Possible failure of entire bank not just frame - 1A
EXP      Extra pulse (MOil)                                              FM03       Error rate of specified digroup • 1AESS
EXT      Extension                                                       FM04       Oigroup out of frame more than indicated - 1AESS
EXTC       ExPend~ure type code                                          FMOS      Operation or release of the loop terminal relay-1AESS
F      Facil~y direction                                                 FM06       Result of digroup circu ~ diagnostics -1AESS
F      Fautt (indicator)                                                 FM07       Carrier group alarm status of specific group · 1AESS
F      OffICeor base un~ from trouble report.                            FM08       Carrier group alarm count for digroup - 1AESS
F1      Facil~y system                                                   FM09       Hourty report of carrier group alarms · 1AESS
FA      Frame aligner                                                    FM10       Public sw~ched dig~al capacty failure - 1AESS
FA      Fuse alarm                                                       FM11       PUC counts of carrier group errors - 1AESS
FAA      Facil~y accepted (SS7 in ISUP)                                  FMAC        Facil~y mainlance administration center
FAC       Facil~y                                                        FMAC        Facil~y maintenance and control
FAC      Facilny Assiment Center                                         FMC       Force management center
FACO        Facil~y changed msg.                                         FMM        F in~e message machine
FACS       Facil~ies assignment and control system                       FN       Feature number
FADS       Ooree administration                                          FN       File name
FANALM        Fan alarm                                                  FNBE       Far and near end block error (10M2 monitor message)
FAP      Facil~ies analysis plan                                         FNPA       Foreign numbering plan area
FAR       Facil~y request (SS7: in ISUP)                                 FOA       First office application
FAR       Federal acquis~ion regulation                                  FOC       Fiber optic communications
FAS      Frame alignment signal                                          FON       Fiber optics network
FAST       First application system test                                 FOR       Frame order report
FAT      File allocation table                                           FORPOT        Foreign potential.
FAX       Faximile                                                       FOS       Frame operations summary
FC       Feature control                                                 FOS-ALC       Fiber optic systems maintance - Alcatel
FC       Frame control                                                   FOS-ROCK Fiber optic system maintance - Rockwell
FC       From cable                                                      FOT       Forward transfer (SS7: in ISUP)
FCIEC       Function code and environment code                           FP       Functional protocol
FCA       Final closure abandon (MOil)                                   FPC       Foundation peripheral controller
FCAP        Facil~y capa~y                                               FPC       Frequency comparison pilots
FCC       Federal communications commission                              FPS       Fast packet sW~ching
 FCC      Forward command channel                                        FR       Fire dispatch INTERITRA blo(".a11 -26
 FCC      Frame control center                                           FR       Fixed resistance
 FCO      Frame comtinu~y date                                           FR       Flat rate
 FCG       False cross or ground                                         FRAC        Frame a"lignercircu ~
 FCS      File control systemdion                                        FRC       Forced request confl\luration
 FCS      Frame check sequence                                           FREO        Frequency
 FO      Private line-data INTERITRA blocal1-26                          FRJ       Facil~y rejected msg. (SS7 in ISUP)
 FOO       Frame due date                                                FRMR        Frame reject (LAP-O response)
 FOOl      Fiber distributed data interface (x3t9.S)                     FRPS        Field reliabil~ performance studies
 FOI     Feeder/distribution interfaces                                   FRO       Facil~y request message
 FOM       Frequency division muttiplex                                   FRS      Flexible route selection
 FOM       Frequency-division muttiplexing                                FS      File separator
 FOMA        FOM access                                                   FS/SYM      Function Schematic/Symbol Numbers (1AESS Test access)
 FOP       Field development program                                      FSA      False start abandon
 FOT      Frame due time                                                  FSA      False start abandon on incoming trunk
 FOX       Full duplex                                                    FSC       Frame synchronization clock (i.e. 10M2)

42                                          4th Quarter 1995                                                       Blacklistedl 411
FSK      Frequency shift keying                                         HC            High-capacity front end
FSN      Forward sequence number                                        HCSo S          High-capacit y satellite digital service
FT      Foreign exchange trunk INTERITRA bl           I 1·              HCToS           High-capaciity terr estrial digit al service
FT     Frame time                                                       Ho         High capaciity 3.152 mblps-s"rvice code for LATA access
FTA      Frame transfer analys is                                       HoB3          High-de nsity bipolar 3 (cept PRI)
FTC      Frame transfer completion                                      Ho FI       HSM digital facilities interta ce
FTE      Frame transfer establishment                                   Ho LC         High level oLC
FTG      Final trunk group                                              Ho LC         High-level data link control
FTL     Frame transfer lets                                             Ho SL         High bit-rate digital subscriber line
FTP      File transfer protocol                                         HoTV          High definition television (soon to be the new buzz word!!)
FTR      Frame transfer reprint                                         HOW           Hardwa re
FTS      Federal telecommunications system                              HoX          Half duplex
FTW      Frame transfer w~hdrawal                                       HE         High capaciity 6.312 mb/ps- service code for LATA access
FUNCS       Functions                                                   HEAP          Home energy assistance program
FV      Voice grade facil~y INTERIT RA blocal 1-26                      HEHO           High end hop off
FW       Wodeband channel INTERITRA blocal 1·26                         HF         High capaciity 6.312-service code for LATA access
FWD       Forward                                                       HF         Hunt-from telephone number
FWM       Frame work management                                         HFCC           High capacity facility control center
FWS       Frame work station                                            HFR         Hardwara failure rate
FX      Foreign exchange                                                HG          High capacity 274 .176 mbl s-service code for LATA access
FX      Foreign exchange INTERITRA blocal 1-26                          HGBA F          Hardware group blocking acknowledgment failure
FXO      Foreign exchange circuit office direction                      HGR          Hunt group report
FXS      Foreign exchange circuit station direction                     HGS          Hunt group summary
G      Spare box. use for special studies.                              HGUA F          Hardware group unblocking acknowledgment failure
GAP      (Ec) group of analysis and provision (for ONP)                 HH         History header
GB      Great britaln                                                   HH         Record of repair activity.
GBS       Group bridg ing service                                       HI        High
GC       Group card                                                     HI        High impedance (CII channel code)
GCE       Gated Oscillator Error                                        HI        Highway interrupt
GCI      Genera l clrcuit interface (IOM/u (kO)-intertace)              HIC        Hybrid integrated circuit
GCON       Generic conditions                                           HIM         Host intertace module
GCP       Generate Contro l pulse                                       HIS        Hunt ing ISH
GCR       General confoguration register                                HK         Hook
GCS       Group control system                                          HLIT        Siemens semiconductors (nl)
Go SUCOM       Global OSU common                                        HLC         Highest lead factor group coun t
Go SUCOM       Global dig~al service unit common                        HLo G          Holding
Go X      Gated diode crosspoint                                        HLLAPI         High level language application program interface
Go XACC      Gated diode crosspo int access                             HLSC          High-leve l service circuits
Go XC      Gated diode crosspoint compensator                           HM1          Intercom plus USOC
Go XCON       Gated diode crosspo int control circu~                    HMCL           Host message class assignmen t
GEISCO       General electric information services company              HMP           Interco m plus
GFR       General facility report                                       HNPA           Home numbering plan area
GG       Getails of reported trouble .                                  HNS          Hospttatit y network service
GH       GainM                                                          HOBIC          Hotel billing information center
GHZ       Gigahertz                                                     HOB IS         Hotel billing informat ion system
c io     Group 10                                                       HOLD           Call hold (1.253b)
GKCCR        Generated key collection and compress ion routine          HP         Hewlett- packard
GLA       Generate lists for assignment                                 HP          Non-DDS digital data 2.4 kbls INTERITRA blocal1-26
GNo       Ground                                                        HPO          High pertormance option
GNS       Gainslope                                                     HQ          Non-DDS d ig~a l data 4.8 kbls INTERITRA blocal1 -26
GNS       Gainslope test (SART S command)                               HR          Hour
GOC       General order control (TIRKS)                                 HR          Non-DDS digital data 9.6 kbls INTERIT RA blocal 1-26
GOS       Grade of service                                              HRS          Hours prefix
GP       Group processor                                                HS          High capaciity subrate-service code for LATA access
GPA       Gas pressure alarm                                            HSCC           High level serial commun ication controller sab82520
GPIB      General purpose intertace bus                                 HSCX           Extended hscc       sab82525
GPPC       General purpose power controller                             HSM           Host switching module
 GPS      Global posit ioning system                                    HSSo S          High-speed sw~ched dig ~a l service
 GR      General requirments (BeIiCoRe)                                 HT          Horizontal tabulator
 GRA      GRS acknowledgement                                           HT          Hunt-to telephone number
 GRASP       Generic access package                                     HTI         Highway transfer interrupt
 GRo      Ground faun.                                                  HU          High usage
 GRo      Ground .                                                      HU          High-usage trunk
 GRID     Line unit grid .                                              HUNT           Hunting
 GRP      Group                                                         HUTG           High usage trunk group
 GRP MOD       Group modulator                                          HW           High and wet.
 GRS      Circu~ group reset (SS7: in ISUP)                             HW           High-and-wet
 GS      Ground start (on-hook normal)                                  HW           Non-DDS digital data 56 kbls INTE RITRA blocal 1·26
 GS      Group separator                                                HW           Pcrn highway
 GSA      General services administration                               HZ          Hertz
 GSAT      General telephone and electron ics satellite corporation      I       Cable and pair or associated equipment
 GST      Ground start signa ling                                        I       Informat ion (LAP·o command)
 GSZ      Group size                                                     I       Installation
 GTC      General telephone company                                      I       Invalid
 GTE      General telephone electron ics                                 1&1      Investment and inventory
 GT EI    Global tei                                                     I&M        Customer services installation and maintenance
 GTS      Gamma transfer service                                         I&M        Installation & maintenance
 Gn       Global title transmission                                      1
                                                                         -       Information (numbered i-frames)
 GWY       Gateway                                                       I/O       Ineffective other
 Ger     German                                                          I/O       Input/output devices
 H      Hold state (in EOC)                                              I/O      Tnput/output
 H      Hours                                                            10       Feature removed
 H      Trouble ticket number . subparagraph 5.6.4.                      11       Added feature
 H&o       High and dry (trunk test)                                     IA       Immediate action
 H-     High-                                                            IA       Ineffective attempt s
 H·RAP      Hardware reliability assurance program                       IAA        Ineffective attempt analysis.
 HAC       Hands-free add-on circuit (for speakerphone )                 IAAN         Immediatel action report
 HBS       Hunt group blocks of spares                                   IACO        o Li a access error
 HC       High capaciity 1.544 mblps -service code for LATA access       IAC1        o Li 1 access error
 HC       Hunt count                                                     lACS         Intergrated access cross-conne cted system
 HCoS       High capacity digital service                                lAD        Incomplete address detected (incoming)
 HCoS       High-capacity digital services                               lAM         Initial address msg. (SS7: in ISUP)

 Blacklisted! 411                                                     4th Quarter 1995                                                          43
IB        Instruction buffer                                                    INC         Intemational calling
IBC         ISDN burst transceiver circuit                                      INC         Intemat ional carrier
IBN         Integrated business networll                                        INC SEl          Incoming selector               .
IBROFC              ISDN BRCS and Analog Office talaIs                          INCAS-A           Integrated network cost analysis - access
IC        Incoming call (x.25)                                                  INCAS·LT           Integrated network cost analysis - local and toll
IC        Independent carrier                                                   INCAS·S           Integrated networll cost analysis - shared
IC        Installation centers                                                  INCAS/E          Integrated networll cost analysis system
IC        Inter-LATA carrier                                                    INCASII         Integrated networll cost analysis system- embedded
IC        Inter-exchange carrier                                                INCIS         Integrated networll cost information system
IC        Interexchange carriers                                                INCP          Incomplete
IC/MC           Installation and maintence centers                              INO         Individual
ICA         Incoming advance                                                    INF        Inlorma tion
ICA         Incoming advance (MOil)                                             INF        Information (557 : in ISUP)
ICAN           Individual circurt analysis                                      INIT       Allocat ion table inrtalization
Ie AO           Intemational civil aviation organization                        INl        Inter node link
ICC         ISDN communications controller                                      INN         Inter node networll
ICC         Interstate commerce commission                                      INO         Complete circuit inqUiry
ICCU           Inmate call control unrt                                         INR         Inlormation request (557 : in ISUP)
ICO         Interactive call distribution                                       INS        Oapan) information networll system (b64+b16+d8)
ICl        Intra-RS M communication link                                        INT        Interrupt (i.e. CII channel code)
ICLIO         Individual calling line id                                        INTCCTRL             Intemationa l code control (NTI)
ICM          Integrated call management                                         INTCHG            Interexchange
ICN         Interconnecting netwnrll                                            INTEGRIS Integrated results information service
ICOM             (taiwan) integrated communication                              INT El SAT          Intemational telecomm unications satellrte consortium
ICOT           Intercity and outstate trunk                                     INTR          Interrupt
ICP         Intercept                                                           INW          INWATS [code 258(8000-8299»)
ICPOT             Interexchange earner-point 01 termination                     INWATS            Inward wide area telecommun ications system
ICSC           Inter·LATA customer service center                               INWATS            Inward wide area telephone service
ICSC           Interexchange carrier service center                             INWBlKO             INWATS retumed blocked
ICSC           Interexchange customer service center                            INWBLKO                Inward wide area telecommunications service (INWATS)
ICUG            Intemational closed user groups                                 retumed
ICUP           Individual circuit usage and peg count                                    blocked
ICUR           Individual circurt usage recorder                                INWBUSY              INWATS all lines busy
10        Idle control code                                                     INWCCBl             INWATS code control blocked
IDA         (gb) interated digrtal access (b64+b8+d8)                           INWDBOV               INWATS data base overload
10C          Inlormation distribution companies                                 INWDBTO              INWATS data base timeout
lOCI         Interim defined central office interface                           INWDSBL             INWATS direct signaling blocked
IDCU            Integrated digrtal carrier unrt                                 INWNNPA              INWATS nonpurchased NPA
IDCU            Integrated digrtal carrier unrt .                               INWN NPA             INWATS nonpurchased numbering plan area (NPA)
IDCU            Integrated digrtal carrier unrt i.e. AT&T Series 5 RT FP 303G   INWNOXL              INWATS retumed no translation
1 00
  0             Intem ational direct distance dialing                           INWONPA               INWATS invalid ONPA
IDEC           ISDN d-channel exchange controller                               INWO NPA              INWATS invalid originating numbering plan area (ONPA)
1 F
  0         Intermediate distributing Irame                                     INW OVlD             INWATS retumed overload
1 1
  0       Inrtial domain identifier (ISO 7498)                                  INWUNEO               INWATS retumed unequipped
IDLC           Integrated digrtal loop carrier                                  INWVLlN           INWATS vacant line number
10LC           Intergrated digrtal loop carrier                                 INWVNXX              INWATS vacant NXX
lOP         Individual dialing plan                                             10        Inward operator
10PC            Integrated data protocol controller                             10AU           InpuUoutput access unrt (univac)
IDS         Intemal directory system                                            1 C
                                                                                  0         Independent operating company
IDVC           Integrated data/voice channel                                    1 C
                                                                                  0          InpuUoutput controler (shelf)
IEC          ISDN echo cancellation circuit                                     1 C
                                                                                  0          Integrated optical circuit
IEC          Interexchange carrier                                              1 C
                                                                                  0          Intem ational overseas center
IEC          Intemat ional electrotechnical comission                           1 C
                                                                                  0C           Intemational overseas completion center
IEC-P           (old name 01 iec-q3)                                            1 CP
                                                                                  0            InpuUoutput configuration process
IEC-0 1           lee lor 2b1q peb2091                                          1 CS
                                                                                  0            InpuUoutput control system
IEC-0 2           lec-q specially lor II and NT1 (wrthout microprocessor)       100B           10CU on-demand B-channel
IEC-0 3           lec-q wrth parallel processor interface (i.e. lor daml)       1 01      Secondary inpuUoutput interface pack(s)
IEC·T           lee lor 4b3t peb2090                                            1 M
                                                                                  0           ISDN-oriented modular (archrtecture and interfaces)
 IEEE          Instrtute 01 electrical and electronics engineers                 10M2          Extended iom
 IEPC           ISDN exchange power controller                                   1 MI
                                                                                  0           InpuUoutput microprocessor interface
 IF       Intermediate Irequency                                                 lOP         Input-output processor
 IFAC          Integrated digrtal carrier unrt lacilrty                          lOP         InpuUoutput Processor
 IFRB          Intemational lrecuency registration board                         lOP         InpuUoutput driver
 IFRPS            Intercrty lacilrty reliel planning system                      lOP         InpuUoutput processor
 IFS        (swrtzerland) integrated telecom service                             lOS         ISDN operational software
 IGS          Idenrtly graphic subrepertoire (teletex)                           105         InpuUoutput supervisor (IBM)
 liN       Integrated inlormation networll                                       105         Inventory order system
 IJR        Input a jeopardy reason                                              1 SF
                                                                                   0           InpuUoutput shelf assignment
 ILC        ISDN link controller                                                 lOT         Inter-office trunk
 ILiNE         IDCU line counts.                                                 lOT         Interoffice test command (SARTS command)
 1M         Input mux                                                            lOT         Interoffice testing
 1 M        Interface module                                                     1 TC
                                                                                   0           Intemat ional originating toll center
 IMA          Addrtional ineffective machine attempts                            IP       Information provider
 IMAS            Integrated mass announcement system                             IP       Inprogress
 IMC           lOS mailbox control                                               IP       Intermediate point
 IMCAT             Input message catalog                                         IP       Intemet protocol
 IMCF            Interoffice rnunipte calilorwarding                             IPABX          ISDN pabx
 IMD           Intermodulation distortion                                        IPAC          ISDN pc adapter circurt
 IMM            Input message manual                                             IPACS          Interactive planning & control system
 IMMU             105 memory management unrt                                     IPAT         ISDN primary access transceiver
 IMP           Impedance                                                         IPB        Sipb
 IMP           Impules per minute                                                IPBC          10M2 PBC (old name for EPIC)
  IMP          Interpersonal messaging protocol (x.420: p2)                      IPC         Inter-process communication
  IMS          Interprocessor message swrtch                                     IPC         Interprocess communication
  IMT          Inter-machine trunk                                               IPCS          105 process control system
  IMTS           Improved mobile telephone service                               IPCS          Installation product costing system
  IMU          Input measured ccs usage data                                     IPCS          Interactive problem control system
  IN        Intelligent networll                                                 IPIB        Intelligent personal computer interface board

:~~       .'1~~:I~r:~~~~':'::'~ access
                                                                                  IPIOB        10CU peripheral interface data bus
                                                                                  IPL       Inrtial program load
INAP        Intelligent network access point                                      IPl       Interoffice private line signaling
INC        Incoming trunk groups                                                  IPl       Interoffice private line signaling test (SARTS command)

44                                                4th Quarter 1995                                                              BIQCklistedl 411
IPLAN           Integrated planning and analy is sy I m                        ITAC       ISDN terminal adaptor circutt
IPLS         IntellATA private line services                                   ITC      Independent telephone company
IPM          Impulse per minute                                                ITC      Interdepartmental training center at dallas-texas for
IPM          Impulses per minute                                               ITO      Intertoll dial
IPM          Interruptions per minute                                          ITEA       Interoffice trunks engineering and administration
IPP         lOS protocol part                                                  ITF      Integrated test facilrty
IPP        Integrated planning process                                         ITG       Intergrated traffic generator
IPPC           Interdepartmental project planning commnl                       ITIM::;     Integrated transportation information management system
IPR         Installation performance results system                            ITIMS/IE Itimslinformation expert
IPS         Installation performance resulls                                   ITM       Cable pair rtem number
IPS         Integrated Provisioning System                                     ITNA        Improves thrid number acceptance
IPS         Integrated provisions system                                       ITNO        Item number
IPX         Integrated packet exchange                                         ITS      tnstnute of telecommunication science
la s         Instant request system                                            ITS      Integrated test system
IR        Incoming register                                                    ITS      Interactive training system
IRBR           Integrated resource billing report system                       ITS        Incoming trunk service evaluation
IRC          International record carrier                                      ITSO        Incoming trunk service observation
IRIS        Industry relations information system                              ITSTC        Information technology steering committee (cen
IRLF          Incoming register link frame                                     In       Idle trunk test
IRM          Information resource management                                   ITU       International telecommunication union
IRMC            Incoming register marker connector                             ITU       International telecommunications union
IRO          Industry relations operations                                     ITVSE        Intermediary transport vendor service cenler
IROR            Internal rate of return                                        ITW        Instructional technology workshop
IRP         Integrated revenue planning                                        IU      Network/port interface unft
IRPC           ISDN remote power control psb2120                               IUP       Installed user program (IBM)
IRR          Internal rate of return system                                    IVD       Integrated voice data
IRRS           Interactive request and retrieval system                        IVP       Installation verification procedures
IRS          Industrial revenue summary                                        IVP       Installation veriflC8tionprograrr,
IRT         IDCU remote digkal terminal                                        IVTS        International video teleconferencing service
IRU          Integrated recovery utilrty (sperry)                              IWF        Interworking facilRy(gateway;
IS        Interrupt set                                                        IWU         Interworking unrt (gateway)
IS/SADQ             Interstate speciat access demand quantification            IX      Interactive executive
ISA         Indicate status appflcation                                        IXC       Or lcinterexchange carrier
ISAC-P           ISDN subscriber access controller                             IXM        Interexchange mileage
 ISAC-S          ISDN subscriber access controller                             IZ      Interzone
 ISAM           Indexed sequential access method                               J       Enter centrex (CTX) or mulliline hunt group (MLHG) number
 ISC         Intelligent serial controller                                     JAD        Joint application design
 ISC         International swrtching center                                    JAM         Jumper activity management
 ISC         Planintercompany services coordination plan                       JCL        Job control language
 ISCITE          Information systems center for technical education            JDC        Japan digrtal cellular
 ISCAR            Information systems costs analysis reports                   JDC        Job duties code
 ISCOM             SWBT intercompany service coordination (ISC) order monaor   JDI      Job disposrtion indicator
 ISCP           Integrated service control point                               JDIP       JmosJ    dopac interface process (comptroller system)
 ISCPIMSAP ISCP/mulli-service application platform                             JE       Job evaluation
 ISCP/SPOCK ISCP/service provisioning and on-line creation tool kit            JEC        Journal entrty code
 software                                                                      JES        Job entry subsystem (IBM)
 ISDN           Integrated services digrtal network                            JES        Job entry system
 ISF         Inquire on a single facilrty                                      JES 2        Job entry system 2 (IBM)
 ISG          Isolated system grounding                                        JES 3        Job entry system 3 (IBM)
 ISH         Complete circuk inquiry short                                      JET       BTL TIRKS jumper evaluation technique
  lSI      Industry support layout                                              JFC       Job function code
  ISIS        Interstate settlements information system                         JGF        Junctor grouping frame
  ISLM          Integrated services line module                                 JIB     Job information block (VMS)
  ISLU          Integrated services line unn                                    JIM      Job information memorandum
  ISLUCC             Integrated services line unk common controller             JIS     Jurisdictional interstate services
  ISLUCD             Integrated services line unk common data                   JK      Jack
  ISLUHLSC Integrated services line unk high level service circuk               JKLAP        Jacklkey/and lamp access panel
  ISLUMAN              Integrated services line unk metallic access network     JL      Jumper length
  ISLURG             Integrated services line unjt ringing generator            JMOS         Job management operations system
  ISM          ISDN swrtching module                                            JMOSIPT        JMOSIpricer-tracker
  ISM          Interactive synchronous mode                                     JMOSJRPTS JMOS reports
  ISMP           Industry specific measurement plan                             JMOSCA         Jmos contract administration
   ISMS          Integrated service management system                           JMX         Jumbogroup mulliplex
   ISMTL           Information systems management training                      JOSS         Job order status system (distribution services system)
   ISN         Information systems network                                      JOSSVM         Job order status systemJVM
   ISN         Integrated systems network                                       JOVIAL        Jule's own version of the international algebraic language
   ISNET           Interim solution network (Kansas crty only)                  JP71        Joint practice 71
   ISO         Information systems organization                                 JP80        Joint practice 80
   ISO         International organization for standardization                   JPH        Jumper placement history
   ISOFC            ISDN office totals                                          JSC        Job status code
   ISOPDB             Information systems organization planning data base       JSN        Junction swrtch number
   ISOSS            Intercompany service order swrtchingsystem                  JSW         Junctbr swrtch
   ISP         Intermediate service part                                        JTR        Jitter
   ISPBX           Integrated systems PBX                                       JTRS         JMOS trouble reporting system (distribution services system)
   ISPC          International signaling point code (SS7)                       JUICE        JMOS user input card entry (distribution services system)
   ISPF          Interactive system productivity facilrty                       K       DACS-SRDC
   ISPI        ISDN packet interface                                            K       Equipment frame designation
   ISRP          Information systems rules panel                                K       Kilobit
   ISS         Integrated swrtching system                                      KBPS         Kilobits per second
   ISS         Issue                                                            KCA         Key contributor award
    ISSANRC             Interstate special access non-recurring                 KCO          Keep cost order
    ISSC          Interfunction special service coordination                    KD         Keyboard display
    ISSCO            Intertoll                                                  KDROP          Key display receive only printer
    ISSN          Integrated special services network                            KDT        Keyboard display terminal
    ISSN          Intergrated specal services network                            KERMIT        Kermrt
    ISSS         ISDN supporting system                                          KEY        Stop hunt or random make busy hunting
    ISTA         Interrupt status register                                       KFT        Kilofeet
    ISUP          ISDN user part                                                 KHZ        Kilo-hertz
    ISUP          ISDN user part (SS7: q.76x)                                    KHZ        Kilohertz
    ISUP          Integrated services user part                                  KITSKOTS Kansas inward toll servicelKansas outward toll service
    IT       Inactivity test (SS7: in SCCP)                                      KOHM          Kilohms
     IT      Intertandem tie trunk INTERITRA blocal 1-26                         KOP         Thousands of operations per second

 Blacklistedl 411                                                      4th Quarter 1995                                                               45
KP        Key pulse                                                          LCCLN        Line card cable narrative
KPR        Killer pair report                                                LCD       List cable summary
KSDS         Key sequence data set (IBM)                                     LCDCGI       L1DBCCRD message with call gapping indicator present
KSM         Create a transadlon mask                                         LCDGM         L1DBCCRD garbled message                  .
KSR        Keyboard send-receive                                             LCDMGM          L1DBCCRD return value missing group or mlsrouted
KSU        Key service unft                                                  LCDN        Last called diredory number
KTA        Korea telecommunlcallon authorfty (ROI)                          LCDNAN           L1DBCCRO return value no translation for an address of
KTS        Key telephone set                                                 such nature
KTS        Key telephone system                                              LCDNCG         L1DBCCRD retum value network congestion
t(W        Keyword                                                           LCDNFL        L1DBCCRD retum value network failure
L        Shill preference (if any) for this work to be performed.            LCDNPG         LIDB CCRD retum value nonpartlcipallng group
UAOS        Legal/advancedoffice system                                      LCDNSA            L1DB CCRD return value no translation for this specific
L200WN          Le\lel 2 Is inoperable.                                      address
L2QLTY        Poor Ie\lel 2 transmission qualfty.                            LCDR        Local call detail recording
L3-ERC        Layer 3 error control (lOS)                                    LCDREJ        L1DBCCRD rejed message received
L3M        Layer 3 mgr. (lOS)                                                LCDSCG         L1DBCCRD retum value subsystem congesllon
LA        Local area data channeliNTERlTRA blocal1 ·26                       LCDSFL        L1 CCRD return value subsystem failure
LA        Loop assignment                                                    LCDTO        L1DBCCRD message missed because of timeout
LAC        LAN applicallon controller                                        LCDUP        L1DeCCRD message with unexped ed reply
LAC        Loop assignment center                                            LCDUUR         L1DBCCRD return value unequipped user
LAD        Label definftion                                                  LCE       Line concentrating equipment frame
LAD        Loop ad ivity data                                                LCEN        Line card equipment number
LADS        Local area data service                                          LCI      LAN CPU interface
LADT        Local access data transpert                                      LCIE      Lightguide cable interconnedlon equipment
LADT        Local area data transport                                        LCLOC        Line card locallon
LAI       Line equipment assignment inquiry                                  LCM        Line concentrating module
LAIS       Local automatic intercept system                                  LCMC        Line concentrating controller module
lAJMS        Ledger and joumal maintenance system                            LCN       Logical channel number
LAMA        Local automatic message accounting                               LCN       Logical channel numbers
LAMA-C        Computerized local AMA for NO 5 crossbar
                                               .                             LCOS        Line Class of service (GTE)
LAN        Local area network                                                LCP       Language conversion program
LANMS         Light amplified by sllmulated emission of radiallon            LCP       List cable pairs
LAP        Link access protocol                                              LCR       Least cost routing
LAPB        (LAP-B) link access procedure of balanced mode                   LCR       Line concentrallon ratio
LAPD        (LAP-D) link access procedure of D·channels                      LCRMKR         Line card remarks
LAPD        Link access procedure on the 0 channel                           LCS.MIT.EDU Telecomm digest archive sile on the Internet
LAPM         (LAP-M) link access protocol for modems                         LCS7       Link controller for signaling system NO  .7
LAPX        Lapb extended (1.71)                                             LCSE        Line card service and equipment
LARG         Lidb access routing guide                                       LCSEN        Line card service and equipment narrative
LASS        Local alarm scanning system                                      LD       Load
LASS        Local area signaling service                                     LD       Loading division
LAT        Local access termianl (RMS-D1)                                    LD       Long distance
LATA        Local access and transport area                                  LD       Voice swftched trunk-service code for LATA access
LATA        Local access and transport areas                                 LDBM        Listing data base maintenance
LATA        Local access transport area                                      LDES        Long distance experimental schedule
LATIS       Loop adivity tracking information system                         LDM        Logical data model
LATIS IIF Loop ad ivily tracking informallon system Interface                LDMTS        Long distance message telecommunications service
LATISIINPUT Locally developed programused to input to the latls system       LON        Listed dired ory number
LB        Voice-non swftched line-service code for LATA access               LOS       Local digital swftch
LBBD        Loopback B1                                                      LDSU2        Local digilal service unil - model 2 .
 LBI      Load balance index                                                 LOT       Local display terminal
 LBK       Loop test (SARTS command)                                         LOU        Long distance usage analysis
 LBK       Loopback                                                          LE       Leading edge (bsp)
 LBL       Online tape label printing                                        LE       Line equipment
 LBNCGI        L1 BNS message wfth call gapping indicator present
                 DB                                                          LE       Local exchange (contains D-CTL)
 LBNGM         L1DB BNS garbled message                                      LE       Voice and tone-radio landline-service code for LATA access
 LBNMGM          L1 BNS retum value missing group or mlsrouted
                   DB                                                        LEAD        Loop engineering assignment data
 LBNNAN         L1DBBNS retum value no translallon for an address of such    LEAP        System tesllng tool to simulate mu~i ple 3270 users
         nature                                                              LEAS        Lata equal access system
 LBNNCG         L1 BNS retum value network congestion
                  DB                                                         LEC        Local exchange carrier
 LBNNFL        L1 BNS retum value network failure
                  DB                                                         LED        Last entry data
 LBNNPG         L1 BNS retum value nonparticipallng group
                  DB                                                         LED        Light emilling diode
 LBNNSA        L1 BNS retum value no translation for this specific address
                 DB                                                          LED        Light-emilling diode
 LBNREJ        L1 BNS rejed message received
                  DB                                                         LEE        Nac related line equipment transfer order establishment
 LBNSCG         LIDB BNS retum value subsystem congestion                    LEFTS        Loop eledro nic forecasllng and tracking system
 LBNSFL        L1DB BNS retum value subsystem failure                        LEG        Customer training file
 LBNTO         L1DB BNS message missed because of IImeout                    LEIM       Loop eledron ic inventory module
 LBNUP         LIDB BNS message wfth unexped ed reply                        LEIM       Loop eledron ics inventory module
 LBNUUR         L1 BNS retum value unequipped user
                  DB                                                         LEIS       Loop engineering Informallon system (applications)
 LBO        Line buildout                                                    LEN        Line equipment number
 LBP        Load balance parameters                                          LENCL        Line equipment number class
 LBR        Large business remote                                             LENG        Length
 LBRV        Low bft rate voice                                               LERG        Local exchange routing guide
 LBS        Land and building system                                          LET       Line equipmenttransfers
 LBS        Load balance system                                               LETS       Law enforcementteletypewmer service
 LBS        Load balance system (BTL) module of tnds                          LEV       Le\lel
 LBST        Loopbackdevice signature table                                   LEW        Line equipmenttransfer withdrawal
 LBU        Loopbackdevices signature table                                   LF       Data iow-speed-servicecode for LATA access
 LBU        Loopbackunft                                                      LF       Lease file
 LBn        Loopback channel bn request (command in 10M2 monftor and          LF       Line Finder
 EOC)                                                                         LF       Line feed
 LC        Line card                                                          LF       Line finder
 LC        Line count                                                         LF       Load fad or
 LC        Output line count                                                  LF       Low frequance
  LC       Pending service order count                                        LFACS        Loop facilities assignment and control system
  LC       Voice-swftchedline-service code for LATA access                    LFACS        Loop facility assignment and control system
  LCAMOS           Loop cable administration and maintenance operations       LFC       Load fad or calculallon
  system                                                                      LFR       Line failure report
          (predid or)                                                         LFRC        Local field reporting code
  LCC       Line class code                                                   LG        Basic data-service code for LATA access
  LCCIS       Local common channel interoffice signaling                      LGC        Line group controller
  LCCL        Line card cable                                                 LGN        List hunt groups

46                                            4th Quarter 1995                                                              Blacklisted' 411
LH       Line hunting (i.2S2 I)                                              LP K     Looped back
LH        Voice and data-psn access trunk-s NIce        I I r LA A           LPCOF     Low profdecombined distributing frame
LI      Length indicator (SS7)                                               LPCOF     Low profile conventional distributing frame
LI      Link interface                                                       LPI     Loop ptant improvement evaluator
LIB      Line interface board                                                LPIE2    Loop plant Improvement evaluator 2
L1D B      Line information data base                                        LPK     Line concentrating equipment line packs
LIOB       Line information database                                         LPM     Lines per minute
LIE      Left in equipment                                                   LPM     Logistic planning module
L1 FECOST Life cycle cost system                                             LPS     Log/print status
LIFO       Last in                                                           LPT     Looptes1
L1J      Left In Jumper                                                      LQ     Voice grade customized-service code for LATA access
LIM       Less than the specified number 01 pairs                            LR     Loop reverse (off-hook normaO
LIN       Line                                                               LR     Protection relay-voice grade-seNice code for LATA access
LIN       Transm~ al~ data to COSMOS                                         LRAP     Long route analysis program
L1N CS      Lan integrated network communications sy tem                     LRC     Long~ udal redundancy check
LINtS      Line and number inventory system                                  LRC     Long~udina l redundanCycheck
LINK       Loop interface network                                            LRIA1    Long run incremental analysis I
L1NK1       The basic rate interface transmission ext 0. Ion (BRIT )         LRISP    Long range information systems planning organization
        link one is down                                                     LRM      Line resource mon~or- ims (BMC)
LINK2       The BRITE link two is down.                                      LRN     Local reference number
L1 NK3      The BRITE link three is down.                                    LROPP      Long-rangeoutside plant planning
LINK.       The BRITE link four is down.                                     LROT OR LRH Local rotary
LINKS       The BRITE link five is down.                                     LRP     Long rang planning
L1 NK6      The BRITE link six is down.                                      LRS     Lease record system
LIS       Library information system                                         LRS     Line repeater station
LIST       Listen                                                            LRSS     Long range sw~ch ing studies
LIT       Line insulation test                                               LS     Local service INTERITRA blocaI1 -26
LIT      Line insulation testing parameters                                  LS     Loop start signaling
L1 U      Lats interface unlt                                                LS&E     Local service and equipment
L1 U      Line interface un~                                                 LSA     Local security administrator
L1 U      Line user interface                                                LSA     Local subaccount
U        Voice and data ssn access-service code lor LATA nce s               LSB     Lower side band
LK        Voice and data-ssn-intermachine trunk-service cod lor LATA         LSBS     Location specific bypass system
        access                                                               LSO&F      Local sw~ching demand & facil~y data base system
LKNOOE         Link node                                                     LSOB     Listing service data base
LL       Logical link                                                        LSOF     Local sw~ching demand and facil~y data base system
LL       Long distance terminal line INTERITRA blocal 1-26                   LSON      Local sw~ch ed d ig ~ a l network
LL        Long lines                                                         LSE     Line and station transfer order establishment
LLC        Line load control                                                 LSEC      Loss of sec (C/I channel code)
LLC        Low level controller sipx6100                                     LSHF     Message LAN shelf
LLO        Low level device drivers (lOS)                                    LSI    Large-scale Integrated circu~ry
LLOB        Location life data base                                          LSL     Loss of signal level (CII channel code)
LLF        Line link frame                                                   LSM      Load synchronization mechanization
LLIO       LI identifier                                                     LSM      Local sw~chi ng module
LLL       Last look logic                                                    LSN     Logical session number
LLN        Line link network                                                 LSO     Local service office
LLN        Line link network (ess)                                           LSO     Local storage option-ims (IBM)
LLP        Link layer protocol (Iapd)                                        LSRP      Local sw~ching replacement planning
LLS        Local Line Sw~ch (GTE)                                            LSRP      Local sw~ching replacement planning system
LME         Line module equipment                                            LSS     Lata sw~ching systems
LMMS         Local message metering system                                   LSS     Listing service system
 LMOS        Loop maintenance operations system                              LSS     Listing services system
 LMOS        Loop maintenance operations systemr                             LSS     Loop sw~ ching system
 LMOS FIE Loop maintenance operations system lront end                       LSSGR      Lata sw~ching systems generic requirements
 LMOS HOST Loop maintenance operations system host                           LSSI    Local special service inventory
 LMOS IIF Loop maintenance operating system Interface                        LSSR      Local special service resuns
 LMS        L~igation management system                                      LSSU      Link state signal unit (SS7)
 LMS        Loop maintenance system                                          LSSU      Link status signal un~
 LMSITUM        Local measuring systemltemporary usage measurement           LST     Line and station transfer
 LMT        Local maintance operations system                                LSU     Line sw~ch un~
 LMTS        Lim~s                                                           LSU     Local storage un~
 LMU        Line muttiplexer un~                                             LSU     Loss of signal level of u interface (Cll channel code)
 LMX        L-muttiplex                                                      LSUE      Lsu error condnlon(CII channel code)
 LN        Data extension                                                    LSV     Latch sw~ch verification
 LN        Leased network                                                    LSV     Line status verifier
 LN        Loop normal (on-hook norman                                       LSW      Line and station transfer w~hdrawal
 LNA        Line and number administration                                   LT     Lata tandem
 LNA        Low noise amplifier                                              LT     Line termination
 LNBAS        Call failed due to the query being blocked at the switch       LT     Local terminal
 LNBN        Call failed due to the query being blocked in the CCS network   LT     Long distance terminal trunk INTERITRA blocal 1-26
 LNG        Long~udinal                                                      LT-S    Lt on s bus
 LNS        Line number status                                               LT-T    Lt on t interface
 LO        Low threshold                                                      LTAB     Line test access bus
 LOA        Lim~ operator attempts                                            LTB    Lasttrunk busy
 LOAD        Listing of acronym defin~ion                                     LTC    Line trunk controler
 LOC .      Local                                                             LTC    Local test cabinet
 LOC        Local operating company                                           LTD     Local test desk
 LOC        Location of cable on frame                                        LTD    Local test desk (#16
 LOCAP        Low capacnance                                                  LTD     Long term disabil~y
 LOCN        Location                                                         LTD     Lt disable (CII channel code)
 LOE        List originating line equipment                                   LTERM      Logical terminal-ims (IBM)
 LOE        Location operating ent~y                                          LTF    Light terminal frame
 LOES        Lajms online entry system .                                      LTF    Lightwave terminal frame
 LOF        Lock off-line                                                     LTF    Ligl}twave termin~ting frame
 LOF        Loss of frame                                                     LTF    Line trunk frame
 LOGIC        Logistics integrated control system                             LTG     Line translation group
 LOGU         Logical un~ assignments                                         LTG     Line trunk group
 LOMS         Loop assignment center operations managementsystem              LTI   Loop termination identifier
 LON        Lock on-line                                                      LTMA     Lightwaile terminal muttiplex assembly
 LONALS        Local off-net access lines                                     LTMA     Lightwave terminating muttiplexing assembly
 LP        Telephotolfacsimile-service code for LATA access                   LTN     List telephone numbers
 LPA        Link pack area                                                    LTOP     Long term disabil~y plan

 Blacklisted! 411                                                    4th Quarter 1995                                                          47
l TP    Line and trunk peripherals                             lUPEX        Line un~ path exerciser
l TP    local test port                                        lURR        large user reproduced records system
l TP    loop technology planning                               lV      Sdlv
l TS    loss test set                                          l VL1ERR       level 1 protocol error.
l TU    Line trunk un~                                         lVL2ERR        level 2 protocol error.
l TUC    Llu control                                           lVL3ERR        level 3 protocol error.
lU     line un~                                                lVM        Line verification module
lU 6.2   Protocol for appc                                     lW-SSS        lightwave system support services by weco
lU2     Line unit model 2                                      lWC        leave word calling
lUA     link up america tracking                               LX 2     local originating
LUCHBD      Line un~ channel board                             LX 2     local terminating
lUCOMC      Line un~ common control                            LXE       lightgulde express entry
lUHlSC     Line un~ high level service clrcuit                 LZ      Dedicated facll~y-service code for LATA access
lUfF    Living un~ interface file
lUM      Line utilization mon~or·ims CBMC)
If you operate a BBS and would like to have a "spotlight " done on it in the future, please send
us a couple of pictures of your system, the name and data number of your system , YOUR
name, address, voice phone number and include a small letter describing the "history" of your
system. If you'd just like to have your system listed, forget the pies and the letter! We'll add ya!

                                                       Send to:
                  P.O. BOX 2506
                CYPRESS, CA 90630

 A good place to meet before you start your evening activities

 Send your articles to:
  Blacklisted! 411 Articles
                                      P.o. Box2S06
                            Cypress CA 90630
48                                               4t h Quarter 1995                                          BlllCklisted! 411
                                                   -=[ MYStory )=-


                    Freaked and dream Mr. L isterique The Phreak
Shout s: Once aga in, acknowledgement and adul li on go       out to all the open minded phreak s across the world!

So finally it's my tum to tell you a bedtime story . Stop cr mlng it's not gonna save ya. The nightmare. God I hate dreaming.
Three, Four...bette r lock your door. Five , Six... gr b your crucifix. Seven, Eight... better stay awake . Nine, Ten ...He's back
again. Some say I was murdered, but no body wa v r found.

How it all started. After a day of hard working I w nt hom     nd found some mail in my room . Besides those fuck ing bills I
found two mags . The first mag was : SPLOSH I It'        m 9 from the UK and it's about naked girls with big hooters (HONK
HONK !) wich are totally covered with mud , paint, wh ipp d cr am and ohter kinds of fluid food . Anyway , it seems to me that
those British people are more sleazy then I ever thought b for . For those curious outhere:

Splash! PO Box 70, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Su         ex T N38 OPX ,UK

The other mag was: U.S. Cavalry . It's about military and dv nlure equipment. They carry out also some phonedevices , bugs ,
lasers and other weird shit. Howeve r this mag was send from th UK. It turns out that you can send this mag to your friends for
FREE by filling in a form . So somebody from the UK just did this . The question was: who did it?         Hmmm could be
Phantasm ( . The dud e who runs Unau thorized Acce ss, Britains largest compute r underground BBS
+44-(0)636-708063 Naaah , it was too long ago when I con tacted him . I think it's CODEWALKER. So I sent him a note . Shut
up stupid! I know for a phreak it's quite lame to send a note. But hey , I hadn't phreaked for the last 5 months , so I had no
working calling cards, pbx's and I succeeded only a few times 1 make a bluebox call this year. Simply because it's qu ite hard
nowawadays. It's not comolete dead but like I ment ioned before, I jus thad n't phreaked for the last 5 months. And I also
stopped crack ing payp hones a long time ago. Besides I was busy with makin g nice phreakfiles for the Dutch scene . If you are
Dutch be sure you get your hands on these Lister ique phreakf iles:

- 5(M)ESS. A complete documentation about the Dutch phone( s) -Wh ich includes dialups and other secret phonenumbers !

- Antwapp. All about answer ing machines. Includ ing exampl es and lots of codes .

- Bluebox . All Dutch toll free numbers for blue boxing with some hints .

- bankhack. A nice file indeed . Also other interes ting phone numbers are mentioned in it.

- Modemnut. All tollfree modem numbers . Inlcuding AT&T Hack.

- PBXcrack . All Dutch toll free PBX dialups .

- Vo icemail. My best phreakfile till now. All About voice mail hack ing. Including some very complete CEWL Hacks .

- Phreakit. A complete scan of a dutch area . Only the secrets numbers are listed ! Includ ing PTT TELECOM Numbers.

Watch out for more interesting files in the near future :

- Heavy duty: Just wait you Dutch Phreaks .

- GSM : this article will be printed in PRIVATE LINE. Like Onke l Dittmeyer said: It's a magaz ine for phreaks . It's only    just
about phones ! Volume 2, No.4 was cool indeed . For phreaks who didn't heard about this mag , here is the adress :

Private line (six times a year , by Tom Fairley)
5150 Fair Oaks Blvd .#101 -348
Carmichael, CA 95608 USA
(916) 488-4231 VOICE
(916) 978-0810 FAX
Privatel ine@delphLcom editor and publisher (Tom Fairley)
Dam ien@prcomm .com techn ical editor (Dam ien Thorn)

Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing. Did I told you yet that I have a girlfriend. NO!? I've got a girlfriend . And she
knocks me out everytime. OUCH ! She is not only very attract ive, she has brains too ! OH BOY ! Long dark hair, soft red lips,
wild brow n eyes , pretty face , long legs, a good shape . Nice but and cute tits. MAN, She is a VAMP ! A man-killer ! I always
wanted une Femme Fatale ! And now the great part of her: She doe s not have an attitude ! Call me mr. LUCKY ! I) Sorry for
drifting away but I just had to do it. I think this guy is ju st melting. Being in LOVE is a great fee ling. I LOVE YOU MARJOLlJN !

Alright I continue the story . I received a note back wich was an invitation for Access All Areas too . This dude wrote me that I
can come over and have a sleep at his place. Don't worry dudes, he's married. PHEW ! Th is sounds interesting. Altho ugh , I

 Blacklisted! 411                                           4th Quarter 1995                                                   49
was saving my money for a new car. Fuck the car, I'll buy my Honda CRX next month.' I AM GOING TO ACCESS ALL AREAS
IN THE UK! PARDEY, PARDEYIII Two days later I bought my ticket:

Which airport do you want to land on, ir?
Huh? Are there more airports for London?
Yes, sir.
Well, in that case, I want the clos t to London City.
Allright, sir. That's gonna be London City Airport.

Live is just too simple....... Now I just hav to get some pound notes. I bought 125 pounds (325 guilders/US $200). It is not too
much, I know it would be far too less if I would freak out overhere in one weekend. If I had bought more I just had spent it
anyway. I wonder if those UK Phreaks know how to booze. A few days later my phone ringed. At that time it was 1 o'clock
midnight. Rule NR 1: NEVER give your phonenumber to a foreign phreak. The night before I had slept only 3 three hours
(yup, pardey), so I was quite bushed. Anyway, It was a friend of codewalker. Well that's what he told me. I can't remember
much of the conversation but I told him wich plane I took and some other crap. Damn!, this dude was calling with a mobile
phone wich had global access. COOOOOOOLI It sounded great. At least, better then those sloppy mobile connections of PTT
TELECOM. You won't believe the shit they are selling over here. Holland is almost the smallest country in Europe and also a
country with no mountains at all. In this country PTT TELECOM succeed to fuck it up. One year after releasing GSM, wich was
delayed already one year, it's still not possible to reach all areas in Holland. I am talking about big areas here. Instead of
installing more radiostations and antennas, they're driving with testvans all day to measure the network. FUCKING IDIOTS!
It also happened a few times the whole networked collapsed ! People were quite upset. Most people are also pissed about
those astronomic rates for making GSM calls. And so it happened that GSM users started an action commitee against PTT
TELECOM. Way to go, PTT Telco !

A few days later Codewalker himself called me, good old PBX, just to let me know how I should get there. Finally it was friday,
at 16:00 I arrived at Rotterdam Airport. At 5 o'clock I was heading to London. When the plane took off my balls were vibrated
just at the right frequency. IT FELT GOOD! It was quite hot that day and I hoped we wou ld crash in the Northsea .
AAAAaaahh...Quickdive to hell! Besides the stewardess gave us a excellent show with here live jacket...NOT! She must
really hate this. Since the plane wouldn't crash I had to think up a better idea. So I asked somebody to open up a window. I
wonder why some people started sreaming. I was only joking! I grabbed my walkman and listened to my latest copy of Fresh
Fruit Records (cocktail 1&2). I just bought these CD's yesterday. So I wasn't able to listen to them till then. Rene et Gaston,
D.J. Zki & Dobre RULEZZZZzzzz ! (klatsch, oh boy, Spectacle de Foire :) II!!!, let's get closer baby, do you know what I mean,
Vallee de Larmes, etc.). Music huh? That reminds me, we flew above the main harbor of the world, the port of Rotterdam.
And when I saw that place I thought immediately of the Raveparty at that place last year. It was HUGE! Mysteryland was cool!
Three days of raving, over more then 10,000 people, 275,000 WATT. It had all kinds of music: Thunderdome : hardcore,
House of love: club/mellow, The eclipse: the zone for the progessive trance- and techno- scene wich was cool indeed. I just
like to rave.

 Finally I arrived at London airport . From the airport I took a cab to the Woolwich Ferry. The Woolwich ferry !? said the .
 cabdriver. I said: Yes, what's wrong with il. He answered: What's right with it! When I arrived at the ferry it turned out it was
 one old bitch of a ferry. Anyway, it was free for passengers. At the other side of the Thames (Theems) Codewalker would pick
 me up. Since I had to wait for half an hour I started writing my postcards. I hate writing postcards but if I don't, friends and
 relatives starts whining, you know what I am talking about. After writing the cards I took my special t-shirt out of my bag and
 hang it up on the little wall and wa ited. On the front was a smiley printed with a phone in his hand, under the smiley was
 printed: Phreaking is therapy.

 On the back was printed:


 E X C E S S

  I love It, I need It: EXCESS
  I Ate It, I Want It: EXPRESS
  I Inn It, I Get It: NOT LESS
  I Mean It, I PHreak It: 5ESS
. I Jam It, I :) It, ITS JAZZ
  I Love It, I Need It: EXCESS



 A few minutes later codewalker showed up. We drove to his house and had spaghett i bolognese for dinner. Since the
 conference was tommorow we went out that evening. We first picked up Paul. We rang at his door and called him up with the
 cellphone at the same time, heh heh. Codewalker is an entertaining guy. Paul looked like a Hippy. I wanna be a hippy and I
 wanna get stoned but I never knew why. I want to get high! He acted cool anyway. He sold his modem the day before . So we
 called him mr. Nomodem, heh heh. We went first to a local pub. I don't like beer so I took the heavy stuff. I just had to taste
 an English beer so I took a zip of Paul's beer. It tasted quite well, I thought English beer was tepid, but it wasn't. I was right
 about the foam . English beer doesn't have foam and it's not real strong. After a few bacard ilwhiskey-cola's I wanted a
 Safari-cola. Guess WHAT! They don't know about Safari. What a hell. They fixed me something with lemon. I don't know what
 it was but it tasted good. There was also a karaoke show in the pub and it was codewalker's turn. He song: "Cherry baby" with
 a very high pitched voice. He was good I I liked it :). And so did the everbody. The pub was nice indeed, it had someth ing
 Dutch! But then suddenly, a quarter past eleven, they told everbody to get out. Finish your drink and go home! IMAGINE. How
 rude. I just couldn't believe it. Normally I go out at that time! It appeared it was something typically British. Lucky enough
 codewalker knew some hidden club. We walked to this club. Paul began to run accross the streets like a madman. He looked
 funny! After a few times banging on the iron door it opened. We threw some darts and played pool had a drink and then
50                                      4th Quarter 1995                                                   Blacklisted! 411
headed to the Westend in london city . Allr ight. We just walked around and ate some food . Most clubs were just too expensive
so we didn't go in or we were just not allowed too go in. I think we looked weird and very undressed , i.e. Paul ;)
Then somebody asked us in his club , club22 , we followed the man and went inside. It was some weird room inside a vague
build ing. They gave me wodka , but I thought it was a seven-up without bubbles . NO KIDDING ! I think I had drunk too much
that even ing. After the pool we went out. We just had a quick look in a smut shop and after that we took an expresso. We
decided to go hom e because it was late and the congress started early . While driving home , codewalker told pau l what GIF's
I had send him . The rest of the drive both told me all the time I was a sick Fucker L You tell me: What 's wrong with bestials,
fislfuckers , poo poo sex ???? After a few hours sleep ing we woke up at10 o'clock . The congress wou ld start at 10:00 so I
guess we were late . We did go with the train otherw ise we would stuck in a trafic jam . We arrived at half past eleven and had
to wait outs ide in a row . I hate wait ing. The congress wou ld, actuall y, start at twelve . So we were not late indeed. Of course
Hack-tic was presen t. I like them . They just know their stuff. I liked the Hack-tic mag . It's a shame they stopped . It was always
very funny and had also nice hack info in it every time.

The first day of access all areas sucked rea l hard . Most of the stuff wa s canc elled. So we hit the street most of time, jus t eating
and walk ing. Hack-tic told a story about how Hack-t ic started and somethin g about the political respons ibility of hackers . They
did it well . After that we went to the pay phones inside the uni and took the phonewires out of the ceiling . How phunny, the
wires were quite long . Too bad nobody had bring a phone with them. Paul went even home later that even ing, because access
all areas was a tragic happen ing. He was a lamer anyway , wa it it was wurse . He was a LAMER-WANNABE :) Codewa lker
and me just listened to emmanuel goldste in and after that we watched a movie about the SA, both were nice, and we went
home too . Before going to the train we ate steak . We decided to go to bed because the n i ~ ht before we had less sleep and
tommorow the conference would start early aga in.                                       .

Finally it was sunday . Usually I sleep on Sundays , my record is 18:10 Not bad indeed huh? But now I was motivated to wake
up early: I looked forward too it, because BlllSF would show up. YES ! Just like the first day, a lot (the best) of the programm
was canceled . First an old guy told us someth ing about hacking in his days , it was nice to listen to it. Second a guy tried to
expla in someth ing about Pagers and FSK. Actually he did not. In the beg ining he was bend over and mumbled all the time in
the mic. Then rop conne cted the long wire to the mic, so he cou ld talk more loudly and he was able to show some thing and
talk about it. Ofcourse everbody app laused for this Hitec move of rop . A few minutes later fire brake out , i.e. the firealarm went
off. Somebody was smo king in the uni and that caused alarm. First everbody thought it was a joke, but then everbody went
out. Outside were lots of kids whit cell phones. One kid walked to codewalke r and said that there was somebody on the phone
for him, the kid grabbed another cellphone out of his jacket and started to scan the phoneconversation, heh heh ! Kids ......
That day there was also a movie crew on the set near the un i. Nobody was allowed to get there , but guess who were
aliowed .......Between these two speakers we went to a market place, I had an English breakfas t: Chips with eggs and bacon ,
heavy ! CW had even beans with it. We sat above on some kind of balcony and watched peop le. The re was a guy who had
pink hair, red lipstick. a beard . skirt. pink shoes and he had also a little bag on his back . Besides him was walk ing his smooth
boyfriend . Polly and Molly . Man , what a sick bastards. YUCK ! Everyt ime we saw woman wo looked strange (big tits. fat. etc .)
we said: CREDITZ !(for my account on the sleaze BBS, you know !).

Finally it was BiliSF it's turn . Before he begun I talked with a German guy which was a true phreaker (contact me on AD dude ).
Boy. he knew a lot. At least more then I do. He had also many expierence with R2. COOOOOO L! Unfortunately Bill could tell
us not all the cool stuff cause he was afraight for gett ing busted. Anyway it didn't matter what he sa id, everbody was excited ,
HEY I WAS . Some people wanted to make pictures . but he didn't liked that. A few hours before I had make a picture of him,
he even posed for me ! COOOl picture Bil L! In the auditorium everbody was allowed to ask bill questions . The german
phreaker besides me asked bill if it was possible to mislead the phonecompany somehow that they could not find out that he
was dialing 10.000 tollfree numbe rs every month . Good question! I always thought I was the only one who dialed 10,000 times
a mont h. The answer was : NO ! Somebody asked the difference between Caller ID and ANI. Aga in good quest ion: CalierlD
is used by customers and ANI is used by the phoneco mpany . When Billsf finished everybody applaused . He was the best after
all! Outs ide the uni I and some other phreakers talked more ope n minded with Bill. He is the coolest dude I ever met. He told
us abou t a guy who he knew wh ich could decode R2 tones with his ears and played the phoneline like a Steinway. COO L! Bill
told us also that he once was called by an unknown phreak and when the phreak hanged up he had a tune of trunked
saltelites.. kaploink kaplo ink...COOOL!        .

He is still wondering who that person was . I denie everyth ing. Accord ing to Bill, India is phreak coun try number one ! What
else did he said.... Hrnrnm, 011 I remember. Some time ago it was poss ible to make free AT&T calls just by typing in a random
phonen umber and using ABCD tones as PIN. OUCH ! that's rea l COOOO L. For the Dutch phrea ks: Brasil is still phreakable
(three tones !!!!!!) Bill didn't gave me the freque ncies .....Also. Italy is phreakable. I never knew that. did you????? One of the
phreaks told him that he had a toll free number for Yugoslav ia. Bill totally freaked out for the first five minutes. I never saw
somebody who was just so incredib le happy only to hear this. Oh wow . that's so coo l. Wow . OOOO h.... he said. He acted like
somebody gave him a winning lotery ticket of 10 mill ion bux. I lOVE YOU BILL ! YOU ARE THE FUCKING BEST ! Bill please .
write some stories for us. Anyway we had some more cool chatting with him: I just gave him my floppy wich contained some
files of me. I hope he liked it. EEK EEK !

I don't rememeber what else we did that day . So I guess it was very boring . I do remember I saw the video "unauth orized
access" . I had already seen it on Hack -tic's fare well party this year . It was cool. Especially the part where Billsf made a bb call
from a dutch payp hone to the states through Malasia. Everbo dy at hack-tic's party started yelling and scream ing when bill
hang up the phone and received his quarte r back . Phreak ing is Therapy !

 So AAA was over that evening and we went home . I had bring some UK AT&T -phonenumbers with me wich I found on a
 Vo icema il system of AT&T . We ward ialed a total scan of 100 numbers quickly and fou nd some interesting numbers including
 an at&t modem . YEAH ! It was some kind of a AT&T super PBX. Since we were not real in the mood for hacking we quit it.
 Codewalker would crack it later on. I just cop ied a lot of CW his harddisk and we went to bed. The next day I was brought to
 the Ferry and decided to walk to the airport since I had plenty of time. At the airport I spend my last money on a diner. For
 some strange reason the douane checked me all over I had to show everyth ing in my bag . Once again in the plane . I asked
 the stewardess if I could make a picture of the cabin . That's ok she said. It w,orks every time. In the cabine I asked mr.
 kamikaze if he could do a looping for me. They told me to get out....GRMBL. .. I grabbed my walkman and listned to a copy of
 "hands on Yello - rem ixes".

 Blacklisted' 411                                              4th Quarter 1995                                                      51
Fin lIy I was home again. Access II ro was a complete disaster. Perhaps I was expecting to much of it. I really hoped to
I rn more about phre king. But th r w re no workshops or whatever and most people acted a bit weird..heheh. Can
somebody outhere make a nic fil      bout R2. Anyway I am planning to go to the 12th chaos communication congress
(Germany December 27th to 29th). Dutch company would be appreciated.

If you wanna curse at me, puke on m , fuck me. or just wanna leave cute mail for me:

This article was forwarded to us from Private Line magazine for reprint with permission obtained from
t he aut hor.

                   Product Review - Video
                            How to build a RED BOX
                                              Reviewed by Alexander Tol stoy

Many readers have asked the question "How do I build a Red Box?" Recently the staff at Blacklisted!411 had
the opportunity to review a product that answers this question in videotape form. The video, "How to build a
Red Box" is marketed by the East America Company in Englewood , New Jersey

We popped the tape in our trusty VCR and had a look see. The video takes a viewer step by step through the
entire Red Box process including disassembly of the Radio Shack Pocket Dialer , Crystal Replacement,
Programming, and Use of the compl eted Red Box. The video follows a logical progression of all steps needed
to make a working Red Box from start to finish, and included basic troubleshooting techniques if the unit
doesn't work correctly . The information provided was basically correct and would be easy for a beginner to
follow and understand. We however have several complaints on the product that need mentioning.

The video appears to have been made with a very low budget (understandably considering the topic) and has
many technical problems. It appear s that the entire dialog was overdubed without any sort of audio mixer,
using a microphone with a simple on and off switch. This unfortunately causes an audio pop that occurs every
time the mic is turned on or off. Additio nally, the entire soldering scene is exceedingly long and demonstrated
rather poor soldering techniques . The video spends over 10 minutes describing what should be less than a
two minute operation . About three quarters of this section could be edited out and still deliver the required

Overall the video achieves the purpose of taking a beginner through the entire Red Box process, from start to
finish. The information was basically correct and is easy to follow . We give this tape a B+ Grade for Technical
Accuracy , a B- for Composition , and a C- for Video Production Quality. The tape is available through the East
America Company, 156 Sherwood Place, Englewood , New Jersey 07631 TEL 201-871-9172 or EMAIL
76501,3071@compuserve .com Price (As of 9/1/95) $39 US + $5 US Shipping and Handling .
                                                  We have some pictures of
                                                  the video which were
                                                  frame captured.        The
                                                  quality isn't the best, but
                                                  you can make out the
                                             . ~. details eno ugh to figure
                                           :~ out what's happening. In

                       ;-     t..:.t
                   . ,.' ; ;.,..
                   . _ ;. .lIl
                   ! , .
                Photo 1                                                                        Photo 2
of the circuit board in the auto-dialer. Notice the crystal which is located near the middle area
of the picture, left of the large black object (which is the CPU for the device) . The crystal is
replaced with a 6.5MHz crystal. That's really the whole technical process to converting this
device into a "red box." In photo number 2 (pictured above right), we have a shot of the RS
auto-dialer being disassembled. There 's nothing to it. Remove a few screws and the sucker
pops right open! Really hard, huh? If you've been looking for an extremely easy project to
work on, this is what you're looking for! In photo number 3 (pictured following page top left)
we see the newly constructed/converted "red box" in use...well , maybe it's a mock up of how
it's used, since the use of such a device is extremely illegal and carries a heavy penaly along
with it. Anyhow , you see in the picture, that the auto-dialer is placed against the mouthpiece
52                                           4th Quarter 1995                                      Blacklisted! 411
                                            of      th    payphon e's
                                            hands t. Push a button
                                            and away you go !!! Free
                                            call .., Ok, in phot o
                                            number 4 (pictured to the
                                            right ) we see all the
                                            parts/tools needed to
                                            accomplish this task of
                                            auto-di ler to "red box"
               P'h~t~' :j: '~                                                                  Photo 4
conversion...We have (from left to right) , the auto -dialer, batteries, crystal , solder, two
screwdrivers, tweasers , scissors , soldering iron and stand for the soldering iron. The scissors
can be replaced with a pair of dikes (diagonal cutters) and the crystal can be either 6.55MHz
or 6.5536MHz...whicheve r is easier to find.. They'll both work just fine. Welp , that's it for this
review...If you have any questions or comments, email us at: ·

        Want to have your product REVIEWED?
That's what we thought! It's simple. Send us a sample of your product with a brief description
and/or operating instructions along with any other comments and see your product reviewed in an
upcoming issue! It'll cost you nothing and you'll have about 30,000 people all over the world looking
at your product! So, take the plungel Send in a product for review!! It's FREE advertising.

                                           Submitted by UHauL
Each phone company has a way to dial long distance numbers through them with certain number patterns/c odes . One
of these codes is 102880 . This number allows you to charge money, while calling a long distance, to a third number.
This process fairly well-known, but I felt I should give this knowledge out to the ones who have yet to know this. You
used to be able to do this on a public pay phone, but now you can only use it on private/home phones . Also,It only
works in some area codes, but that will be found out by testing the followi ng script with your local phone company.
This is what you do:

Dial: 102880

Recording: AT&T , Please dial the number you wish to call, or hold for an operator.

Dial:   L.J_-__
Recording: AT&T , Please say 'calling card', '3rd number' , or 'collec t calling' now.

You say: 3rd Number

Record ing: AT&T, Please dial the 3rd party number , or hold for an operator.

Dial: 416-453-xxxx. The xxxx is any 4 numbers , the 416-453-xxxx is a canadian number. The xxxx should be
switched every time . ego1st call- xxxx=1111 , 2nd call- xxxx=2222, etc.

After this process, you will hopefully get connected to the person who you are calling. This system is fairly safe, but I
use caller ill block (·67) anyway . Remember , there are many of us who want to use this system , so please don't abuse
it. It will be shut down if you do.

Isn't it ironic th at we're putting this info In this Issue? No doubt,  used a similar tactic
when 3rd party bill ing a bunch of 1 minute calls to our numbers. Haha.. that's pretty funnyl Anyhow,
this won't always work if the number you are trying to charge to has 3rd party call block on it. Now,
in no way does this mean that this particular billing method will *not* work. Oh, there are quite a few
comp anies and carriers that will stili let the charge go through - and the call, for that matter. Wow, this
is som e fun stuff....iIIegal, of course. Seems like all the fun stuff is illegal.. Anyhow, we can't really
suggest using thIs but , heck, it's for information purposes, righ t?1 Enjoy.

Blacklisted! 411                                         4th Qua rter 1995                                            53
                                               Software Review
                    AOHell v3.0 by Da Chronic
                                                  Review by Doctor J .
Windows 3. 1 or greater,
America Online v1.5 or greater

I've recently had the opportun ity to review this great program. It really serves no other purpose , other than to wreak havoc on
the poor saps that actually enjoy AOL.

There are a number of features that this program contains that "enhance" the AOL software in a number of ways . You still
must have the AOL software to use this program, as well as VBRUN300 .DLL, which is available on any decent shareware
board. Basically, what AOHell does, is it runs on top of AOL. You are then able to call up any of the AOHell functions by
clicking on the AOHell button that places itself in the title bar of your AOL screen. There is also another program that comes
with AOHellthat creates accounts. You can run this program seperately , or you may call it up through the AOHell program .

The account generator program works wonderfully. You simply click on the "generate all" checkbox, and then click on the Start
button. You must be connected to AOL before you can use this function. After that, you may simply kick back, and watch .
Once it is completed , you may use your new AOL account.

Most of the features in this program are geared to harassing people in the chat rooms. Included is an AI Bot, which can be set
up to generate responses to triggered events in the room, which can be a specified word or a specific person. There's also a
number of macro features, which can be set to exit and re-enter the room at specified intervals(to reset the chat room's
occupants' IGNORE preferences), generate ASCII pictures, roll the dice feature in the AOL rooms , send a text file from your
computer, or simply scroll the lines up the screen. My personal favorite is the one that draws a stick figure(you may also have
it write a person's name right below the figure) and it draws a large revolver pointed at the stick figure's head. Most of these
features have only minor annoyance values, but when used over and over, it gets really irritating really fast.  There is
also a feature that enables you to 'b ust into" a room that you normally cannot get into. This works wonderfully, and the longest
I have had to wait for it to do its thing was less than 30 seconds. If you feel like chatting and doing something else(l ike, say,
leeching some cool shareware warezzZZz from the AOL archives) then you might want to try out the DownChat feature. Of
course, you can already do this in version 2.5 of AOL's software, but if you're using an earlier version, it is useful. You may
also opt to fire up the text manipulation feature, which makes it look like a certain user said something in the chatroom. \NtIat
this function really does, is it sends a message from you, spaces until the end of the line, and then on the next line types the
user's screen name and the message that you wish them to say on the next line, making it look like they typed it. Il looks quite

In Addition to the chat room harassment , you also have a few 1Mand tricks as well. There's an 1Mmanager, which enables
you to block out irritating IMs from other users, but still be able to recieve IMs from a certain person. It sends a gener ic
response that you define yourself to the other users. If you receive an 1Mfrom someone that offends you (how dare they?)
then you may use the Punt feature to essentially kick them offline. Now, the Punt feature doesn't actually kick them off of AOL.
\NtIat it does is: it sends a bunch of IMs to them at once (450 to be more exact) and more often than not, this forces their
computer to lock up, and they must reboot. Thus, they are kicked offline. Also, there's a feature called the "CC/PW Fisher."
\NtIatthis does, is send generic IMs to persons in your chatroom explaining that you are with the billing dept. of AOL, etc. and
that you're having difficulty with their account, blah blah blah, and that you need their credit card information or account
password. Of course, to do this you would need to use a screen name that sounds official, like BillingAOL or CreditAOL or
whatever suits your fancy.

If chat rooms aren't your thing, and IMs get old, you can always try out the E-mail functions . There's a Mail Bomb feature ,
which lets you send a few thousand E-mails to a user of your choosing, or you may simply opt to getting a user's account
cancelled, by using the Fake Forward feature and telling an AOL staff member that this individual said certain things. For
sending email privately on the AOL system, there's an Encrypter/Decrypter function which encodes your mail so that only
those that have the password can read the text.

AOHell also enables you to quickly get to the FTP services and leech to your heart's content with having to bother with all of
the needless screens that you have to weed through to get to it normally. If you feel like doing a bit of shopping online, feel
free to test out the Credit Card number generator and send a few goodies to some people you hate.

All in all, AOHell is a great program if you just feel like harassing the crap out of people. If you want free stuff, you shou ld know
better than to try to get it through AOL in the first place. I enjoyed using AOHell , and got many great laughs everytime I was
kicked off. You should be able to find this goodie on any semi-decent HPACV board or warez board. It's about aOOk and
shouldn't hurt your credits too much. Enjoy...
Editors note: AOL has recently sped up the Credit Card verifying process, and to make accounts, one who wants to
use AOL(at their own risk) should try using a valid credit card account (We must remind you that credit card fraud
carries a hefty penaltyl). After this, things should run along smoothly.
~ ===               =    =     =     =     ~~=~~~~                                   =     ~~~               ==~~~

o         So, you want to subscribe....but you think it's TOO MUCH I?                                                                0
o        Guess what? It's on~ $20 ayear, nowl We're now quarter~ll                                                                       0
G::::::::: ===== ===== ==~~==== =~=~
54                                       4th Quarter 1995                                                     Blacklisted! 411
                                  (Jame TipS 0 The Month! I

Bonus Gift Trick - Pick a land with plenty of water In It, but do not pick an island. Make sure you pick a land
with water near the middle. Now, create roads, find the middle of the land and make a cross with these roads
all the way to the edge of the map of you land. Do not connect the cross in the middle of the water, or the trick
will not work . Once you make a cross with th           roads near a body of water, you will be able to build
anywhere from two to five casinos or amusem nt parksl More Maps - Select "Start New City" on the menu
screen, then choose any map number between 1 and 999. "Ok" the map you want. Go into the map and
choose the "Go to Menu" icon at the top of the scr en. Do NOT save this. Choose "Start New City" again on
the menu screen. Wait, and the same map that you chose earlier will tum out to be a different map with the
same number l This works all the way from map 1 to 999, giving you a total for 1998 instead of the regular 999.

Stage Select and Sound Test - Make sure both controllers are plugged in. Go to the option screen and move
th cursor to the exit. Now instead of exiting, hold button l and START simulataneously on the 2nd controller
and press START on the 1st. You will find yours If on a special screen which you ·.::an select stages, area,
sound effects and music

Unlimited Continues - First plug in both controll rs. Next, select a 2 player game and playas the red truck, but
let the blue truck stand still. When the race ends, you will be in third place, which will automatically put you in
the next race. The unused blue truck will always be able to continue.

 .Thank You                         PILOT WINGS
                                    level Codes
    JAZZLICI(S!!                    level 1 - 000000
         BILL                       Level 2 - 985206
                                    Level 3 - 394391
         /OlC                       Level 4 - 520771
                                    Hell - 108048
                                     Expert level -
        BRIAN                        l evel 6 - 400718
  DIGITALTHUNDER                     l evel 7 - 773224
                                     l evel 8 - 165411
         ERIC                        level 9 - 760357
                                     Heli - 882943
                                     Bonus Stages - Get to the bonus stages by accomplishing special
      EDWAIlD                        maneuv ers on the Rocketbelt and Parachute rounds. Ignore the
       JOSEPH                        rings and other object ives in these rounds and maneuver your
                                     character over the moving platform in each level. If you can land on this
      MODEL-T                        portion of the target area , you will be taken to the bonus stage with a
                                     perfect rating of 100 points! When you are using the Rocketbelt and get
         JIM                         this bonus , you will be transformed into a winged man! While in this
     TOM MRLEY                       special mode, try to ju mp onto the trampolines and hit the power P's
                                     before landing in the middle of the target. When you enter the bonus stage
   DAMIEN T   HORN                   in the parachute rounds, you transform into a penguin who must high dive
                                     into a multi-point pool! The waters are separated by ropes which each
        ICMA                         designate different extra point values. .
""---------------------" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
r-                     -
      Hackers of the UJo r'd UNJrE!!
 -----Just when you thought it------ -------------~
       --------- was safe to read Blacklisletl!411
                     Behold! Your copy of Blacklisletl! 411 is MISSING!
                                     Who TOOK it?!
 Blacklisted! 411                                    4th Quarte~ 1 9~5                                          55
                          The Waaaay IIOOl S/aell/inetl!4/1 Photo Callery!

 Access Point · By The Fed - Huntington Beach, CA The first picture is of a GTE area "man hole" with the lid remove d (you
 Can see part of the tool used to take the lid off • we'll get a better shot of one of these sometime SOON) You can see a cone ,
 too.:. and ihe front end of the GTE van. Wow.. Written on a plaque mounted to the man hole safety gate are the words "NO
 SMOKING,within ten feel".. Gee, I wonder why? There's nothing too exciting about this picture , but it's interesting becau se of
,the tool which we really canno t see... The sign is also kind of funn y, as well.. Wonder how BIG the explos ion would be if
 someone were to light up the gases formed in one of those access points.. BANG! Ok, on to the next picture               .
                                                                                                               Satellite Downlink -
                                                                                                               By Cyrus ·
                                                                                                                Fullerton, CA We 're
                                                                                                                sure most of you
                                                                                                               know what this little
                                                                                                               picture is and where
                                                                                                                it was taken . This is
                                                                                                                a cable television
                                                                                                                downlink      loca tion.
                                                                                                                Thi s is where the
                                                                                                                cable 'station gets all
                                                                                                                (well, most) of their
                                                                                                                programming for the
                                                                                                                cable       chann els..
                                                                                                                such      as     HBO,
                                                                                                                Showtime , etc.. What
                                                                                                               'good is any of this?
                                                                                                                Well, if you're ever in
                                                                                                                the need of caus ing
                                                                                                                some major probs
                                                                                                                with the Paragon
                                                                                                                cable     system      in
                                                                                                                Orange County , this
                                                                                                                is a good place to
  start ! Huntington Beach is the place whe re this downlink is located, in case any of you were interested.. .Send us MORE pies!!!

                                             Wanted: Photographs!
 If you have a photo of a payphone , local telephone company vehicle or building, local cable
 company vehicle or building , or some other interesting item, please send them to us along
 with a short "memo" explaining what it is that we're looking at! If you send a photo that we end
 up using in our magazine, we'll mention your name along with the photo.
                                                   Send to:
                                      Blacklisted! 411 Photo Gallery
                                    P.O. Box 2506, Cypress, Ca 90630
56                                     4th Quarter 1995                                                         Blacklisted! 411
                                                                                    Every month we have tons of
                                                                                    people sending us faxes,
                                                                                    email, snail mail and phone
                                                                                    call....asking us what a red
                                                                                    box is and how to make one
                                                                                    or where to get the parts
                                                                                    from, etc.. Well, for all of
                                                                                    those who are always calling
                                                                                    us about this... THIS is for
                                                                                    RED BOX - A device, when
                                                                                    used correctly, will defraud
                                                                                    the phone company's pay
                                                                                    phones. It does this by
                                                                                    producing the coin insertion
                                                                                    tones which are usually
                                                                                    produced by the pay phone
                                                                                    itself.    These tones are
                                                                                    received at the phone
                                                                                    company          and       then
                                                                                    deciphered.               When
                                                                                    deciphered,       the    phone
                                                                                    company allows a call to be
                                                                                    placed on the payphone at
                                                                                    which the tones were
                                                                                    produced. These fraudulent
                                                                                    devices will NOT work on
                                                                                    COCOTS (customer owned
                                                                                    coin operated telephone),
                                                                                    HOW DO YOU MAKE
                                                                                    ONE? There are several
                                                                                    ways to make one. All that is
                                                                                    needed is a circuit which will
                                                                                    produce the correct tones
                                                                                    required to fool a payphone
                                                                                    into thinking you inserted a
                                                                                    coin, when you actually did
                                                                                    NOT insert a coin. The
                                                                                    easiest way to make a red
                                                                                     box is to simply convert a
                                                                                     pocker tone dialer into one.
                                                                                     Replace the crystal inside of
                                                                                     it with a 6.5Mhz (or a
                                                                                     6.5536Mhz - not correct, but
                                                                                     the tones created with this
                                                                                     one falls within the allowable
                                                                                     tolerances of the tone
required to designate coin insertion.) crystal. Once the crystal is replaced, program the pocket tone dialer with
five *'s... this will now be your red box tone which emulates an approximate quarter insertion tone set. Each
time you "play" this tone into the mouthpiece of a payphone* the payphone will be fooled into thinking you
actuall inserted a uarter. Pre slick, huh?                         *there are instances when this will NOT work.

       Was II yuul UC~I IIIcnu: rour leacher1 YourMUM1 rossibIV.....
 Was it aco-worker or your boss? Maybe your "Sign a t Other?" Who knows!
                                                 ific n
                                Trust NO ONE!
                    HOLD ON T   OEVERY SINGLE C p O yOF
                  This message was brought to you by the Blacklisted! 411 Preserv ation Society!

Blacklisted! 411                                    4th Quarter 1995                                            57
                         Cable Tags and Other Good Stuff!
                                                         Paragon cable and many other cable systems use these
                                                         small tags on subscr ibers lines when durin g new
                                                         connects , reconnects, disconnects and service upgrades,
                                                         etc.. The tech or installer usually includes data such as the
                                                         date in mmddyy format , a quickie description of the action
                                                         taken (such as "DISCO' for a disconnection or NC for new
                                                                      connect     or     RC for       reconnecl.. .."add
                                                                      Disney"..."remove Disney"..etc - you get the
                                                                      idea.) Their tech. number which is usually a 4
                                                                      digit number. The tags are orange in color and
                                                                      the information is wrillen on either side of the
                                                                      tag with black permanent ink mark ers. The
                                                                             colors of the tags vary from time to time,
                                                                             though. These tags can be purchased
                                                                             from any number of places. One of the
                                                                             most     popular     places     is   Seton
                                                                             Identification Products, located in New
                                                                             Haven, CT. Their number is (800)243-
                                                                             6624 . The part number is M4837 .
                                                                             Specify orange tags. They're $59.25 for
                                                                quant ity 100. You should call these people and
                                                                request a FREE catalog. They have TONS of useful
                                                                stuff, such as the previous mentioned tags and other
                                                                types of tags usefu l for oth er utility compan ies
                                                                needs. So, get with it and ask them for a catalog .
                                                                Why not? It's FREE!! Do we need to say any more?
                                               I'm sure this picture looks all to familiar to our readers. And it
                                               should! If you've been staying with us all this time, you should be
                                               looking UP a lot more often than not, these days. Some notes to
                                               think over. MOST of the cable companies still use the same old
                            ~~~~~~~~~- method of gell ing the cable signal to their subscribers - via coaxial
                                               cables...which is easy enough to tap into and get for FREE - which
                                               is against the law, actually. Anyhow, a few cable companies have
                                               been actively updating their transmiss ion lines to FIBER OPTIC
                                               cable , which is a booger to tap into and steal, compared to its
                                      I!I~,~ coaxial counterpart . This is great for the cable compan ies and
                                            \  they consider it a win-win situation.. They feel better knowing that
                                 --- - . . . . it'll be harder for people to steal their service, plus their service will
                                               be a lot BETTER. Clearer picture and a lot more possibilities. Heh.

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 Er"   III p"one lulel elimlJing   f",oug" f", f',,11 - "'u$/ lJe f"ei,lun 1Jf4 '#1/
p----------- - ------------- - - -
:                           WARNING
I Keep out of reach of children. Causes eye and sk in irritation. Do not          t in
I eyes, skin or clothing - Harmful if swallowed.
I                                       .
I Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage disposal. Open dumping
: is prohibited. Do not reuse. Wrap and put in trash.

: In case of contact.fmrnedlately flush eyes -or skin-with plenty of wate r for at
I      least 15 minutes. For eyes, call a physician. Remove and was h all
I contaminated clothing before reuse. If swallowed, drink egg wh ites , gelatin
I     solution or if these are not available, drink large quantities of water.
~---------------------------- - - - - - - ~

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                   Blacklisted! 411 Magazine
                                   P.o. Box 2506       .
                               Cypress, Ca 90630
                             Voice: (310)596-4673
                              Fax: (310)493-3998