Saving Big Iron

A couple of weeks ago, I was forwarded some email from a mate of mine in Rhode Island concerning a project to save some old DECSystem 10 computers from the crusher.

I got in contact with the woman spearheading the effort and spent a Saturday and Sunday helping to prep and move the systems.

My payment for all this was a big box of tractorfeed paper, some double density floppy disks I can use with my Commodore 128, a jpeg of myself standing next to one of the DECs and the satisfaction that these historic old machines (rumored to be the last ones in commercial service on the East Coast) have been saved and will be displayed and preserved in the Rhode Island Computer Museum and in private collections.

This link will take you to Megan Gentry's page concerning the whole project. I'm hoping that she'll eventually have the whole thing documented from start to finish.

Finally, a public thank you to Megan for giving me the chance to participate in this project. (and thanks for the picture of myself next to the DECs!)

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