.~e~----------------------------------------------------------~e~. ; *01* pr0jekt m4yh3m -- ~el8 ; `----------------------------------------------------------------' w1th such h1gh figurez in the sekurity scene being 0wn3d and humili4ted, eye h4ve t0 s4y that pr0jekt m4yhem has been a succ3ss. ~el8 kn0wz of at le4st 153 DEDICATED FOLLOWERZ to the cause. th3r3 is of course, many others who believe. pr0j3kt M4yh3m cellz oper8 ind3p3ndent of each 0ther. w3 have in fact cre4t3d an army. w3 w1ll n0w n4me a very sm4ll porti0n of pr0j3kt m4yh3m'z victims (th3r3 ar3 0th3rz muwhaah4hahah): k2, dugsong, lance spitcock, horizon, Chris Spencer, provos, Toby Miller, Al Hugher, ISS, NAI, QUALYS, EEYE, deraadt, route, @stake, Brian McWilliams, spaf, zip, TESO, ADM, w00w00, HERT, BVIEW, 0k th1s l1st c4n g0 0n and 0n but w3 d0nt w4nt t0 w4ste it all in 0ne ez1ne. whY be t4rg3t3d by us wh3n y0u can j0in us. why p0st info, codes, or bugs wh3n the end result iz y0ur ent1re syst3m, f4mily, and friends being 0wn3d t0 mega-fuck. d0eznt it l00k like more phun to be a bl4ckhat than a wh1tehat (th3r3 iz no inbetween). w1th that being said, pr0j3kt mayh3m has been br0ught t0 a n3w l3vel. n0 l0nger do we w4nt YOU OUR LOYAL FOLLOWERS to simplY 0wn s3kurity fucks wh0 st3p 0n 0ur turph. w3 w4nt y0u t0 cause w0rldw1de physical destructi0n to the sekurity industry infrastructure. but plz c0ntinue t0 d0 a g00d j0b 0n the internet p0rti0n of projekt m4yhem. h3re is h0w this can be accomplished: ------------------------------------' * g0ing t0 defk0n or blackhat? initiat3 a n4palm stryke. BURN THE M0THERFUCK3R D0WN. bre4k s0me computers. beat the fuck 0ut 0f the whitehat puss1ez wh0 attend or g1ve spe3chez. th1s can be done very easily with the us3 of gas0line and or baseball bats. th1s meth0d applies at all security/"h4ker" cons. * loc8d near a security company? sh00t ISS employeez with a paintball gun (y0u c4n us3 h1gh p0wer3d r1fl3z but iph y0u g3t caught ur in f0r lyfe, s0 use p4intball gunz f0r wh3n you are released you c4n c0ntinue y0ur missions). th1s meth0d appliez t0 all sekurity companies loc8d near y0u. h0wever, iph y0u w1sh t0 m4ke your MECCA pilgramag3 to ISS HQ in ATLANTA, th3n thats f1ne by us. * loc8d near a whitehat security d00d? g1ve em` a g00d mugging. thre4ten them that if they c0ntinue in th1s m4nner, y0u w1ll s1lence th3m f0rever. th1s meth0d w0rk3d in f0rc1ng hugh3r d0wn fr0m his p0sition as bugtraq m0derat0r. th1s meth0d also appliez f0r peo0ple wh0 wr1te f0r phr4ck and the like. * sp3cial m3th0d, see a pers0n wear1ng s0me sort of "r00t" clothing, be4t the fuck 0ut 0f them. * special meth0d for missi0n #1 th4t st1ll n33dz t0 be accomplish3d: DoS'n of maj0r sekurity websites. l3tz t4ke 0ut securityfocus, neohapsis, google, incidents, packetstorm, and the lyke. f0ll0werz of ~el8 muzt d0wn th3se s1tez 4ever. w3 w1ll shut them d0wn, and th3y w1ll b0w t0 us. 0ther s1tez w0rth d0wning: freshmeat, slashdot, hackphreak, blackhat, defcon, cnn, infonexus, packetfactory... ~el8's pr0jekt m4yhem sw1ss armY kn1fe: --------------------------------------' * w1re kutterz / metal kutters * HERF gun * spr4y p4int * l1ghter fluid (or diesel fuel) * p4ck of matchez * one bick lighter * some s0rt of face mask (one roll of panty hose) * a backpack * handkuff keys in the heel of your sne4kerz * one smoke bomb and or hand grenade * one rambo knife * one hidden thumb tack * one digital camera to record recruiting material for the el8: -----------' * one taser / stun gun * one bazooka * one ak-47 or m-16 * one police scanner * a pack of big chew bubble gum * and one flame thrower m1ssi0n 0n3 of pr0jekt m4yhem has b33n acc0mplizhed, and must c0ntinue in itz 0n g0ing eff0rt t0 0wn the sekurity / whitehat scene. m1ssi0n tw0 is actu4lly easi3r t0 acc0mpl1sh, s0 l3tz g3t th1s 0ne r0ll1ng. th3 w4r h4z been decl4red, the w4r has been initiated, th3 w4r iz being w0n. -- ~el8 tEaM