![[ HOPE '94 Pictures ]](link-hope94pic.gif)
These are pictures from the Hackers On
Planet Earth conference, held in 1994. Most of these images come
courtesy Ray Kaplan. Image enhancement by Dominick LaTrappe. Click on any
image detail icon to see the full image. (Please note that some of these images are quite large.)
1. a view of NYC from the HOtel PEnnsylvania
2. the 2600 Van, often mistaken for a telco truck
3. the enterance to the HOtel PEnnsylvania
4. the HOPE conference room, where the panels took place
5. an informal gathering area at HOPE
6. the network room, where numerous machines were hooked up to hope.net
7. the Beyond HOPE merchandising table
8. Emmanuel confuses a reporter from WPIX (channel 11 in New York)
9-10. the HOPE registration desk
11. when the registration computer crashed, everyone gave cash to Rop
12. "As a matter of fact, I am a member of the Legion of Doom."
13. CIA Agent Robert Steele's keynote address
14. the 2600 panel (Emmanuel and company)
15. the Social Engineering panel (SN, Emmanuel, and Cheshire Catalyst)
16. Ray Kaplan aprehends another Mitnick lookalike
17. Ray Kaplan, Bill from RNOC, Emmanuel Goldstein, Rop Gonggrijp
18. Winn Schwarrau, Mordehai Levy of the JDO, Ray Kaplan
19. Robert Steele of the CIA, Eric Hughes, Ray Kaplan
20. Rop Gonggrijp, Winn Schwartau, Ray Kaplan
21. Cheshire Catalyst at the grafitti wall
22. Jessie with Ray Kaplan at the grafitti wall
23. the waning hours of HOPE...
24-26. the Beyond HOPE grafitti wall