Razey and pH doing a great job of room security, i thought they were suppose to take turns sleeping
from left: Wick, Droid, Monolith, Silent, up before noon.
the DJ area at Mezzanine level sometime after 4am, no chix0rs in sight.
Area A on 18th floor of Hotel Pennsylvania, packed with hackers and feds
Area A on 18th floor, everyone sits quiet ninja style as Aaron McGruder (author of Boondocks) motivates the crowd
Area A, another shot of Aaron McGruder talking about stuff
I'm not sure which is hotter, the chick or the payphone.
target aquired by Dataprophet & pH somewhere by Duane Reade and Macy's
Dataprophet strikes a pose, hackers on stairs enjoy Chinese and impromptu breakdancing session
Dataprophet at 2600 van, holding firmly onto the low risk security id. :-)
Emmanuel Goldstein, founder of 2600 magazine, from behind.. (red shirt)
H2K2 banners in hotel window
nice view of Hotel Pennsylvania, at 32nd and 8th ave. everyone you see is a fed.
Jan finds a space similar to that found on U.S. submarines in 1955.
Jan and NetSniper re-enact what goes on aboard a U.S. Navy submarine.
view outside of Burrito place, i forgot the name.. good burritos.
H2K2 ID card on chick's neck
"I didn't have an IT department to keep my PC running, so i got H2K2" i think pH said.. "we (2600) ARE an IT dept"
Mezzanine area retro computer room, Atari table in fore front
terminals near the NOC (network operations center)
Verizon purchases pH's head to adorn its evil looking steel payphone booths
Can't have a Hacker Convention without some red and blue lights right? w00p w00p! (they did take someone away minutes later)
Broken Escalators to upstairs Mezzanine area, H2K2 sign looming above
Truth anti-smoking campaign in front of hotel.
"somewhere in the darkness evil sleeps." - Dataprophet