In Volume 14, Number 1 DETHMaster submitted an excellent TI-82 progie to generate credit card numbers. However, I found that the program had a rather glaring bug: It was unable to generate Discover credit card num- bers. Discover uses the prefix 6011, which caused the program to fall into an endless loop. This modification should solve that error: Immeditate preceding the line 0->S, insert: :If [A](1,2)=0 :Then :1->F :Else :0->F And the line that reads: :[A](2,P)+S->S Should be changed to: :[A](2,P)+S+F->S I hope this solves any problems! - Crumpet 2600, v14n3 ---------- While reading the article entitled "How to Generate Credit Card Numbers On a Calculator" in the Spring issue of 2600 I found a series of mistakes (most likely typographical) in the code. The idea of generating CC numbers no a TI-82 to learn about the Luhn algorithm is a great idea and it's a shame that a small mistake might ruin that chance for the curious reader. The problem is where the code assigns numbers to the second matrix (it starts at the bottom of the first column). The part where it says: [A](1,1) * 2 -> [A](2,1) [A](1,2) -> [A](2,2) [A](1,1) * 2 -> [A](2,3) [A](1,2) -> [A](2,4) etc. should read: [A](1,1) * 2 -> [A](2,) [A](1,2) -> [A](2,2) [A](1,3) * 2 -> [A](2,3) [A](1,4) -> [A](2,4) etc. and, of course, the first matrix should keep incrementing with the second After this small correction is applied, the program works perfectly. - Mutter 2600, v14n3