Fun With School ID Numbers

by gLoBuS

I happily opened up my copy of 21:3 a little while ago and read the fascinating article on decoding Blockbuster.  While I haven't tried the trick, it got me thinking about barcodes in general.

I attend a medium sized high school with about one thousand students and a few hundred members.  Our district has several elementary, junior, and senior high schools.  Every student and faculty member has a unique ID number for many uses that I will get into later.  Although I may show you ways to circumvent a certain school's security, please insert the standard disclaimer here and don't do anything stupid.

The Discovery

An art student at my school was working on a project one afternoon when I came into the art room.

This student had used the barcode generator from Barcodels, Inc. to generate a random code for artistic expression in her project.

Anyways, I was passing through on my way to lunch when I noticed this.  With wallet in hand and eyes on my student ID card, the light bulb flashed. I should see if I can recreate my own barcode online.  So for the fun of it I tried.

Using the proper symbols (which I guessed), I was able to make a JPEG file of my ID card's barcode.  Well this is all good, but what use is this to me if it's my own number?  So I found a friend who willingly gave me his number and I got to work.

The Application

Using plain old MS Word, I was able to print up the proper sized barcode to fit on the back of my card.

Using my friend's ID number on my card, we went up to the lunch line.  Lunch was almost over so it was fairly quiet.  I had the lunch lady check the balance on the account and, sure enough, my friend's name showed up on the screen.  She reminded me that I only had $5 left in my account and we happily returned back to the art room.  Once we got there I got to thinking.

The Possibilities

This ID is used for not only lunch accounts, but also computer logins, book checkouts, and teachers have many other uses for them.

I brought my findings to my computer class teacher.  He was shocked and amazed that the account numbers are as accessible and reproducible as they are.  He had me copy his ID for him and it was a carbon copy of his.

Being that he is on staff and that he was once a computer repairman for the district he reminded me of the access that his card granted him.  His barcode, along with other teachers, could be read and used to gain access to the school.

If activated his card would give him the right to go to the main district server room.  Going to my next class, I remembered that I was able to access my grade's mass listing of student ID numbers.  By going up a few levels from my user account on our network, I was able to see all the ID numbers for every student in alphabetical order.


I asked my computer class teacher to bring this to the attention of the right people and not implicate me on the way.

He did and we're waiting for the change to take place.

Until then, I plan on paying for my lunch with cash.

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