#!/usr/bin/env python # Test harness for reading fonts from the filesystem and serving them to a web browser # james.fell@alumni.york.ac.uk import os import sys from twisted.internet import reactor, endpoints from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.resource import Resource # Read and sanity check all the command line arguments from the user def readArgs(): # Check the correct number of arguments have been supplied if (len(sys.argv) != 3): print "Test harness for reading fonts from disk and serving them to a web browser." print "Usage: harness.py directory port" exit() # Get directory to read the corpus from. corpusInDir = sys.argv[1] # Check that the input directory exists. if (os.path.isdir(corpusInDir) == False): print "Error: Directory does not exist", corpusInDir exit() # Get the TCP port on localhost that the test harness should listen on try: listenPort = int(sys.argv[2]) except ValueError: print "Error: Second argument must be an integer." exit() # Check that it is a valid port number, assume non-root user if ((listenPort < 1024) or (listenPort > 65535)): print "Error: TCP port should be between 1024 and 65535." exit() return corpusInDir, listenPort # Code to execute whenever the HTTP server receives a request from a web browser class FuzzPage(Resource): isLeaf = True # Handle GET requests def render_GET(self, request): global testCaseCounter, testCases, logFilename # If the GET request is for the web root if (request.uri == '/'): # If we have reached the end of the corpus, return a message stating this if (testCaseCounter >= len(testCases)): print "Finished." return """ All done!


""" # Otherwise generate the HTML and CSS to return to the web browser else: fuzzPage = """ Font fuzzing

Testing a font

""" # Append the filename of the current test case to the log file to track our progress f = open(logFilename, 'a') f.write(testCases[testCaseCounter] + '\n') f.close # Increment the test case counter testCaseCounter += 1 # Return the web page to the web server to be fed to the browser return fuzzPage # If the GET request is for the font file elif 'font' in request.uri: # If we have reached the end of the corpus, return an empty string if (testCaseCounter >= len(testCases)): return "" # Otherwise read the next font file from disk and return its contents else: f = open(testCases[testCaseCounter], 'r') fontFileContent = f.read() f.close() # Return the font data to be fed to the browser return fontFileContent # If the GET request is for anything else return an empty string else: return "" # Spin up a HTTP server on localhost def startFuzzServer(listenPort): print "Starting HTTP Server. Please point the web browser to be tested at" + str(listenPort) resource = FuzzPage() factory = Site(resource) endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, listenPort) endpoint.listen(factory) reactor.run() return 0 # Recurse through the corpus directory and any subdirectories building a list of all the files def scanCorpus(corpusInDir): filesList = [] for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(corpusInDir): for file in files: filesList.append(os.path.join(subdir, file)) print "Found", str(len(filesList)), "files in corpus" return filesList def startup(): global testCaseCounter, testCases, logFilename # Read command line arguments from user corpusInDir, listenPort = readArgs() # Set the filename of the log file and create the empty log file logFilename = 'fontharness-log-' + str(listenPort) + '.txt' f = open(logFilename, 'w') f.close # Initialise counter for number of test cases served so far testCaseCounter = 0 # Read all test case file names into a list ready to process testCases = scanCorpus(corpusInDir) # Start up the web server and wait for a web browser to connect startFuzzServer(listenPort) startup()