_ _:. :$$$$$ _ . - +. :l$³³$$ s¿¿,,_ +:@QSSS$$$$$ `` $$$$$$$$bs¿.`"Ù?$$$l [ And Other OpenVMS ] 'ÀÀ?$$³$$$$b¿_ . [ Part II ] `"À$³$b. . [ free_hunter/madcr ] `À?b. `. `Ù. + `$ _. ` [-] intro. [--] sysuaf.dat & password hashing algorithms. [---] portmapper. [--] x25 dcl scanner. [-] references. [--] intro Some info & our toolz for vms. Just 4 fun, just 4 tech :) [--] sysuaf.dat & password hashing algorithms. On the first version of vms,password hash algo(algo 0) was simple crc on pass. It was 32x bit AUTODIN-II. Justification of that simple algo was in easy to realize, and antiquity of VMS. After some time(beginning of 70-h) in Illinoise university, Dr. George B. Purdy, offer his hash algo(which after some time was called Purdy1,2,3).In magazine "communication of the ACM,Volume 17, number 8", he publish article "A high security login procedure" in which he described its algo: PURDY_V1 (Purdy polynomial over salted input). PURDY_V2 (Purdy polynomial + variable length username). PURDY_V3 (PURDY_V2 + additional bit rotation). Accounts file, is are sys$sysuaf.dat, which have interesting structure, what described in old phrack issue 32("inside the sysuaf.dat"). Structure has are some different from version to version of vms, but main idea, what is are indexed file. Which have indexes what described directly file (owner,username, UI‘, etc), and after that blocks following user data (phrack 32 and ANALYZE/ AUTHORIZE tools). For example, part of sysuaf.dat, from openvms 5.5 on microvax: $ dump/width=80/page sys$sysuaf.dat ---cut--- Virtual block number 7 (00000007), 512 (0200) bytes 05020000 00000070 00120329 000700B1 Ì...)...p....... 000000 54534C4F 50000800 DE000000 07000500 .......ç...POLST 000010 00040C00 49008700 00010100 08205245 ER ........I.... 000020 50206C65 696E6144 0E00101C 20494441 ADI ....Daniel P 000030 3031414B 44070009 10207265 74736C6F olster ....DKA10 000040 5D524554 534C4F50 5B09000B 17203A30 0: ....[POLSTER] 000050 44030005 39204E49 474F4C05 00073520 5...LOGIN 9...D 000060 53454C42 41544C43 4409000B 1B204C43 CL ....DCLTABLES 000070 00080700 C0146BAA E7FB52C8 00091520 ...åR˜ƒÓk.î.... 000080 ||||||||||||||||| hash E16927AA C0000810 00060003 0CAD0002 ..?........îÓ'i€ 000090 |||| salt ---cut--- When mention for accounts, we discover some little interesting moment: when password changed, for new password don't generate new salt. but old was used. Trifle, but fun. In case of decryption, that's all VMS, so all work with hash, equivalents. And simple way,is add patch to john,for pleasure all lazy ppl,patch already exists (for all three algo`s). So, most genius, may found some fun in sources, and estimate ideas what Purdy have in 70-h years :) [--] portmapper This is a vms portmapper code #include /* define internet related constants, */ #include /* define network address info */ #include /* define network database library info */ #include /* define BSD 4.x socket api */ #include /* define standard i/o functions */ #include /* define standard library functions */ #include /* define string handling functions */ #include /* define unix io */ int s,s2,sc; int shell () { int l; char buf[512]; fd_set rfds; int k; while (1) { FD_SET (s2, &rfds); FD_SET (sc, &rfds); if (sc > s2 ) {k=sc;}else{k=s2;}; select (k + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (FD_ISSET (s2, &rfds)) { l = read (s2, buf, sizeof (buf)); if (l <= 0) { printf("Connection closed by local user"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } write (sc, buf, l); } if (FD_ISSET (sc, &rfds)) { l = read (sc, buf, sizeof (buf)); if (l == 0) { printf ("Connection closed by remote host"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (l < 0) { printf ("Read failure"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } write (s2, buf, l); } }; return 0; } int main() { struct sockaddr_in addr,addrc; unsigned int addrlen; int i,count; char buf[256]; long pid; if((s=socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP))<0) { printf("socket#1\n"); return -1; } addrlen=sizeof(addr); addr.sin_family=AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr=0;//inet_aton(""); addr.sin_port=htons(3000); printf("do bind\n"); if(bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, addrlen)){ printf("bind#1\n"); return -1; }; printf("do listen\n"); if ( listen(s, 5) ) { printf("listen#1"); return -1; }; printf("do accept\n"); while (1){ if((s2=accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen))<0) { printf("accept#1"); return -1; }; printf("client connected\n"); if((sc=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))<0) { printf("socket#1"); return -1; } addrlen=sizeof(addrc); addrc.sin_family=AF_INET; addrc.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(""); addrc.sin_port=htons(23); printf("do connecting..\n"); if( connect(sc, (struct sockaddr *)&addrc, addrlen) <0 ){ printf("connected#1\n"); return -1; }; printf("connect\n"); shell(); printf("EXIT SRV\n"); shutdown(s2,2); shutdown(sc,2); close(s2); close(sc); }; close(s); return 0; } [--] x25 dcl scanner. $! x25 vms scaner $! problem with 00001 addresses, include 00 in area $ on error then goto err $ say :== write sys$output $ if p4 .eqs. "" $ then $ say "x25 VMS Scan Version 1.0 2004" $ say "Usage:" $ say "x25scan [DnicArea] [HostNuaStart] [HostNuaEnd] [Outfile]" $ say "@sc 3110779 10000 10009 ok.dat" $ say "@sc 311077900 100 109 ok.dat" $ exit $ endif $ say "Starting.. with addr:" + p1 + p2+"\n" $ dnicarea = p1 $ host = p2 $ hostend = F$INTEGER(p3) $ open/write loglist 'p4' $ write loglist "test\n" $ loop1: $ if host .eq hostend $ then goto end $ else say "next try "+dnicarea+host+"\n" $ endif $ close loglist $ open/append loglist 'p4' $ DEFINE /USER SYS$OUTPUT loglist $ on severe_error then goto loop1 $ tmp=F$INTEGER(host) $ tmp=tmp+1 $ host=F$STRING(tmp) $ say "trying.."+dnicarea+host+"\n" $ SET HOST/X29/NOCLI/VMS_MODE/NOSTATISTICS 'dnicarea''host' $ goto loop1 $ err: $ say "Ouch. There has been a error!" $ end: $ say "Complete!" $ close loglist $ exit