Extended Receive Mod for the Kenwood TM-732A Dual Bander 1. Unclip removable control head unit (leave wire attached). 2. Open small plastic trap door in back of control head. 3. Cut small green wire. 4. Reassemble, apply power. This mod extends the UHF receive to 410-570 MHz. Receiver works over full 410-570 Mhz range. This mod also enables an 800 Mhz receive mode. To use, place radio in VFO mode and push and hold MHZ key. Note: My radio hears nothing at 800. I suspect that a separate antenna connection must be made. 73, Fred, AA7BQ -- | Fred Lloyd AA7BQ, Systems Engineer Fred.Lloyd@west.sun.com | | Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation ...sun!flloyd | | Phoenix, AZ (If it's a fact, I believe it!) (602) 275-4242 |