Zweites Buch (Secret Book)

Adolf Hitler's sequel to Mein Kampf.

"Politics is history in the making."

Such were the words of Adolf Hitler in his untitled, unpublished, and long-suppressed second work written only a few years after the publication of Mein Kampf.

Only two copies of the 200 page manuscript were originally made, and only one of these has ever been made public.  Kept strictly secret under Hitler's orders, the document was placed in an air raid shelter in 1935 where it remained until it's discovery by an American officer in 1945.

Written in 1928, the authenticity of the book has been verified by Josef Berg (former employee of the Nazi publishing house Eher Verlag), and Telford Taylor (former Brigadier General U.S.A.R., and Chief Counsel at the Nuremburg war-crimes trials) who, after an analysis made in 1961, comments:

"If Hitler's book of 1928 is read against the background of the intervening years, it should interest not scholars only, but the general reader."

(as quoted by

Foreward Chapter 9 - Hopelessness of an Economic Solution
Chapter 1 - War and Peace Chapter 10 - On Necessity for an Active Foreign Policy
Chapter 2 - The Necessity of Strife Chapter 11 - Germany and Russia
Chapter 3 - Race and Will in the Struggle for Power Chapter 12 - German Foreign Policy
Chapter 4 - Elements of Foreign Policy Chapter 13 - German Goals
Chapter 5 - National Socialist Foreign Policy Chapter 14 - England as an Ally
Chapter 6 - German Needs and Aims Chapter 15 - Italy as an Ally
Chapter 7 - Policies of the Second Reich Summary
Chapter 8 - Military Power And Fallacy of Border Restoration as Goal  

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