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Siege James Mason

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We Could Save A Lot Of Time If...

.if we could really admit that the Enemy has WON! Between the death of Rockwell and the turn of the decade of the Seventies the complexion of things changed. The struggle phase for the Reds and the Blacks ended and they assumed dominance. Whereas they used to influence things from behind the scenes, they now go about it quite openly. The only reason we still have a fighting chance is because the Enemy has not yet had the time to fully realize the keystone tenet of his program and philosophy: the complete bastardization of all races of man into a single, brown mass, devoid of all identity. Except for a mere time factor the Jewish Enemy has won totally and outright. It's no longer a contest in the United States ; it's a matter of REVOLUTION, a struggle to overthrow the Enemy and for survival as a race. We stand at rock bottom and if you seek the reason then look no further than those fools trudging along in the ways of the dead past.

One hell of a lot of the best of precious spirit, intentions, time, money and effort went pretty much down the drain during the Sixties and Seventies. It was because of a feeling and attitude of 'part-time struggle': go out, risk your neck in some escapade but still be able to go home to your warm bed and carry on a normal life. Comrades of the past twenty years have sacrificed EVERYTHING that one could expect to be sacrificed in a full-scale war. But it was all too little, too late, wrongly directed and, mainly, it was not TOTAL.

If a good cause were enough, we'd have won a long time ago. But it isn't enough. One of life's more harsh realities is that in this dirty struggle the ultimate prize will go to he who is the dirtiest. We seem to have fallen for our own propaganda aimed at man's nobler instincts. We're supposed to fight "clean". Our own foremost racial philosophers will tell you that truly noble instincts exist in only a small minority of Whites and not at all in other races. And most of those Whites have had their instincts perverted by the Jews and their universal, all-powerful brainwashing and taste-making apparatus. Instead of carrying on with cultist garbage, useless publicity stunts and the like (which nobody out there fighting for survival against inflation, unemployment and taxes could understand or give a DAMN about), let's direct our energies toward recruiting them all as soldiers of the revolution WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT.

[Vol. IX, # 4 - Aug., 1980]


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