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Siege James Mason

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The Hell Of It Is

.that we ourselves aren't at all immune from the horrific things that are in store for the future. If we were somehow isolated or insulated from it then none of what is today bringing it on would bother or concern us. If that was the case, I doubt whether we'd be in the struggle at all. But this is not a laboratory experiment that we can shelve, lockup, and walk away from. This is a fight for survival and we are not immune from the hell that we must strive to see gets broken loose. Any halfway "normal" person might be expected to come up with a rejoinder like this: "Why do we do it?"

We do it because one thing is clear: the current deadlock must be broken at all cost. It is frighteningly obvious that nothing positive can be expected to happen with the way things are now. Therefore a different atmosphere must be created in which some kind of positive change can be effected. Again, the "normal" person might say that there is already enough disorder, enough hell and chaos going on right now without adding more. What they don't see is that we have in this country is an "ordered disorder" which was made-to-order by, and for, Big Brother. Don't you believe they could stop crime, subversion, and anarchy if they really wanted to?

All the hell and disorder of the past, and the general crime wave today is the greatest help to Big Brother, his System and his Establishment. The Black riots gave the insurance companies carte blanche to remove the gloves and start extorting small businessmen and all the rest of us. The "limited anarchy" and the "limited insurrection" of the Blacks and the Reds just gives Big Brother more alibi to tighten the lid of the Electronic Surveillance Society, to stampede legislation to disarm the populace. All the runaway non-White crime merely gives cover and justification for the erection of a police state, the reins of power firmly in the hands of the Jews. They don't want it stamped out; they need it for the completion of their plans.

What they fear most is total disorder which they can't control. That which they can't monitor or control doesn't serve their interests. It's been said that we don't want to rock the boat, we want to sink it! When we succeed in blowing the bottom right out, we're going to have to hurry topside, over the rail, and swim for life, leaving the rats to drown with the ship.

[Vol. X, # 4 - April, 1981]


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