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Siege James Mason

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On The Way Into Poland In 1939

...or more accurately, on the way back into the Polish-occupied German territory at the outset of World War Two, Adolf Hitler told his troops, "Close your hearts to pity". A strange thing for a Nazi to be telling other Nazis. After all, that is supposed to be a foregone conclusion if we have been taught right. Didn't Hitler start the war for the pure fun and brutality of it? We know otherwise but there is still a subtle message in what Hitler told his men in 1939. In spite of Polish occupation of German territories since 1918 and in spite of some of the worst outrages done against the German inhabitants by some over-zealous Poles, Hitler knew he had to spell out plainly to his men what the mission was if it was going to be done right. It is part of the White Man's makeup to forget, to know pity... it is found in no other race. And this trait has cost us plenty over the centuries because we have let so many enemies get away.

As we all too painfully know, THAT was the prime reason for the loss of World War Two: Hitler was not the bad guy he is made out to be. Had he been, the British Army at Dunkirk would have been annihilated; every Jew in Europe WOULD have been killed; and idealism would not have been so high as to prevent the immediate use of millions of Russians and Ukrainians in the fight against Marxist-Leninism. But in a lot of respects, those German soldiers crashing their way back into their lost provinces had it a lot easier than we shall in closing our hearts to pity, for when an enemy is shooting at you, the instinct is to shoot back. And in the case of a war between European States, once the issue was settled on the field of honor, life could go on as before... not so at all for the United States in the civil war that is coming up.

One well-known Right Wing leader has already said that we must not neglect to assemble our own "lists" of enemy operatives and sympathizers in our own locales for quick reference later on. His argument- and he is correct- is that you know damned good and well that they certainly have us on their lists, in triplicate! On the surface this isn't a bad idea but I know how lazy the Movement is.

It is by no means wishful thinking for me to draw you this picture: not many months ago I had regular occasion to screen people in their homes in the line of work. Conversation invariably drifted to the topic of the neighborhood. More than once I found myself standing in windows or yards being given a visual guided tour of where the race-mixers lived. At those times I could visualize myself in the same circumstances only this time in official capacity as a "Revolutionary Clean-Up Man". And THAT is part of how the civil war is going to shape up.

The real White Americans who are left (and there are many) HATE the very sight of race-mixing even though they scarcely understand the larger, genetic meaning of it. They HATE those of their own race who are involved in it. Don't you think they'd LOVE to come to us later on, after this existing race-mixing System has been smashed down by revolution, and "finger" every single race-mixer known to them, knowing fast action on our part will follow instantaneously? This sort of renders the need for "lists" unnecessary. As far as the System's kingpins are concerned, everybody knows who they are. As far as the System Sucks are concerned, we here know ours by heart very well and you can and should be the same in your area.

The truth is that assembling and keeping these so-called "hit lists" for us at this time is a DANGER. Looks bad as hell in case of a raid and it is UNNECESSARY. Actual System bureaucrats will get it during the full-phase course of the revolution as we go about the real business of smashing the power of the System.

Original NSLF propaganda.

The larger "clean-up" phase during and after the civil war, which even then will be raging, is a different matter. As most of you have long ago noticed, a lot of the most rabid, sneering miscegenators are blond, blue-eyed doll babies. If you can't close your heart to pity, if you couldn't blast the head off of one or a thousand of these types, then you had better bow out right now.

War is war and it is something highly impersonal. But White renegades, be they government officials or plain bleeding hearts, are another matter. We must swear an oath to ourselves now -while we're down, while things are tough, while the Enemy is in full power, while the vile race-mixers daily promenade openly in public protected by this evil System, now while it is easy to HATE- that for the United States there will be no need for concentration camps of any kind, for not a single transgressor will survive long enough to make it to that kind of haven.

[Vol. IX, # 6 - Oct., 1980]


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