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Siege James Mason

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Conservatism and the Lost Movement

"There is no justice in bureaucracy for the individual, for bureaucracy caters only to itself. One cannot practice the same bureaucracy as one is fighting against."
– Leon Trotsky

"A great revolution requires a great party and many first-rate cadres to guide it . is impossible to carry through our great revolution, which is unprecedented in history, if the leadership consists of a small, narrow group and if the Party leaders and cadres are petty-minded, short sighted and incompetent."
– Mao Tse-Tung

"All you fakers are in for it. I begged you on my knees and you didn't listen and now I can't hear you."
– Charles Manson


El Stupido

The worst critics of the Armed Struggle are inside the Movement. If you want to be told how "not to do it", just consult the "Phony Führers". For some very good reasons do they fear and reject the concept of the Armed Struggle. It is because you can be a damned, total fool in the Mass Strategy and still live. You cannot be thus in the Armed Struggle. You can be a complete incompetent and an abject failure in the Mass Strategy and yet still live to formulate clever and complicated reasons to hide or justify your failure. You can get away with being a faker and a blowhard within the Mass Strategy and no one can tell you apart from those who may be sincere. You can eke out a "living" as a Mass Strategy mail-order fraud but the Armed Struggle holds no reward unless made a total success. It is therefore a decidedly uninviting climate for the fakers and the kooks.

I've always said that the Mass Strategy could have been made to work under the proper leadership, such as provided by Commander Rockwell, but the sad and sorry types we see today are incapable of anything except amplifying and expounding upon the intricacies of insanity. They can't even do what they claim to be doing and so no wonder they have no understanding of the Armed Struggle.

Those stupid idiots who, when thinking in terms of the Mass Idea, envision marching columns decked out in German uniforms would naturally also think of a stereotyped, Hollywood-style "urban guerrilla" scenario in regard to the Armed Struggle. One is as stupid and impossible as the other except that the former will only get you laughed at while the latter one will get you killed. They are constitutionally incapable of getting their minds away from stale, sterile and programmed, obsolete ideas. If this isn't the description of a professional loser then I don't know what is.

If there is one kernel, one basic thread that can be used to sum up the NSLF line of thought, it must be: to go for the possible and forget the impossible. The types I've just referred to are also unable to recognize or differentiate between these two things. One has to maintain and strive to increase his grip over reality in order to be able to see and to know what is obvious and therefore where the appropriate course is. At this point we are dictated to by circumstances and have no real choices. The situation is clear. Those who shrink from reality and go off in search of the unreal give away much about themselves.

The situation that is clear is that the deadlock must be broken by any means necessary. The "Phony Führers", true to form, have it "bass ackwards" when they blurt: "Everything for Power!". In fact there can be no power other than Big Brother's power as long as Big Brother lives and functions. If we've learned anything in twenty years, we have learned that! The revolutionary call is "Death to Big Brother!", and until that time the only "power" exerted by our side will come from nowhere else but heroes like Fred Cowan, Joseph Franklin, the Men of Greensboro, the .22 Killer of Buffalo, etc. In many, if not most of the cases, the sacrifice is an expensive one. But it means action and only action gains results. The rest is hot air. Let 'em come right out and state that this most vicious and animal-level struggle can be won without sacrifices!

Big Brother's power must be broken by any means necessary. One great man added to that, "by any means we can find or invent". The key word is "invent". The stupid ones will always take it to mean something "classic", something that's "been tried", in other words something Big Brother has long ago predicted that may well be tried and therefore is perfectly ready, willing and able to deal with. Another great man has said, "No sense makes sense", in dealing with the allseeing, all-knowing, all-powerful Big Brother System. Big Brother may be watching but is Big Brother comprehending??

[Vol. X, #4 – April, 1981]


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