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Siege James Mason

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Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Among the areas for greatest attention this time if old errors are not to be repeated would be the scrupulous avoidance of another ego-cult built around another self-styled "Führer". Instead of being any sort of requirement, it has proven to be a deadly liability. With each man at his proper post doing his utmost without fanfare, it will soon enough become clear whether we have in our presence a true "Leader of Leaders". Until such time, we can do extremely well by maintaining a correct chain-of-command, seniority of those with proven track records, authority with responsibility based on ability to perform and gain results. There are many effective ways we can operate and go forward while at the same time developing and bringing true leadership to the fore.

When we speak of independence we primarily mean functional independence so that no one is crying out for this or that, no one carries an unfair load but most importantly that no one gets too much strategic CONTROL. One of the worst mistakes made in 1976, which I personally walked into with my eyes wide open as I knew I was taking a calculated but necessary risk, was depending on outside sources for our printed propaganda. This is especially the case with regular publications as it puts far, far too much control into hands whose sole function is to be at the beck and call of the political leadership of the Movement, rather than expecting to play the part of "mastermind" because they happen to own press equipment. I repeat, anyone who enters into an arrangement of this nature treads on dangerously thin ice and gives up a very large measure of true independence. Each unit of any size MUST have its own, private source of creating its printed propaganda.

Another error to be avoided this time is excessive splintering, the kind of which we saw in 1976 and 1977. When the NSPA (National Socialist Party of America) was taken out of the parent group (the NSWPP), it provided an alternative for those favoring the mass strategy idea. When Tommasi took the NSLF faction out of the NSWPP in 1974 he created the first group of National Socialists committed to Armed Struggle. And both of these were based in major U.S. cities. But it was no time before things started taking on a definitely kooky disposition when any disgruntled supporter in Podunk Hollow who had a P.O. box was trying to get into the act with weird sounding names and even weirder looking uniforms. That's dissipation and it is NO GOOD! These neighborhood NS circles rightfully should serve as the meat and muscle to the brain and nervous system of the bonafide NS centers. They should not go off on their merry way and become drains that sidetrack critically needed centralized funds and nationally-coordinated activities.

During 1976-77 there was an absolute dearth of mutual honesty and respect which, once the initial monkey wrenches got tossed into the works, lead to the rapid collapse of the entire structure. There was no true LOYALTY. Once the first opportunist played his hand against one legitimate segment of the Movement, and because he owned printing presses, the rest bent completely over backward in futile and disgusting pleas for "reconciliation", instead of demanding loyalty first to THEIR OWN. That attitude of screw-your-buddy for some material advantage (real or imagined, and at a high price) is what provided for the quick dismantlement of what little had been built up in that short time. There has GOT TO BE ABSOLUTE LOYALTY to a higher ideal and that ideal must be THAT WHICH WILL CARRY THE MOVEMENT TO POWER OVER THE STATE. It must be correctness and not short-range opportunism, egoism or materialism! Hitler talks a lot about correctness in Mein Kampf. If correctness were in any way bound up in how much money or how many assets a group or individual has, then the Zionist-Capitalists would have us dead to rights. One line that did arise from the 1976-77 period was "Function Before Form". The only way to do away with rivalries is to outline at the start the true FUNCTION and PURPOSE in everything from groups to officers to publications, etc. At the same time we will increase our potential by the specialization of distinct branches of operation such as the political, the paramilitary and the administrative. We cannot tolerate any longer a dozen or so "jacks of all trades and masters of none", each purporting to be a "leader" and have a "group", and each getting in the way of the other so that no one gets anywhere. Through true specialization of both function and purpose we will put anertd to the idiotic syndrome of "all chiefs and no indians" and shall then raise the beginnings of a real POLITICAL ARMY!

Not everything associated with the old concept of 'National Headquarters" should be completely rejected. For one thing I am a believer in UNIFORMITY because it builds unity and esprit de corps and looks impressive as hell to all outsiders. Hand-in-hand must come DISCIPLINE without which there is nothing remotely resembling a true and effective organization. We want no more clown costumes passing for NS uniforms and we want no more "generalissimos" whose sole function has been to underscore and reinforce DISUNITY and provide gaming material for self-appointed shrew dies wanting to play chess with live figurines. A straight brown and black paramilitary uniform as defined in 1973 remains the best and most practical way to go for any National Socialist. For the rest, we are so damned small and tightly-knit that any further distinction or rank shall be found in the name and face of the wearer of this simple uniform and the reputation he has built by his ACTIONS. May we see a return to dignity and sobriety in this manner.

Because there are two major divisions in the Movement– Mass Strategy and Armed Struggle– notice should be served that those who want to wear the uniform should LOOK THE PART. Those who would instead rather remain indistinguishable from the masses for purposes of being part of the underground had better be ready to ACT THE PART. Because now we must base our reliance upon INNERDISCIPLINE in order to get this Movement on to the kind of footing it must have before discipline can be enforced externally. Until we are able to properly and competitively pay a professional, full-time staff and until we are confident enough of ourselves to effectively punish transgressors, we must rely upon our own self-discipline if we are to go forward. This calls for certain intelligence, certain maturity, certain commitment. For those who in the least way aspire to any leadership role in the Movement, then it also requires a certain self-denial, a placing of the Movement above one's own self.

[Vol. X, # 12 – Dec., 1981]


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