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Siege James Mason

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[This segment was written as a response to Tom Metzger's circular letter to members of the Movement calling for a stop to the nonsense, the "cul-de-sacs" as he called them, that continues to get the Movement nowhere fast. In summary, and I have to express my total agreement, we must drop the role-playing of the past and join in one true and realistic Movement ideology. In the next paragraphs, I'll attempt to give my impressions of what is called for, not on the basis of what I'd like to see, but on the basis of the direction circumstances appear to be taking us.]

I am sincerely gladdened that Tom Metzger's and George Lincoln Rockwell's ideas in no way contradict one another. (And Commander Rockwell never favored a Hitler cult, so don't confuse that issue. He merely said that we can't cringe to Jewish intimidation and we must never deny our true heroes.) What Commander Rockwell did clearly state, up to the end of his life, was that it would be the economy and not the race issue that would tip things off in America. Experience is bearing this out. Despite any degree of racial resentment or friction, the fact of the matter is that Americans are losing their racial consciousness, their racial identity. Talk to the kids, you'll see what I mean. This doesn't mean that with the right leadership it can't be quickly reversed, but it does mean that the race issue is a dead horse with regard to the founding of a truly revolutionary Movement.

This isn't as bad as it sounds because, as Charles Manson says, the kind of "racism" that America was known for and which the Jews, Liberals, etc. attacked and still attack was not the sort propounded by Hitler or any other racial philosopher. It was of a negative nature otherwise the Enemy could never have succeeded in undermining and destroying its basis. Redneck racism was based on hate, fear, ignorance and plain snobbery, etc. Hitler's kind of racialism– and Manson's– was, and is, based upon Natural Order. It has yet to be seen and demonstrated in North America . It is for the continued betterment of the White Race that we fight but that is only our stated purpose. Our means are going to have to take a different form or else we are going to fail in what we're trying to achieve.

Assuming enough people can come up through the levels of struggle to where they may be loosely referred to as professional revolutionaries, then they'll still require the right approach and the right tools to use, not merely to survive, but to launch a successful attack of their own. And these will be economic and social issues, the meat and bones of Realpolilik, the stuff upon which the true governments-in-the-wings cut their teeth. "No fun", you say? "Not lofty enough", you say? Perhaps. But it should be pretty obvious by now that fancy letterheads and screwy, krinklejammer names, backed up with tons of specious philosophical gobbledygook, won't get it. The Jews accuse Hitler of going to the very core, of touching every wound. And so he did. That is why he won. The Movement here today talks shit and that is why it is where it is. I have yet to see a REAL PROGRAM offered by ANYONE representing the Racialist Movement in this country. Never. I have seen things that purported to be programs which use a lot of "musts" and super-duper idealistic phrases which don't even move me, a member of the Cause! The first time somebody gets real on paper and in the spoken word, that's when we'll have the start of something big.

Why don't I do it myself? I've thought of it. I've wanted to. But I'm not qualified. I might be able to make a stab at it, in collaboration with others in the Movement, to see what can be hammered out. Take a look at the Twenty-Five Points of the NSDAP1, or, for that matter, at the U.S. Constitution, and know that whatever is created will have to TOP those and try and tell me that anything close presently exists' THERE is your ideology. And THERE is your unity! Furthermore, I know it can be done. But will it be done?

[Vol. XII, #12 – Dec., 1983]

1See Appendix II, "National Socialism".


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