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Siege James Mason

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The Poison And The Rot

This may well be the first time ever in history that an entire people cannot sustain itself minus electricity and the things run by it, but it is not the first time that an entire people has been eaten away at its very roots and core so that no healthy portion large enough remains to carry on with a semblance of the former civilization. It has happened often enough in the past, most notably in the case of ancient Rome. A great many Roman ruins still stand today– such as their aqueducts and viaducts– and are in modern use. But nowhere– not even in the city of Rome– can one find a true Roman, a living specimen of the people who built that culture and that empire. We know in the Movement what became of them but how many can see the parallels as they are happening here today?

As it occurred in history, the Dark Ages followed the collapse of Rome . As a number of observers have seen, so far in its history, the United States has not had a revolution, only a War of Independence; it has not had a civil war, only a War Between the States. Our true revolution and our true civil war are things of the future. They'll probably take place one on top of the other. And our own "Fall of Rome" and "Dark Ages" will most likely overlap as well. Things are moving so much faster nowadays.

What's happening to the back-bone of the U.S. population, all those millions upon millions of Anglo-Saxons, has been a squeeze-play operation from the close of the last century to the present day. Commander Rockwell talked of the "niggerization" of American youth, and he was right. But since he was forced to swim in a milieu of Conservative Rightists, he neglected mentioning the other half of the assault that was just as deadly- that from above.

Fifty years ago all of the social ills that have this country by the throat today were confined to two limited areas: the colored ghettos and among the circles of the filthy rich. These people who today are indulging in and/or are trapped by this social cancer– from drugs to whatever you want to include– might imagine it is something new. It isn't. It's only relatively new to THEM. It required several generations to do it but finally their resistance was broken and the walls were removed and hell has risen. And it's referred to them as "freedom", "democracy", "equality", "progress", "self-expression", "alternate lifestyles", "human rights", "dignity", etc.

I've said before that it has reached everywhere now and indeed has stood at that point of saturation for some time. If there ever is to be a major input of the clean, the fresh and pure to hope to rejuvenate the situation, as in the case of Rome, it'll have to come from outside, as with the armies of invading "Barbarians" that the integrated, soul-rotted Roman legions couldn't resist. That points nowhere but the East, if it can happen before the rot of the West fatally infects the East as well.

But, in the hopes of getting our own thinking balanced out, could there ever have been a danger to our masses of racially-sound people of being poisoned from below unless the had already been rotted from above? Healthy people aren't susceptible to such things as drugs and racial mixing. It took a couple of generations of Hollywood's and New York 's effects on their MINDS via the movies, the newspapers and, especially, the television to get them properly "softened up". In my book, there's really nothing more vile and detestable than a crowd of so-called "beautiful people" centered on Los Angeles, New York and all the really "fashionable" resort spots, etc.

These are the types set up by the media to be worshipped and emulated by the masses. Take a look around at the results of fifty years of this! And, just as a final thought, exactly what bunch of people was it that were erased by a few "hippies" back on a hot night in 1969 and for which Charles Manson now serves several terms of life imprisonment? While we were watching out "below", Manson saw the threat from "above" and acted.

[Vol. XIV, # 4 – Apr., 1985]

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