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Siege James Mason

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Dark Age

George Orwell will be mentioned now just in order to get his name out of the way so that we may go onto examine things far more real than anything envisioned in his imaginings.

Things are going on and being said and done on a daily, routine basis that should cause one phrase to flash into the brain of any thinking, aware person: "The Dark Ages". Starting with this example is the discussion here in Ohio and indeed across the country about whether to "build more prisons and stage more executions". A lot of people are going to prison but many are getting out. Some are dangerous, it's true. They are overflowing. Guards fear the conditions. So the turnover is rapid. And, around here, they ARE building more prisons– one right across the highway from the state prison that had housed Charles Manson during the 1950's. Almost like competition across the street. "Will also create more jobs", they say.

We have to look at the way it is, not the way some Right Winger would like to see it. What does all this talk of prisons and executions MEAN? Hand-in-hand with the strong talk about "law and order"? Whose law and whose order? Why, the same ones as who own and operate the prisons and execution devices, of course. The State. Does this bode well for any of us? Hardly.

Prisons are loaded with Blacks. Prison populations consistently run from 50/50 on up in favor of Blacks. Signs of a racist, repressive society? Not exactly. It is just that Blacks commit most of the crime. But all that is in their nature and the laws of this society, as they were originally intended, were never meant for a multi-racial population, for coloreds to have to abide by. They should not be "punished" for this but instead allowed to go and make their own laws to live by and to take care of their own transgressors. But the State won't have it that way. Rather, they alternately inflict the Blacks on White society and inflict prison on the Blacks, ever heightening the fury of the cycle.

And what of the Whites in prison? Aside from the federal, "white collar" types, most are there because they cannot help themselves and the State, the only source from where real help could be expected to come, babbles on about "more prisons, more executions". After removing the Blacks and the rest of the non-Whites, and removing the habitual criminal types by actual and swift execution, the remainder would be only a shadow of the monstrous problem that exists today. A firm and healthy White society would easily absorb the majority and lead them to a productive existence while the rest, those who positively "can't make it" with others, under others' rules, could be gathered in colonies similar to the successful British experiment in Australia , to be left to make it on their own.

The State and those running it presently either can't see that or won't allow it. In the first instance, they are incompetent. In the second, they are criminal. But at bottom, given the conditions and circumstances today, this official mutter about "more prisons and more executions" smacks clearly of a declaration of war by the ruling class against the poor.

As "liberal" or "Marxist" as that might sound, if the System has ever had you behind the old eight ball, that is the inescapable reality that dawns over you. And they have the pomposity and gall to refer to these hell-holes as "correctional institutions". They are human warehouses and, because of the conditions that prevail in most of them, they are in fact torture chambers. And it is a most odd twist that, because the System that created them and the conditions within merely tosses a person in and turns its back, rather than employ full-time official torturers and executioners, the System, in whose name these prisons stand and function, gains no respect by them but only engenders hatred and contempt among these hordes of prisoners, both Black and White. And still they babble on about building more of them. Somewhere along the line is a built-in justice that is taking its time in manifesting itself.

Another hallmark of the first Dark Age that we read about in school books was the degree of superstition and illiteracy abroad in the land. The talk was taking on a loud shrillness in my early school days about not being able to secure even an undesirable job without a high school diploma. They weren't kidding about that. But no one has offered to explain all the "functional illiterates" WITH diplomas and WITH average jobs. The emphasis can't, therefore, be on education. People I meet for the first time invariably take me for a) an attorney; b) someone in law enforcement; or c) a clergyman. Seriously. I happen to be a ninth-grade drop-out and subsequent runaway, with a prison record, with no employment history and an avowed revolutionary. Seem strange? I've maintained in the past that "qualifications" in this society mean the degree to which you have reduced yourself to the level of a quickly and easily interchangeable part.

They loved to point out to us kids in school the ghastly idiocy of the official belief in such things as the "sun revolving around the earth" and the "earth as a flat disc", and that any who opposed– or so much as questioned– this official view of the Church and State, were routinely burned. It really wouldn't matter a damn if the sun did revolve around the earth or if the earth were flat. Things would go on about the same. It's just that there were men of science who sought the TRUTH at any cost. But how about today when it is taught by System, encompassing State and Church, that "all men and races of men are equal" and inter-mixing has become law? Not only is there no evidence anywhere to support that very recent assumption, but in fact all science stands against it. And IF the lessons of history are ignored, IF this de-evolution goes on to its conclusion in North America, IF this civilization crumbles as a result, then what? In principle, it may be akin to the superstition that the earth is flat, but the results are infinitely more terrible. And what of those who today go against all this babble and chatter and "laws" about "human equality"? Only they can know and appreciate what Galileo and Copernicus might have gone through.

If that's not enough, there's the business of "Six Million Dead Jews" killed by the foremost promoters of the "racist" idea: the Nazis. To deny this– merely to raise the question of it– is against the law in many countries and there currently are TRIALS underway to punish (silence) any who dare to challenge this "gospel", this "canon". Yet, all real investigation, all hard evidence shows that no such "Holocaust" ever took place. And they look upon the inquisitors of old and alternately shudder and laugh, smug in the certainty that this is the most enlightened of all times and places.

Before proceeding further, these two things, illiteracy and superstition, are what ensures that no national renaissance such as that which occurred in Central Europe in the 1930s can be possible in this country today. In Germany they wanted to be given the Truth, and Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP provided it. Here, they don't want the Truth and will try to kill you if you offer it. For a huge and complex society such as this, what this invites resembles something out of the darkest, bloodiest pages of the Old Testament. Such is the cry of eternal justice that will not be stilled.

Finally, in terms of total practicality, this society teeters on the edge of a return to something even more primitive than the original Dark Ages. On television these days I see ads for a "computer dating service" which features such types as "marketing consultants", "time management consultants", "data processors", etc. Now these are very high-paying, professional positions but I ask: What is actually being PRODUCED by them? This is being billed as not only the wave of the future but as what to look for as the "ideal" in a mate, the kind of lifestyle to be desired. But who in the hell is going to PRODUCE? You hear constantly of farms folding and disappearing. That there are now more "white collar" workers than "blue collar". Some proportion way above eighty percent of the population is now living inside the cities. Where's the FOOD going to come from? And, lastly, some in the Movement are highly enthusiastic about computerism, about how it is the wave of the future and how we'd best dive right into the swim. But I ask again, what does the rapid processing of information actually PRODUCE? What happens if someone or something pulls the plug?

A war or an anarchy, or any form of disruption or breakdown. Anything at all that puts the lights out and keeps them out. It's all held together by a few generators, a few dams and a lot of wires. They think that the ancient standing stones of Western Europe were some kind of conductors of currents but who knows? Who'll know what the hell these giant, metal towers out in the middle of cornfields were ten thousand years hence? I've stood in lines in supermarkets when the electricity has been out for as long as thirty minutes. The lines backed up to the meat departments; some people got fed up and just walked off, leaving their carts. And the people at the registers just stood helplessly, idly by, waiting for "someone" to turn the power back on. No one dreamt of whipping out pencil and paper. Tell me where the computers will be when the lights never come back on, or not for a period of years. What's more, where will the COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS be then? It'll be back to the soil fast... or DIE. Winter and starvation won't wait. Try "consulting", "programming" or "managing" your way out of that. The diplomas will come in handy when the shipments of toilet paper stop.

It has been said that Western Civilization reached its peak in the Eighteenth Century. For many reasons, this is probably correct. But I would add that mechanization had reached its natural, healthy peak at about the turn of the last century. By that I mean machines had developed enough to lighten man's load but not too much to enslave him and make a hopeless dependent of him. I marvel at the inventions of the late Eighteen Hundreds and early Nineteen Hundreds. Practically none require fuel of any sort beyond man and horse power. Furthermore they were built to last forever. Many required a certain native CRAFTSMANSHIP to operate but therein was man's greatest INSURANCE against disaster: HIMSELF and his own natural capabilities.

Life was hard? Life was neither soft nor hard, life was merely life. Today, life is a hothouse, artificial. The lifeline can be cut at any time. Perhaps for the first time ever in history a society composed of hundreds of millions of people has lost the capacity for self-sufficiency. Cut the power and they'll die by the millions. Talk about the plagues and diseases of the famed Dark Ages of old!

Centralization has brought it about. But more than that, centralization in the WORST POSSIBLE HANDS. Centralization of nearly everything. Yes, everything. Even mass opinion created by a centralized media. The question is not whether it might collapse, but how it can possibly keep from collapsing for much longer...

[Vol. XIV, # 4 – Apr., 1985]


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