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A Breed Apart

"The mightiest counterpart to the Aryan is represented by the Jew." These are the words of Adolf Hitler writing in Mein Kampf. One is immediately struck by a hidden or little-noticed implication contained in that short declaration– the vast difference in numbers between Aryans and Jews for them yet to be "mighty counterparts". What else can this imply other than not everyone counts? We who have spent years within the Movement are aware that the Jews, as a race, are elitists and think of themselves as such. This would mean then that most Jews matter in affairs of Jewry– that Jews, on average, represent themselves very well and in ways that count.

Aryans, or Whites, on the other hand, as we have seen, by and large have abdicated not only their world role but their individual roles as members of the Great Race, to the point where the Race is now only "great" in so far as its past and potential are concerned. But in terms of hard reality, such things as "past" and "potential", together with 50 cents, will get you a cup of coffee. How it got that way has been treated thoroughly in thousands of pages included in dozens of thick volumes put out by the Movement's best authors so we need not delve into it here. The only concern is what steps are to be taken to correct the situation.

What we have on the national and world stage today is a situation that fits Hitler's statement far closer than when it was written in 1924. Numerically– as far as those who count are concerned– true Aryans just about equate Jews and this parity in terms of the battle for eternal stakes lends a light to the gravity and finality of the thing seldom before seen. The rest, as Nietzsche said, are merely humanity, the gray masses representing nothing but inertia. Thousands of years ago the Jews spelled out their own estimation of these types: "Goyim", or cattle, to be grazed, milked and, finally, slaughtered. Can we argue this?

We view the current status of the world conflict this way: yes, there are two mighty counterpart forces at work in America and in the world– the forces of Life and the forces of Death. The Life forces represent an upward path toward, as Nietzsche put it, Godlike humanity. The Death forces merely seek now to make the cesspool, which they have in fact created, one of an irremediable nature. We must know that we fight for Life, for Revolution, as a matter of COURSE and not as a matter of choice or of reaction to anything. Our Program fulfilled will mean the rehabilitation and rejuvenation of Whites whereas the ongoing depredations of Jewish-Capitalism will finally eradicate them altogether.

They themselves are unaware of this and, in any case, couldn't care less. And this, in turn, means that we, like the Jews, must come to view ourselves as an elite, as a BREED APART from any other, because it is our DESTINY to do so. The Jew fights for his destiny in the same way... which is the only way his course can be explained or understood without, as did Commander Rockwell, looking upon it as purely insane.

[Vol. XI, # 9 – Sept., 1982]


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