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Siege James Mason

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The first time as a kid anyone samples boxing in the ring, one of the first things his instructor will tell him is, "Expect to be hit." And not lightly tapped either but clobbered as hard as his opponent– just as determined NOT to be hit and to win the match himself– can manage. But hit he will be until he masters the art gradually. If he is too faint-hearted, he will flee the ring at once. If he is too inept, he will get his brains beaten out. But if he is a healthy, normal specimen then Nietzsche's maxim will prevail in his case. He will feel the blows when they land but he will learn that blows are to be warded off. He will learn not to "lead with his chin" just to impress anyone that he can "take it". Above all, he will master himself and will not allow himself to be "spooked" either by his opponent or by the image of what might happen. For to allow oneself to be "spooked" is to concede defeat before the real fight begins.

When antagonism leads to conflict, and most especially when one antagonist is an old, well-established, deeply-entrenched System while the other is a young, bantam-weight revolutionary movement, then the fight is going to be heavily one-sided throughout much of its duration. The enormous body fat of the System will absorb the brunt of our best blows while any backhanded swat from the System if allowed to connect– can send us reeling off our feet. One thing however: the blows we have felt in the past are truly about as hard as can be felt, for the System's attacks, for the most part, have been and can be expected to remain on the individual, personal level. To attack us as a Movement, as a Party, would be a great strategic mistake for the System and they well know it. It would provide for us the mass forum we could never manage for ourselves. It would make us a public cause. It would also be a strong unifying factor and that they cannot afford. They will continue to keep it to a "criminal" level, attacking us singly or in the smallest groups in order to make the pickings easy and to prevent a political spectacle.

This being the case then, it is up to the Movement to better learn HOW, WHEN & WHERE to aim and deliver its blows. We've been leading with our chins for the past twenty-odd years and it's time to stop. The fall taken for a federal conspiracy charge without basis would be no harder that one with a basis to it. A trip to the penitentiary for the deaths of a half-dozen racial enemies would be no longer or worse than a trip for the deaths of hundreds. The consequences for the wounding of one or several System bureaucrats are about the same as they would be for killing them. However, none of this is the actual point.

The first time something goes wrong, you can blame others. The second time it goes wrong, you can only blame yourself. Never make the same mistake twice. If you can help it, never make it once. The rule is that once burned, twice shy. It only means keeping your hand out of the fire, not staying clear of the kitchen. The System wants– depends upon– INTIMIDATION. They count on fear and division to keep an increasingly alienated and sullen population subjected. Don't get "spooked", get SHARP! Rise and fight again with the experience you have gained.

My greatest experience as a young novice in the ring with the System landed me in the Cincinnati Workhouse for six months in the early 1970's. (By contrast, my "blow" took less than sixty seconds.) However, today's course was set in that cell block. I recall walking along that block, among a population half Black, and thinking to myself what a setting this was for one to end up a political effort. But the fact was that the previous effort had led there, with no result, and, upon release, could lead there again, also without result. And I recall in the next moment looking upward those six stories of prison cells, in that dungeon dating from the Civil War, toward the roof of the place where the pigeons flew about freely, and knowing right then that when I walked out of there the following year I'd be set on a new course. Hand-in-hand with that larger experience were many smaller ones of a day-to-day nature– perhaps the most indicative of these was the comment made by one Black prisoner as our group was being herded aside for a surprise "shakedown", "Don't they know that this only forces us to become sharper?"

For most in the traditional Racialist Right, the feeling that the police have eyes in the backs of their heads must be gotten over. It is true that we have today what Tommasi correctly saw as a "Big Brother Electronic Surveillance Society" but I would maintain that it's still not omniscient or omnipresent (and the technology even has the effect of making Big Brother's Pigs spoiled and lazy). Big Brother has up till now (and probably always shall) depended upon, number one, our own stupid goof-ups and, number two, "Uncle Toms" and other species of babbling idiots in society, for the effectiveness of his investigations, detections, arrests and prosecutions. And these are some very age-old tactics and can be combated in equally simple, age-old ways. Determination plus guts plus smarts equals an effective and successful Revolutionary Movement.

[Vol. XI, # 8 – Aug., 1982]


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