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Siege James Mason

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Of Pigs and Professionals

"The only thing lower than niggers and Jews is police that protect them." Thus spoke Fred Cowan not long before he went out in his own blaze of glory, holed up in a building that was surrounded by police coming to the aid of some dead Negroes and a terrified Jewish boss who was hiding underneath a desk. His was a wry observation, a profoundly correct one and one that will live throughout time, as long as this revolution lives and is remembered.

We know how Commander Rockwell officially viewed police: with almost fawning worship and complete deference. This, on his part, was a monumental feat of revolutionary shrewdness and self-discipline. It was the correct stance for that time. But by the end of the Seventies, it was clear even to the most dense that the usefulness of maintaining a friendly, benign, stance towards professional law enforcement had been outlived. They, like the professional military, had their last chance to act and had blown it. Those who by then had not sold out, had been edged out and silenced or otherwise compromised. All that was left were eager and willing, professional Pigs.

Ever notice how only a certain mentality becomes a cop, or a professional soldier in these times? I've known several who did both. They might be compared to decadent Rome's stoics were it not for their total lack of understanding or moral courage. They are gun fanatics, the law-and-order freaks and they have trouble getting girls. They are the most dangerous and irredeemable reactionaries. They are the System's hired hoods, the System's Pigs, and though the reactionary streak in them may at times cause them to sympathize with some of our program, they'll sell you out in a minute in the name of printed law.

It is comparatively well-known that the suicide rate among professional groups is highest among police. To be blunt they are neurotic, cowardly, self-righteous bullies and any comparison between them and the SS is enough to gag any real National Socialist, for these Pigs are not in the least bit idealistic or devoted to any cause whatsoever, save enforcing the printed law as it is handed down by tyrannical judges and sold-out politicians. What else, how else can we regard them except as a major facet of the Enemy? Conservatism and Pig-ism are the same: both enemies of revolution.

Devoid of real ethics and motivation, only two things keep the Pigs in power in this land: the mood and atmosphere set by the superabundance of the "Uncle Toms" I mentioned before and the continued existence of the economy. Despite any 21st century line of electronic surveillance systems, the Pigs COULD NOT FUNCTION minus their finks, their informants. And were it not for the government's continued ability to pay them their wages– handed over by sheepish herds of taxpaying consumers– they'd quickly get out and take jobs better suited to them, like pumping gas or some other honest labor.

We can start to defeat them now, individually, simply by being SUPERIOR . Step one is to stop imagining that they have eyes in the backs of their heads or that they are all-seeing in any way. They are NOT as long as we stay away from stupid conspiracies and other compromising situations... and even more stupid TALK! Step two is to learn their silly, little routine games which they play on every suspect and to know how to rebuff these at the time they are attempted. THAT is 90% of any encounter with the police. Third is to discipline ourselves to STAND FIRM against them even in the face of total personal disaster so that we ourselves and the revolution as a whole will not be further weakened or discredited.

Their power will gradually be overturned and destroyed through the increased lack of faith and interest on the part of the public as well as our own rock-solid opposition. Offensive tactics against them are entirely unwarranted and unnecessary now and for long into the future. Once under serious attack by them, of course, consider yourself a marked individual and proceed to kill as many of them as you can.

[Vol. XIII, # 4 – April, 1984]


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