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Siege James Mason

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To Kill or Not To Kill

There was no way my trained mind could not have reacted the way it did to the covers on those pulp tabloids depicting Negro darling, Michael Jackson, and burntout, used-up "White" renegade, Brooke Shields. There was just enough reactionary left in me to get my blood hot at that sight. And immediately after the animal brain had subsided and the human intellect regained the upper hand, I remarked to my companion in the store check-out lane that HERE was a more worthy target for some of my comrades who lately have gotten themselves locked up for killing a few low-lifes.

"Send Them A Message", as old George Corley Wallace used to say. The message would state that to dare use your celebrity status to set such an example for totally impressionable White youth would mean death. Let's face it, there aren't that many left at the very top who are flaunting their filth and their perversion in this manner, even at this advanced stage of this nation's decay. It STILL would be a relatively easy task to literally terrorize them into not coming out of their holes. Our beloved and honored Comrade Joseph Franklin has had added to his already extensive list of credits– and by the Pig System itself– the deaths of several more racially mixed couples and the critical wounding of Larry Flynt. Sure, the crud still pours forth in the streets and in the press but Franklin was only one man. What if a dozen or more had followed his example?

By the time we were walking out the door of that shop, I was thinking aloud to my friend that to grab a Greyhound bus to California, or wherever, and to take a motel room, rent a car, etc., in order to stalk one's prey– a worthy prey– in an effective manner would require absolute cold calculation, a truly disciplined spirit. It would be part of an act of revolution, not a crime of passion, as have been too many such "racist killings" of late. Crimes of passion are easily detected and have minimal effect on the public consciousness. Scientifically calculated acts of revolution are not so easily traced and have immense effect on the public mind. Compare: a string of unnamed "racially mixed couples" or Michael Jackson and Brooke Shields. Who could fail to get that message? How could they black it out or twist its meaning? What a tremendous polarizing effect it would have over the entire country– either loathing or adulation. The stuff that full-blown civil wars are made of.

Symbolism, the more basic the better, is the only thing that can penetrate the mass mind in this mass-opinion society. And, in this celebrity-minded society also, the higher the target, the better. This is only elemental cause-and-effect. I simply say that if these comrades are going to sacrifice their liberty and lives, DO IT IN THE MOST EFFECTIVE MANNER POSSIBLE!

Whether to bother? Naturally, if you're going to do it, do it right. I firmly believe that enough of it, aimed correctly and within a short enough time-frame, would force the situation out of the doldrums and into a state of revolution. There are those who'd disagree and the author of the magnificent Turner Diaries is one. Earl Turner and his "Organization" found, much to their dismay, after super-human (by present standards) sacrifices by their fanatical members, that the killing of System functionaries, of sleaze-ball System "super heroes" and the tactics of general terrorism designed to show the populace their "gods" were not invulnerable and that the Pig System was not all-powerful, were not producing the results desired. The System was finding ample replacement parts and not nearly enough of the population was getting the idea and joining in. Instead, the "Organization" had to shift its strategy from one of killing System leaders and celebrities, to one of crippling the System itself, of causing it to shut down and thereby forcing the population to cease their support of it.

A third option, of course, is to withdraw totally from it all and dig in as deeply as possible with the expectation of surviving once all the rest has been blown away and has blown over.

Certainly however, nothing is going to stop those who reach a point in time when they've had too much and just start shooting. What we have to strive for is to increase the instances of those who bide their time and sell their lives dearly, at great cost to the Enemy and at great service to their Race. We have to train ourselves to be able to knock out the functions of the System itself for we are at WAR against a most foul occupier of our land. And, certainly, some of us will have to disappear, dig deep and prepare to HANG ON when absolute hell does finally break loose. A combination of all these levels will be required before the revolution can begin in full.

Decide your proper course now. Prepare for it so you'll be able to do maximum justice to yourself and your Cause. Train for it so you'll maximize your chances of success and survival. We may well think silently to ourselves when confronted by examples of national disgrace and decay as Michael Jackson and Brooke Shields, "She can take that nigger to hell with her!", but we do not let it go at that. If you're not going to be the one to do something about that, then you'd better have plans underway to fulfill one of the other callings the revolution demands.

[Vol. XIII, # 4 – April, 1984]


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