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Siege James Mason

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Yourself in His Place

We've all considered it and quite often too. We've all got the means and the capability of doing it and a few of us might even have plans laid. Can you see YOUR picture there in place of Huberty's and can you see a thumbnail sketch– a la Jewish System media– of your life in place of his? They are going to go all-out to "get" you on paper, just as a matter of course. Would you look as good as Huberty? Would your life's story read as well as his (in spite of all the twisting and dirt-dredging as well as pure speculation and fabrication) should they ever go after you in this manner? What real dirt might they turn up on you? If it's there, they'll find it.

Still, please note that no one– at least not to my knowledge– in the Movement has even mentioned Huberty and his fight, favorably or unfavorably. Why not? Is it because he was a "kook" and an "oddball"? Do they not know the press can make daylight out to be night? That face is not the face of a derelict or a defective and their worst try at character assassination turns up nothing deep and dark about this man. Therefore, we can safely assume that he was an outstanding Aryan specimen and solid White American. (Yet never forget that a non-descript type with a "mass" mentality and persuasion can never in any case be one of us, so never look for or expect perfection.) The Movement didn't mention Huberty even though his action on that day far surpassed all of their combined efforts for the entire year! What does this indicate? Are there TWO Movements? Or is there only ONE Movement and one society of impotent fakers? Remember always that, historically, movements are natural, organic things, completely in tune with the times no matter how sick or apparently hopeless those times may seem– and they are NEVER something hoked up for fun and profit.

But at least I didn't see any of them CURSING Huberty or loudly denying and disowning him. They've been well-known for this sort of vile, cowardly behavior in the past whenever someone has taken it upon themselves to make the supreme sacrifice and go outside not only Master's rules but those very same rules of the fakers themselves. As far as you or I are concerned, take a look at yourself, as only you know yourself, and first ask whether you'd ever be able to muster the guts to act in this manner, to relinquish forever the comforts and pleasures that this Big Brother society provides you with and, quite likely, to give up your very life itself for the Cause you purport to believe in. Second, ask yourself what they'd say about you and how your family, friends and, most of all, your "compatriots" in the Movement would react and handle the situation in the wake of your action.

If you're honest with yourself, you'll know then that Huberty was a HERO of the first magnitude and beyond any reproach whatsoever. Give us more men like this and victory will be assured!

[Vol. XIII, #10 – Oct., 1984]


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