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Siege James Mason

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Praise The Lord and Pass The Ammunition

In two World Wars, German soldiers went into battle bearing as part of their uniform this motto: "Goit Mit Uns" ["God is with us"]. A lot of good it did them.

In every war between White Men of different European countries, the leaders and combatants of both sides prayed to the same God from the same Bible for blessings and victory. White Men have been killing each other for two thousand years in the name of the same religion. And if nationalistic frictions weren't present, then a religious "Reformation", etc., took place to get the blood bath started up again. For what? So that "God's will" may be done on earth as it is "in Heaven". A hell of a lot of responsibility in the hands of those who interpret just whatever "God's will" might be at the moment.

For hundreds of years the Church has been an extension of the State. (In the beginning it was the other way around but the manipulators have been perfecting their methods.) Today the Church is indispensable to Big Brother. When the Church isn't acting as the echo-chamber of the Big Brother System, then it is acting as its avant garde. Turn about is fair play and it also keeps the goyish masses confused. The leaders of the Church hold the same ranking in the Establishment as the leaders of Government, the Military, the Professions, Arts, Business and Industry, etc. And they all went corrupt– sold out– at the same time, at the same rate. They all spout the same line, for the same reason and prompted by the same people. That which the taste-makers/opinion-formers decide upon and declare,

their servants then take this and poison the masses with it as current, established, accepted "gospel", which to rebel against or even question means personal ruin (if not eternal damnation).

Separation of Church and State in reality merely means separate accounts in the same Jew-owned bank.



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