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Siege James Mason

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Measurements of Morality

Never wanting to appear self-contradictory, I'll bring it up myself that on occasion in SIEGE I use the word morality. And I stick by my general pronouncement that morality, per se, as we have known it in years and generations past, is largely dead. At best, a bad joke for hypocrites and the self-righteous to hide behind, and something that certainly holds no use for any true revolutionary. Still, in our daily affairs, we each see things and encounter things we do not like, that cause us to experience revulsion- things that none of us would do or involve ourselves in under any circumstances. What kinds of things are these, why are we affronted by them, why do we avoid them and what do we do about them?

Basically, we're talking about the prime-moving stimuli that once propelled a fairly large and wealthy Right Wing to react against. Things that would drive the "normal", healthy White right up a wall– hippies, dopesters, homosexuals, liberals, etc. Within the framework of the System, all these fall under the heading of the "New Morality". But as James Montgomery Flagg commented on "Modern Art", there is only true art or no art. Same goes for codes of conduct, for as Commander Rockwell wrote, the liberal's reasoning on the issue, i.e., "Everybody else is doing it so why shouldn't I?", is a nowhere-argument and means there are no real morals at all.

At a time when all central guideposts and authority are either broken down or under control of the Enemy, as is the case today, then such things as codes of behavior, more than ever, become matters of personal HONOR (not the result of any "alternatives" conveniently presented by the System media). You neither do, nor refrain from doing, anything because it's "easy" or "hard" or because everybody else is or isn't doing it. You instead follow your instinct. As revolutionaries, we have it easier than most in determining our own actions.

Rockwell voices his own "operative morality".

There are those whom I consider to be National Socialist Revolutionaries who do indulge in some of the more common vices normally ascribed to the general population. These are things which they take upon themselves with eyes wide open. I invariably refuse to judge such people because they remain, at that, revolutionary comrades, and, apparently, they don't let these things get ahold of them or effect their greater course. Personally, I'm the least moralistic of people and am liable to try anything, at least once. However my circumstances keep me living about as clean, straight and narrow as possible outside of a cloister. For me to indulge in the common vices I'd have to abandon the Movement just in order to find the time and the money. This, of course, isn't about to happen. I say "hats off" to those who can have their cake and eat it too!

This isn't to say that the group of comrades aforementioned don't undergo their own privations. Barely staying even with last month's rent or the current meal serves well to, as one says, "keep up the fear"– in other words, keep up the awareness and feed the revolutionary flame. But when tackling the huge subject of morals, or lack of them, it is easier and better to pick on the masses which make up this society.

Which could be lowest, the Jewish Systematarian or White capitalist traitor, or the hordes of don't-give-a-damn "White" fun-seekers and escapists? Somehow, I can't find it in my heart to hate anyone with a direct purpose– however vile– nearly so much as an irresponsible shirker. Of course they work to pay the usurious cost of living, but, at that, only so as to be able to chase more "fun". No higher purpose, no direction whatsoever. They literally have no legitimate excuse for living! Wouldn't it be hell if one day, in order to go on living, an acceptable reason was required??? "In order to play more 'Donkey-Kong'?" Have a nice forever...

Degeneracy is degeneracy whether morbid or "recreational". Isn't there enough real work to do? Aren't there enough real battles, real challenges to fight and tackle? Fanatic that lam, I look upon such things as playing golf in the midst of a crisis like this, about the same way I do slamming a needle in one's arm. Let's look forward to the day when we can hand these golf and tennis players shiny, new picks and shovels! These decadent slobs trying out every perversion on earth on the flimsy excuse of "trying to find themselves" only really need a good chance to concentrate in order to find themselves. Maybe if we sent them to camp... concentration camp.

Penalties for such self-indulgence in the kind of society that breeds and fosters such filth? I, of course, am no law-and-order man (that is, alien law and alien order) and so the best possible reward for the desire of these modern-day, cosmopolitan "pleasures" is a limitless supply of same. What then when the thrill is gone, when the last substance is used up? In the years just proceeding the Revolution in Russia , that degenerate, burnt-out bourgeoisie came up with a novel answer to their boredom: Russian Roulette. And it couldn't happen to a sweeter bunch.

Again, life is simple to the fanatic. Commander Rockwell said that, "ONLY FAILURE IS IMMORAL." Anyone could expand that to mean that anything not contributory to ultimate success of the Revolution is immoral. You live, you breathe, you wake, you sleep for the Movement, for Revolution. You live as though an all-seeing eye is watching and will one day pass Judgment. And you make damned sure that you won't be counted among those others, not even by accident.

[Vol. XII, #7– July, 1983 ]


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