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Siege James Mason

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Truth, Heritage & Blood

Earlier in SIEGE, in the section concerning "The System", I spoke of the decline of architecture which I have observed over the decades here in Chillicothe, Ohio. Other expressions of culture such as music, art, and literature have gone the same way and in the same time span as architecture. For the rest, to try and establish a root cause and attempt to find and answer, we have to take in matters such as exactly what true values are and should be, how and why to remain a part of the whole and not become "atomized" as are the majority today, and of course the most important consideration of all– maintaining the purity of the blood. One can lament all day and all night with the "historians" over the loss of this or that prized, old building but the first instant one mentions why it is, what it is part of and where it is leading, you rapidly lose them. That, of course, is one reasons why I am a National Socialist and not merely a historian.

Only this afternoon I had a discussion with a young school girl, the daughter of a friend of mine, and I explained to her about the lost, and even twisted, meaning of a great many passages found in the Bible. The real meaning of "adultery" was one and the real meaning of "neighbor" was another. I believe I made some headway. But I told her that the Bible was no more than a compilation of memories– long distant even at the time of their writing– whose actual basis and meaning had already been largely lost through countless generations of retelling, deletion, embellishment, etc. A thing so far removed from the One Truth that inspired it that it is practically useless. A thing so vague in fact that, yea, verily, even the Devil can quote it toward his own ends.

I told her of other holy books, older than the Bible and therefore nearer to the One Truth, or if you will, "the Word of God", or as I prefer, a more accurate account of what did happen back at the beginning of time. How we got here and what, if any, laws were at that time given. I left out any comment on books written in the previous and current century that are far more relevant and nearer the Truth than is the Bible. The point being that things get lost. That's not to say they can't be refound or even re-invented, but that should never be taken as any kind of a "breakthrough" but rather like learning to walk again after an accident or a stroke.

If we can't remember– or manage to hang onto– where we came from and why, then is it any wonder that temporary things like civilizations come and go like sand castles? In the United States today, it is rare when a White person is able to trace his lineage back beyond great-grandparents. For most, that barely clears the turn of the last century. In human terms, that is practically within living memory. What "culture" then is this? Members of the Movement understand how so much has been lost by our people over the last sixty years. True, it has been no accident, but it is just as real and just as effective nonetheless. And how close is the present culture to being erased? They say it can't happen because of microfilm and videotape, etc., but what if the power goes out and stays out? Our books? Illiteracy is on the rise and the ongoing corruption of the English language through "jive talk", etc., threatens to get it so off-base that a separate tongue will emerge altogether. The ancient Egyptian language– a creation of the White Race– was completely lost and unintelligible for thousands of years (even in Egypt) until Napoleon's expedition to the Pyramids uncovered the Rosetta Stone which provided the key to its translation. "But it can't happen here." Famous last words.

A few hundred years gone by and no one here today sees or thinks of "America" as being no more, no less than an extension of Europe. To them, " Europe " is some funny place "over there" where they speak funny languages. Civil war, world war, fratricidal war... there is little doubt that this present civilization– in its degenerated, bastardized state– will self-destruct and vanish as well it should, and quite likely within the present human lifespan. What will go on? Let us hope that the end of this Beast System, which can only facetiously be referred to as a "civilization", will be concluded before its effects can totally inundate the pure, White blood that still exists in great amounts in North America, Europe and the Soviet Union...

Then the cycle can be set to go around another ten thousand years or so.

[Vol. XII, #10– Oct., 1983 ]


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