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Siege James Mason

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Beliefs and Ideas

Back again to ourselves as proof that it can happen that an oasis of thought and purpose can arise in the midst of a barren desert. To be sure, no propagandist injected any of the philosophy we share into our heads. It was there all along; it was there at birth. It required only development, enhancement, maturity. We are not the brainwashed ones as the fools and idiots claim. We are the few that REJECTED THE TOTAL BRAINWASH job being put forth by the System media, the same job that has been going on non-stop, twenty-four hours a day for the past forty years or longer, under which three generations have been warped and bent. To have stood immune to this poison– deliberately made inescapable– is something truly miraculous but we few did it and went on to codify our own beliefs independent of the media hype and all its diversion. We should congratulate ourselves for this remarkable feat.

We are familiar with the concept of the mass taste as dictated by New York and from Hollywood , the "styles", the "fads", etc. The "two sides" to everything that are conveniently supplied by the same source. The catch-words and phrases and personages that are sanctified or damned by the Media Masters. We can see that, despite all the hell and unrest, nothing is ever really said or done to significantly rock the boat by any of these so-called "protests". Though many words are used, nothing profound is ever said. We already know of the idle gripe and the idle platitude.

The point is that probably only one out of ten thousand has an idea in his head not planted there by some outside source. Those unable to THINK independently, on their own, have no chance of doing anything else.

[Vol. XIII, #3– March, 1984]


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