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Siege James Mason

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"I know that some man capable of giving our problems a final solution must appear. And that is why I have set myself to do the prepatory work, only the most urgent preparatory work, for I know that I am myself not the one. And I know also what is missing in me (to be the one). But the other one still remains aloof, and nobody comes forward, and there is no more time to be lost."
– Adolf Hitler, as quoted by Hans Grimm, 1928

"The man they have most reviled stands closest to us, and the man they hate worst is our best friend."
– Adolf Hitler

"Our motto continues to be: ‘White Man, stand with us and fight, or stand out of our way!'"
– George Lincoln Rockwell

"Leadership in the struggle has to do with making things happen. Leadership is the people who are doing it, cutting through diversionary debate, smashing forms and familiarities that hold us back, and through developing and acting on a clear line of how we move to win, redefining the context, content, and meaning of the National Socialist Movement and the Revolution. That's what we call SEIZING THE TIME!"
– Joseph Tommasi

"Our greatest weakness is our belief in our own weakness. We have to communicate to all National Socialist Revolutionaries our strength, and to show them our strength we have to show them the strength of fighting. We must build confidence within the entire Movement before we can hope to help people and lead those people in revolution."
– Joseph Tommasi

"I got no dead heroes."
– Charles Manson


Sum Total

Perhaps the hardest thing that National Socialists, pro-NS types and even revisionist historians have to deal with is the question of what effect did Hitler have on the world he lived in and what did he leave behind? Of course, the other side has no such difficulty and is quite clear and outspoken on the matter. They simply say that Hitler caused the greatest disaster in human history and, not only that, but also caused the direct demise of everything he himself believed in and was fighting for. That is to say the end of "fascism" as a potent force, the end of Germany as a united and independent nation, plus the spread of Bolshevism over most of Europe. Those are the "failures" they attach to his debit side. Paramount among his accomplishments they list the slaughter of six million Jews. That one, at least, we have the answer for ready at hand.

Let us back up within our own framework and state up-front that the historical facts as we know them tell us plainly that the three horrifically destructive things above were outcomes of the Second World War, a war that was forced upon Germany, not a war that Hitler sought but a war engineered by Big Brother forces to get their master plan, i.e., world government, back on track after Hitler had messed it up in 1933. As not just a few Jewish and pro-Jewish writers (as opposed to true historians) have openly stated in their books, Hitler was the one personage and event of the Twentieth Century that wasn't supposed to happen. That means that he wasn't planned, at least not by them. The Federal Reserve System here was planned; the First World War including its outcome was planned; the Russian Revolution was planned; the League of Nations was planned; the destruction and betrayal of Germany to Bolshevism was planned as the linchpin to Lenin's world revolution and nearly was an accomplished fact. But in came Hitler...



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