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The Meaning of Hitler

People, even National Socialists, get the two dimensions of Hitler mixed up and, thereby, lose the actual concept of what he was in reality. There was the inspired philosopher and reformer, then there was the inspired politician and statesman. History has been full of the first type and equally full of the second type but NEVER TOGETHER IN THE SAME MAN. Aside from this, Hitler was entirely a man of his people– racially, psychically, culturally. He was gifted with extraordinary personal qualities. He was entirely fearless, selfless, absolutely dedicated to his people. What he accomplished amounts to the greatest miracle in history. Against every odd there was the philosophy, the Party, the Revolution, the Third Reich and even the War itself. No one man has ever accounted for so much on his own- all within twenty-five years!

As far as we today are concerned, those who are living to perpetuate and advance Hitler's work, or at least live up to his example, need to understand what he meant historically. His Movement and his government represented the LAST TIME the workings of the old order would ever be harnessed and put to use FOR THE GOOD of the Whites of any respective nation. Hitler was the LAST CHANCE for the revival of Western Civilization. And so, in that sense, it is practically useless for us to attempt to emulate him today, for that phase is PAST. For those who are aware of this then, the choice is clear but it is not easy: either dream in the past or live in the present, at the same time while FIGHTING for the future.

[Vol. XII, #3– March, 1983]


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