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Siege James Mason

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Forces Which Are Positive

What shames the entire Right Wing existing today is that Hitler outlined, step-by-step, what to do and how to do it in Mein Kampf. Nobody since Rockwell and Tommasi has had the guts and the gumption to do it. Hitler also told us within the pages of Mein Kampf precisely how to spot the right man, our best friend, at a glance, and we have for the most part failed to heed his guidance in that as well. What propelled Hitler and his Movement in Germany ever forward was duty, love and devotion, all of which were applied under the most expert management. Doing the best one can do given the circumstances of the moment. Yet, allowing for what occurred in 1923 and in 1945, we must always bear in mind that even the best, most inspired efforts may be overwhelmed.

Right Wing hate and paranoia won't make it and cannot hope to form the basis of a movement. The power and force trip won't make it either for the Movement is powerless. Socio-political tunnel-vision, being too close to our work, is fatal because everything must be taken and viewed in balance with everything else. Someone said that we are "operating in a vacuum". We are not. A better way of putting it is that we are "starring in our own movie". There must be total awareness, not partial ignorance. There must be absolute love for our own Kind plus an abiding respect for all Nature. There must be the spirit of sacrifice, something which was always at a premium in the Right and which has now all but evaporated.

Because we were hyped on the para-military approach, because we saw only narrowly, because we were very ignorant of what was going on around us, because were largely unaware and because hate and paranoia were two of our main pillars, we lost track of events after 1967, that is, when we lost our leader, Commander Rockwell.

The very year of Rockwell's death a new path was being blazed three thousand miles away on the other side of the continent. Two very short years later, in 1969, it burst upon the world as few things have done before and it remains alive and in full force with us today. Even as National Socialists, we have been blinded and have proven equally vulnerable to the System media misrepresentation every bit as much as the cursed and despised "masses", the "goyim". We are fully capable of being just as bigoted and prejudiced as the Jews and the Liberals claim we are. It took me fully twelve years to really wake up and see that here is a man and a movement with all the right credentials that Hitler himself specified and which has to qualify positively as the System's "most reviled".

[Vol. X, #9– Sept., 1981]



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