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Siege James Mason

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Further Disruption

Only days before the arrest of Red Warthan came the news in the national media of a "possible jail break attempt" on the part of Manson and a number of confederates in Vacaville , Ca. A number of allegedly "contraband" items were uncovered and Manson and the rest were subsequently moved to maximum security quarters for an unspecified period of time.

First, to those who have had an interest in all of this for awhile, the pattern is familiar enough. They can't seem to leave him alone out there but insist on harassing him at more or less frequent, regular intervals in hopes of, supposedly, keeping his thoughts off balance. However, one concurrent pattern that has been clearly noticed is that, contrary to the plan, Manson has been getting stronger and better over recent years.

The result of this latest ploy? Communication gets slowed down. But we ask of every one of our readers to consider what it means to be an individual in prison who slowly acquires slightly better accommodations, a little more personal liberty, more chance for recreation, etc., only to have all this arbitrarily snatched away over some pretext in this manner. Such is the day-to-day lot of the man who holds all the answers to the crisis which the world finds itself in today. And this is how thin the thread of ultimate survival is. It could just as easily be broken. Our job is to gain the indestructible IDEA in time, get it developed to the point where it has been made safely INVULNERABLE to these barbaric machinations.

The greater point is that, by these actions, the System proves beyond any doubt that they are more than willing to PLAY GAMES in matters of Life versus Death. If anything, it will be this that will lead to their final destruction.

What about YOU?

[Vol. XI, #12– Dec., 1982]


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