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Siege James Mason

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Manson's Way

Manson cannot comprehend why otherwise intelligent adults would want to try and pretend that this is Germany in 1933 or the U.S. South in 1876 or indulge in any other fantasy to the expense of the stated struggle which is at hand. Having been through this Movement, I can comprehend it– though I'm not proud of it and have found that, in trying to explain it to Manson, the whole sorry thing sticks in my throat. The reason Manson can't understand it is that he goes on the assumption that any who are in possession of so large a chunk of the Truth, as is the racialist Right, would proceed as he himself proceeds: in total honesty. Those who have seen the light know that the operators within the Movement are a notoriously DISHONEST bunch of fakers and rip-offs and do the Truth the grossest disservice by their very presence.

That's why people can't– at first– countenance Manson: he does not deal in images or gimmicks, only reality, the way it is. Most people simply cannot STAND this. They haven't got the brain capacity or the guts for it. When they look at Manson, they see themselves and they– unless they are right inside– HATE IT. So, for lack of better understanding of it, they direct this hatred towards Manson. Is it any wonder then why we get so many of these reactions from within the Right, having been the haven that it has for all the many cowards and defectives? But the Right can no longer deliver the cheap, vicarious thrills it used to and the curiosity-seekers are thinning out along the carnival midway. REALITY has arrived and business for fakers is bad. If one were to attach a human name to stand for reality, that name would be Manson.

It is Planet Earth, here and now. A Leader who is alive is called for. There has to be guidance, authority, unity that can only be provided by the kind of personality that can fulfill the demands of Hitler's Leadership Principle. Many will be called but few will answer; fewer still will be chosen. This however is not cultism but the reality of the situation. As revolutionary National Socialists, we denounced and abandoned the so-called "mass idea" as worthless. But even a winning minority is going to have to number in the hundreds of thousands and, therefore, the task is every bit as awesome as it ever was. The difference now must be that we correctly assess the situation, accurately perceive what measures are called for and then set our plans accordingly. Only a master of the sense of REALITY can focus through the shroud of Jewish-created illusion, determine the proper course and define the right action.



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