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Siege James Mason

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The Meaning Of Universal Order

The name Universal Order is not one more krinklejammer replacement for anything more properly termed "Nazi" nor is it any head trip, grandiose "organization" designed mainly to enhance someone's ego. In fact, Universal Order is more a concept than the name of any group or organization: universal order as opposed to some kind of localized, specialized, exclusive "order". When order is truly universal– and only then– it will be right, proper and, most of all, everlasting. This will include National Socialism, of course, and by direct implication, it will provide no place anywhere in the universe for alien "order".

Why did Universal Order make its appearance here, in the midst of the hard, U.S., radical Right Wing? Why not among the Left or among the Moral Majority or, for that matter, why didn't it spring forth on its own from virgin soil? Why, in fact, out of the U.S. Nazi Movement? Because, as was said earlier, it is only here where a large enough measure of the complete Truth has resided for so long, where enough idealistic and altruistic individuals have rallied and fought, that Universal Order could take on a solid form and begin its organizational drive outward. It is only among the BEST and most forward-thinking of today's National Socialists that Universal Order could be understood and embraced once these same National Socialists realized that THIS is what they had been reaching and striving for over the past ten years and more.

The most extensive background in the U.S. Nazi Movement serves only as a partially adequate stepping stone to an understanding of Universal Order. Those who so foolishly state that Charles Manson is "hardly NS material" are like unto those of a modern-day Methodist or Presbyterian Church– with all their dogma and "social consciousness"– who wouldn't allow the actual Jesus of Nazareth into their buildings for being in violation of prevailing hair and dress codes. And what would they then term "NS material"? Why, of course, some type mainly suitable for a small role in a Hollywood "docu-drama"– a parody of real National Socialism! But I refuse to concede the Movement to these types even though they maybe in preponderance. Hitler had his problems with them and so did Rockwell. They are the "fringers", the coattail-hangers who gravitate toward the strong in hopes some of it might rub off onto them. The trouble is, instead of the association doing them any good, they by their presence, only tend to short circuit the good works of others.

In short, the Movement is in a mess. But then, the whole world is in a mess. Here in the Movement, the problems have been diagnosed and the solutions outlined for literally generations, every tool necessary is at hand. Yet the Movement is retrogressing today. Why? The degree of control by the Enemy cannot be used as and excuse for it is only, as Hitler would say, an obstacle that exists to be broken, not surrendered to. The sorry shape of the people, likewise, cannot be used as an alibi. Hitler also said that the masses are female and that it is up to the male drive to reach them and conquer or win them. No, the problem still rests inside the Movement itself. Too few have started and too many have stopped looking for a new beginning, a REAL beginning to the creation of a True Movement. Things are all out of tune. No one has yet struck the correct balance required to release that first bolt of lightning!

[Vol. XII #3– March, 1983]



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