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Siege James Mason

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Revolution Equals Family

To be able to understand the meaning of revolution in these times demands a rethinking of the concept of family. The kind of family we're talking about here bears no resemblance to the so-called "family" as it is known to and among the Pigs of the System; the entity they constantly cry about being torn apart when, in fact, it had long since become nothing more than an evil farce. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the "bonds of matrimony" or even of immediate blood relation. It has even less to do with the threadbare notions of "family man" or the "good citizen" which that first term would seem to entail. The new and true concept of Family is so revolutionary in these times as to become interchangeable with revolution itself. If the machinations of the Jew and liberal have caused a terminal cancer in this society, then it is up to those who wish to survive to produce a new nucleus: the Family.

It means people (and need I throw in 'White People'?) living and working closely together, in harmony and in communion. Not calling it off at a certain hour or on a certain day and returning home or back to "the job". This concept of Family is total. It of course begins with a man-woman relationship and grows outward, immediately following with children. In this screwed-up society, this will as often as not involve men and women of an age that has attained some maturity having gone through one or more "bum" relationships or marriages. It is a fortunate few in this jungle who will find the right mate first off the bat. We are searching and sifting, trying to build something out of the wreckage. We cannot expect to start off with perfection. We must instead have as our goal the constant struggle for perfection. The only true revolutionary is the realist and the only true realist is he who plays the ball as it lies.

Men and women of good race who are compatible are all that is necessary. The will to live and to survive is the bond. No idiotic notions of "fun", "romance", "tradition", "security" or anything else can ever enter in. The realization that we CANNOT survive this alone, any of us, must govern all our thoughts and actions. The best security is the awareness and the preparedness for the tooth and nail struggle that is upon us plus the grim determination to SURVIVE at all costs. There'll be plenty of fun and romance connected with the fight itself. Each day brings another victory; each hit– large or small– carried off against the System represents another vindication. This calls for men and women with their eyes open, cold and sober, yet full of life. These types are getting scarcer each generation.

It can mean living underground but it will more commonly mean living in a state of gradually moving further toward the underground. Holding off Big Brother where possible; ripping off Big Brother where possible. Dropping out of the slave market first; working toward dropping out of the System entirely. Discarding the dead and false values and morality of the rest of the slaves and doing only what you have to do in order to survive. It means raising a generation of children who are conscious of their Race and conscious of the evil that dominates the mainstream of life. It means giving these children true values and real purpose, the things they will NEED when the full-scale war takes place about the time they are reaching adulthood.

The best long-range goal this strategy can have is our successfully existing, not as atoms, but as effective UNITS, then tribes, communities and finally again as a NATION! This biological bond must live and build, it must SURVIVE while all forms of "System" and "Government" are diminished and blasted away.

[Vol. XIII, #3– March, 1984]


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