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Siege James Mason

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No one could have seen or known back at the time the current Movement in the U.S. was being formed, but the earliest groundbreakers in this were going about things backward, or inside-out. During the 1950's, the End had occurred only yesterday and the maggots were only then beginning to crawl openly over the corpse of the U.S. and the West. Some suspected the whole thing was already dead but most simply refused to see it. A few, like Commander Rockwell, suspected it but knew nothing else but to fight it, reverse it if possible, but at all costs, go down like men, with honor. Indeed it's been a downhill drag ever since.

Above: Manson's symbol for the concept of Universal Order.

We can't go back and we can't erase the past. It is useless to speculate whether we'd be any better or worse off if we'd just sat back twenty or thirty years ago and "contemplated" ourselves and our circumstances. When one stops to consider what, if any, "good" has come out of all the sacrificial, thankless effort of the past three decades, then the answer becomes pretty clear. Still, we did only what we felt we had to do. Personally, I'm sorry for nothing.

Today the situation is different, for all the lessons have been learned, all the mistakes have been made. I, for one, will not go on repeating any of them. I've said often enough in the past to FORGET all notions that you, your particular group, or the Movement as a whole is reaching anything remotely approaching the masses with their message. If you can come to terms with that realization, you will begin to think more realistically. When you understand that, then you will know that the time for such things as "parties", "uniforms", anything of an "official" nature with pretenses to actual power, either state or private, is either past or has not yet arrived (take your pick). This does not mean, nor will it ever mean, that we need to or should ever deny our greatest Heroes, just as Commander Rockwell warned against. But just as with everything else in human dealings, there is a correct time, place and METHOD of broaching any subject, especially any highly profound or sensitive subject.

People get to know ME first. While they're getting to know me, they're getting to know Hitler and National Socialism because I am inseparable from these and do nothing to try and hide any of it. It's just that I don't wear any of it on my sleeve, as it were, save for my reputation which is pretty alive and lively in this little town. I try always to live and conduct myself in such a manner that the only ones who will take an active dislike to me are the blind "haters" and "bigots", to borrow two favorite blurbs. As Dr. William Pierce once pointed out to the Movement in one of his publications, we each should think of ourselves and conduct ourselves as though we were AMBASSADORS OF OUR RACE and, I would add, as ambassadors of our Movement– not as "fanatics" and not as high-pressure salesmen. This ties directly with personal loyalties when thinking in terms of building up local cells. But people and personalities first, all other considerations later.

If you DON'T do this, then I positively guarantee you failure and misery.

Take care of yourself first, get your own thinking and lifestyle squared away before trying to tackle anyone else's (or the world's). Get yourself together before ever attempting to lead others or accepting that kind of responsibility. Otherwise, you could be inviting a hurricane down on your head. Build on a foundation, not several feet off the ground, up in thin air like the majority. Make yourself and your lifestyle, your surroundings and even the people closest around you reflect things the way our Idea calls for. Then people will get to know you and, as in the case around here, when they comment on Hitler (or Manson, for that matter) their words will be to the effect, "And I thought Hitler was supposed to be so 'terrible'." Don't play it stupid and reinforce the Jewish/System lies about the Greatest Man To Have Ever Lived. Lead the kind of life He would want you to be living under today's circumstances– as carefully outlined and demonstrated by Manson– and utterly destroy all the lies and untruth.

This is but an example of balance at work. Balance is a big and often-employed word in the Manson vocabulary. How well do I recall how frequently we in the Movement would privately refer to one or another as being "unbalanced" during the past when all that dashing about was taken dead seriously. But weren't we all doing about the same thing in the same way? The paramount importance of balance is reflected in the Universal Order symbol, suggested by Manson himself. In a word, the problem in the world is that it is badly out of balance. Apply it to the three percent of Jews running the show over the rest or apply it to anything else and it boils down the same way. But that is language that doesn't throw up mental barricades or trigger Enemy brainwashing conditioning, etc.. Plus it is broad enough to take it all in and represent something legitimately IDEOLOGICAL rather than PERIPHERAL, such as traditional anti-Semitism or Radical Right Wingism.

Get yourself into balance first– that's a large enough task. The rest will come easier. A people in balance and harmony just aren't susceptible to things like miscegenation or illnesses of liberalism or democracy. Right now, they're going in mad search of what's missing and are going in the opposite extreme of imbalance trying to find it vainly. How the Jews do roar with laughter! Aren't any of you in the least bit motivated– or capable– of wiping that smirk off the Jews' face?

Open your minds.

[Vol. XIII, #8– Aug., 1984]



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