Here you can find some useful links to cracking and programming resources. I'd like to thanks Volatility and all the Immortal Descendants members for giving me the passion of the revrse code engineering art!!

The Immortal Descendants Group Page


A very great page with a lot of tuts and a good forum about reverse engineering! If you need any information about cracking visit this site!!

Public Tutorial Search Engine

Incredible tutorials database with over 1000 tuts indexed!!

RingZer0 Site

Very good site with tuts and tools for all the Italian crackers!!

Crackmes practice!!

Do you want to make some practice in the world of cracking? Visit this site!!

Programmers Heaven

A lot of informations, resources, source codes for every programming language that you need!!

Krobar's Collection of Cracking Tutorials

A very good site with many many tuts for advanced and newbies. Not only serial fishing and nag screen but also dongles, vbox, cd protection tutorials!!

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