HOW TO CRACK TOGGLE MOUSE 4.5.2 Tutorial by UmE Introduction: it's time for another time trial program. In this case we will use W32Dasm to find the fatidical jump that let our program work forever. Necessary tools: W32Dasm version 8.9, SoftIce 3.24. Program description: Toggle Mouse 4.5.2, Togglemouse.exe, 778.240 bytes. Let's start!!! Step 1: as I've said before this is a time trial program with a limit of 30 days usage. So after installing it change your system date and put it at least 30 days later the installation date. Now if you run the program a nag screen will appear telling you that your evaluation period is over and you've got to buy the retail version. Mmmm.....we'll try another way to use the program! :-) Step 2: the method that I've used to crack this program is divided in two steps: 1- Intercept with SoftIce the call to the nag screen. 2- Go back in the code from this point to find the place where the utility jumps to the NON-WORKING message. Changing this jump we will make this program working forever!! Ok let's go Ctrl+D to enter in SoftIce and place a brakpoint to the GetSystemTime function. Press Ctrl+D to return to the system and run the program..... BINGO!! You're in SoftIce!!! Press F11 and the nag screen appear. Now push the OK button in the nag screen and you'll be in SoftIce again. Let's observe the code snippet that we see on the screen: :00413B37 8D8D50FFFFFF lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF50] :00413B3D E8A0470100 call 004282E2 <--- This calls the nag screen! :00413B42 83F802 cmp eax, 00000002 Remember this address!! :00413B45 7507 jne 00413B4E :00413B47 8BCE mov ecx, esi Ok, now let's go in W32Dasm: open it and dissasemble the file Togglemouse.exe. Click on the "Goto -> Goto Code Location" menu and enter the address where we have found the call to the nag screen. You'll see the same code snipped reported above. Now with up arrow key go back in the code until you find a jump or a call reference. Scrolling a little bit you'll find: * Referenced by a CALL at Address: |:00413BA1 | :00413AC0 55 push ebp :00413AC1 8BEC mov ebp, esp :00413AC3 81ECB0000000 sub esp, 000000B0 As you've notice the part of the code that you've scrolled is the one that prepares the nag screen (in fact you can also notice the string "You've reached the end of your trial period...") This part is referenced by a call at the address 00413BA1 as illustrated in the previous code snippet. Click on the "Goto -> Goto Code Location" menu again and enter the 00413BA1 address. You'll be here: :00413B96 E815F5FFFF call 004130B0 :00413B9B 85C0 test eax, eax <- Make a compare :00413B9D 7F0B jg 00413BAA <- Jump if greater to 00413BAA :00413B9F 8BCE mov ecx, esi :00413BA1 E81AFFFFFF call 00413AC0 <- The nag screen appear :00413BA6 6A01 push 00000001 :00413BA8 EB02 jmp 00413BAC <- unconditional jump to 00413BAC * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:00413B9D(C) | :00413BAA 6A02 push 00000002 * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:00413BA8(U) | :00413BAC 58 pop eax :00413BAD 5E pop esi From the above code snippet you can notice that the jg 00413BAA is not significant for our target because it jumps to the a piece of code where the program jump unconditionally after the call to the nag screen (see the jmp instruction at 00413BA8). If you change this jump (jb for example) the nag screen will not appear but the program will not work. So we must go back more to find another significant jump or call!! Continue moving with the up arrow key until you find this: * Referenced by a CALL at Address: |:00413BB3 | :00413B90 56 push esi :00413B91 8BF1 mov esi, ecx :00413B93 8B4E0C mov ecx, dword ptr [esi+0C] :00413B96 E815F5FFFF call 004130B0 :00413B9B 85C0 test eax, eax :00413B9D 7F0B jg 00413BAA Click on the "Goto -> Goto Code Location" menu and enter the 00413BB3 address. You'll see: * Referenced by a CALL at Address: |:0041571E | :00413BB1 6A00 push 00000000 :00413BB3 E8D8FFFFFF call 00413B90 :00413BB8 C3 ret Nothing of interesting.....go to the 0041571E address. You'll land here: :004156F7 E8B4D9FFFF call 004130B0 <- Sospicious call!! :004156FC 85C0 test eax, eax <- Sospicious test!! :004156FE 0F8F89000000 jg 0041578D <- Sospicious jump!! :00415704 8BCE mov ecx, esi :00415706 E84BFCFFFF call 00415356 :0041570B 53 push ebx :0041570C 8D4C2424 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+24] :00415710 E8FAE2FFFF call 00413A0F * Reference To: TogUTIL._RemoveHook@0, Ord:000Dh | :00415715 E860260000 Call 00417D7A :0041571A 8D4C2420 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+20] :0041571E E88EE4FFFF call 00413BB1 <- This call the nag screen!! The jg above is very sospicious because it jumps away from the nag screen call. The jump is related from the eax value that depends from the call 004130B0 instruction. Go inside this call and start to trace it!! After a little bit of traceing you'll be in this piece of code. Let's see togheter what the program do if the time limit is over: :004130CA 6A1E push 0000001E <- Push 1E (30dec)in the stack :004130CC 99 cdq :004130CD F7F9 idiv ecx :004130CF 59 pop ecx <- ECX = 1E :004130D0 5E pop esi :004130D1 2BC8 sub ecx, eax <- Sub EAX from ECX: EAX is the number of days you've used the program. After the time limit the resul is a negative num! :004130D3 7902 jns 004130D7 <- Jump if the result is not signed. In this case NO JUMP!! :004130D5 33C9 xor ecx, ecx <- ECX now is equal to 0. * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:004130D3(C) | :004130D7 83F928 cmp ecx, 00000028 <- Compare ECX (0) with 28h :004130DA 7E1D jle 004130F9 <- Jump if ECX is less: NOW JUMP!! :004130DC E818D90100 call 004309F9 :004130E1 8B4004 mov eax, dword ptr [eax+04] :004130E4 6A00 push 00000000 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ScrollSensitivity" | :004130E6 68902D4400 push 00442D90 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Settings" | :004130EB 688C144400 push 0044148C :004130F0 8BC8 mov ecx, eax :004130F2 E899B20100 call 0042E390 :004130F7 33C9 xor ecx, ecx * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:004130DA(C) | :004130F9 8BC1 mov eax, ecx <- Moves ECX in EAX. Now EAX = 0 :004130FB C3 ret At this point the function retrives EAX = 0 so the JG at the 004156FE address is not verified and the program execute the call to the nag screen (0041571E address). Now you can understand that this is tha critical jump: change it in JMP 0041578D and the program will work forever!!! As you've seen during this tutorial, the method I've used is a little stranger for a time limit program but it works well in cases of recursives calls!! I hope this tutorial could be useful for someone!!! Greetings to Volatility and all the Immortal Descendants!! Contact me at: