Cracking 4 Newbies
The IRC channel!
Yesterday someone told me he'd like if I mentioned the IRC channel fact it IS mentioned in one of my texts, but it think it's good to make a seperate page for it.
Let me say you first that this site is totally independent of #cracking4newbies and it also hasn't to do anything with the channel, except we both help newbies who 'd like to crack!! If you have something against the name of my site then don't waste your time, because I won't change it! As the name itself says it is a site that teaches "cracking 4 newbies". Enough of this lame shit....:-)

In this essay I'll talk about my experience in #cracking4newbies, and give some nicks who (almost) always try to help you, IF and only IF you behave and don't ask very stupid/ lame questions like: "Can you op me", "Can you voice me", etc.... you certainly know what I mean don't you?

I can remember the first time I joined the chan. By then I was a 100 % newbie on cracking (not on IRC). And I remember I got quite some help of Carpathia and MMke. They are both persons that know a lot of cracking stuff and most of the time help people out. But! Let me warn you: Carpathia started lamerlogging some time ago, so don't be angry when some time you find yourself on his page rating a 100 % lamer ;)
MMke is the head cracker of EVC, of which I'm now a full member. He also gave me good advice on certain programs, and if I was totally stuck he cracked it for me, so I could understand the protection. (thx again for this man!)
Of course there are many other helpful people on the channel, so if you want to make a good chance on having your question answered, ask you question IN the channel!! Sometimes they won't help you, please try to respect that! We and they aren't always in the mood. It's always requires a lot of energy to explain certain things to newbies. If you question is not answered, don't flood the channel with it, just come back another time. And IF really nobody answers your question in a whole week, and you're sure you are not a lamer you can mail me, and I'll answer your question!

On #cracking4newbies we don't only talk about cracking, but also about common life, soccer (that sux :p), music, parents, school, or we just have a good laugh with some (lame) joke, heh :-) But most of the time we have discussions about cracking.

Okay, now before you join the channel read my "Okay I understand the lessons....what's next" chapter on the main page and keep this advice in mind: don't fear any of the ops / voiced one.....the way they talk they look dangerous, but actually they're just nice little boys in real life, hehe ;) And oh yea, before I forget: opped or voiced persons do not have always the best cracking knowledge! There are quite some non-ops / non-voiced persons that also know a lot!

Enjoy and happy chatting!

Cracking 4 Newbies by the Blackbird © 1999