Win32 Assembly Programming Using RosAsm
Welcome! Here you can find Win32 assembly programs (and source codes embedded in the PE) built using RosAsm. I am still learning assembly programming so my programs are all very simple. :-) You can also find my RosAsm programs at in the files section.
Or, chat with me. :-)
My Programs Available for Download
Description | Download URL | File Size (KB) |
Zip: Zip files into a zip file. Uses Info-Zip's Zip32.DLL. Package includes Zip32.dll and a RosAsm program to zip files. | 83 KB | |
UnZip: Unzip the contents of a zip file. Uses Info-Zip's Unzip32.DLL. Package includes Unzip32.dll, sample zip and a RosAsm program to unzip the zip file. | 74 KB | |
DecLZMA: Decode a LZMA file. Package includes declzma.dll based on ANSI-C LZMA decoder source, sample lzma file and a RosAsm program to decode the lzma file. | 578 KB | |
Random: Procs to generate pseudo-random numbers using C Runtime library functions. | 4 KB | |
FTPDownloadASCII: Proc to download ASCII files from FTP site. Uses Wininet DLL. | 4 KB | |
FTPDownloadBin: Proc to download binary files from FTP site. Uses Wininet DLL. | 4 KB | |
FTPUploadASCII: Proc to upload to ASCII files to FTP site. Uses Wininet DLL. | 4 KB | |
FTPUploadBin: Proc to upload to binary files to FTP site. Uses Wininet DLL. | 4 KB | |
XML: A package that contains libexpat.dll, scew040.dll and two RosAsm programs to read and write to a XML file. | 92 KB | |
DownloadRosAsmFullZip: Program that downloads | 4 KB | |
GetDesktopSize: Proc to get desktop workarea size. | 4 KB | |
HTTPDownloadASCII: Proc to do a HTTP download of an ASCII file using WinInet.DLL functions. | 4 KB | |
HTTPDownloadBin: Proc to do a HTTP download of a binary file using WinInet.DLL functions. | 4 KB | |
RunApp: Proc to call CreateProcess and wait for program to finish. | 4 KB | |
ShellApp: Proc to call ShellExecuteEx and wait for program to finish. | 4 KB | |
MindCon: Program to influence your subconscious mind through auto-suggestion. | 6 KB | |
Mantra: Simple program to play mantra while you meditate. | 68 KB | |
EnumPrinters: Gets default printer. | 4 KB | |
PageSetupDlg: Display Printer Page Setup Dialog. | 4 KB | |
GetPrinterDC: Gets printer DC and do test print. | 4 KB | |
GetOSVersion: Gets OS Type. | 4 KB | |
PrintDlg: Displays Print Dialog. | 4 KB | |
CharNamer: A program that generates random character names for RPG, avatars, fantasy characters for fiction writers. | 18 KB | |
RemindMe: This is a simple way for me to keep track of important events on certain dates. Using this program, I enter my up-coming important dates and events in the text file, remindme.txt. The format is: first line is the date in DD/MM/YYYY format and the second line can be any text describing the important event. When I run this program every morning, it retrieves my computer's date and reads in the remindme text file. It compares the date in the first line with today's date and if there is a match, loads the second line text into the list box, thereby reminding me of this important event due. | 294 KB | |
DrawEllipse: Proc to draw ellipses. | 4 KB | |
DrawArc: Proc to draw arcs. | 4 KB | |
LineTo: Another proc to draw a line. | 4 KB | |
DrawLine: Proc to draw a line. | 4 KB | |
SetPixel: Draws a pixel. | 4 KB | |
SetWinColor2: Sets a hatched colour as background of a window. | 5 KB | |
SetWinColor: Sets the background colour of a window. | 5 KB | |
SetFormColor: Sets the background colour of a dialog. | 12 KB | |
Min: Proc to return the smaller of two floating point numbers. | 4 KB | |
Max: Proc to return the larger of two floating point numbers. | 4 KB | |
CreateIPAddressControl: Creates and displays an IP address control in a dialog. | 12 KB | |
CreateButton: Creates and displays a push button in a dialog. | 13 KB | |
CreateBMPButton: Creates and displays a button with a bitmap in a dialog. | 8 KB | |
BCX_Icon: Creates and displays icon in a static control. | 13 KB | |
Abs: Proc to return the absolute value of a floating point number. | 4 KB | |
BCX_DatePick: Proc to create and display a datepicker control in dialogs. | 12 KB | |
BCX_Combobox: Proc to create and display a combobox control in dialogs. | 12 KB | |
BCX_Checkbox: Proc to create and display a checkbox control in dialogs. | 12 KB | |
BCX_Listbox: Proc to create and display a listbox control in dialogs. | 12 KB | |
BCX_Group: Proc to create and display a group box in dialogs. | 12 KB | |
BCX_Radio: Proc to create and display radio button controls in dialogs. | 11 KB | |
BCX_Edit: Proc to create and display multi-line edit control in dialogs. | 12 KB | |
BCX_GrayRect: Proc to create and display static gray rectangles in dialogs. | 13 KB | |
BCX_BlackRect: Proc to create and display static black rectangles in dialogs. | 13 KB | |
BCX_WhiteRect: Proc to create and display static white rectangles in dialogs. | 13 KB | |
BCX_Label: Proc to create and display static labels in dialogs. | 13 KB | |
MyInstance: Allows only one instance of the program to run. | 4 KB | |
Sgn: Tests whether a number is positive, zero or negative. | 3 KB | |
WSockinfo: Gets and displays some Winsock DLL information. | 4 KB | |
SDLfullscreen: Initialize SDL and then go full screen. | 4 KB | |
SDLshowbmp: SDL- Displays bitmap. | 6 KB | |
SDLpollevent: SDL- Poll events and respond. | 3 KB | |
SDLsetvideomode: SDL- Sets video mode in SDL and displays window. | 3 KB | |
SDLinit: Initialize SDL and then quits. | 3 KB | |
CharUpper: Converts string to upper case. | 2 KB | |
CharLower: Converts string to lower case. | 2 KB | |
GetAppExePath: Retrieves path of current running program. | 3 KB | |
GetAppExeName: Retrieves exe name of current running program. | 3 KB | |
GetUserName: Retrieves PC's user name. | 2 KB | |
TempFileName: Create *.tmp files. | 4 KB | |
HexOctBin2Str: Procs to convert decimal number to hex, oct and bin strings. | 4 KB | |
GetFileSize: Get a file's size in bytes. | 4 KB | |
FontDlg: Displays font dialog and gets user selections. | 6 KB | |
FindFiles: Procs for findfirst and findnext | 4 KB | |
SetText: Set title text of window. | 4 KB | |
IsFileLocked: Tests whether file is locked. | 3 KB | |
GetDriveType: Retrieves type of drive: floppy, hard disk, CDROM, network drive, etc. | 3 KB | |
GetComputerName: Retrieves name of computer. | 3 KB | |
EnvironmentVariable: Sets and Gets Environment Variable. | 3 KB | |
GetTempPath: Retrieves temp directory. | 2 KB | |
GetSystemDirectory: Retrieves the system directory. | 3 KB | |
GetCurrentDirectory: Retrieves current directory for current process. | 3 KB | |
Center: Proc to center a window on the desktop. | 5 KB | |
BitOperations: Shows various operations on bits. | 3 KB | |
BinPrint: Converts a hex number to binary and display it. | 3 KB | |
ArrayOfIntegers: Shows some basic operations on array of integers. | 4 KB | |
LoadBitmap: Loads bitmap from file or resource into a static control and displays it in a window. | 24 KB | |
GenBarcode: Use GNU Barcode DLL to generate a barcode, output as EPS file. | 41 KB | |
Frame3D: Draws 3D Frame in a dialog, translated from an example in MASM32 package. :-) Also displays a bitmap in a dialog. | 12 KB | |
GettextDemo: Saying hello in 5 different languages, using GNU Win32 Gettext with RosAsm. :-) Download the Win32 Gettext distribution here: | 15 KB | |
MyDlg: a dialog-based program to be used for exploring Win32 controls and common controls, etc. | 11 KB | |
FloatDiv: floating point number division | 3 KB | |
FloatMul: floating point number multiplication | 3 KB | |
FloatSub: floating point number subtraction | 3 KB | |
FloatAdd: floating point number addition | 3 KB | |
FloatPrint: formats a floating point number and displays it in a message box. | 3 KB | |
IntegerDiv: Integer division example. | 3 KB | |
IntegerMul: Integer multiplication example. | 3 KB | |
IntegerSub: Integer subtraction example. | 3 KB | |
IntegerAdd: Integer addition example. | 3 KB | |
DecPrint: formats a number as a decimal and displays it in a message box. | 3 KB | |
MyBase: a simple template program to be used in coding snippets. | 3 KB | |
NetworkPresent: code to detect presence of network card and network drivers loaded | 2 KB | |
DBCSEnabled: code to detect whether double-byte character set (DBCS) version of USER.EXE is installed | 2 KB | |
MousePresent: code to detect presence of mouse. No, not the rodent. ;-). | 2 KB | |
HowBoot: code that shows how system was booted: Normal, Safe-mode or Safe-mode with Network support. | 2 KB | |
StoryStarter: A simple tool for fiction writers. It generates a combination of random story elements which serve as a writing prompt. | 337 KB | |
GetVolumeSerialNo: A very simple program to get the hard disk volume serial number. Could be useful for copy protection routines. | 5 KB | |
Whatodo: A program that keeps track of daily to-do tasks. The daily to-do tasks from a text file are loaded into a list box. When a task is completed, user can double-click on the list box item and it is transferred to the Tasks Completed list box. So, user can monitor which tasks have been done and which yet to be completed. The program does not modify the to-do file so items can be carried forward to the next day. User can edit the list of to-do tasks in a plain text file. | 291 KB | |
ReadingList: A program that keeps a collection of documents name and full path in a list box. When the list box item is double-clicked, ShellExecute is called to open the document for viewing. User can edit the list of documents in a plain text file. | 287 KB | |
ViewChm 1.0.0: Calls htmlhelp function located in HHCTRL.OCX and also implements Accelerator Keys. Press the F1 key to view chm file or Control X to exit program. | 7.61 KB | |
Beer : A very simple program that uses mciSendString to open and eject CDROM drive tray and quits immediately. This program is closely based on beer.asm in the FASM distribution. | 5.06 KB | |
ODBCDemo1 : A very simple program that uses ODBC to read and display data from an Access database. The user need not setup the DSN. This program is based on ODBC3.exe SpAsm code written by mzamateo and Iczelion's ODBC tutorials. A copy of test.mdb is included in the zip file. | 13.3 KB | |
PC1256Test Version 1.0: A simple program to test the freeware encryption code: Alexander Pukall's PC1 Encryption algorithm. The PC1 cipher uses a 256-bit key. The C source code is included in this distribution, The PC1256.dll was compiled using Dev-C++ (GCC 3.2). | 25.2 KB | |
VMySQLDB Version 1.0: A tool that allows you to view the structure of MySQL databases. This program requires libmysql.dll which is included in your MySQL distribution. | 291 KB | |
VSQLiteStruc Version 1.0: A tool that allows you to view the structure of SQLite databases. This package also includes SQLite.DLL. For more information on SQLite, please visit | 389 KB | |
TrayIcon Version 1.0.0: A simple Tray Icon application template. | 16 KB | |
SDIAsm Version 1.0.0: A simple SDI (Single Document Interface) application template. | 25 KB | |
DlgAsm Version 2.0 A simple dialog-based application template. | 22 KB | |
QLogoff Version 1.0.0: Logoff Windows | 2 KB | |
QShutdown Version 1.0.0: Shutdown Windows | 2 KB | |
QReboot Version 1.0.0: Reboot Windows | 2 KB | |
GetCommandLine Version 1.0.0: Get command line and display full string (program name and path with command line string) in a message box. | 4 KB | |
GetCommandLine Version 2.0.0: Get command line and displays the second part, that is, without the program name and path. This version will extract only the command line string enclosed in quotes. | 5 KB | |
SetWallpaper Version 1.0.0: Set desktop wallpaper with bitmap. | 5 KB | |
RmWallpaper Version 1.0.0: Remove desktop wallpaper. | 1.5 KB | |
Bell Version 1.0.0: Play a Wav File. | 65.9 KB | |
Sprintf Version 1.0.0: Call sprintf from msvcrt.dll. | 1.55 KB | |
MCal 1.0.0: Displays monthly calendar using ComCtl32.dll. | 4.59 KB |
Programs Contributed by Other RosAsm Users
Description | Download URL | File Size (KB) |
RobotBobNTLogoff Version 1.0.0: Logoff/Shutdown Windows, an enhanced version of QLogoff, now works on NT based OSes. This program is contributed by RobotBob. Thanks Eric for the NT related routines. :-)
| 3 KB |
Note: If you are an experienced RosAsm user, I would appreciate your comments on my programs, Thanks.:-) If you are looking for more RosAsm programs, check out this website by The Half a Wannabee at:
What is RosAsm? It is an IDE for Win32 assembly programming. In my opinion, it is also a RAD tool for building Win32 programs using assembly. It has built-in source code editor, assembler, debugger, dis-assembler and visual resource editor.
You can download RosAsm from this site:
If you are looking for FREE source codes, tips, tutorials and DevPaks for Dev-C++, the URL is
My E-mail: This page was last updated on 9 October 2004.