Unpacking files packed/protected with the New ASProtect
A tutorial brought to you July 17th - by Predator [PC/pGC]


Hello there. Earlier, I explained to you how you can patch a program inline which is packed by ASProtect. Shortly after my tutorial came out, the author of ASProtect updated his program so my tutorial became obsolete. For a long period of time, the new ASProtect was not defeated. The only solution was the MemPatch Server (c) Ivanopulo, but that is a private tool. So how do we crackers deal with the new version of aspr? I've got the answer, and I'll show it to you in this tutorial.

TARGET PROGRAM:    AD Picture Viewer v1.32


Well now, our mission is to unpack a target program which has been packed with ASProtect - and the unpacked file must run perfectly. To accomplish this result, we have to go through the following steps:

Please read on for a detailed discription on how to do this.


Locating the OEP - Original Program Entry Point

[MY IDEA] Basically, it works like this. I thought, that the bytes at the OEP would be unpacked/treated first and before the other bytes, by ASPR's unpacking scheme. I was right :) -- I run a program, wrote down/remembered an address (just any RVA that's all) and BPM on it. When ASPR reads from/writes to that RVA for the very first time, bpm X on the line of code that did that and re-run the app yet again. I noticed that the first view bytes it wrote, are at the RVA of the OEP! ----- Unlucky me I was in like a 'trance' while doing this and I'm afraid I allready forgot the -exact- process. Nevertheless, with the way described below, the OEP shouldn't be hard to find, perhaps even easy. And I guess I'll go into trance again and find out what I did before.. LOL.

[SAY WHAT] Perhaps if you have tried, you will find out that tracing from the entry point of the packed file is not a good idea while this will take hours and hours. So, how the fuck do we locate the OEP? It's not that complicated once you know how to do it. 

[LETS DO IT] First thing to deal with is when running the program, there's a bitchy SoftICE check. Let's quickly get this thing over with, and download IcePatch (great tool) at http://protools.cjb.net/ for example. If you don't know how to use this tool, don't ask me but read the readme or something. Ok, no more SoftICE checking. What's next?

We're going to write down the RVA of some unpacked code, anywhere. Run PicView, go to menu option '?' and click on 'About'. Now enter softice, and bpx on 'ShowWindow' API (bpx ShowWindow). Now close the about, and softice will pop up - press F12 and shit untill yer in the code of PicView. The address I wrote down myself was "449EEE" and you can do that too. Ok, don't exit SoftICE yet but type: BPM <RVA_you_wrote_down>. For example, if you are using the same RVA as me, it would be: BPM 449EEE. Now close PicView and run it again. SoftICE will break (ofcourse) - now follow these exact instructions: Press F5 for 7 times. Once you did that, press F12 for 2 times. You'll now land into the following piece of code, and please remember that the RVA's will be almost 100% sure different on your computer, while ASPR uses some random RVA's it seems :) - Code snippet:

0167:0059D51C EB13 JMP 0059D531
0167:0059D51E E9F505FFFF JMP 0058DB18
0167:0059D523 66B80E00 MOV AX,000E
0167:0059D527 E8D4F1FFFF CALL 0059C700
0167:0059D52C E88308FFFF CALL 0058DDB4
0167:0059D531 8B4508 MOV EAX,[EBP+08]
0167:0059D534 8D4818 LEA ECX,[EAX+18]
0167:0059D537 8B4508 MOV EAX,[EBP+08]
0167:0059D53A 8B10 MOV EDX,[EAX]
0167:0059D53C 8B4508 MOV EAX,[EBP+08]
0167:0059D53F 8B401C MOV EAX,[EAX+1C]
0167:0059D542 E85DF7FFFF CALL 0059CCA4
0167:0059D547 5F POP EDI
0167:0059D548 5E POP ESI
0167:0059D549 5B POP EBX
0167:0059D54A 59 POP ECX
0167:0059D54B 59 POP ECX
0167:0059D54C 5D POP EBP
0167:0059D54D C20400 RET 0004

Now trace the call (F8) at address 59D542 (again: the address on your computer will be different) - and trace a bit (F10). You'll soon enough see the following line of code: 8B45F8 MOV EAX,[EBP-08]

Now, step through that line of code and look at EAX - it contains the OEP, that's it baby! For this example target, the OEP = 4E3DF8



Memory dump

Ok so you survived part 1. Now let's get our asses moving on part 2.

We dump 2 seperate files, and we're going to use IceDump (get it at protools, for the URL look above in this tutorial). File 1 will be the entire image, and file 2 will be the untouched Import Table. After this, we'll merge them and go to step 3.

Fire up ProcDump and run the PE-Editor on PicView.exe. You'll have to remember the RVA of the image base, and the size of the image for now. Ok, so now you have to run PicView again and get softice to break on the OEP. One possible way to do this, is like this:

1. Hexedit PicView.exe and at the entry point, put a new byte (CCh) and remember the old one (in this case, 60h).
2. Type bpint 3 in softice - and now run PicView and softice will break. Type "EB EIP 60" to restore the original byte.
3. Type: BPM <address_of_oep> X. For this target, it would be: BPM 4E3DF8 X. Now press F5 and softice will break at the OEP!

Ok let's dump the image now. If you use an old(er) version of IceDump, type in softice: pagein d <rva_of_imagebase> <size_of_imagebase> <filename>.
For this specific target, the commandline would be: pagein d 400000 144000 c:\temp\image.exe
But, ofcourse, if you run the new icedump you'll have to replace "pagein d" with "/dump"

Now, part 2 of step 2: dump the untouched Image Table. First look at ProcDump's PE editor again (you didn't close it did ya?) and click on "sections". The ".idata" section is the one we are interested in, and what we want to know is the RVA of .idata and the virtual size of it. For this target, the RVA = E9000 and the vsize = 3000.

Ok, let's dump the table then! Clear all breakpoints in softice, and type: bpx LoadLibraryA (while this is one of the API's that AsProtect has to use to initialize the real import table). Now run PicView yet again, and softice will break. Press F12, yer now in some ASProtect code. Dump the import table by typing: pagein d <rva_of_idata+rva_of_imagebase> <size_of_idata> <filename> (or if you use new icedump, replace "pagein d" by "/dump"). --- For this example target, that commandline would become: pagein d 4E9000 3000 c:\temp\idata.dat

Now, step 3 of part 2: we have to merge the dumped exe file and the untouched import table. In my opinion the best way of doing so is using Hex Workshop (www.hexworkshop.com) and open our "image.exe". Now go to the offset of .idata which is in our example: E9000. Select the same number of bytes as the size of our new import table (in our example: 3000) using shift and pagedown/cursor keys or something... and now go to: "File -> Replace by file" and select "idata.dat" file. Now, the bytes in image.exe will be updated by idata.dat. Merging completed!



Last step: edit the PE header so the program will run, not crash

Few, are you feeling that we are coming close to the end of the tutorial? Well I hope so too cuz my fingers are starting to hurt ;)

We need to make some changes to the new image.exe using ProcDump's PE-Editor. So load image.exe in it. First thing to change is the program entry point. Remember you wrote down the OEP? Now substract the imagebase from it (usually 400000, see procdump) and you have got the entry point you should enter in procdump. For this example program, it would be: 4E3DF8 - 400000 = E3DF8 = entry point.

Second, click on "directory" and change the RVA (not the size, only RVA) of the Import Table (again, in this example: E9000). Press OK and now enter "Sections". In order to be able to disassemble the unpacked file, start by editing the "CODE" section (well, the first section of the file and in this case it's CODE) and change the Section Characteristics from C0000040 to E0000060. Now, the PSize must be made Equal to VSize and the Offset must be made equal to the RVA -- this is due to the fact the file is now unpacked and we started dumping the image from RVA 400000. So, in this example, for CODE section, the PSIZE == VSIZE == E3000. Furthermore, the OFFSET == RVA == 1000. Now press OK. Here comes the bad news (oh well.. not so bad) : you'll have to do this for every section the file has, so that means also for .DATA and .ASPR and so on. Always copy the VSIZE over the PSIZE and after that copy the RVA over the OFFSET. Once you finished this all, press OK. Press OK again and you can safely exit procdump.

And hey, we're done!! Try running the unpacked file (image.exe) - it will run perfectly, no problem - and you can disassemble it.


Again ASProtect is completely DEAD. Goddamnit how many times do we have to make clear to software authors that commercial ready-made protections fucking suck DICK.

Well, I'm kind of tired right now.. so I'll stop writing - but first I want to give greetings and credits to RISC (http://csir.cjb.net) while I used his method of dumping/fixing the PE - it's great!


Signing off,

    Predator [PC/pGC]


Visit my site: http://www.predatorpc.com/