The famous Eddie Current fending off the media spotlight. Hey! $2 beers!

Various books on a table

Damien Thorn and crew talking about and demonstrating Cellular stuffs.

The conference room with people sitting.

A different angle of the conference room from the back of the room.

Corrupt Sekurity BBS table at the convention.

The beginning of the lock picking demonstration.

A large crowd shot of poeple sitting at the convention. Hey QMaster!

Rika, that famous Japaneese author hanging out by some gambling stuff.

Someone, Bootleg, D. Thorn, DrunkFux, Netta, and someone else sitting at a table.

A Chaos Computer Clubber, and Annaliza hanging out.

This security guard is not ammused.

The Sense Net Pyramid AKA The Luxor hotel from the air.

Dr. Ludwig speaking.

Annaliza speaking.

The SPA guy speaking.

The World Famous Holy Cow Brewery and Casino.

That monster Hilton Sign that collapsed in the wind storm.

Another shot of the ex-worlds largest sign that almost demolised people and cars.

The Circus Circus Hotel and Casino sign.. I understand it has quite a "Carnival like atmosphere", oh, and interesting phone wiring.

An arial view of the Vegas strip.

Another arial view, but this is of the more industrial sections of Vegas.

The Sense Net Pyramid at night with the roof light.

Dead Addict, DT, Torquie and Winn hanging out.

The Goons hang out wity Dinky the Purple Dino at the MGM.

Strange vans parked out back, all very non-descript.

Gail Thackeray speaking.

Curtis Karnow speaking.

Frosty and Damien Thorn with cameras.

Some Identified Feds (IFs) being spotted. They were good sports about it all.

One of the Feds getting his "I am the Fed!" shirt after being spotted.

DT looking spaced out introducing Phil Zimmermann.

DT at the Micro Power Broadcasting table run by Radio Free Berkeley's Stephen Dunnifer.

Padgett Peterson speaking on Virii detection.

Pinky is crashed out in a big way. Found under the Podium platform Saturday morning.

The Goon crew leaving the MGM park.

Two dudes who are acting goofy.

A bunch of people heading back to the hotel.

The DOD tags off those suspect vans parked out back.

Presence, Clovis, and unknown guy by the collapsed sign.

The Sahara hotel from the outside.

DT, ready to collaps, The Dark Knight and Laughing Gas.

The Dark Tangent is not amused!

The back of the spotted NSA guy.

Pinky still passed out under the podium.

A killer picture from SigGraph Archibald Tuttle in effect!

Another killer Siggraph picture.

Hanging out tat the site in Sanna Anna.

Wonderful free phone access and some peoples using it with a laptop.

DFX and some of his shirts for sale.

DT welcoming people to the convention.

John Dvorak with his Barfing Yak shirt.