Date: Mon, Jan 22, 1996 6:06 PM PDT From: (Craig Hirsch) Subj: Reactive Valuation? To: Area51www Hello, I saw this in your latest edition of the Groom Lake Desert Rat: *Reactive Valuation: To devalue the messenger after he has gotten through, thereby disabling the credibility of the disturbing message. This may also involve killing the messenger, but only to prove his worthlessness. More common is to search for the messenger's hidden flaws and then broadcast them loudly to anyone who will listen. Later in the issue, when I saw a reference in the Rat to your awareness of the Scientology VS the Internet debate, I laughed out loud. Did you know that this doctrine you call "Reactive Valuation" is central to Scientology? They call it "Dead Agenting," and their definition for it is almost *identical!* They apply dead-agenting tactics religiously and like to use them to persecute their critics and detractors. I have all this info because I'm following the debate on the Internet in the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology. It's fascinating but scary stuff. BTW, the origin of the term "Dead Agent" is Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese warrior-philosopher. His "dead agenting" is essentially the same as your reactive valuation. The latest issue is great, BTW. Craig