THE GROOM LAKE DESERT RODENT January 25, 1996 Our Mission: to keep the topics of discussion on The Groom Lake region. Although submissions are encouraged the editor reserves the right to edit at his discretion. The editor in turn promises to uphold the integrity of the submission to the Desert Rodent. The Rodent will be released quarterly. The editor does promise that the Rodent will always be provided free of charge on alt.conspiracy.area51. Hardcopy subscriptions can be obtained at a minimal charge. Inquiries should be directed to We are not writers by profession so CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome and encouraged. Guest columnists are welcome. The Overthrow of Psychospy As we all know, psychospy has been quite lax on his coverage of the Groom Lake region lately. The news may have slowed to a trickle from official sources but as your new fearless leaders can attest to there are many little rodents getting their own information from the countless hours they are spending in the Nevada desert. We (Tikaboo is actually two people) did not mean to minimize the accomplishments that psychospy has accomplished. We do however, question his motives today. Has Psychospy sold his soul for a few bucks? Why is he charging people for his meandering stories about Big Mac's. Let's compare the topics covered in the first Desert Rat as compared to what Mr. Campbell is selling today. January 18, 1994 DR #1 1. Freedom Ridge Viewpoints 2. Some viewpoints remain untouched 3. Field trip A success 4. Men in black visit Rachel 5. Trespassers plead Not guilty Desert Rat #32 1. The 400 Lazar's of Budapest 2. A Viennese Pilgrimage 3. Pop Culture Watch 4. Ask Psychospy 5. Ufologist Database Inaugurated 6. Intel Bitties (including the new Area 51 Video Game) 7. Flame of the Month 8. Copyright Changes I for one paid my guilt fee to read the Desert Rat. I did not pay to read about the 400 lazar's of Budapest. Did you? Tikaboo encourages all of you to e-mail psychospy at Let him know of our displeasure. Tell him to either keep on topic or disband the Desert Rat. To top off my displeasure, psychospy is no longer posting the Rat on alt.conspiracy.area51. I find it highly ironic that when the Rat had something to say it was free, now when he rambles about hamburgers he wants to be paid for it. Glenn has been seen finishing an entire beer and admits he is about to check into the Betty Ford clinic. Could the pressure I and my other super rodents are putting on psychospy be causing him to lose control? Only time will tell. Lets hope his delusions of grandeur and his fascination with Nixon will end soon. New Vantage Point Discovered. Smitty's ridge will with a little luck be ready for camping this spring. Some may know Smitty from his involvement in alt.conspiracy.area51. The directions are as follows: Take Castle Rock Rd. (the old trail to Freedom Ridge). Go to the south at the fourway crossroads. Go south five miles to the border and there you'll see a barbed wire fence and some threatening keep out signs. Look due north along the fence and follow it North. After a mile and a half you'll see a turn around space and a faint pickup trail. According to Smitty the trail leads to a worthy campsite and the highest, closest, legal vantage point to view the airspace above the base. Although the base is not visible it would seem to be a great place to view the airspace and get a glimpse of the action. Congratulations to Smitty and many thanks for scouting a place for us rodents to burrow in the desert. Cammo Dudette Discovered A recent development that we don't feel got the coverage that it deserved is that our cammo buddies at EG&G have stepped into the modern era. On a recent trip to the area a Female cammo dude or cammo dudette was cornered on the trail to Freedom ridge. The height was impossible to determine as she was sitting in her white cherokee but she appeared to be a Hispanic female, quite thin and obviously annoyed by our presence. It iscomforting to know that women are now taking their role in holding up the shroud of government secrecy. After all they can harass law abiding curiosity seekers as well as their male counterparts can. Storming Groom There has been quite a bit of discussion lately on the newsgroup about a mass storming of the Groom Lake facility. Although this rodent finds the idea quite amusing and not at all feasible we challenge those rebel rousers to take some action. We would like to see some date set where we can at least all meet in the Tikaboo valley and test the perimeters of dreamland. Lets see someone put their ass on the line and try and organize such a feat. Although I don't recommend it, the media attention that a thousand citizens in the middle of a Nevada wasteland would get might put some pressure on the powers that be to open up their little clubhouse to the public. The story of psychospy In the past few days this rodent has spent his time interviewing Mr Glenn Campbell, that's right, psychospy himself, Chuck Clark, and Pat Travis. We have tried to get to the bottom of the whole falling out between psychospy and the Travis'. In this man's opinion Mr. Campbell has spent lots of time trashing Pat and Joe Travis and it is time to give some equal time. I will keep the commentary to the end and stick the facts. Here it goes. Although I think most of us are familiar with Glenn's account let's briefly describe it for the uninformed rodent. For a more complete account consult Glenn's area 51 viewers guide. Glenn says he moved to the little Ale'le'inn and set up shop. He started attracting tourists, the media, and all sorts of business to the quaint town of Rachel. Although he gives little detail in his viewers guide, for some reason Joe travis woke him up in the middle of the night with a gun in his hand, ordering Glenn to leave. In our recent conversation with Glenn he claimed that he saved Pat and Joe from becoming the Ninth owners to make the place work. He went on to say Joe was an alcoholic and kicked him out at gunpoint. We pressed Mr. Campbell for more details but he stated the story was to long to get into. then we Spoke to Pat Travis and asked for her account. I must say before i start that she was receptive and more than willing to supply any details that she could recollect. According to Pat in 1982 Glenn arrived in Rachel. In 1983 he took up residence at the little ale'le'inn. Within a few weeks of his arrival he began to receivenumerous packages daily, he was storing cars, and a plethora of other items. Soon Glenns packages were stored everywhere from the laundry room to under the buffet table in the dining room. According to Pat "he was taking over the place." He brought in a copy machine and a fax machine, which he hooked up on the hotels only telephone line without permission. One of the final straws was Glenn producing business cards with the hotels only phone number printed on them. This too, was without the Travis' consent. One night, a fed up, admittedly drunk Joe Travis confronted Campbell, demanding that he leave immediately. Although Joe admits to having a gun, he claims it was never drawn. In response to Glenns claims that he saved a failing inn Pat Travis contends that she has been operating in the black since she and her husband took over ownership. Now it is time for Tikaboo's two cents. If you have ever entered the little ale'le'inn you would find modest accommodations with an equally modest price. The food wasn't overpriced (and quite good I might add), they supply free movies and are generally friendly people. They are not exploiting the area. Simply providing a needed service at a reasonable price. Glenn on the other hand has started a business that's sole purpose is to make money on the show the government puts on every day and night. The picture Glenn has painted of the Travis' as money grubbing hicks is far from true, it is based on resentment. They seem to be normal, red blooded Americans eeking out a living in the Nevada desert. Well, that's it, I hope I did not disappoint anyone. I would love any response that you deem necessary. I see Glenn as greedy. He'll talk if you represent a newspaper that will get him some publicity, while the average Joe who calls him can hear him tapping on his keyboard as he reluctantly answers your questions. I assure I started the interviews completely neutral and drew these conclusions as the information piled up. I encourage all of you to look on your own and draw your own conclusions. Until next time my rodent friends, keep burrowing! -Tikaboo Path:!!!not-for-mail From: (Tikaboo) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.area51 Subject: Here it is!! Groom Lake Desert Rodent Date: 25 Jan 1996 22:17:28 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Lines: 153 Sender: Message-ID: <4e9h48$> Reply-To: (Tikaboo) NNTP-Posting-Host: