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51st State: It's US vs U.S. in the battle for Canadian Sovereignty - An ironic chronicle of the fight to maintain Freedom of Expression in Canada. 51st State is a clickable comic book that links to over 100 websites, blogs, films, and papers and articles. [PDF] Gordon Duggan, 2008/06/11
Abortion in Canada - History, Law, and Access. Joyce Arthur, 1999/10
Air Traffic Controllers Concerned Over Chemtrails - Should we be breathing in powdered aluminum? William Thomas, 2002/03/21
Ant and the Grasshopper, The - Modern Canadian version. Unknown Author, 1999/11/01
BarLink: Stealing Your Personal Information and Putting You at Risk - It's a new year and a new name for BarWatch! These sleazy scumbags have re-branded in an attempt to fool you. CYBØRG/ASM, 2005-2011
BarWatch: Personal Privacy? Like We Care! - BOYCOTT BARWATCH! BarWatch is a completely illegal and unethical violation of your privacy rights and it is backed by the police! Be informed. Protect yourself. CYBØRG/ASM, 2004-2011
BC Bud: Growth of the Canadian Marijuana Trade - Domestic Strategic Intelligence Unit of the Office of Domestic Intelligence, 2000/12
Canada... No Fetus Can Beat Us - Population control, a woman's right to make decisions about her own body, and strengthening of the species... MsOgynis, 2004/07/27
Canada poised on brink of the cashless society - Barbara Brown, 1997/10/01
Canada Proposes UN Army - Canada pushes for The New World Order. The Globe and Mail, 1994/09/30
Canada Takes DNA Database Lead - Big Brother 2k. Wired Digital Inc., 2000/07/05
Canada's Big Brother: HRDC and The Longitudinal Labour Force File - A frightening massive-scale privacy invading database which holds thousands of pieces of personal information on each of more than 33 million Canadians. HC, 2000/05/19, updated 2000/05/31
Canada's DNA Databank - PsychoSpy, 2001/06/04
Canada's DNA Database: Privacy's last stronghold destroyed - Canadian government sticks its hands in our genes. CYBØRG/ASM, 2000/07/21
Canada's Media Monopolies - Who controls what you see, hear, read, and think? NewsWatch Canada, 1994/12
Canada's Privacy Commissioner Talks About Goverment Records - Privacy or Service-- Must we be forced to choose? 1996/02/22
Canada's Thought Police - If you fantasize about having sex with someone under 18 you could go to jail for 10 years. Zachary Margulis, WIRED 3.03, 1995
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Reliable transcription of Part 1 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Canadian court clears man of counseling bomb use - A Canadian may have used the Internet to sell bomb-making recipes and a how-to burglary guide, but he was not guilty of counseling others to commit crimes, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Friday. Reuters, 2005/07/29
Canadian Criminal Code [379kb]
Canadian Criminal Code: Unauthorized Use of a Computer & Mischief - Including sections which deal with mischief in relation to data and unauthorized use of computers.
Canadian Dress Rehearsal for Brady II - The Canadian government begins to disarm us. The RESISTER - Volume I, Number 3. Winter 1995
Canadian law supporting right to anonymity - Cyber City, 1994/06/01
Canadian Prostitution Laws - 2001
Castrator pleads guilty - Removing a mans balls, even if invited to, may cause you to lose your right to use the Internet. Canadian Press, 2001/06/29
Child Pornography and Age of Consent Laws - (Slightly outdated.) 1993/10
Chronicle of Freedom of Expression in Canada, A (Part 1, 1914-1994) - (Part 2, 1995-present) - Sandra Bernstein, 1997/09/01
Communications Security Establishment, The - An Unofficial Look Inside Canada's Signals Intelligence Agency. The primary Canadian link into the Echelon Project. Echelon is an international government run spy network used to monitor and log virtually every communication. Bill Robinson, 1997
Computer Underground Digest: Issue #1.12 - State of computer crime law in Canada. 1990/06/10
Dealing with Search and Seizure - Be prepared and know your rights! David Tomlinson, NFA, 1998/11/16
Dumpster diving... - Your garbage is not private property. The Edmonton Journal, 1999/06/03
Eavesdropping On the Electromagnetic Emanations of Digital Equipment: The Laws of Canada, England, and the United States - Also known as TEMPEST. TEMPEST is the code name for technology related to limiting unwanted electromagnetic emissions from computers and related equipment. Christopher J. Seline, 1990
Excessive Ejaculation - Canadian government standards on "group ejaculation" and "bootlicking". Hour, 1994/04/14
FBI Director calls Canada a 'Hacker Haven' - Of course the FBI fears any country that may have even a perceptable shred of electronic freedom left. Financial Post Canada, 1999/01/15
Genetic Privacy Threatened - 'Human bar codes' envisioned - John Douglas, National Reporter
Growing Cannabis Hemp in Canada: A Resource Guide - True North Hemp Company Ltd., 1999
Gun Control and Justice in Canada - The Canadian governments agenda is to take away all of our firearms. Of course none of this blindly-conceived nonsense will prevent real criminals from owning guns. Perhaps our government is afraid of citizens retaliating as our economy and social programs are driven into the ground. Best to disarm the ignorant masses before they start thinking for themselves. The Coalition AGAINST Gun Control and FOR the Preservation of Democracy and Justice in Canada
HAARP: The U.S. Military's Plans to Alter The Northern Ionosphere - NewsWatch Canada, 1996
High tech organized crime and the "Mind Control" media cover story - From the perspective of a computer scientist, victim, and technological crime unit applicant. Paul Rhys Hovey, 2008
History of Abortion in Canada, A - From 1869 to 2000. 2000
History of Cannabis in Canada - True North Hemp Company Ltd., 1999/01/26
How Canada Was Secretly Given Away... - Political conspiracy and cover-up in the 1987/88 Free Trade Negotiations in which Canada's future was secretly bartered away. Prof. Robert O'Driscoll & Elizabeth Elliot, 1994
How countries handle computer crime - Comparison of several countries (including Canada's) computer crime laws. Michael W. Kim, Fall 1997
HOW I CLOBBERED EVERY BUREAUCRATIC CASH-CONFISCATORY AGENCY KNOWN TO MAN ... a Spiritual Economic Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are. How to reclaim your inalienable rights as a sovereign human being. [PDF] Mary Elizabeth: Croft, 2005/12
Illegal and Offensive Content on the Information Highway - A frightening look at what is deemed legal and illegal on the net and elsewhere in Canada. Gareth Sansom, 1995/06/19
Joint Task Force II (JTF2) - Canada's Elite Secret Army - Chances are you've never heard of these guys - and that's just the way they want it. Peter Worthington, The Sunday Star, 2001/07/15
Man had sex with child-like doll - Thought crimes? Propaganda? Just plain weirdness? The Edmonton Sun, 1998/05/01
Marijuana Possession Legal Defense Kit - Arrested carrying cannabis in Canada? This may be helpful. [PDF] Prof. Doug Hutchinson, 2007/07/26
Mind Control Letter to the President of the USA - Madman or victim. Maurcie Clifford Fernandez, 1996?
My Cavorting with Canadian Censorship - Bringing pornography into Canada is not as straightforward as you may think. Includes tips on how to sneak porn across the border. J. Deagnon, BLAST Vol. 1, Issue 8, 1994/12
My Life Depends On You! An Attempt To Speak Out To Save Myself Before It's Too Late For Me and For all of Us - The story of a victim of RCMP electronic mind control in Canada. Martti Koski, 1981/01
Operation Rapid Tan - Pentagon admits to secret chemical weapons tests in Alberta. The Canadian Press, 2002/10/09
Pirate's Manifesto VII - The first Canadian PIRATE sysop to ever be charged with Copyright Infringement. TC, 1994/07/07
Race, Evolution, Behaviour: A Life History Perspective - Describes hundreds of studies worldwide that show a consistent pattern of human racial differences in such characteristics as intelligence, brain size, genital size, strength of sex drive, reproductive potency, industriousness, sociability, and rule following. On each of these variables, the groups are aligned in the order: Orientals, Caucasians, Blacks. [PDF] Professor J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario, 2000
Raiding the Icebox - The United States government plan to invade Canada. A 94-page document called "Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan -- Red". Peter Carlson, 2005/12/30
Religious defence drives authorities mad / Minister raises hell in court - Ed Belanger, a Minister for of the Church of the Reformed Druids, cannabis activist, and enlightened thinker, is turning the Canadian judicial system on its head by outsmarting the law enforcers at their own game! Reverend Damuzi (Cannabis Culture Magazine), 2001
Search Warrants — Search and Seizure - You may want to have this document handy. NFA, 1998/07/10
Statute of Westminster, 1931, The - Canada has no Queen. The Statute of Westminster 1931 revoked all powers of the U.K. Parliament to have any authority over Canada. William F. Maton, 1997/06/30
Study of the Criminal History Records, as Maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, A - 1996/05
Tax Scam - The government is stealing from us? Shocking. Nina C. Fulford, 2003/02/27
Tiny Minority Attempts to Decide Canada's Future - The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE); selling Canada to America. Roy Whyte, 2004/04/14
Tips For Canadian Citizens On How To Survive An Encounter With The RCMP - RCMP history of brutality as well as why the Royal Canadian Mounted Police organization should be dismantled. Marc Emery, 2007/09/02
Vast database details every Canadian's life - Federal watchdog says some files hold 2,000 bits of information. Welcome to Canada's "Longitudinal Labour Force File"; aka Big Brother. Ian MacLeod, The Ottawa Citizen, 2000/05/17
Why Canada is not a Country and the True Nature of the Courts - Did you know that when you step into a courtroom you are actually on a boat? Oh, read on, you won't believe how the con-game is really played. Rob Hay
Why Canada isn't Canada - 2005
Witch Hunts and Chemical McCarthyism: The Criminal Law and Twentieth Century Canadian Drug Policy - Eugene Oscapella, 1996/03/02
Word Wise - How the Canadian government has tricked us into slavery. An explanation of the 'natural person' versus the 'artificial person'. ancient clown, 2006/10/24



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