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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 010900

  Buffer Overflow : Gangly Mentality - The Y2K Swindle That Has Yet To Come

contributed by ytcracker
What do billions of dollars, billions of useless books, and billions of prophetic statements have in common? If you guessed the now infamous Y2K rollover, you are correct. Just because Y2K has come and gone does not mean that we can relax and breath a collective sigh of relief. Now is the time to gear up for the real challenges that lay ahead, security.

Buffer Overflow - Gangly Mentality:The story of the great Y2K swindle and what is to come.

  ParseTV has Abruptly Canceled

contributed by ewidgb
The online television network Pseudo has cancelled its Hack/Phreak streaming TV channel. ParseTV has been closed, effective immediately. We have not received an official reason for the abrupt cancellation. ParseTV made headlines last year when the show's host attempted to perform a hoax on the MTV documentary 'Real Life'. Shamrock, the show's host, was replaced shortly thereafter for unrelated reasons. Reruns will still be available on the site until further notice.


Letters from HNN Viewers Regarding the MTV special
Letter from Emmanuel Goldstein regarding the MTV special
Letter from Shamrock regarding the MTV special

  Finland Authorities Solve Massive Computer Crime Case

contributed by avarr
The Finnish police have solved what is thought to be Finland's largest electronic intrusion ever. A young man with the alias TCB had electronically broken into over a hundred computer systems owned by the state, businesses, high schools and others in Finland and abroad during 1997 and 1998. It appears that no damage was caused but the attacker did collect users' log-ins, passwords and emails. The intruder was able to acheive root access in 60% of the systems he broke into . The Finnish Central Criminal Police (KRP) calls this a good lesson in computer security for businesses and communities.

Kotimaa - in Finnish only

  The EPA Cracks Down On Security

contributed by Diane
After an audit last month by the General Accounting Office the Environmental Protection Agency has taken several steps to beef up the security of its systems. The EPA has taken such steps as early termination of remote access, installing the latest patches, and reconfiguring the server to help shore up its systems.

Federal Computer Week

  Clinton Wants Increased Computer Security

contributed by mortel
President Clinton plans to announce a new initiative Friday to protect federal computers from infiltrators. Administration officials speaking on the condition of anonymity said Clinton's budget request for 2001 would seek additional funds for monitoring and protecting government computer systems.

Associated Press - via Yahoo

  FBI Still Investigating Y2K Cyber Threats

contributed by Evil Wench
The deputy assistant director of the FBI, Michael Vatis, told reporters that the agency has thwarted up to six Y2K related cyber intrusions and detected sophisticated automated tools aimed at knocking out computer networks.

Reuters - via ZD Net

  Interview with Lloyd's of London and RailTrack Defacer

contributed by evilwench
Over the New Year, Lloyd's of London and a number of other sites including Railtrack UK, Eidos, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) had their web pages defaced. MisterX who has claimed responsibility for these actions has given an interview with the UK Register.

The UK Register

  L0pht, @Stake, and HNN

contributed by Space Rogue
Yesterday's earth shattering news that L0pht Heavy Industries will merge with @Stake, Inc. has left a lot of people wondering about HNN. As most people should know the people that run HNN work at L0pht, so the question becomes what happens to HNN now that L0pht has merged with @Stake? Rest assured that HNN will continue to provide you with the news and views of the computer underground and information security industry as it always has. Hopefully now we will have the time and resources to expand the offerings here at HNN and really make HNN what we envision it could be. Keep watching as exciting things are about to happen.

In case you missed the announcement yesterday here is the press release and other links as well as a few more news stories that we missed yesterday.

Press Release
@Stake Inc.
L0pht Heavy Industries

The Industry Standard
Digital Mass
Heise - In German
Computer World
USA Today

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