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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 011499

  India wants its own software

found on slashdot
Calling the options available in security products from the US as inadequate, India may make it mandatory for all banks in the country to use software developed in India. They say that US encryption can be broken by at least the NSA, that US firewalls have only rudimentary packet filtering, and that any software from the US is insecure by law. India feels it can have replacement software developed within three to four months.

Economic Times

  IRS has weak computer security

contributed by Code Kid
It should come as no surprise that a report released by the General Accounting Office, of a computer security audit of six IRS facilities, has revealed inadequate computer security at all of them. This is the same finding the GAO had when it audited the FAA and the State Department last year. Anyone see a trend developing?

ABC News
Nando Times
Star Telegram
Fox News
The Detroit News

  Hacker gets 5 months

contributed by evenprime
Agent Steal (Justin Petersen) was sentenced Tuesday by the U.S. District Court to five months in jail. Four months less than the recommended minimum. Agent Steal is scheduled to be a witness for the prosecution in the upcoming Kevin Mitnick case. (The Associated Press says that Kevin Mitnick was on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List. Not True)

ABC News
San Jose Mercury News
The Detroit News

  Greece boycotts web

contributed by WareZoRama
In a move that is becoming all to common across Europe and other countries the internet users of Greece are planning a one day boycott for Today to protest the high telephone rates of state-run telecom OTE.


  Northcutt to speak

contributed by CoolDude
Today (Thursday) January 14, 1999 at 1pm Eastern Time (18:00 GMT) there will be a 60 minute interview with Stephen Northcutt, intrusion detection expert. Security, network, or system admins or auditors who wish to hear about the state of the art in intrusion detection should tune in to this net broadcast.

The SANS InstituteRequires preregistration but should be worth it.

  Norway legalizes port scanning

contributed by Space Rogue
The Associated Press is reporting on a story that is about a month old. In December the Supreme Court of Norway ruled that the probing and port scanning of remote computer systems was not illegal and likened it to a knock on the door. The AP of course blows this way out of proportion and labels Norway as a 'safe haven for hackers' simply because the country has a few judges that happen to have a clue.

USA Today
HNN Archive for December 24, 1998


contributed by FAR-OUT
Issue #1 of FAR-OUT has been released by by "TeamXtreme"! It includes articles on Windows NT, Netbus, and monitoring military Satcom transmissions.


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