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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 011899

  China wants control of Net

contributed by Code Kid
A statement released by the Information Center of Human Rights and Democratic Movement in China has said the the Chinese Government plans to monitor all internet activity within the country. This includes maintaining control over and determining how the internet is used and possibly reading personal emails.

Nando Times

  Virii member sentenced

contributed by doom2000
Sean Trifero, a Rhode Island member of the group Virri, has been sentenced to a year and day in prison for cracking various computer systems including those of NASA and the Pentagon. The prosecution in the case asked that he be banned from the Internet, that requested was denied. Trifero could have been sentenced to as much as 18 months in prison but the prosecution recommended the lesser sentence to be served in a Federal Camp meaning that he could be released in as few as six months.

San Jose Mercury News

  Judge dismisses net Porn lawsuit

contributed by War3z Dud3
An Alameda County Superior Court Judge dismissed, without comment, a lawsuit that charged a library with providing pornography to children because it allowed unfiltered access to the Internet. This ruling sets an important precedent for libraries not only in California but across the Nation.


  ISP installs filters, finally

contributed by s00pa hax0r
OzMail, a leading ISP in Australia, says it suffered a Denial of Service attack from US based crackers. A representative from the ISP says they will think about installing email filters to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future. Better late than never I guess.

IDG News Wire

  How about a Dual Vote?

contributed by Gman
An anti-impeachment web site, Censure and Move On, was recently redirected by unidentified crackers to a pro-impeachment web site, Impeach Clinton Now.

ZD Net

  LoU fallout

contributed by Space Rogue
Several news organizations have picked up the story of the Legions of the Underground declaration of war against China and Iraq. Yes, this story is over a week old.

HNN Histograph of the Lou-China-Iraq War
MSNBC Note: This site asks you to download some wacky automatic updater crap apon entry.
Spiegel Online - German
AP Wire - German
Kitetoa - French

  Issue #3 of 29A Labs

contributed by phLu3
29A Labs, a virus coding group, has released issue #3 of its ezine by the same name. This issue has articles entitled, "Pass to Ring 0 with C/C++", "Win32 PE infection tutorial", "How to get the Windoze directory", "Cross infection part I + II", and descriptions of many many viruses.

29a Labs

  NetBus Pro 2.0 Beta

contributed by HeX
NetBus 2.0 Pro beta has been released. NetBus has been called a remote administration tool, as well as a Trojan. It has functionality similar to that of Back Orifice. This new release of NetBus has been completely rewritten and has been released as share ware.

DeltaSitez Note: There may be POP up banners when leaving this site.

  Ethical Hackers?

contributed by The Gambler
An article covering the 'ethical hacker' question actually seems to get things right, with a minimal FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) factor, however, since the authors obviously don't know when and where DefCon is held every year we have to question the validity of the rest of the article.

Computer Shopper

  SWAT Team fights Virus

contributed by c0ld3
In what amounts to one big advertisement for Network Associates Inc. this 'article' chronicles the history of the Remote Explorer 'virus' and the SWAT Team that fought it.

IDG News Wire

contributed by _GryPhoNN_
We received an email over the weekend that said an article in the 'The Sunday Mail', a Queensland Austrailian newspaper, claimed that a local ISP said that its user accounts and passwords where uncrackable. We have been unable to confirm this story. If anyone has a link to a news article or press release we would appreciate hearing about it.

Who controls H.E.R.T.?
Last week we reported on H.E.R.T. (Hacker Emergency Response Team) an organization supposedly set up with similar goals to those of CERT. The H.E.R.T. web site criticizes CERT for being controlled by various US government intelligence agencies. We have received several emails claiming that H.E.R.T. is in fact controlled by DST, the inner secret service of France. We have no confirmation of these allegations but we would be interested in hearing from anyone who has any proof.

We received mails claiming that numerous web sites where supposedly cracked over the weekend by such groups and individuals as LEP, T0uchT0ne, The Hong Kong Danger Duo, h13, I-L, opt1mus, mindphasr, HcV, nightmare, shadow, and h13.
Unfortunately we do not have the space to confirm, profile or provide archives for them all. Listed below is a short list of the ones we where notified of.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 06/18/00 at 10:45

RISX Security (
Creative Approaches, Inc ( (
Der Europäische Hof Hotel Europa Heidelberg (
Hannes Gsell in der Sports Car Challenge 2000 (
Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento do Coop. (
Igreja Presbiteriana de Vila Maria (
Lafayette College (
Nivea product division, Beiersdorf A.G (
Samchok National University (
V&F Comercial Ltda (
WebAtiva Brazil (
Taejon National University of Technology AI Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Network Communication Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Information Engineering Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Human and Computer Interaction Lab (

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